\begindata{text,538882080} \textdsversion{12} \template{default} \define{itemize menu:[Region,Itemize] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768]} \define{enumerate menu:[Region,Enumerate] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768]} \define{programexample menu:[Region,ProgramExample] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFamily Helvetica Int 0]} \define{notetotypesetter menu:[Region,NoteToTypesetter] attr:[Flags PassThru Int Set]} \define{title menu:[Heading,Title] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{appendix menu:[Heading,Appendix] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{ibm menu:[Font,IBM] attr:[FontFamily ibm Int 0]} \define{centre menu:[Region,Centre] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0]} \define{passthrough menu:[Region,Passthrough] attr:[Flags PassThru Int Set]} \define{sans menu:[Font,Sans] attr:[FontFamily AndySans Int 0] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \define{block menu:[Region,Block] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 81920]} \italic{styingg} \begindata{bp,538929032} \enddata{bp,538929032} \view{bpv,538929032,1355,0,0} \center{ \bigger{\bigger{\bold{\bigger{\bigger{Suite}} Programming Guide}}} Version 1.0 (ATK Version 11.7) Information Technology Center Carnegie Mellon University TC Peters GW Keim (12/22/88) 9/8/89 \bold{ Working Draft } \bold{SUBJECT TO SIGNIFICANT \bold{(c) IBM Corporation REVISION } 1989}} \begindata{bp,538271432} \enddata{bp,538271432} \view{bpv,538271432,1356,0,0} \bold{Preface} This document presents the Concepts and Facilities of the \bold{Suite} class. This class provides interactive views that can be employed to display visuals known as \italic{Buttons}, \italic{Lists}, \italic{Catalogs}, \italic{Dialogs}, etc. Although these uses differ in certain characteristics (viz, various display techniques), their format and substance are sufficiently similar to permit a single Inset to satisfy their diverse needs. The \bold{Suite} class is a sub-class of the \italic{aptv class} (see the\italic{ Apt Programming Guide} for details regarding built-in Iconification, Help, and other common features). The class provides a View-object (\bold{\sans{suite}}) -- it supports the standard View operations, such as FullUpdate, ReceiveInputFocus, Update, etc. As a generic class, it is meant to be used by client-programs to provide a variety of interactive visual interfaces to suites of items. \begindata{bp,538271496} \enddata{bp,538271496} \view{bpv,538271496,1357,0,0} \bold{Introduction} The Suite class provides highly tailorable 2-dimensional layouts of items that may be presented visually as suites of Buttons or Lists. The distinction between Buttons and Lists is nominal: both may be formatted across multiple Rows and Columns; both may be scrolled; both may be Titled; etc. A Suite is a view drawn in the rectangle specified by the client-program in the normal ATK -- viz, through \sans{InsertView}. \description{o Items.} The Suite may be \italic{Titled}, as may each of its \description{o Each Item may be a simple caption or any ATK \italic{Inset}.} \description{o The style of the Suite's \italic{Border}, as well as each Item, may be specified.} \description{o Items may be automatically \italic{scaled} or given a \italic{fixed sizing}.} \description{o individually specified.} \italic{Fonts} for titles and captions may be o Client-program interaction via the Suite Title and Items is provided via \italic{call-back}, which provides the client-program with control over the manner in which the user interacts with the Suite. \begindata{bp,538271624} \enddata{bp,538271624} \view{bpv,538271624,1358,0,0} \chapter{1 Concepts} The \bold{suite} class supports interactive views upon \italic{Suites} of zero or more \italic{Items}. The Suite visual is an optionally bordered rectangle; this area is termed the \italic{Container}. Suite Items are arranged within the Container in various fashions, as specified by the Client-program. \center{ ********************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTAINER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************* } \begindata{bp,538269640} \enddata{bp,538269640} \view{bpv,538269640,1359,0,0} You can set various attributes to tailor the manner in which a Suite and its Items are displayed and manipulated. Note, however, that all have defaults that should yield acceptable formatting. You should begin with the defaults, and subsequently try experimenting with the attributes. sample program in the section \italic{Examples}.) Some typical Suite views: \center{ \begindata{zip,539485448} %ViewWidth 436 %ViewHeight 388 *G;-675,675 G10 >-325,525 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *G;-1300,1300 >-200,100 *G;-1200,1000 >-800,800 *G;-700,1000 >-300,800 *G;-1200,700 >-800,500 *G;-700,700 >-300,500 *G;-1200,400 >-800,200 *G;-700,400 >-300,200 *A;-750,1150 Fandysans10b TColor Choices MCM *A;-1000,900 Fandysans8b TRed MCM *A;-1000,600 Fandysans8b TGreen MCM *A;-1000,300 Fandysans8b TBlue MCM *A;-500,900 Fandysans8b TYellow MCM *A;-500,300 Fandysans8b TWhite (See the first MCM *A;-500,600 Fandysans8b TBlack MCM *G;100,1200 >1300,-800 *D;100,1000 >1300,1000 *A;700,1100 THistorical Topics MCM *A;400,900 Fandy8 TArt MLM *A;400,800 Fandy8 TBiography MLM *A;400,700 Fandy8 TContentions MLM *A;400,600 Fandy8 TDiversions MLM *A;400,500 Fandy8 TEconomies MLM *A;400,400 Fandy8 TFood MLM *A;400,300 Fandy8b TGround Coverage MLM *A;400,200 Fandy8 THonors MLM *A;400,100 Fandy8 TIncidents MLM *A;400,0 Fandy8 TJustice MLM *A;400,-100 Fandy8 TK... MLM *A;400,-200 Fandy8 TLabor MLM *A;400,-300 Fandy8i TMaterials MLM *A;400,-400 Fandy8i TNonsense Happenings MLM *A;400,-500 Fandy8 TOpportunities MLM *A;400,-600 Fandy8 TPeasants MLM *C;-1200,0 >-100,0 *C;-1200,-1300 >1200,-1300 *C;0,-100 >0,-600 *C;-1300,-100 >-1300,-600 *C;-1200,-700 >-100,-700 *M;-1200,-100 >-1300,-100;-1200,0;100,100 *M;-1200,-600 >-1200,-700;-1300,-600;100,100 *M;-100,-600 >0,-600;-100,-700;100,100 *M;-100,-100 >-100,0;0,-100;100,100 *A;-1200,-100 Fandysans8 TAlpha MLM *A;-1200,-200 Fandysans8 TBeta MLM *A;-1200,-300 Fandysans8 TGamma MLM *A;-1200,-400 Fandysans8 TDelta MLM *A;-1200,-500 Fandysans8 TEpsilon MLM *A;-1200,-600 Fandysans8 TZeta MLM *A;-800,-100 Fandysans8 TEta MLM *A;-800,-200 Fandysans8 TTheta MLM *A;-800,-300 Fandysans8b TIota MLM *A;-800,-400 Fandysans8b TLambda MLM *A;-800,-500 Fandysans8b TMu MLM *A;-800,-600 Fandysans8b TNu MLM *A;-400,-100 Fandysans8b TOmicron MLM *A;-400,-200 Fandysans8b TPi MLM *A;-400,-300 Fandysans8 TRho MLM *A;-400,-400 Fandysans8 TSigma MLM *A;-400,-500 Fandysans8 TTau MLM *C;-1200,-900 >1200,-900 *C;1300,-1000 >1300,-1200 *C;-1300,-1000 >-1300,-1200 *M;1200,-1000 >1200,-900;1300,-1000;100,100 *M;1200,-1200 >1300,-1200;1200,-1300;100,100 *M;-1200,-1200 >-1200,-1300;-1300,-1200;100,100 *J;-500,-1100 >100,0 *J;-100,-1100 >100,0 *J;300,-1100 >100,0 *J;700,-1100 G10 >100,0 *J;1100,-1100 >100,0 *A;-500,-1100 Fandysans10b T1 MCM *A;-100,-1100 Fandysans10b T2 MCM *A;300,-1100 Fandysans10b T3 MCM *A;700,-1100 Fandysans10b T4 MCM *A;1100,-1100 Fandysans10b T5 MCM *A;-1264,-1073 Fandysans12 TPositioning MLM *A;400,-700 Fandy8i TQuarrels MLM *M;-1200,-1000 >-1300,-1000;-1200,-900;100,100 *N;-1482,-609 G1 >-381,-918 *A;-1427,-763 Fandy10b TName: MLM *G;100,1000 G50 >250,-800 *G;100,1000 G20 >250,900 *G;100,-700 G20 >250,-800 *G;114,850 G1 >236,350 \enddata{zip,539485448} \view{zipview,539485448,1360,0,0} } (See the section \italic{Samples} for additional Suite visuals.) The simplest way to use the Suite class is through statically declared attributes. All that is needed is the set of \italic{Items} to be displayed and the name of a\italic{ procedure} to be invoked whenever the User selects an Item. Beyond this simple -- and often adequate -- style of usage, you can control all the display and interaction attributes through various \italic{specifications}. You can also generate and modify the Suite and its Items \italic{dynamically}, to deal with special considerations found in your program: all the Suite and Item attributes can be set or queried through attribute-access facilities. \begindata{bp,538930120} \enddata{bp,538930120} \view{bpv,538930120,1361,0,0} By way of example, the following is a complete program (\italic{\sans{suitex1a}}) employing the Suite class. Its functionality is rather simple: it prints the name of the flavor clicked. \sans{\leftindent{#include "im.ih" #include "suite.ih" #include "suitex1a.eh" struct view *Flavor_Choice(); char *list [] = \{ "Vanilla","Strawberry","Chocolate", "Grape","Fudge", "Licorice", "Caramel","Lemon","Orange", NULL \}; suite_Specification flavors[] = \{ suite_HitHandler( Flavor_Choice ), suite_ItemCaptionList ( list ), NULL \}; boolean suitex1app__Start( self ) struct suitex1app *self; \{ im_SetView( im_Create(NULL), suite_Create( flavors, self ) ); return TRUE; \} void Flavor_Choice( self, suite, item, type, action, x, y, clicks ) struct suitex1app *self; register struct suite *suite; register struct suite_item *item; \{ printf( "Chosen Flavor is %s\\n", suite_ItemAttribute( suite, item, suite_ItemCaption(0) ) ); \} }} The class-header file for this example is -- \sans{\leftindent{class suitex1app [suitex1a]: application [app] \{ overrides: Start() returns boolean; \};}} Attributes are discussed in the sections \italic{Suite Attributes} and \italic{Item Attributes}. Other sections detail usage of interactive programming through \italic{Handlers}, procedures that react to User selection of one or more Items. \section{1.1 Features} The Suite class provides numerous featrues to support many differnent visual effects. \subsection{1.1.1 Arrangements} Suite may be arranged in numerous fashions, as specified via the \sans{suite_Arrangement} attribute. Given the Items \italic{Alpha},\italic{ Beta},\italic{ Gamma},\italic{ Delta}, and\italic{ Epsilon}, various arrangements would be: \center{ \begindata{zip,539485192} %ViewWidth 355 %ViewHeight 288 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *G;-1600,1300 >-500,300 *G;-1500,1200 >-1100,1000 *G;-1500,900 >-1100,700 *G;-1000,1200 >-600,1000 *G;-1000,900 >-600,700 *G;-1250,600 >-850,400 *A;-1300,1100 Fandysans8b TAlpha MCM *A;-1300,800 Fandysans8b TBeta MCM *A;-800,1100 Fandysans8b TGamma MCM *A;-800,800 Fandysans8b TDelta MCM *A;-1050,500 Fandysans8b TEpsilon MCM *G;-300,1300 >800,300 *G;-200,1200 >200,1000 *G;-200,900 >200,700 *G;-200,600 >200,400 *G;300,1200 >700,1000 *G;300,900 >700,700 *A;0,1100 Fandysans8b TAlpha MCM *A;0,800 Fandysans8b TBeta MCM *A;0,500 Fandysans8b TGamma MCM *A;500,1100 Fandysans8b TDelta MCM *A;500,800 Fandysans8b TEpsilon MCM *A;-1100,100 Fandy10i TDefaults MCM *A;200,100 Fandy10i TUnbalanced