Program - ANJeL conference, “War of the Worlds in... Tuesday 28 February 2006, 9.30am [NOT 10am!] - 5pm

6th draft 1 Feb 06
Program - ANJeL conference, “War of the Worlds in Japanese Law”,
Tuesday 28 February 2006, 9.30am [NOT 10am!] - 5pm
All now to be held at “Roundhouse” [NOT Law Faculty!], UNSW, Sydney
{Presentations 15-20 mins, Comments no more than 5 mins, so ample discussion}
9.30am-noon: “War of the Worlds” in a FTA Era (Chair – Leon Wolff, UNSW/Law, ANJeL
(a) 9.30-10.45: “Eve of the War of the Worlds?”
1. Introduction – Dr Luke Nottage (University of Sydney/Law, ANJeL Co-Director)
2. Associate Professor Craig Freedman (Macquarie University/Economics) [Presenter] & Luke
Nottage: “The Chicago School of Economics and (Japanese) Law: Resisting the Invasions by
Stigler and Ramseyer”1
Comment by PD Dr Harald Baum (MPI Hamburg, ANJeL Visitor and Advisor):
Influence of Ramseyer and broader US world of Japanese law in the German-speaking
(Japanisches Recht) world2
Comment by Associate Professor Teilee Kuong (Nagoya University/Law, ANJeL
Visitor): Broader contours of Japanese law studies, especially in Cambodia
(b) 10.45-11am: Coffee Break
(c) 11am – noon: FTAs
3. Professor Kitti Prasirtsuk (Thammasat U./Political Science): “Japan – South-East Asia Free
Trade Agreements: When Economics and Law Meet Politics”
4. Associate Professor Kuong: “Bilateral and Multilateral FTAs linking Japan and South-East
Asia: Aligning Regulatory Regimes”
Noon – 1.30pm: Catered lunch, including remarks by NSW Chief Justice Spigelman
1.30-3pm: Implications for Business Law Harmonisation (Chair: Stacey Steele (UMelbourne
(Asian Law Centre - Associate Director Japan/Law, BDW, ANJeL Judges-in-Residence Program
5. Dr Baum: “Corporate Governance Discourse and Reality in Japan, Germany and the US”3
- Comment by Professor Souichiro Kozuka (Sophia U./Law, ANJeL-in-Japan Program
New paper. Further tabled/CD-ROM: {Nottage 2005} OUP chapter; Kozuka powerpoints from
2005 ANJeL conference (impact of law and economics in Japanese law – Nihonho – world itself).
2 Cf eg tabled: {Nottage forthcoming} review of Roehl ed.
3 {Baum 2005} OUP chapter on Germany; {Baum and Takahashi 2005} Roehl book chapter.
6th draft 1 Feb 06
Director): Takeovers Taking Over Japan?4
- Comment by Leon Wolff: Australia Compared
- Comment by Professor Kent Anderson (ANU/Asian Studies, ANJeL Co-director): The
Insolvency Dimension (eg cross-border insolvency regimes, regional (ADB study) or global
6. Luke Nottage, “Harmonising Product Safety Regulation in Australia, Japan and Beyond:
Similar Problems, Similar Solutions?”6]
7. Associate Professor Colin Jones (Doshisha U./Law, ANJeL Visitor): “Complying with Japan’s
Privacy Laws: Special Issues for Telecommunications Business Operators”7
3-3.15pm: Coffee break
3.15-4.30pm: The Broader Context in Japanese Law (chair: Kent Anderson or delegate)
8. Professor Tam Mito (Chinese U. of Hong Kong/Japanese Studies): “Contending Views of
Security Held by the Framers of Japan’s Postwar Constitution”
9. Joel Rheuben (U.Sydney/Law): “A Presidential Prime Minister: Japan and the Direct Election
10. Hitoshi Nasu (U.Sydney/Law, ANJeL Coordinator): “Globalising Elections: A Proposal for
Reforms Creating New Overseas Electoral Constituencies for Japanese Nationals Abroad”9
4.30-5pm: Wrapping up (chair: Kent)
11. General discussion: (a) are world tensions mounting or fading, and what to do about it?,
and/or (b) how to respond to FTAs involving Japan, Australia and other countries especially
in the Asia-Pacific?
12. Specific outcomes: (a) Journal of Japanese Law (or book?) conference issue, (b) ANJeL
submission to DFAT/Gaimusho Australia-Japan feasibility study?
(from 7 for) 7.30pm: Informal dinner downtown (pay-as/if-you go), venue tbc
Kozuka new PPTs or draft paper for JJL; also tabled {Nottage 2006} CLPE/CLTA comparing
Japanese corporate governance discourse.
5 {Anderson 2005} Lawasia Journal.
6 {Nottage 2005} APLR, {Nottage with Trezise 2003} APLR, plus PPTs, plus update on 7 February
final report of Australia’s Productivity Commission).
7 PPTs received. (Also tabled for next session: “What Child Custody and Visitation Shows Us about the
Japanese Legal System” [revised UW paper, to remain as ANJeL Research Paper])
8 USydney BA(Hons) thesis 2005.
9 Submission to LDP and Minshuto (in Japanese).