Mentor Training Salisbury University The Power of Two in Today’s Classroom Congratulations! You have just agreed to co-teach with a Salisbury University intern. What are your next steps? Promptly sign and return your contract to Salisbury University. Remain engaged in all aspects of instruction throughout the experience. Provide constant feedback to the intern daily. Complete mid-term and final evaluations online and on time. Our PDS Website Mentors oversee… Welcome gestures (email, letter, phone call, banner) Introductions to faculty, staff, parents and students as your co-teacher (not a SU student or student teacher) Work space with supplies Provide a map of the school and a tour Supply important school contact numbers Discuss school expectations (principal’s vision, dress code, arrival and departure times) Mentors also oversee… Provide schedules (classes/subjects, planning time, duties, meetings, after school activities) Supply handbooks (county, school, classroom) and curricular materials (textbooks, manuals, teacher guides) Share class roster(s) and seating chart(s) Supply incidental information (copier info, supplies, faculty room, restroom, parking, technology, media) Discuss school and class procedures (fire drill, crisis plan, delay schedules, behavior policies, management strategies) Teacher Retention & PDS 2006 Towson University Teacher Retention Study: Study examined retention rates for teachers prepared in collaborative PDS settings vs. those prepared in non PDS settings. 87 beginning teachers were followed for a five year period. (2001-2006) Results: Retention rate of PDStrained teachers is 37% higher than that of non-PDS trained teachers. At the end of 5 years 71% of PDS trained teachers were still teaching, while only 34% of non-PDS trained teachers were still teaching. The PDS Difference “Student Teachers” vs. Interns a cohort of interns placed exclusively in PDS sites interns complete a 100-day extensive internship experience over two semesters. Approach to the Experience mentors remain engaged in instruction throughout the internship co-teaching model Mentor & intern collaborating together in the… - planning of instruction. - delivery of instruction. - assessment of student learning. Mentor & intern remain engaged in instruction. A win-win for everyone involved in PDS: - P-12 students and parents - SU teacher candidates - Teachers - Local schools What is Co-teaching? Co-teaching is NOT… The mentor and intern “taking turns” teaching. The mentor disengaging after a week of modeling. (sink or swim) An extended “coffee break” for mentors. Interns “taking over” classes on a set timeline. A “free ride” for interns. Co-teaching & Accountability St. Cloud TQE Initiative 5 year U.S. Department of Education, Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Grant Awarded in October 2003 Looked at co-teaching during internship Collected 4 years of data (qualitative and quantitative) Training and support for mentors and university supervisors Teacher candidates get coteaching as part of their program Workshop for pairs Reading Proficiency Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment MCA Reading Proficiency 2004-2005 MCA Reading Proficiency 2005-2006 100 100 75.7 78.7 80 65.3 60 40 20 Percent of Students Percent of Students 82.1 73.5 80 65.0 60 40 20 0 CoTeaching Candidate (N=318) One Teacher (N=934) Traditional Student Teacher (N=101) χ² (2 df, N=1353) = 12.79, p = .002 0 CoTeaching Candidate (N=484) One Teacher (N=1597) Traditional Student Teacher (N=160) χ² (2 df, N=2241) = 12.54, p = 002 Math Proficiency Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment MCA Math Proficiency 2004-2005 MCA Math Proficiency 2005-2006 100 100 82.3 70.5 80 60 40 20 Percent of Students Percent of Students 75.8 80 68.9 64.7 57.9 60 40 20 0 CoTeaching Candidate (N=317) One Teacher (N=927) Traditional Student Teacher (N=105) χ² (2 df, N=1349) = 8.31, p=.016 0 CoTeaching Candidate (N=524) One Teacher (N=1660) Traditional Student Teacher (N=171) χ² (2 df, N=2355) = 7.35, p=.025 Last facts to consider… With the high stakes testing in Maryland and across the nation, schools cannot afford to have their “A-List” teachers disengage from instruction. With two teachers in the classroom, the student-to-teacher ratio decreases; making differentiation a reality. Who supports co-teaching? Your school district superintendent Your administration SU education faculty and students The Maryland State Department of Education BOTTOM LINE… PDS and co-teaching are not “SU things”… they just make sense! What does co-teaching look like? Four basic models 1. Supportive Teaching one teacher is the lead instructor while the other teacher provides support for individual students and observes particular behaviors. Strategies: graze & tag, proximity, conferencing, strategic pull-out, 1-on-1... Co-teaching models continued… 2. Complementary Teaching when one co-teacher enhances the instruction provided by the other co-teacher. Strategies: record & edit, demonstrations, simulations, activity/lab set-up & break down, technology assistance, modeling, planted question... Co-teaching models continued… 3. Parallel Teaching when two or more people work with different groups of students in different sections of the classroom. Strategies: tiered instruction, stations, cooperative learning, literature circles... Co-teaching models continued… 4. Team teaching both teachers are actively engaged in instruction and management of the class. Strategies: role playing, modeling, cooperative learning, think-alouds, staged argument Our PDS Website Co-teaching Tools Co-teaching SelfAssessment Checklist Co-teaching Issues for Discussion & Planning Co-teaching Daily Lesson Plan Form Co-teaching Daily Lesson Reflection Form Training benefits include… a Salisbury University “Clinical Mentor” designation and certificate… a $50 bonus each time you host a SU intern for an 8 week, full-time internship experience… the satisfaction of knowing that you are making the most of classroom human resources. Co-teaching in action! DVD Discussion Questions: List 3 new strategies that you would be willing to try that you viewed in the co-teaching video. What are your concerns? What benefits did you see? Our PDS Website For more information… Please contact the Interim Regional Professional Development Schools (PDS) Coordinator for Salisbury University: Sara Elburn 410.677.5042 References Bing, J., Dunn, A., Veditz, J. (April 2007). A Royal Flush: How to Maintain a Successful PDS Partnership. Brown, J., Conners, K., Ennis, T., Gasior, P, Houghtaling, C., Johnson, J., Lutz, M.K., Siers, S. (April 2007). 21 strategies in 21 minutes: hands-on ideas for co-teaching in PDS internship. Conners, K., Gasior, P., & Siers S. (November 2006). Re- inventing the student-teaching internship to maximize P12 student achievement. Elburn, S., & Siers, R. (2007, June). The power of two: Maximizing the collaborative experience - A phenomenological study. Paper presented at the Professional Development Schools Workshop, Salisbury, Md. References continued… MidValley Consortium for Teacher Education (2000). Partners for Student Achievement: A Co-Teaching Resource Handbook. Towson University. Teacher Retention PDS Study, Phase 1 findings. Retention Class of 2001. Thousand, J.S., Villa, R.A., & Nevin, A.I. (2006). The many faces of collaborative planning and teaching. Theory Into Practice, 45 (3), 239-248. St. Cloud State University (2010). Teacher Quality Enhancement Center. Villa, R.A., Thousand, J.S., & Nevin, A.I. (2004). A guide to co-teaching: Practical tips for facilitating student learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Created by… The Regional Professional Development Schools Program of the Seidel School of Education and Professionals Studies, Salisbury University