MCM *G;-1600,-100 >1000,-500 *G;-1500,-200 >-1100,-400 *G;-1000,-200 >-600,-400 *G;-500,-200 >-100,-400 *G;0,-200 >400,-400 *G;500,-200 >900,-400 *A;-1300,-300 Fandysans8b TAlpha MCM *A;-800,-300 Fandysans8b TBeta MCM *A;-300,-300 Fandysans8b TGamma MCM *A;200,-300 Fandysans8b TDelta MCM *A;700,-300 Fandysans8b TEpsilon MCM *G;-1200,-800 >300,-1300 *A;-1100,-1000 Fandysans8b TAlpha MLM *A;-1100,-1100 Fandysans8b TBeta MLM *A;-600,-1000 Fandysans8b TGamma MLM *A;-600,-1100 Fandysans8b TDelta MLM *A;-100,-1000 Fandysans8b TEpsilon MLM *C;-700,-800 >-700,-1300 *C;-200,-800 >-200,-1300 *A;433,-1059 Fandy10i TColumnLine MLM *A;454,-1183 Fandy10i T(also ...) MLM *A;-356,-651 Fandy10i TSingleRow MCM \enddata{zip,539485192} \view{zipview,539485192,1362,0,0} } \begindata{bp,539644360} \enddata{bp,539644360} \view{bpv,539644360,1363,0,0} Title can be placed within the Suit container in any of four places: \center{ \begindata{zip,539484936} %ViewWidth 317 %ViewHeight 197 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *G;-1300,1300 >1300,400 *A;0,1200 TA Top Title MCM *G;-1500,100 >-100,-1200 *G;-1100,1000 >-900,800 *G;-700,1000 >-500,800 *G;-300,1000 >-100,800 *G;100,1000 >300,800 *G;500,1000 >700,800 *G;900,1000 >1100,800 *G;-1100,700 >-900,500 *G;-700,700 >-500,500 *G;-300,700 >-100,500 *G;100,700 >300,500 *G;500,700 >700,500 *G;900,700 >1100,500 *J;-700,-100 >100,0 *J;-700,-400 >100,0 *J;-700,-700 >100,0 *J;-700,-1000 >100,0 *J;-300,-100 >100,0 *J;-300,-400 >100,0 *J;-300,-700 >100,0 *J;-300,-1000 >100,0 *C;300,0 >1500,0 *C;200,-100 >200,-1100 *C;1600,-100 >1600,-1100 *C;300,-1200 >1500,-1200 *M;1500,-100 >1500,0;1600,-100;100,100 *M;1500,-1100 >1600,-1100;1500,-1200;100,100 *M;300,-1100 >300,-1200;200,-1100;100,100 *M;300,-100 >200,-100;300,0;100,100 *N;400,-200 >600,-400 *N;400,-500 >600,-700 *N;400,-800 >600,-1000 *N;700,-200 >900,-400 *N;700,-500 >900,-700 *N;700,-800 >900,-1000 *A;1500,-500 Fandysans8b TA\nRight\nTitle MRM *A;-1427,-234 Fandy8 TA\nLeft\nSide\nTitle MLM \enddata{zip,539484936} \view{zipview,539484936,1364,319,199} } \subsection{1.1.2 Scrolling} A suite of Items that cannot be fully displayed in the given viewrectangle, that also enjoys the \sans{Scroll} attribute (which see), will present subsets of Items in sequence within each display-frame. Thus, given the 26 Items "AAAAA", "BBBBB", ..., "ZZZZZ", the following displays result as the User scrolls forward from the beginning to the end of the suite (assuming a viewing width and height sufficient to display only 3 columns and 4 rows). \center{ \begindata{zip,539484680} %ViewWidth 277 %ViewHeight 319 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *G;-1000,1300 >1000,800 *A;-700,1200 Fandysans8 TAAAAA MLM *A;-700,1100 Fandysans8 TBBBBB MLM *A;-700,1000 Fandysans8 TCCCCC MLM *A;-700,900 Fandysans8 TEEEEE MLM *G;-1000,1300 G50 >-800,800 *G;-1000,1300 G10 >-800,1200 *G;-1000,900 G10 >-800,800 *A;-100,1200 Fandysans8 TFFFFF MLM *A;-100,1100 Fandysans8 TGGGGG MLM *A;-100,1000 Fandysans8 THHHHH MLM *A;-100,900 Fandysans8 TIIIII MLM *A;500,1200 Fandysans8 TJJJJJ MLM *A;500,1100 Fandysans8 TKKKKK MLM *A;500,1000 Fandysans8 TLLLLL MLM *A;500,900 Fandysans8 TMMMMM MLM *C;-200,1300 >-200,800 *C;400,1300 >400,800 *G;-1000,500 >1000,0 *G;-1000,500 G50 >-800,0 *G;-1000,500 G10 >-800,400 *G;-1000,100 G10 >-800,0 *A;-700,400 Fandysans8 TMMMMM MLM *C;-200,500 >-200,0 *C;400,500 >400,0 *G;-1000,-300 >1000,-800 *G;-1000,-300 G50 >-800,-800 *G;-1000,-300 G10 >-800,-400 *G;-1000,-700 G10 >-800,-800 *A;0,-1100 Fandy10b TMultiColumnar Scrolling MCM *A;-700,300 Fandysans8 TNNNNN MLM *A;-700,200 Fandysans8 TOOOOO MLM *A;-700,100 Fandysans8 TPPPPP MLM *A;-100,400 Fandysans8 TQQQQQ MLM *A;-100,300 Fandysans8 TRRRRR MLM *A;-100,200 Fandysans8 TSSSSS MLM *A;-100,100 Fandysans8 TTTTTT MLM *A;500,400 Fandysans8 TUUUUU MLM *A;500,300 Fandysans8 TVVVVV MLM *A;500,200 Fandysans8 TWWWWW MLM *A;500,100 Fandysans8 TXXXXX MLM *C;-200,-300 >-200,-800 *C;400,-300 >400,-800 *A;-700,-400 Fandysans8 TXXXXX MLM *A;-700,-500 Fandysans8 TYYYYY MLM *A;-700,-600 Fandysans8 TZZZZZ MLM *G;-992,1180 G1 >-808,1070 *G;-992,303 G1 >-808,185 *G;-992,-681 G1 >-808,-639 \enddata{zip,539484680} \view{zipview,539484680,1365,279,321} } In the instance of \sans{List} displays that require scrolling of multiple columns, you might wish to use \sans{RowMajor}, to provide the common textual scrolling phenomenon; although \sans{ColumnMajor} is often more visually desirable, its scrolling is "snake-wise", from column to column. \center{ \begindata{zip,539484424} %ViewWidth 263 %ViewHeight 145 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *A;1443,-1026 Fandy8 TRow Major Order MCM *A;-1508,-995 Fandy8 TColumn Major Order MCM *G;1515,943 >1790,668 *G;1515,530 >1790,255 *G;1515,118 >1790,-157 *G;1514,-294 >1789,-569 *G;1927,943 >2202,668 *G;1927,531 >2202,256 *G;1927,118 >2202,-157 *G;1927,-294 >2202,-569 *G;690,943 >965,668 *G;690,530 >965,255 *G;690,118 >965,-157 *G;689,-294 >964,-569 *G;1102,943 >1377,668 *G;1102,531 >1377,256 *G;1102,118 >1377,-157 *G;1102,-294 >1377,-569 *A;827,806 Fandysans8b TA MCM *A;1239,806 Fandysans8b TB MCM *A;1652,806 Fandysans8b TC MCM *A;2064,806 Fandysans8b TD MCM *A;827,393 Fandysans8b TE MCM *A;1239,393 Fandysans8b TF MCM *A;1652,393 Fandysans8b TG MCM *A;2064,393 Fandysans8b TH MCM *A;827,-19 Fandysans8b TI MCM *A;1239,-19 Fandysans8b TJ MCM *A;1652,-19 Fandysans8b TK MCM *A;2064,-19 Fandysans8b TL MCM *A;827,-431 Fandysans8b TM MCM *A;1239,-431 Fandysans8b TN MCM *A;1652,-431 Fandysans8b TO MCM *A;2064,-431 Fandysans8b TP MCM *G;-1432,542 >-1157,267 *G;-1432,130 >-1157,-145 *G;-1433,-282 >-1158,-557 *G;-1009,553 >-734,278 *G;-1020,130 >-745,-145 *G;-1020,-282 >-745,-557 *G;-2257,542 >-1982,267 *G;-2257,130 >-1982,-145 *G;-2258,-282 >-1983,-557 *G;-1845,543 >-1570,268 *G;-1845,130 >-1570,-145 *G;-1845,-282 >-1570,-557 *G;-2257,955 >-1982,680 *G;-1845,955 >-1570,680 *G;-1432,955 >-1157,680 *G;-1020,955 >-745,680 *A;-2120,818 Fandysans8b TA MCM *A;-2120,405 Fandysans8b TB MCM *A;-2120,-7 Fandysans8b TC MCM *A;-2120,-419 Fandysans8b TD MCM *A;-1707,818 Fandysans8b TE MCM *A;-1707,405 Fandysans8b TF MCM *A;-1707,-7 Fandysans8b TG MCM *A;-1707,-419 Fandysans8b TH MCM *A;-1295,818 Fandysans8b TI MCM *A;-1295,405 Fandysans8b TJ MCM *A;-1295,-7 Fandysans8b TK MCM *A;-1295,-419 Fandysans8b TL MCM *A;-882,818 Fandysans8b TM MCM *A;-882,405 Fandysans8b TN MCM *A;-882,-7 Fandysans8b TO MCM *A;-882,-419 Fandysans8b TP MCM \enddata{zip,539484424} \view{zipview,539484424,1366,265,147} } \section{1.2 Attribute Specification} The fashion in which Suites are displayed, as well as the nature and format of its Items, is governed by the Specification argument optionally provided when the Suite object is created. (See the \sans{Create} facility, discussed in the chapter \italic{Facilities -- Object Instantiation.}) The syntax of a specification is best shown through an example This Suite is produced through the following specification (\sans{suitex2a}): \center{\typewriter{ ***************************************** * Control Buttons * * * * Start Stop Continue * * * ***************************************** }}:\sans{\indent{ char *controls[ ] = \{ "Start", "Stop", suite_Specification \{ "Continue", my_buttons[ ] = NULL \}; suite_Arrangement( suite_Row ), suite_BorderSize( 3 ), suite_TitleCaption( "Control Buttons" ), suite_TitleCaptionFontName( "AndySans16b" ), suite_ItemCaptionList( controls ), suite_ItemCaptionFontName( "Andy12i ), NULL \};}} A Specification is composed of macros, each requiring an argument. The argument is sometimes a \italic{symbolic} (eg, \sans{suite_Row}), sometimes a \italic{numeric value} (eg, the value 3 in \sans{suite_BorderSize}), sometimes a \italic{character-string} (eg, the quoted characters \italic{Control Buttons} in \sans{suite_TitleCaption}), sometimes a \italic{pointer} to a null-terminated vector of pointers (eg, the \sans{controls} pointer in \sans{suite_ItemCaptionList}), sometimes a \italic{pointer} to an Item Specification, and sometimes a \italic{procedure-pointer}. Note that all symbolics are prefixed with \sans{ "suite_" } to avoid name-clashes within the Client-program. There is no required ordering amongst the items in the Specification structure; however, it is parsed \italic{sequentially}, such that subsequent attributes override any earlier conflicting attributes. See chapter \italic{Sample Programs} for more complete examples. \subsection{1.2.1 Suite Attributes} This section lists those attributes that are applicable to the Suite as a whole, including those Item attributes that are inherited by all Items, unless overridden for individual Items. (Attributes are listed\italic{ alphabetically}, for ease of reference.) \bold{\sans{suite_AccessMode}} \indent{The Items of a Suite are by default \sans{ReadOnly}. They may be specified as \sans{ReadWrite}, to support dialogs with the User. \indent{\sans{suite_ReadOnly} \sans{suite_ReadWrite suite_Proceed}} User interaction via a \sans{ReadWrite} Item is discussed in the section, \italic{ReadWrite Item Interaction}. The \sans{AccessMode} of individual Items can be set via the \sans{ItemAccessMode} attribute.} \sans{\bold{suite_Arrangement}} \indent{The Suite can be displayed in a variety of arrangements. Certain attributes are appropriate for displays of \italic{Buttons}, others for displays of \italic{Lists}. \indent{\sans{suite_Matrix \sans{suite_Balanced | | }\sans{suite_Row | }\sans{suite_Column} }\sans{suite_UnBalanced} \sans{suite_List} \sans{suite_RowLine} \sans{suite_ColumnLine}} The \sans{Column} and \sans{Row} attributes constrain the Items to a single Column or Row, respectively. The default attribute (\sans{Matrix}) arranges Items into one or more rows and columns. The \sans{Balanced} attribute arranges \italic{matrixed} Items symmetrically within the Container; \sans{UnBalanced} leaves the last row or column possibly with fewer Items than the other rows and columns. The \sans{List} attribute arranges Items in one or more columns; Items are vertically positioned in terms of the line-height of their font. \sans{RowLine} and \sans{ColumnLine} cause horizontal or vertical lines, respectively, to be drawn between Items. A typical \italic{Button} display would use the default attributes \sans{Matrix} and \sans{Balanced}. A simple one-column \italic{List} display would specify \sans{Column} and \sans{List}; balancing is then irrelevant. A multi-column List display would likely use the \sans{List} and \sans{UnBalanced} attributes, to ensure that the leftmost columns are each filled, while the rightmost column shows the remaining Items at its top. } \bold{\sans{suite_BorderStyle}} \indent{The Container may be bordered; by default, the border is a \sans{Rectangle}, whose line-size is one pixel. It's style may be specified in various other fashions: \indent{ \sans{suite_Rectangle} \sans{suite_Roundangle} \sans{suite_Circle} \sans{suite_Oval} \sans{suite_Invisible} \sans{suite_None}}} \bold{\sans{suite_BorderSize}} \indent{Where the \sans{BorderStyle} is other than \sans{None}, the pixel-width of the line may be specified (default is one).