Unit 2 Review

Unit 2 Review
Which of the following is a biotic
a. producers
b. pH
c. water
d. humidity
e. energy
Which of the following are needed for
a. Water, solar energy and carbon
b. Water, solar energy and glucose
c. Carbon dioxide, energy and glucose
d. Oxygen, water and energy
e. Oxygen and glucose
Which of the organisms illustrated
above would be considered autotrophs?
a. Beetle
b. Bacteria
c. Grass
d. Cheetah
e. Giraffe
Which group of organisms
performs photosynthesis?
a. Decomposers
b. Scavengers
c. Heterotrophs
d. Consumers
e. Autotrophs
A wetland ecosystem has an NPP of 1.02
kg C/m2/year and a GPP of 2.80 kg
C/m2/year. How much carbon is being
used during respiration of autotrophs?
a. 3.82 kg C/m2/year
b. 1.76 kg C/m2/year
c. 1.78 kg C/m2/year
d. 2.86 kg C/m2/year
e. 2.75 kg C/m2/year
During what stage of the hydrologic
cycle is water released to the
atmosphere from plants?
a. Evaporation
b. Transpiration
c. Precipitation
d. Infiltration
e. Condensation
Which of the organisms illustrated
above would be considered a
a. Vulture
b. Zebra
c. Hyena
d. Bacteria
e. Hare
Organisms that feed on both
plants and animals are called
a. detritus feeders.
b. omnivores.
c. carnivores.
d. herbivores.
e. decomposers.
Freshly fallen leaves, organic debris,
and partially decomposed organic
matter are indicative of the
a. surface litter.
b. zone of leaching.
c. parent material.
d. subsoil.
e. humus.
What relatively recent development
is greatly impacting the carbon
cycle? a. Photosynthesis
b. Cellular Respiration
c. Formation of fossil fuels
d. Combustion of fossil fuels
e. Formation of carbonate rocks
What is a possible result of an
increased amount of CO2 in the
a. Increased precipitation
b. Decreased photosynthesis
c. Increase in global temperature
d. Decrease in cellular respiration
e. Increase in formation of fossil
When nutrients are transported
through soil with water, this
process is known as
a. Infiltration
b. Percolation
c. Decomposition
d. Leaching
e. Nitrification
What is the major source of phosphorus on
a. Deposition from atmospheric
b. Compounds that are formed by
autotrophs during photosynthesis
c. Compounds released from the
weathering of rocks
d. Compounds formed from bacterial
e. Compounds dissolved in precipitation
Which nutrient is most often
limiting in aquatic freshwater
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Carbon
d. Hydrogen
e. Sulfur
In which step of the nitrogen cycle
do plants absorb nitrogen
a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. Assimilation
d. Ammonification
e. Nitrogen fixation
Which stage of the hydrologic cycle
can be the most direct cause of algal
a. Evaporation
b. Precipitation
c. Transpiration
d. Infiltration
e. Runoff
A group of individuals of the same
species occupying a given area at the
same time is called a
a. species.
b. population.
c. community.
d. genus.
e. niche.
Which of the organisms illustrated
above would be the top predator?
a. Zebra
b. Hyena
c. Lion
d. Cheetah
e. Giraffe
A community of living organisms
interacting with one another and the
physical and chemical factors of their
nonliving environment is called a
a. species.
b. an ecosystem.
c. a population.
d. a lithosphere.
e. a community.
The zones that compose a mature
soil are known as
a. strata.
b. profiles.
c. horizons.
d. laminae.
e. samples.
Fossil fuels and minerals are
found in the
a. atmosphere.
b. hydrosphere.
c. biosphere.
d. lithosphere.
e. troposphere.
Organisms that feed on dead
organisms are called
a. producers.
b. carnivores.
c. autotrophs.
d. scavengers.
e. omnivores.
The pyramid which best explains why
there are typically only four to five
links in a food chain is the pyramid of
a. energy.
b. biomass.
c. numbers.
d. matter.
e. productivity.
Nitrogen gas is converted to
ammonia through
a. nitrification.
b. nitrogen fixation.
c. denitrification.
d. assimilation.
e. leaching.
Which of the organisms above would
occupy the lowest trophic level?
a. Hyena
b. Cheetah
c. Vulture
d. Giraffe
e. Lion
Which of the following ecosystems
has the lowest level of kilocalories
per square meter per year?
a. open ocean
b. tropical rain forest
c. agricultural land
d. lakes and streams
e. temperate forest
Which of the following ecosystems has
the highest average net primary
a. agricultural land
b. open ocean
c. temperate forest
d. swamps and marshes
e. lakes and streams
As it is weathered, ____ gives rise
to the C-horizon.
a. humus
b. leaching
c. subsoil
d. bed rock
e. B-horizon
The organisms that are classified
as primary consumers are the
a. detritivores.
b. omnivores.
c. carnivores.
d. herbivores.
e. decomposers.
Which of the organisms illustrated
above would be considered primary
consumers? a. Cheetah
b. Rabbit
c. Lion
d. Vulture
e. Beetle
The dissolving of material from the
upper layers of the soil and its
movement to lower horizons is called
a. percolation.
b. weathering.
c. accumulation.
d. leaching.
e. humus.
The major plant nutrient most likely
to be a limiting factor in saltwater is
a. phosphorous.
b. calcium.
c. manganese.
d. potassium.
e. nitrogen.
Organisms that complete the final
breakdown and recycling of organic
materials from the remains or wastes of
all organisms are called
a. detritivores.
b. carnivores.
c. decomposers.
d. scavengers.
e. omnivores.
The most common gas in the
atmosphere is
a. nitrogen.
b. carbon dioxide.
c. oxygen.
d. hydrogen.
e. helium.
Computer models suggest that adding
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
a. reduce the natural greenhouse
b. increase food production.
c. raise sea level.
d. stabilize climate patterns.
e. decrease food production.
Carbon is a major component of
a. atmospheric gases.
b. sedimentary rocks.
c. the oceans.
d. organic compounds.
e. water cycle.