2016 Vocabulary #15 – Period 1 1. slough [slou] –noun 1. an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp or swamplike region. Origin: bef. 900, ME; 2. delirium dih-leer-ee-uh m] noun, a state of violent excitement or emotion. Origin: 1590-1600; < Latin 3. careen kuh-reen] verb 1. (of a vehicle) to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion: The car careened around the corner. 2. (of a ship) to heel over or list. Origin: Middle French; Latin - 1585-1595 4. avaricious [av-uh-rish-uhs] adjective characterized by avarice; greedy; covetous Origin: 1425–75; late Middle English; 5. intermittent [in-ter-mit-nt] adjective 1.stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain. 2.alternately functioning and not functioning or alternately functioning properly and improperly. Origin: 1595-1605; < Latin [puh-lav-er, -lah-ver] palavering 6. - noun 1. a conference or discussion. 2. profuse and idle talk; chatter. 3. persuasive talk; flattery; cajolery. –verb 4. to parley or confer. Origin: 1720–30; 7. sordid [sawr-did] adjective 1. morally ignoble or base; vile: sordid methods. 2. meanly selfish, self-seeking, or mercenary. 3. dirty or filthy. 4. squalid; wretchedly poor and run-down: sordid housing. Origin: 1590–1600; < Latin 8. towhead [toh-hed] –noun 1. a head of very light blond, almost white hair. 2. a person with such hair. 3. a sand bar in a river, especially a sand bar with a stand of cottonwood trees. Origin: 1820–30 9. chicanery [shi-key-nuh-ree, chi-] noun trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry: He resorted to the worst flattery and chicanery to win the job. Origin: 1605–15; < French 10. chagrin [shuh-grin] a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation. Origin: 1650–60; < French