} \bold{\sans{suite_Cursor}} \indent{The cursor for the entire Suite may be specified as an ASCII character literal. If the \sans{CursorFontName} is not specified, the default font is \italic{icon12}. The NULL character is reserved. Example: \sans{suite_Cursor( 'E' )}} \bold{\sans{suite_CursorFontName}} \indent{The font for the Suite's cursor may be specified. font is \italic{icon12}. Example: The default \sans{suite_CursorFontName( "myicon20" )}} \bold{\sans{suite_CursorType}} \indent{The cursor for the entire Suite may be specified as a standard symbolic name. The font employed is \italic{icon12}. The default cursor is the standard Arrow (\sans{Cursor_Arrow}). Example: \sans{suite_CursorType( Cursor_Gunsight )}} \bold{\sans{suite_Datum}} \indent{Any Client-program datum (eg, a scalar or a pointer to a Client-program defined structure). Dynamically accessible via the \sans{SetSuiteAttribute} and \sans{SuiteAttribute} facilities. (Also see the \sans{ItemDatum }attribute, which provides the Item-specific datum attribute.)} \sans{\bold{suite_FontName}} \indent{The default font for all captions (title captions as well) may be specified. Otherwise, the default font is that specified via the preference for "bodyfont"; in the absence of any specification, the built-in default is a 10-point, fixed-width typewriter font. } \sans{\bold{suite_GutterSize}} \indent{Items are separated from one another, vertically and horizontally, by the size of the Gutter, which defaults to 1 pixel.} \bold{\sans{suite_HitHandler}} \indent{A Suite may specify a Client-program procedure to be invoked whenever any area within the Container is hit; this general HitHandler may be overridden for particular Items via the \sans{ItemHitHandler} attribute specified for such Items. (See the section \italic{HitHandlers}.)} \sans{\bold{suite_HorizontalGutterSize}} \indent{Items are separated from one another horizontally by the size of the \sans{HorizontalGutter}, which defaults to 1 pixel.} \bold{\sans{suite_Item}} \indent{Identifies an \italic{Item Specification}: a separate structure in which an individual Item is specified. This scheme is used where the \sans{ItemCaptionList} (which see) item is not suitable. Any number of \sans{Item} entries may appear in the Specification for the Suite.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemAccessMode}} \indent{An Item is by default \sans{ReadOnly}. It may be specified as \sans{ReadWrite}, to support dialogs with the User. \indent{\sans{suite_ReadOnly} \sans{suite_ReadWrite suite_Proceed}} User interaction via a \sans{ReadWrite} Item is discussed in the section, \italic{ReadWrite Item Interaction}.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemBorderStyle}} \indent{Items may be styled with or without Borders; by default, the border is a \sans{Rectangle}, whose line-width is one. Borders may be one of the styles: \indent{\sans{suite_Rectangle} \sans{suite_Roundangle} \sans{suite_Circle} \sans{suite_Oval} \sans{suite_Invisible} \sans{suite_None}} The Item Border-style \sans{Invisible} may be used in conjunction with the Item Highlight-style \sans{Border}: when the Item is highlighted its border becomes \italic{visible}; when Normalized, it is \italic{invisible}. Note that where the \sans{List} attribute is specified, this attribute is ignored. (\sans{Invisible} is used for \sans{List} displays.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemBorderSize}} \indent{Where the \sans{ItemBorderStyle} is other than \sans{None}, the pixel-width of the line may be specified (default is one pixel).} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCaption}} \indent{A character-string. All Items will contain this \sans{Caption}, unless overridden by captions or insets assigned to particular items. (See \sans{ItemCaptionList} and other attributes.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCaptionAlignment}} \indent{The Item's Caption may be aligned at any of nine points within of the Item area: \indent{\sans{suite_Top} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right} \sans{suite_Center} \sans{suite_Middle}} These alignments may be combined to effect alignment at any of 9 points. The \sans{Center} and \sans{Middle} alignments refer, respectively, to horizontal and vertical positioning. By default, Captions are balanced both horizontally and vertically: ie, they enjoy the attribute combination \sans{suite_Center | suite_Middle}. Example: \sans{ suite_ItemCaptionAlignment( suite_Bottom | suite_Right)}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCaptionList}} \indent{Identifies a null-terminated vector of Caption pointers; \sans{Item} attribute.} see the \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCaptionFontName}} \indent{Where the Items employ the \italic{caption} feature, the Font of the captions may be specified; all Items use the same font. Lacking such a specification, an Item's caption font is the same as the Suite's \italic{TitleFontName}, but two point-sizes smaller. Lacking a \sans{TitleCaptionFontName} specification, the default font is that specified via the preference for "bodyfont"; in the absence of any specification, the built-in default is a 10-point, fixed-width typewriter font. (The name is formatted in the usual fashion -- eg, "andysans12bi", "andy18", etc). Example: \sans{suite_ItemCaptionFontName( "andysans10b" )}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCursor}} \indent{The cursor for individual Items may be specified as an ASCII character literal. If the \sans{CursorFontName} is not specified, the default font is \italic{icon12}. The NULL character is reserved. Example: \sans{suite_ItemCursor( 'E' )}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCursorFontName}} \indent{The font for the Item's cursor may be specified. font is \italic{icon12}. Example: The default \sans{suite_ItemCursorFontName( " myicons16" )}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemCursorType}} \indent{The cursor for individual Items may be specified as a standard symbolic name. The font employed is \italic{icon12}. The default cursor is the standard Arrow (\sans{Cursor_Arrow}). Example: \sans{suite_ItemCursorType( Cursor_Gunsight )}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemDatum}} \indent{Any Client-program datum -- eg, a scalar or a pointer to a client-program defined structure. Dynamically accessible via the \sans{SetItemAttribute} and \sans{ItemAttribute} facilities. (Also see the \sans{Datum} attribute, which provides the Suite datum attribute.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemDataObject}} \indent{Instead of a Caption, any ATK inset can be specified as the substance of a Item. The object is given via an \italic{object-identifier} (ie, a pointer). (See also \sans{suite_ItemViewObject}.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemDataObjectName}} \indent{Instead of a Caption, any ATK inset can be specified as the substance of an Item. The object name is given as a \italic{character-string}. (See also \sans{suite_ItemViewObjectName}.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemDataObjectHandler}} \indent{A procedure-name may be specified to be associated with the Item's Data-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemHeight} \sans{suite_ItemWidth}} \indent{The width and height of each Item is normally calculated automatically. However, those calculations may be overridden by these attributes; one or both may be specified, the omitted attribute being automatically calculated. (Use of the \sans{List} attribute will cause these attributes to be ignored.) The width and height values are in pixels.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemHighlightStyle}} \indent{Items may be highlighted, either upon User selection or through Client-program request. The styles for Highlighting, which may be used in combination, are: \indent{\sans{suite_Invert} \sans{suite_Border} \sans{suite_Bold} \sans{suite_Italic}} The \sans{Border} Highlight-style is used in conjunction with the Item Border-style \sans{Invisible}: when the Item is highlighted its border becomes \italic{visible}; when Normalized, it is \italic{invisible}. To combine several styles, the syntax is -- \sans{suite_ItemHighlightStyle( suite_Bold | suite_Italic)}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemHitHandler}} \indent{An Item may specify the name of a Client-program procedure to be invoked whenever the Item is the object of a mouse-action. (See the section \italic{HitHandlers}.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemName}} \indent{An Item may be given a \italic{symbolic name} for use during execution. (See the facilities \sans{ItemOfName} and \sans{ItemsOfName}.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemOrder}} \indent{Items are displayed either in \sans{RowMajor} or \sans{ColumnMajor} order; the default is \sans{ColumnMajor} -- the fashion used in telephone directories.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemPassiveStyle}} \indent{An Item can be made passive or active (default is active). An \italic{active} Item can be selected, a \italic{passive} Item cannot. The visual indication of the passive state is controlled by this attribute. \indent{\sans{suite_Pale} \sans{suite_Hidden} \sans{suite_Removed}} An item is made \sans{Pale} by shading. \sans{Hidden} simply blanks out the area within and including the Item border; where an Item is \sans{Removed}, the Suite is redrawn without the Item.} \sans{\bold{suite_ItemPosition}} \indent{The position of the Item within the Suite. The first Item is at Position 1 (\italic{not} 0). This attribute can be changed dynamically, resulting in repositioning of Items amongst themselves. For example, an Item currently at position 23 can be repositioned to be the fourth Item by setting its \sans{ItemPosition} attribute to 4; the Item that had been the fourth Item becomes the fifth, etc.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleBorderStyle}} \indent{The ItemTitle may be bordered; by default, the border is \sans{None}. Its style may instead be specified in other fashions: \indent{\sans{suite_None} \sans{suite_Rectangle} \sans{suite_Roundangle} \sans{suite_Circle} \sans{suite_Oval} \sans{suite_Invisible} \sans{suite_Line}} Instead of a Border, the Item Title can be separated from the Item Caption by a single line. The Item Title Border-style \sans{Invisible} is used in conjunction with the Item Title Highlight-style \sans{Border}: when the Item Title is highlighted its border becomes \italic{visible}; when Normalized, it is \italic{invisible}.