Biology Exploring Life Themes in the study of Biology Levels of Organization in Biology • The living world can be “organized” into different levels. • At each level complexity increases and new properties emerge. • “The Whole is more than the sum of its parts” • Ex: You may have tires, a motor, a transmission, axles, etc. in a pile of scrap parts. Individually they do not function. If you put them together and add a source of gasoline, will they function? How? Now You…………… • Think of an example of an “Emergent Property” within the levels of organization in a “Living” System: Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Organ System Organ Tissus Cell Ecology Working and Living Together 1. * Draw and Label this Example: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers 2. * Describe the Flow of Energy in this Ecosystem The Cells Evolution • All life forms have common features – Order – Regulation – Growth and Development – Energy Processing – Response to the Environment – Reproduction – Evolutionary Adaptation • Think of a Living Example for each of these…. How are species grouped together? • 3 Domains 5 Kingdoms Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species The 3 Domains Darwin’s Voyages Darwin’s Voyages • In Darwin’s voyages on the Beagle he observed many different species of animals in different locations. • He was amazed by the diversity, but also the similarities displayed by many of these species found far apart from one another.Galapagos Darwin’s Observations • Darwin’s (and others, let’s give credit) Observations: • 1. Individuals in a population vary in traits • 2. Overproduction of offspring: A population of any species can produce more offspring than will survive • Example fish lay thousands of eggs, only a few survive Darwin’s Inferences • Inference: A conclusion based on observations • 1. Unequal Reproductive Success: Individuals with traits best suited to their environment will survive until they can reproduce. • 2. Therefore, these favored traits will accumulate in the population • Write an example that makes sense to you………….. Darwin’s Theories • Darwin’s observations and inferences led to his main theories: – 1. Natural Selection: The mechanism for evolution, based in his observations, concluded that individuals with a favored train survive and reproduce – 2. Evolution: The species living today are descendants of ancestral species that have modified over time, due to environmental changes. The Process of Science • Discovery Science: Conclusions are based on careful and verifiable observations and measurements, collections of data, that often take place in the natural environment. • Examples: – Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection – Sequencing the Human Genome The Process of Science • Hypothesis Based Science: Researcher proposes and tests a hypothesis. – Scientist Uses Deductive Reasoning – Scientists tests by recording observations or designing an experiment – Examples: • Tests of Predators of the nonpoisonous King Snake, whose color “mimics” that of the poisonous coral snake. Can you tell the difference?