Salisbury University Athletic Training Program Application for Admission The completed application, along with all supporting documents, must be submitted to the office of the Athletic Training Program Director by 5:00pm Friday, November 21, 2014 in order to be considered for admission to the Salisbury University Athletic Training Program beginning in spring semester 2015. Salisbury University Athletic Training Program Requirements for Admission Requirements for Admission into the Athletic Training Program at Salisbury University include the following course completion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ATTR 210 Foundations of Athletic Training BIOL 215 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 216 Anatomy and Physiology II CMAT 100 or 205 or 250 Communications Course MATH 155 Modern Statistic with Computer Analysis PHEC 106 Personalized Health and Fitness PHYS 121 General Physics I or CHEM 121 General Chemistry I PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology Additional Academic requirements include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Current CPR/AED certification. Overall grade point average of a 2.8 on a 4.0 scale “C” or better in all prerequisite courses One hundred (100) hours of completed observation at Salisbury University or and approved affiliate clinical site. Upon Application to the Athletic Training Program, the following materials must be submitted the Athletic Training Program Director 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Completed Application Two (2) Letters of Recommendation Three (3) Observation Evaluations Signed Technical Standards Signed Athletic Training Procedure Manual Statement Clinical Experience Verification Form (hours to date) Completed physical examination (within six months of the application due date and prior to the start of spring semester). 8. Verification of current immunizations. 9. Verification of Hepatitis B vaccination series commencement or signed waiver 10. Verification of Negative TB Test or Negative (-) Chest X-Ray within six months of the application due date and prior to the start of spring semester. Once applicant has submitted their completed application, the Athletic Training Program Selection Committee will admit students based upon the above academic prerequisites, letters of recommendation, competency examination performance, clinical experiences at Salisbury University, formal interview with the committee and personal and professional traits. Students who have formally applied to the Athletic Training Program will receive a decision in writing by the Athletic Training Program Director by the last week in December of the application year. Acceptance into the ATP at Salisbury University will fall under the following categories: 1. Accepted: A student is unconditionally admitted into the Athletic Training Program. Students must maintain all eligibility requirements as stated in the most recent edition of the Salisbury University Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual to remain in good standing. 2. Conditional Admittance: A student is admitted into the Athletic Training Program on a conditional basis. The student will be give a specific date to rectify any deficiencies to the minimum eligibility standards. During the conditional admittance period the student must maintain all other eligibility requirements as stated in the most recent edition of the Salisbury University Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual to remain in good standing. 3. Wait-Listed: A student is not accepted or denied admission at this point due to extenuating circumstances or circumstances beyond the student’s control. Waitlisting of a student will be on a discretionary basis as determined by the Athletic Training Program Selection Committee. 4. Not Accepted: The student has been denied admission into the Athletic Training Program. Students will be required to meet with their academic advisor to discuss options regarding the major. Students may opt to reapply for admission during the next application period provided they meet all appropriate admissions criterion at that time. Salisbury University Department of Health and Sport Sciences Athletic Training Program November 21, 2014 Application for Admissions Must Be Typed Section I: General Information Name: Last, First Middle Local Address: Home Address: Local Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone: e-mail Date of Birth: Student ID#: Release of Information I, permit Salisbury University faculty and staff of the Athletic Training Program to access my academic information as criteria for acceptance into the program and during each semester I am enrolled in the program. Signature: Date: Section II: Educational Background Please list all educational institutions you have attended since high school. Please list these in reverse chronological order. School Location Dates of Attendance Degree Earned/Major For each of the following courses, please list the institution where the course was taken and the grade obtained. If the course is currently in progress, please put “IP” in the grade. Course Institution ATTR 210 Foundations of Athletic Training Salisbury Univ. req. BIOL 215 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 216 Anatomy and Physiology II CHEM 121 General Chemistry I PHEC 106 Personalized Health and Fitness PHYS 121 General Physics I PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology MATH 155 Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis Dates Grade Section III: Clinical Experiences Have you completed 100 hours of athletic training observation at SU? YES (Please provide documentation) NO Do you have any additional experiences in the field of athletic training (Please explain)? How many hours of additional experience did you complete? Section IV: Activities Please list all extracurricular activities, organizations, etc. in which you are active. Include offices/positions held, etc. Section V: Additional Information Do you expect to make athletic training your primary career choice? Yes No Yes No Yes No If no, please explain: Do you hold any professional certifications (EMT, PTA, PT, etc.)? If yes, please list: Do you hold any other certifications (CPR/AED, First Aid, etc)? If yes, please specifically list: Section VI: References Please list the names and email addresses of the two individuals who you have asked to complete the recommendation forms. 1. 2. Section VII: Essay On a separate sheet of paper, please prepare and attach a carefully written statement for each of the following. Please limit your responses to one page. 1. What influenced you to consider athletic training as a major? 