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleBorderSize}} \indent{Where the \sans{ItemTitleBorderStyle} is other than \sans{None}, the pixel-width of the line (default is one) may be specified.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleCaption}} \indent{An Item may contain a caption as a Title. By default, the Title is centered at the top of the Item, beneath the Item's Border. This Placement and its Alignment within the title-area can be overridden via the \sans{ItemTitlePlacement} and \sans{ItemTitleCaptionAlignment} attributes. (An Item Title may instead be an Inset.)} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleCaptionAlignment}} \indent{The Item's Title caption may be aligned at any of nine points within the Item's title area: \indent{\sans{suite_Top} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right} \sans{suite_Center} \sans{suite_Middle}} These alignments may be combined to effect alignment at any of 9 points. The \sans{Center} and \sans{Middle} alignments refer, respectively, to horizontal and vertical positioning. By default, alignment is \italic{balanced}: ie, \sans{suite_Center | suite_Middle}. Example: \sans{ suite_ItemTitleCaptionAlignment( suite_Bottom | suite_Right)}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleCaptionFontName}} \indent{Given a Title that is a caption (ie, not an Inset), its font may be specified. By default, the font is that specified via the preference for "bodyfont"} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleDataObject}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Item Title. The data-object can be specified via an \italic{object-identifier} (ie, a pointer).} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleDataObjectName}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Item Title. The data-object name is a \italic{character-string}: the object is instantiated automatically.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleDataObjectHandler}} \indent{A \sans{procedure} may be specified to be associated with the Item Title Data-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleHighlightStyle}} \indent{Item Titles may be highlighted, either upon User selection or through Client-program request. The styles for Highlighting, which may be used in combination, are: \indent{\sans{suite_Invert} \sans{suite_Border} \sans{suite_Bold} \sans{suite_Italic}} To combine several styles, the syntax is -\sans{suite_ItemTitleHighlightStyle( suite_Bold | suite_Italic)}} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitlePlacement}} \indent{The Item's Title may be placed at any one of these areas within the Item area: \indent{\sans{suite_Top} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right}}} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleViewObject}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Item Title. The view-object can be specified via an \italic{object-identifier} (ie, a pointer).} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleViewObjectName}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Item Title. The view-object name is a \italic{character-string}: the object is instantiated automatically.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemTitleViewObjectHandler}} \indent{A \sans{procedure} may be specified to be associated with the Item Title View-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemViewObject}} \indent{Where a Data-object is specified for an Item, an associated View-object may be specified; in the absence of a specified \sans{ViewObject}, the default name implied by the \sans{DataObject} will be employed (as defined in the ATK schema).} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemViewObjectName}} \indent{Where a Data-object is specified for an Item, an associated View-object may be specified; in the absence of a specified \sans{ViewObjectName}, the default name implied by the \sans{DataObjectName} will be employed (as defined in the ATK schema).} \bold{\sans{suite_ItemViewObjectHandler}} \indent{A procedure-name may be specified to be associated with the View-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \bold{\sans{suite_Scroll}} \indent{A Suite may contain more Items than can fit within its Container (given contraints optionally placed upon Item fonts, and thus the dimensions, of individual Items). Where the \sans{Scroll} attribute is specified, and if and only if an overflow condition exists, the specified ScrollBar(s), will be displayed -- per the options: \indent{\sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Top}} When both vertical and horizontal ScrollBars are specified, the Items are arranged, by default, with a column-count equal to the row-count. Where the \sans{Scroll} attribute is not taken and an overflow condition occurs, the overflowing Items are forced to fit in the available space. Multiple ScrollBars are specified by combining these attribute values, as shown in the Example. Example: \sans{suite_Scroll( suite_Left | suite_Bottom )}} \bold{\sans{suite_SelectionMode}} \indent{A Suite is either \sans{Exclusive}\sans{, Inclusive, or} \sans{Toggle.} An \italic{Exclusive} Suite, the default, allows only a single Item to be selected at any moment (initially, no Items are selected). An \italic{Inclusive} Suite allows zero or more Items to be selected at any moment. A \italic{Toggle} Suite allows zero or more Items to be selected at any moment, each Item selected and deselected individually. (See section, \italic{HitHandler}, regarding use of either the Suite's HitHandler or \italic{each} Item's HitHandler when an \italic{Inclusive} Suite is multiply-selected.) Selection of Items within an \italic{Inclusive Suite} may be effected by the User "dragging" or "sweeping" the mouse across multiple Items, or by use of the Right-button to select non-contiguous Items. These rules apply: \sans{\italic{LeftDown}} \indent{Selected Item Highlighted, others Normalized.} \sans{\italic{LeftMovement}} \indent{Contiguous Items are Highlighted.} \sans{\italic{LeftUp}} \indent{Selection ceases.} \sans{\italic{RightDown}} \sans{\italic{RightMovement}} \indent{Iff Item is Highlighted, it is Normalized; iff Normal, it is Highlighted.} \sans{\italic{RightUp}} \indent{Selection ceases.} Selection of an Item within an \italic{Exclusive Suite} causes the previously selected Item (if any) to be Normalized, and the selected Item to be Highlighted upon the LeftDown action; however, should the User then drag the mouse such that the LeftUp action occurs on another Item, that other Item is the one selected and Highlighted. For an Exclusive Suite, actions of the Right-button are the same as for the Left-button. Selection of an Item within a \italic{Toggle Suite} does not affect previously selected Items (if any). The individually selected Item is toggled on or off, depending upon its current state; toggling is effected only when the LeftDown action occurs. When toggled on, an Item is Highlighted; when toggled off, the Item is Normalized. For a Toggle Suite, actions of the Right-button are the same as for the Left-button. } \bold{\sans{suite_SortMode}} \indent{A Suite can be sorted in terms of it's Item Captions, Titles, or Datum attribute values. \indent{\sans{suite_Alphabetic} \sans{suite_Numeric} \sans{suite_Ascend} \sans{suite_Descend} \sans{suite_ByCaption} \sans{suite_ByTitle} \sans{suite_ByDatum}} Sorting may be either Alphabetically or Numerically based, ordering may be either Ascending or Descending. Sorting Numerically instead of Alphabetically will place, say, \bold{\sans{10}} \italic{after} \sans{\bold{9}}, while sorting Alphabetically will place it \italic{before} (assuming an Ascending sort). Items are sorted per one of the three Item attributes: its Caption-string, its Title-string, or its Datum-value. sorted prior to its visual presentation} The Suite is \bold{\sans{suite_TitleBorderStyle}} \indent{The Title may be bordered; by default, the border style is \sans{None}. Its style may instead be specified in other fashions: \indent{ \sans{suite_None} \sans{suite_Rectangle} \sans{suite_Roundangle} \sans{suite_Circle} \sans{suite_Oval} \sans{suite_Invisible} \sans{suite_Line}} Instead of a Border, the Title can be separated from the Items by a single line by specifying \sans{Line} attribute. The Title Border-style \sans{Invisible} is used in conjunction with the Title Highlight-style \sans{Border}: when the Title is highlighted its border becomes \italic{visible}; when Normalized, it is \italic{invisible}.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleBorderSize}} \indent{Where the \sans{TitleBorderStyle} is other than \sans{None}, the pixel-width of the line (default is one) may be specified.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleCaption}} \indent{A Suite may contain a \italic{Title}. The Title may be a caption or an Inset. By default, the Title is centered at the top of the Container, within the Container's Border. A Title caption may contain \italic{new-line} characters: the Title then occupies multiple vertical lines. (See \sans{TitleCaptionAlignment} and \sans{TitlePlacement}.)} \sans{\bold{suite_TitleCaptionAlignment}} \indent{The alignment of the Title caption within the area it is placed may be specified: \indent{\sans{suite_Top} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right} \sans{suite_Center} \sans{suite_Middle} } These alignments may be The \sans{suite_Center} and respectively, to horizontal and vertical \italic{balanced}: ie, Example: )} combined to effect alignment at any of 9 points. \sans{suite_Middle} alignments refer, positioning. By default, alignment is \sans{suite_Center | suite_Middle}. \sans{suite_TitleCaptionAlignment( suite_Bottom | suite_Right \sans{suite_TitleCaptionAlignment( suite_Right | suite_Middle )} } \bold{\sans{suite_TitleCaptionFontName}} \indent{Given a Title that is a Caption, its font may be specified. By default, the \sans{TitleCaptionFontName} is that specified via the preference for "bodyfont"} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_TitleDataObject}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Title. The data-object can be specified via an \italic{object-identifier} (ie, a pointer).} \sans{ }\bold{\sans{suite_TitleDataObjectName}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Title. The data-object name is a \italic{characterstring}.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleDataObjectHandler}} \indent{A \sans{procedure} may be specified to be associated with the Title Data-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleHighlightStyle}} \indent{Titles may be highlighted, either upon User selection or through Client-program request. The styles for Highlighting, which may be used in combination, are: \indent{\sans{suite_Invert} \sans{suite_Border} \sans{suite_Bold} \sans{suite_Italic}} The Title Border-style \sans{Invisible} is used in conjunction with the Title Highlight-style \sans{Border}: when the Title is highlighted its border becomes \italic{visible}; when Normalized, it is \italic{invisible}.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleHitHandler}} \indent{A Suite may specify a Client-program \sans{procedure} to be invoked whenever the Suite \italic{Title} is the object of a mouse-action. (See below, \italic{HitHandlers}.)} \bold{\sans{suite_TitlePlacement}} \indent{The Title area may be placed at the \indent{\sans{suite_Top} \sans{suite_Bottom} \sans{suite_Left} \sans{suite_Right} \sans{suite_Line} } of the Container. The Title can be separated from the Item-area by a dividing line (\sans{Line} attribute).} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleViewObject}} \indent{Instead of a caption, any ATK \italic{inset} can be specified as the substance of a Title. The view-object is specified via an objectidentifier (ie, a pointer).} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleViewObjectName}} \indent{Where a \sans{TitleDataObjectName} is specified, an associated \sans{TitleViewObjectName} may be specified; in the absence of a specified\italic{ }\sans{TitleViewObjectName}, the default \sans{TitleViewObjectName} implied by the \sans{TitleDataObjectName} will be employed.} \bold{\sans{suite_TitleViewObjectHandler}} \indent{A \sans{procedure} may be specified to be associated with the Title View-object. That procedure is invoked upon instantiation of the object.} \sans{\bold{suite_VerticalGutterSize}} \indent{Items are separated from one another vertically by the size of the \sans{VerticalGutter}, which defaults to 1.} \sans{\bold{suite_WrappingStyle}} \indent{ Captions that overflow the width of an Item are wrapped to the next line(s). The phrase(s) of the next line(s) are: \indent{ \sans{suite_LeftIndent} Begun on the same vertical position \sans{suite_LeftRight} Right-justified. } Default is \sans{suite_LeftIndent}.} \subsection{1.2.2 Item Attributes} Each Item can be individually specified. Such specification may be as minimal as just its Caption or as elaborate as necessary to individualize each Item. Item attributes are inherited from the Suite specification, except where an attribute is overridden for that Item via an Item Specification. The attributes that may appear in a Item Specification are those defined above, \italic{Suite Attributes}. Note that either generic or Item-specific spellings may be employed; thus, to specify the name of an Item's Caption-font, either \sans{suite_FontName} or \sans{suite_ItemCaptionFontName} may be used within an Item specification. \section{1.3 Handlers} Whereas the suite class provides appropriate housekeeeping to reflect User interaction with a Suite through its view, it is the Client-program's Handlers (also known as "call-back procedures") that effect whatever functionality such interaction implies. There are various interactions and events that will cause a Handler to be invoked. A Handler may be specified for the Suite as a whole or for individual Items. In the absence of individual Item Handlers, the Suite Handler is employed. Where both a Suite Handler and Item Handlers are specified, the latter are employed. There are three kinds of Handlers: those that cope with Hits, those dealing with ReadWrite Item actions, and those that deal with Items, Titles, etc, specified as Objects (ie, not simply Captions). \subsection{1.3.1 Hit Handlers} Upon invocation, a Hit Handler is passed these arguments: \indent{ \bold{Argument-1:} The Client-program Anchor associated with the Suite (as provided via the \sans{suite_Create} facility). \bold{Argument-2:} Identifier of the Suite. \bold{Argument-3:} Identifier of the object hit. \bold{Argument 4:} Hit-object type (\sans{suite_TitleObject}, \sans{suite_ItemObject}, or Null). \bold{Arguments 5-8: } Standard ATK Mouse information -- action, x, y, clicks.} Thus, a typical Hit Handler would be written: \indent{\sans{My_Hit_Handler( self, suite, object, type, action, x, y, clicks )}} (The parameter \sans{self} is the value specified as the \italic{Anchor} by the Client-program via \sans{suite_Create}.) All mouse-actions are passed through. In the instance of an \italic{Inclusive} Suite, the complete set of currently selected Items can be obtained through the \sans{suite_SelectedItems} facility. \subsection{1.3.2 ReadWrite Handlers} An Item specified with the \sans{AccessMode} of \sans{ReadWrite} supports interactive dialogs between the Client program and the User. The User selects the Item by clicking into it with the left mouse button, and then types zero or more characters; the Enter-key terminates the input-sequence. The Client program's Hit Handler is invoked twice: first upon the initial click, and then when the Enter-key is depressed. At the initial click, the Client program may elect either to leave the Item's current caption or inset as is, clear it, or replace it with a new value. When the Enter-key is depressed, the Client program may extract the caption as a plain-text character-string. Should the User click outside an Item before the Enter-key is depressed, the Entry-key action is synthesized: the Hit Handler is entered for the second time. The Client-program can cause automatic movement (selection) from one ReadWrite Item to another via the \sans{Proceed} attribute. When the User completes the entry of one Item's value (by depressing the Enter-key), the next \sans{ReadWrite} Item is automatically selected; when the last such Item is completed, selection loops back to the initial \sans{ReadWrite} Item. \subsection{1.3.3 Object Handlers} Handlers may specified to deal with instantiation of Data and View objects. ... Upon invocation, an Object Handler is passed these arguments: \indent{\bold{Argument-1:} The Anchor associated with the Suite. \bold{Argument-2:} Identifier of the Suite. \bold{Argument 3:} Identifier of the object. \bold{Argument 4:} Object-type (Title or Item). } Thus, a typical Object Handler would be written: \sans{\indent{My_Object_Handler( self, suite, object, type )}} \section{1.4 Printing} Printed output is in PostScript form. (Presently, Printing of Suites is not supported.) \begindata{bp,539670984} \enddata{bp,539670984} \view{bpv,539670984,1367,0,0} \chapter{2 Facilities} Facilities are ClassProcedures, Methods, or MacroMethods provided by a Class to facilitate communication between an object and its creator. There are two groups of facilities: those for the Suite itself, and those for the Items of the Suite. The facilities are presented in a standard form: A brief \italic{\bold{description}} of the facility, followed by these topics -\italic{\bold{Synopsis}} types of arguments. Prototype statement syntax and data- \italic{\bold{Returns}} returned. Data-type and description of value \italic{\bold{Exceptions}} Name of any exceptions raised. \italic{\bold{Discussion}} its role and usage. Elaboration of the nature of the facility, \bold{Syntax Conventions} To provide examples of their usage, both sample statements and a chapter of Sample Programs are listed; these are shown in the syntax of the ATK \italic{Class} extension. Of particular interest are certain implications upon naming-conventions and required arguments: \indent{ o The ATK Class feature requires methods to be prefixed with the name of the Class to which they belong. Further, it requires that the first argument always be the Identifier (handle or pointer) of the instantiated Object being invoked. Thus -- \sans{\bold{\indent{suite_ChangeSuiteAttribute( \italic{object}, suite_TitleCaption( \italic{caption} ) );}}} \indent{ where : \sans{\bold{object }} is the Identifier of the instance of the Class (as returned from the \sans{suite_Create} facility); \sans{\bold{caption}} is a pointer to a character-string.} o All symbolic-names (eg, those of the options and exception-codes) are prefixed with the character "suite_" to preclude name-clashes with Client-program names.} \section{2.1 Object Instantiation} The Suite object is instantiated via the \sans{suite_Create} facility. This object is a sub-class of aptv, which is itself a sub-class of the View class; there is no associated Data-object \subsection{2.1.1 Create} Creates an instance of the Suite Class. Specification Vector to establish initial attributes. Parses the optional \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_Create( specification, anchor ) suite_Specification specification struct basicobject \bold{Returns}\block{ identifier.}} *anchor | NULL NULL}} \sans{struct suite *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | \italic{Suite object \sans{InsufficientSpace, AttributeConflict}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The \sans{Create} facility establishes a Suite object through an optional Suite Specification. This \sans{specification} argument is a pointer to a vector of symbolics, values, or pointers to values. Such vectors are specified within the Client program through special suite macros, such as \sans{suite_BorderStyle}, \sans{suite_HitHandler}, etc. (See section \italic{Suite Specifications}; also chapter \italic{Sample Programs} for illustrations.) The \sans{anchor} argument is usually the instance-pointer of the object requesting the creation of a Suite object; this argument may be NULL. The vector of \italic{Suite Specifications} is unordered: each item is self-identifying. Should an item appear more than once, subsequent appearances override earlier items. However, multiple appearances of the Item specification are expected; the sequence in which they appear defines the initial un-sorted sequence in which the Items will be displayed, unless changed via a \sans{Sort} attribute. An \italic{Item Specification} is similarly structured. Note that where the \sans{ItemCaptionList} attribute is declared in the Suite specification, individual \sans{Item} specifications are not allowed; should any appear, the AttributeConflict exception is raised and they are ignored. An Item Specification may contain either a Caption or a DataObject/ViewObject specification. In the absence of an Item specified \sans{HitHandler}, the general HitHandler specified in the Suite Specification will be employed; whether the special or the general HitHandler is employed, the Itemspecified Datum attribute (which defaults to Null) will be available to the HitHandler. The Attribute-Names are symbolics, the Attribute-Values are of the datatype appropriate to the specific Attribute. The Attributes and associated Values are discussed in the \italic{Concepts} chapter.