2. Please describe and explain the most rewarding or influential experience that you have had during the required 100 hours of observation as a prospective athletic training student. Salisbury University Athletic Training Major Technical Standards for Admission The Athletic Training Program at the Salisbury University is a rigorous and intense program that places specific requirements and demands on the students enrolled in the program. An objective of this program is to prepare graduates to enter a variety of employment settings and to render care to a wide spectrum of individuals engaged in physical activity. The technical standards set forth by the Athletic Training Program establish the essential qualities considered necessary for students admitted to this program to achieve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of an entry-level athletic trainer, as well as meet the expectations of the program's accrediting agency. The following abilities and expectations must be met by all students admitted to the Athletic Training Program. In the event a student is unable to fulfill these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodation, the student will not be admitted into the program. Compliance with the program's technical standards does not guarantee a student's eligibility for the Board of Certification exam. Candidates for selection to the Athletic Training Program must demonstrate: 1. The mental capacity to assimilate, analyze, synthesize, integrate concepts and problem solve to formulate assessment and therapeutic judgments and to be able to distinguish deviations from the norm; 2. Sufficient postural and neuromuscular control, sensory function, and coordination to perform appropriate physical examinations using accepted techniques; and accurately, safely and efficiently use equipment and materials during the assessment and treatment of patients; 3. The ability to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and colleagues, including individuals from different cultural and social backgrounds; this includes, but is not limited to, the ability to establish rapport with patients and communicate judgments and treatment information effectively. Students must be able to understand and speak the English language at a level consistent with competent professional practice; 4. The ability to record the physical examination results and a treatment plan clearly and accurately; 5. The capacity to maintain composure and continue to function well during periods of high stress; 6. The perseverance, diligence and commitment to complete the athletic training education program as outlined and sequenced; 7. The ability to adjust to changing situations and uncertainty in clinical situations; 8. Affective skills and appropriate demeanor and rapport that relate to professional education and quality patient care. Candidates for selection to the athletic training program will be required to verify they understand and meet these technical standards or that they believe that, with certain accommodations, they can meet the standards. The Salisbury University Services for Students with Disabilities will evaluate a student who states he/she could meet the program's technical standards with accommodation and confirm that the stated condition qualifies as a disability under applicable laws.If a student states he/she can meet the technical standards with accommodation, then the University will determine whether it agrees that the student can meet the technical standards with reasonable accommodation; this includes a review of whether the accommodations requested are reasonable, taking into account whether accommodation would jeopardize clinician/patient safety, or the educational process of the student or the institution, including all coursework, clinical experiences and internships deemed essential to graduation. Students not requiring accommodations I certify that I have read and understand the technical standards for selection listed above, and I believe to the best of my knowledge that I meet each of these standards without accommodation. I understand that if I am unable to meet these standards I will not be admitted into the program. Signature of Applicant Printed Name Date Salisbury University Athletic Training Major General Requirements of the Athletic Training Program 1. Students must complete all required courses for admission to the Athletic Training Program. Students must obtain a required overall Grade Point Average of 2.80 and a “C” or better in prerequisite courses. Students must also successfully complete an interview prior to admission to the Athletic Training Program. 2. Students in this program must complete one hundred hours of clinical experiences as a prospective athletic training student at Salisbury University. 3. Students in this program, in addition to normal weekday practices and competition, may be required to return in early August, during vacation periods and/or during weekends if their clinical assignment includes sport practices or competitions during these times. Also, students may be assigned high school or clinical experiences with affiliated settings. Students will be required to supply their own transportation to and from clinical sites. In cases where students are assigned to affiliated clinical sites, the cost of transportation to and from the site will be paid by the student. Assignments to clinical education sites are based on accreditation mandates and upon the needs of the individual student as assessed by the Clinical Coordinator. Clinical experience assignments will be made as early as possible by the Clinical Coordinator, however these assignments are subject to change at any time. 4. Students in this program are required to maintain an overall 2.80 grade point average and a grade of “C” or better in all required ATTR, PHEC, and EXSC courses in order to remain in this program. Failure to do so may result in probation from or dismissal from the Athletic Training Program. 5. Students must provide verification of medical clearance through a personal physical examination and physical statement. 6. Students must read and sign the Technical Standards required of the Athletic Training Program. 7. Students must provide proof of current immunization for the following: a. b. c. d. Negative PPD after January of the application year Hepatitis B Vaccine (or waiver) Tetanus Booster Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) 8. Students in this program are required to join the National Athletic Trainer’s Association and purchase supplies and uniforms prior to entering the program. I, Signature understand and agree to comply with the above regulations. Date Salisbury University Athletic Training Major Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual Statement By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and familiarized myself with the current edition of the Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual. Additionally, I understand the contents of this document and how the policies and procedures of Salisbury University’s Athletic Training Program will impact my progress in the program. I also understand that the policies and procedures established in future editions of the Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual supersede all previous policies and procedures of the Athletic Training Program. I am also aware that the most current edition of the Salisbury University Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual can be found on the Salisbury University Athletic Training Program web site. Finally, I have spoken with the Athletic Training Program Director to discuss any questions or concerns I have regarding the contents of the Athletic Training Program Procedure Manual. Signature of Applicant Printed Name Date