} \section{2.2 Suite Facilities} These facilities affect the Suite as a whole. \subsection{2.2.1 Suite Attributes} Suite attributes may be set either at compile-time, through the static declaration of the Specification vector passed as an optional argument to the \sans{Create} facility, or dynamically through the \sans{SetAttribute} facility. In most instances, the static fashion suffices. \paragraph{ SetSuiteAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the Suite to the given value. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SetSuiteAttribute( object, attribute_value) struct suite long *object attribute_value}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Suite Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -\sans{suite_SetSuiteAttribute( object, suite_Datum( 1234) ); suite_SetSuiteAttribute( object, suite_Title( "News of the Day" ) );} Note that those Attributes that have an impact upon the Suite display do not take effect until either the next FullUpdate or Update request is effected. To effect immediate display, use the \sans{ChangeSuiteAttribute} facility.} \paragraph{ ChangeSuiteAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the Suite to the given value and immediately updates the display. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ChangeSuiteAttribute( object, attribute_value) struct suite *object suite_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Suite Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -\sans{\description{suite_ChangeSuiteAttribute( object, suite_BorderStyle( suite_RoundAngle ) );} \description{suite_ChangeSuiteAttribute( object, suite_Title( "Latest News" ) );}} Note that \italic{changing} Attributes has an immediate impact upon the Suite display. To defer display updates, use the \sans{SetSuiteAttribute} facility.} \paragraph{ SuiteAttribute} Yields the value of the given Suite attribute. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SuiteAttribute( object, struct suite *object attribute) long attribute }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Value.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Suite Specifications} can be queried. The syntax of this facility is similar to that of the \sans{SetAttribute} facility, but differs in that the parenthesized argument is 0 (Null) -\sans{suite_SuiteAttribute( object, suite_Datum( 0 ) );} } \paragraph{ ItemCount} Yields count of the Items in the suite. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemCount( object ) struct suite *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long } \italic{ Item Count}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Active,Passive, or Removed.} The count includes all Items, whether \paragraph{ CurrentItem} Yields identifier of the Item most recently selected. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_CurrentItem( object ) struct suite *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Item}} \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Current None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Item has been selected, Null is returned. To identify the complete set of selected Items, see the \sans{suite_SelectedItems} facility.} \subsection{2.2.2 Suite Manipulation} These facilities deal with the Suite's entire set of Items. \paragraph{ Reset} Resets the Suite to the specified state -- in particular, Normalizes and Activates all Items. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_Reset( object, state ) struct suite long *object state: suite_Clear | suite_ClearItems | suite_ClearTitle | suite_Normalize | suite_Activate | suite_Expose | suite_Immediate | suite_Defer}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ its \sans{suite_Clear} Result-code.}} -- returns the suite to empty state: ie, no Title, no Items, etc. \sans{suite_ClearItems} -all other attributes unchanged. removes the Items from the suite, but leaves \sans{suite_ClearTitle} -- removes the Title area from the suite, but leaves all other attributes unchanged. \sans{suite_Normalize} -- \sans{suite_Activate} \sans{suite_Expose} --- All Items are Activated. All Items are Exposed. \sans{suite_Immediate } -is the default action. \sans{suite_Defer } -visuals. All Items are Normalized. Immediate re-display of Suite visuals; this Defer, till FullUpdate, re-display of Suite } \paragraph{ Apply} Iterates across each of the Suite's \sans{Items}, invoking the given \sans{procedure} for each \sans{Item }in turn. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_Apply( object, procedure, anchor, datum ) struct suite long(*)() *object procedure struct basicobject long *anchor datum}} \bold{Returns}\block{ value.}} \sans{long} \italic{ Client-returned \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None} \bold{Discussion}\block{ arguments, in the order shown: The \sans{procedure} is invoked with these \indent{\sans{anchor} Given \sans{anchor}-value \sans{object} \sans{item} Identifier of the Suite object Identifier of present Item \sans{datum} Given \sans{datum}-value} Within the \sans{procedure}, all Suite facilities may be employed; note that alteration of the Suite will affect subsequent invocations to the procedure. The order in which the Items are accessed is that originally specified when the Suite was Created, or that in which it stands following a Sort action. The invoked procedure breaks the scan by returning a non-zero value (a zero-value continues the scan); the \sans{Apply} facility returns this value as the scan stops. When the scan stops because it reaches the end of the Items, Null is returned.} \paragraph{ HighlightTitle} Highlights the Suite Title, in the TitleHighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_HighlightTitle( object ) struct suite *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentTitle}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ TitleHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the Suite Title is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_TitleHighlighted( object ) struct suite *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None} \bold{Discussion}\block{ is returned.} Where the Title does not exist, \sans{false} \paragraph{ NormalizeTitle} Normalizes the Suite Title. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_NormalizeTitle( object ) struct suite *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentTitle}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ Sort} Sorts the Suite's Items in the manner specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_Sort( object, mode, attribute, procedure ) struct suite long *object mode: suite_Alphabetic suite_Ascending long | suite_Numeric | NULL | suite_Descending | NULL | suite_ByDatum suite_ByTitle attribute : suite_ByCaption long(*)() procedure }} \bold{Returns}\block{ | NULL \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | Result-code}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the sort-procedure is NULL, sorts the Items, via their specified \sans{attribute}, in the given \sans{mode} (default is Alphabetic & Ascending). Where a sort-handler is provided, it is invoked in a manner similar to that employed by qsort. It is passed four arguments: \indent{ \sans{anchor} \sans{suite} \sans{item_1} \sans{item_2} } As for qsort, the returned value is to be: \indent{ \sans{-1} \sans{ First Item is lower than second 0} Items are equal \sans{+1} First Item is higher than second. }} \section{2.3 Item Facilities} These facilities affect individual Items. \subsection{2.3.1 Item Attributes} Item attributes may be set either at compile-time, through the static declaration of the Specification vector passed as an optional argument to the \sans{Create} facility, or dynamically through the \sans{SetItemAttribute} facility. In most instances, the static fashion suffices. \paragraph{ SetItemAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the given Item to the given value. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SetItemAttribute( object, item, attribute_value) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item suite_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Item Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -\sans{\description{suite_SetItemAttribute( object, item, suite_ItemBorderStyle( suite_RoundAngle ) );} \description{suite_SetItemAttribute( object, item, suite_ItemTitle( "Latest News" ) );}} Note that those Attributes that have an impact upon the Suite display do not take effect until either the next FullUpdate or Update request is effected. To effect immediate display, use the \sans{ChangeItemAttribute} facility.} \paragraph{ ChangeItemAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the given Item to the given value and immediately updates the display. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ChangeItemAttribute( object, item, attribute_value) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item suite_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Item Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -\sans{\description{suite_ChangeItemAttribute( object, item, suite_ItemBorderStyle( suite_RoundAngle ) );} \description{suite_ChangeItemAttribute( object, item, suite_ItemTitle( "Latest News" ) );}} Note that those Attributes that have an immediate impact upon the Suite display. To defer display updates, use the \sans{SetItemAttribute} facility.} \paragraph{ ItemAttribute} Yields the value of the given attribute for the given Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemAttribute( object, item, attribute) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item long attribute }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Value.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Item Specifications} can be queried. The syntax of this facility is similar to that of the \sans{SetItemAttribute} facility, but differs in that the parenthesized argument is 0 (Null) -\sans{suite_ItemAttribute( object, item, suite_ItemBorderStyle( 0 ) );} } \subsection{2.3.2 Item Identification} Identifiers of individual Items may be obtained through facilities that scan the Item set to locate those that matches a given value. These facilities need only be employed in those instances that a particular Item is to be located -- in most instances, such as within \sans{HitHandler}s, you will find that the identifier of the Item passed to such procedures suffices. Some of the identification facilities (eg, \sans{ItemsOfName}) returns a pointer to a null-terminated vector of Item identifiers; others return a scalar Item identifier. Note that where a vector is returned, it exists only until the next request for a vectored list is made. \paragraph{ ItemOfName} Yields Identifier of the first Item whose Name attribute matches the given name. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemOfName( object, name ) struct suite char *object *name}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Item None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Item name matches the given name, the value Null is returned. Where the Null name is given, the first Item whose name is Null is returned.} \paragraph{ ItemsOfName} Yields Identifier(s) of the Item(s) whose Name attribute matches the given name. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemsOfName( object, name ) struct suite char *object *name}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier vector}} \sans{struct suite_item **} \italic{Item \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Item name matches the given name, the value Null is returned. Where the Null name is given, Items whose name is Null are returned.} \paragraph{ ItemOfDatum} Yields Identifier of the first Item whose Datum attribute matches the given datum. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemOfDatum( object, datum ) struct suite long *object datum}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Item None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Item datum matches the given datum, the value Null is returned. Where a Null datum is given, the first Item whose datum is Null is returned.} \paragraph{ ItemsOfDatum} Yields Identifier(s) of the Item(s) whose datum attribute matches the given datum. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemsOfdatum( object, datum ) struct suite long *object datum}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier vector}} \sans{struct suite_item **} \italic{Item \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Item datum matches the given datum, the value Null is returned. Where a Null datum is given, Items whose datum is Null are returned.} \paragraph{ ItemAtPosition} Yields Identifier of the Item at the given position within the suite of Items. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemAtPosition( object, position ) struct suite long *object position}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Item None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The first Item in the suite is at position 1, the next at position 2, etc. Where no Item is at the given position (ie, the position is beyond the end of the suite), the Null Item is returned. (See also, \sans{suite_ItemCount} -- which yields the count of Items currently in the suite.)} \subsection{2.3.3 Item Selection} Items are selected by the User through mouse-hits within their borders. See the \italic{Concepts} discussion regarding \sans{Inclusive} versus \sans{Exclusive} Suites, as well as \sans{ReadWrite} Items. \paragraph{ SelectedItems} Yields Identifier(s) of the Item(s) currently selected. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SelectedItems( object, count ) struct suite long *object; *count \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier vector}} I NULL;}} \sans{struct suite_item **} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Item None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The total number of selected items is returned via \sans{count}, unless this argument is Null. The vector is automatically freed the next time a vectored list is requested.} \paragraph{ HighlightItem} Highlights the given Item, in the HighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_HighlightItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ This method is only employed when the Client-program needs to set an Item's highlight, since the appropriate highlighting is automatically provided by the Suite whenever the User selects that Item. Where the Suite is specified to be \sans{Exclusive}, any other highlighted Item is normalized.} \paragraph{ ItemHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the given Item is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemHighlighted( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_Item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ }None. \bold{Discussion}\block{ \sans{false} is returned.} Where the given \sans{Item} is Null, \paragraph{ NormalizeItem} Normalizes the given Item, with reference to the HighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_NormalizeItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Client-program This method is only employed when the needs to normalize an Item, since the appropriate normalizing is automatically provided by the Suite's view-mechanism whenever the User de-selects that Item.} \paragraph{ HighlightItemTitle} Highlights the Title of the given Item, in the HighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_HighlightItemTitle( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ This method is only employed when the Client-program needs to set an Item's Title highlight, since the appropriate highlighting is automatically provided by the Suite whenever the User selects that Item. Where the Suite is specified to be \sans{Exclusive}, any other highlighted Item is normalized.} \paragraph{ ItemTitleHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the given Item's Title is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemTitleHighlighted( object, Item ) struct suite *object struct suite_Item *Item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ }None. \bold{Discussion}\block{ no Title, \sans{false} is returned.} Where the given \sans{Item} is Null or has \paragraph{ NormalizeItemTitle} Normalizes the given Item's Title, with reference to the HighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_NormalizeItemTitle( object, Item ) struct suite *object struct suite_Item *Item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ This method is only employed when the Client-program needs to normalize a Item's Title, since the appropriate normalizing is automatically provided by the Suite's view-mechanism whenever the User de-selects that Item.} \paragraph{ ActivateItem} Activate the given Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ActivateItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ This method is employed by the Clientprogram to provide a visual clue that the specified Item is active -- ie, will respond to selection hits. By default, all Items are active.} \paragraph{ ItemActivated} Yields \sans{true} if the given Item is activated, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemActivated( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ \sans{false} is returned.} Where the given \sans{Item} is Null, \paragraph{ PassivateItem} Passivate the given Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_PassivateItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ This method is employed by the Clientprogram to provide a visual clue that the specified Item is not active -- ie, will not respond to selection hits. By default, all Items are active.} \subsection{2.3.4 Item Manipulation} \paragraph{ CreateItem} Creates an Item and places it into the suite of Items. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_CreateItem( object, name, datum ) struct suite char *object *name long | datum }} \bold{Returns}\block{ identifier.}} NULL | NULL \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Item \sans{InsufficientSpace}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The Item is created with all its attributes being inherited from the Suite. You will want to use the \sans{SetItemAttribute} facility to set the Item's Caption or Inset, etc. (In the absence of a \sans{Caption} attribute, the Item's \sans{Name} attribute is used as its Caption.)} \paragraph{ DestroyItem} Destroys an Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_DestroyItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ Result Code.}} ExposeItem} Exposes the given Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ExposeItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ long \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Item exposure will cause the displayed suite of items to be re-arranged to accomodate it.} \paragraph{ ItemExposed} Yields \sans{true} if the given Item is exposed, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ItemExposed( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_Item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} }None. \italic{Result- \bold{Discussion}\block{ \sans{false} is returned.} \paragraph{ Where the given \sans{Item} is Null, HideItem} Hides the given Item. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_HideItem( object, item ) struct suite *object struct suite_item *item \bold{Returns}\block{ long \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \sans{NonExistentItem}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Item hidding will cause the displayed suite of items to be re-arranged to accomodate its being hidden.} \section{2.4 Exception Handling} All Suite facilities return either a \italic{result-code}, indicating the success or failure of an operation, or a \italic{function value} such as an Item identifier, a scalar, or a pointer. In the former case, you may test the result-code for success or failure; in the latter, the Null value is returned for exceptional conditions. When an exception is raised, you can use the Exception facilities to determine its nature. You may elect to rely upon the default responses to run-time exceptions or you may specify a procedure to be invoked whenever such conditions are detected. \subsection{2.4.1 SetExceptionHandler} Sets the given procedure as the ExceptionHandler. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SetExceptionHandler( object, procedure ) struct suite *object long(*)() procedure }} \bold{Returns}\block{ | NULL \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the \sans{procedure} is NULL, reverts to default Exception-handling operation. Upon an exception, the \sans{procedure} is invoked with these arguments: \indent{ \sans{anchor} Suite's Anchor attribute \sans{object} Identifier of the Suite object \sans{item} Identifier of present Item \sans{exception } Numeric-code } Where the \sans{item} argument identifies the Item (if any) for which the exception was raised. The \sans{exception} argument is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \subsection{2.4.2 ExceptionCode} Yields the result-code of the most recent exception. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ExceptionCode( object,) struct suite *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ Result-code}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The \sans{exception_code} is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \subsection{2.4.3 ExceptionItem} Yields the identifier of the Item that suffered the most recent exceptional condition. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_ExceptionItem( object) struct suite *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ identifier}} \sans{struct suite_item *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None. \italic{Item } \subsection{2.4.4 SetDebug} Sets Debugging On or Off. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{suite_SetDebug( object, state) struct suite *object boolean }} \bold{Returns}\block{ state }None \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ tracing Setting the state \sans{true} (1) initiates of procedure calls and display of selected data. Output is to stdout. } \begindata{bp,539671048} \enddata{bp,539671048} \view{bpv,539671048,1368,0,0} \chapter{3 Sample Programs} Rather diverse displays can be developed for Suites. A potpourri to stimulate the imagination: \center{ \begindata{zip,539484168} %ViewWidth 485 %ViewHeight 544 *N;-1325,234 G100 >-275,-34 *D;-1000,1400 N8.5X11 >-1000,1400 *G;-650,1300 >1300,300 *C;-650,1100 >1300,1100 *G;-650,1100 G50 >-500,300 *G;-650,1100 G20 >-500,1000 *G;-650,400 G20 >-500,300 *G;-637,969 G1 >-510,743 *C;100,1100 >100,300 *C;700,1100 >700,300 *A;400,1200 Fandy12i TStudent Records MCM *A;-400,1000 Fandy8 TAble, John MLM *A;-400,900 Fandy8 TArbite, Sally MLM *A;-400,800 Fandy8 TAstin, Henry MLM *A;-400,700 Fandy8 TAzalaea, Jim MLM *A;-400,600 Fandy8 TBaker, George MLM *A;-400,500 Fandy8 TBleen, Frank MLM *A;-400,400 Fandy8 TBrimer, Bill MLM *A;200,1000 Fandy8 TBrown Kathy MLM *A;200,900 Fandy8 TBrown, Susan MLM *A;200,800 Fandy8 TBrown, Tom MLM *A;200,700 Fandy8 TCatz, Leo MLM *A;200,600 Fandy8 TClementine, Jo MLM *A;200,500 Fandy8 TDanzig, Betty MLM *A;200,400 Fandy8 TDarby, Karl MLM *A;800,1000 Fandy8 TDunn, Irene MLM *A;800,900 Fandy8 TEllis, Pat MLM *N;-1300,200 G1 >-300,0 *A;-1245,103 Fandysans12b TName: MLM *A;800,800 Fandy8 TEber, Carl MLM *A;800,700 Fandy8 TEvensie, Sam MLM *A;800,600 Fandy8 TFranklin, Bo MLM *A;800,500 Fandy8 TGregg, Andrew MLM *A;800,400 Fandy8 THoward, John MLM *G;-138,228 >1362,-1372 *G;-38,28 >562,-572 *G;662,28 >1262,-572 *G;-38,-672 >562,-1272 *G;662,-672 >1262,-1272 *A;562,128 Fandysans10b TBlobs MCM *H;357,-109 G50 >351,-109;309,-95;309,-88;302,-88;302,-82;295,-82;289,-82;282,-82;282,-75 *H;302,-212 G10 >289,-205;240,-192;234,-192;227,-192;220,-192;213,-192;206,-192;199,-192 *H;887,-68 G50 >894,-68;901,-68;942,-75;949,-75;963,-82;977,-82;984,-82;991,-88;997,-88 *H;963,-185 G30 >970,-185;997,-205;997,-212;1004,-212;1004,-219;1011,-219;1011,-226 *H;1053,-357 G10 >1046,-357;1039,-357;1011,-357;1004,-357;1004,-364;997,-364;991,-364 *H;62,-963 G10 >82,-921;110,-839;117,-811;117,-804;123,-797;123,-790;130,-790;130,-784 *H;275,-880 G60 >282,-887;302,-907;309,-907;309,-914;316,-914;323,-921;323,-928 *H;123,-1004 G1 >117,-1004;117,-1011;103,-1031;96,-1045;96,-1052;96,-1059;96,-1066 *H;1087,-790 G100 >1080,-790;1073,-784;1053,-777;1032,-770;1018,-770;1011,-770 *H;991,-846 G1 >984,-846;963,-839;908,-852;908,-859;901,-859;901,-866;894,-873 *N;-1200,-200 G1 >100,-1000 *N;-1100,-400 G1 >-900,-600 *N;-1100,-700 G1 >-900,-900 *N;-800,-400 G1 >-600,-600 *N;-800,-700 G10 >-600,-900 *N;-500,-400 G1 >-300,-600 *N;-500,-700 G1 >-300,-900 *N;-200,-400 G1 >0,-600 *N;-200,-700 G1 >0,-900 *A;-1000,-500 Fandysans12b TYes MCM *A;-1000,-800 Fandysans12b TNo MCM *A;-700,-500 Fandysans12b TTrue MCM *A;-700,-800 Fandysans12b TFalse MCM *A;-400,-500 Fandysans12b TOn MCM *A;-400,-800 Fandysans12b TOff MCM *A;-100,-500 Fandysans12b T! MCM *A;-100,-800 Fandysans12b T? MCM *A;-557,-302 Fandysans12b TBinary Postures MCM *N;-1300,-900 G1 >1200,-1500 *N;-1200,-1100 G1 >-500,-1400 *N;-400,-1100 G1 >300,-1400 *N;400,-1100 G1 >1100,-1400 *A;-73,-998 Fandy12bi TPersonnel Information MCM *A;-850,-1150 Fandysans8b TAddress MCM *A;-50,-1150 Fandysans8b TPhone MCM *A;750,-1150 Fandysans8b TSerial MCM \enddata{zip,539484168} \view{zipview,539484168,1369,487,546} } See \italic{Sample Programs}, following. \begindata{bp,539671752} \enddata{bp,539671752} \view{bpv,539671752,1370,0,0} \section{3.1 Simple Button Suite} Given the program -\sans{void Flavor_Choice (); char *list [] = \{"Vanilla","Strawberry","Chocolate","Grape","Fudge", "Licorice","Caramel","Lemon","Orange", 0 \}; suite_Specification flavors[] = \{ suite_HitHandler ( Flavor_Choice ), suite_GutterSize( 3 ), suite_ItemCaptionList ( list ), 0 \}; suites1app__Start( self ) struct suites1app *self; \{ suite_Create ( flavors, self ); return 1; \} struct view * Flavor_Choice( self, suite, item, type, action, x, y, clicks ) struct suites1app register struct suite register struct suite_item *self; *suite; *item; \{ printf( "Chosen Flavor is %s\\n", suite_ItemAttribute( suite, item, suite_ItemCaption(0) ) ); return NULL; \} } this view results (assuming appropriate height and width of the viewing rectangle): \center{ \begindata{zip,539314696} %ViewWidth 212 %ViewHeight 191 *D;-1124,1153 N8.5X11 >-1124,1153 *G;-300,300 >300,-300 *G;400,300 >1000,-300 *G;-400,-300 >-1000,300 *G;-1000,-400 >-400,-1000 *G;-300,-400 >300,-1000 *G;400,-400 >1000,-1000 *G;-400,400 >-1000,1000 *G;300,400 >-300,1000 *G;1000,400 >400,1000 *G;-1100,1100 >1100,-1100 *A;-700,700 Fandysans8b TVanilla MCM *A;-700,0 Fandysans8b TStrawberry MCM *A;-700,-700 Fandysans8b TChocolate MCM *A;0,700 Fandysans8b TGrape MCM *A;0,0 Fandysans8b TFudge MCM *A;0,-700 Fandysans8b TLicorice MCM *A;700,700 Fandysans8b TCaramel MCM *A;700,0 Fandysans8b TLemon MCM *A;689,-712 Fandysans8b TOrange MCM \enddata{zip,539314696} \view{zipview,539314696,1371,214,193} } \section{3.2 Individual Item Specification} This sample differs from the previous in that each Item is individually specified. By so specifying each Item, the Item's \sans{Datum} attribute can be specified. \sans{suite_Specification vanilla [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Vanilla Fudge" ), suite_ItemDatum(1), 0 \}; suite_Specification chocolate [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Chocolate" ), suite_ItemDatum(2),0 \}; suite_Specification strawberry [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Strawberry" ), suite_ItemDatum(3), 0 \}; suite_Specification flavors [] = \{ suite_TitleCaption ("Choose Flavor"), suite_TitleCaptionFontName ("andysans14b"), suite_HitHandler (Flavor_Choice), suite_ItemCaptionFontName ("andysans12"), suite_ItemHighlightStyle (suite_Bold), suite_Item (vanilla), suite_Item (chocolate), suite_Item (strawberry), 0 \};} xxxx \section{3.3 Variation} This sample is similar to the previous in that each Item is individually specified. By so specifying each Item, the Item's \sans{HitHandler} attribute can be specified. \sans{suite_Specification vanilla [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Vanilla" ), suite_HitHandler( Vanilla ), 0 \}; suite_Specification chocolate [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Chocolate" ), suite_HitHandler( Chocolate ), 0 \}; suite_Specification strawberry [] = \{ suite_ItemCaption( "Strawberry" ), suite_HitHandler( Strawberry ), 0 \}; suite_Specification flavors [] = \{ suite_TitleCaption ("Choose Flavor"), suite_TitleCaptionFontName ("andysans14b"), suite_ItemCaptionFontName ("andy12b"), suite_Arrangement (suite_RowMajor | suite_UnBalanced), suite_Item (vanilla), suite_Item (chocolate), suite_Item (strawberry), 0 \}; } xxxx \section{3.4 \sans{ Simple Catalog} #include "im.ih" #include "environ.ih" #include "raster.ih" #include "rasterv.ih" #include "suite.ih" #include "suites4a.eh" void Raster_Handler(), RasterView_Handler(); suite_Specification NULL \}; item_a[] = \{ suite_ItemDatum( "car" ), suite_Specification NULL \}; item_b[] = \{ suite_ItemDatum( "face" ), suite_Specification NULL \}; item_c[] = \{ suite_ItemDatum( "dragon" ), suite_Specification NULL \}; item_d[] = \{ suite_ItemDatum( "tree" ), suite_Specification catalog[] = \{ suite_TitleCaption( "Catalog of Rasters" ), suite_ItemDataObjectName( "raster" ), suite_ItemDataObjectHandler( Raster_Handler ), suite_ItemViewObjectName( "rasterview" ), suite_ItemViewObjectHandler( RasterView_Handler ), suite_ItemBorderStyle( suite_Invisible ), suite_ItemBorderSize( 8 ), suite_ItemHighlightStyle( suite_Border ), suite_Item( item_a ), suite_Item( item_b ), suite_Item( item_c ), suite_Item( item_d ), NULL \}; boolean suites4app__Start( self ) struct suites4app *self; \{ im_SetView( im_Create(NULL), suite_Create( catalog, self ) ); return 1; \} void Raster_Handler( self, suite, item, type ) struct suites4app struct suite struct suite_item *self; *suite; *item; \{ register FILE char *file; file_name[256]; sprintf( file_name, "lib/rasters/%s.raster", suite_ItemAttribute( suite, item, suite_ItemDatum(0) ) ); if ( file = fopen( environ_AndrewDir( file_name ), "r" ) ) \{ raster_Read( (struct raster *) suite_ItemDataObject( suite, item ), file, NULL ); fclose( file ); \} \} void RasterView_Handler( self, suite, item, type ) struct suites4app struct suite struct suite_item *self; *suite; *item; \{ rasterview_SetDataObject( (struct rasterview *) suite_ItemViewObject( suite, item ), suite_ItemDataObject( suite, item ) ); \} } xxx \begindata{bp,539690184} \enddata{bp,539690184} \view{bpv,539690184,1372,0,0} \chapter{4 Problem Determination} Compile-time problems are usually merely syntactic difficulties, and these would most likely occur in the declaration of a Specification structure vector. That structure is built up through macros, which expect single arguments. In particular, be sure to use Null as the last item in the vector. Run-time problems can occur at several points: \indent{When creating the Suite object; When setting Suite or Item Attributes; Within HitHandlers.} All Suite facilities return either an identifier, a scalar, or a Resultcode. Where a Result-code is returned, it should assist you in tracking down the difficulty. Where an identifier or other value is returned, you can still access a exception-code that should aid in problem determination. Such a code, as well as other information, is available through the \sans{Exception} facilities; see the section \italic{Exception Handling}. There is also a built-in tracing feature, used primarily for development. You can turn it on and off via the \sans{SetDebug} facility. \bold{Exception Codes} \sans{NonExistentItem} \sans{InsufficientSpace} \sans{AttributeConflict} xxx \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,1374,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of IBM not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538882080}