Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 31, 2002

Staff Senate
Executive Committee Meeting
May 31, 2002
Call to Order - Linda Beall called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. In
attendance were: Linda Abresch, Linda Beall, Mike Burton, Maggie Cohea, Michael
Elliott, Dave Gutoskey, Nancy Isaacs, Ross Leisten, Judy Lowe, Marylane
McGlinchey, Donald Pryor, Alan Selser, Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test, Estella Young
and Vaughn White. Absent: Marvin Ames, Mary Luke, Kevin Mann and Tammy
Minutes – Melanie Stefursky
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Judy Lowe, that the minutes of the
May 3, 2002 meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair’s Report –
PAT – Alan Selser reported on May 7 meeting of the President’s Advisory
BEACON - Ruth Baker, Director of Beacon (Business, Economic and
Community Outreach Network), discussed the second phase of the
Regional Transportation Board’s inter-county transportation system. Shore
Transit is seeking a larger collaborative effort with Salisbury University,
specifically to have a greater role in transporting off-campus students to
and from the University. This would increase the number of riders on the
transit system and could assist the University in alleviating parking
congestion. Richard Pusey and Richard Yobst will work with members of
the Regional Transportation Board to explore possibilities.
New Deans – Four new deans will be starting June, July, August 2002.
Social Room – Linda Beall
Question from Marvin Ames regarding which campus department has the
responsibility for maintenance of Social Room in Holloway Hall. Judy Lowe, a
member of the SU Space Committee, will address question at a future meeting the
committee. Alan Selser and Donna Test, members of the Facilities Use
Committee will also address question at their next meeting.
UMES luncheon – Linda Beall
Marvin Ames suggests the Staff Senate visit UMES employee cafeteria.
Linda Beall will research several dates during summer for the trip.
Election of New Senators – Ross Leisten
Ross reported that many people who nominated staff for election to Staff Senate
failed to obtain approval from the nominee(s).
Subsequently, Melanie Stefursky sent e-mail requests for approval to the
nominees. Nominations were made for:
Exempt representatives – elected at large
Non exempt – are elected by department and also at large
Contingent – elected at large
Leisten presented slate of nominees. Ballots will be sent within the next two
weeks. Regular employees will receive with the June 5 paycheck and Contingent
employees will receive with paycheck the following week. Ballots should be
returned ten days following receipt.
The resignation of Kevin Mann, Physical Plant, was accepted.
Appointment will be made from exempt nominations.
Motion made and seconded that the procedure followed for the Staff
Senate election is in accordance with the Bylaws of the Staff Senate. Motion
carried by a vote of 14 in favor and 2 opposed.
Staff Recognition – Donna Test
No action taken on staff recognition awards. The Executive Committee of
the Staff Senate is restricted from discussing high merit awards. Donna Test will
include merit awards for staff on the list for discussion once a union is certified
for the University.
The Executive Committee will still pursue high merit for exempt and
contingent employees. The issue of high merit awards was referred to the
Compensation and Benefits Committee.
VIII. Standing Committee Reports
CUSS – Donna Test
Salary guidelines
Shared governance – President has not yet chosen an option.
USM Presidents are not legally bound –
CUSS representative – Pursue an amendment to the Bylaws
Collective Bargaining update to be copied and put in Staff Senate
information bins.
Staff Development and Training – Marylane McGlinchey
Committee has not met.
Many training opportunities are now being offer by Lea Ann Shull,
Human Resources. Marylane suggested that the committee partner
with HR to decide what training is needed in future and what the
direction of the committee should be in future.
Suggested diversity training for final meeting of the year.
Human Resources report on feedback from trainings and number
of people in attendance.
Membership & Elections – Ross Leisten
Will the Staff Senate recommend to the President our choice of
options (see above CUSS)?
Senate’s role should be to look at all options.
Senate will discuss and make recommendations to the President.
Discussion to be taken up final meeting in June.
New Business
Mike Burton present the following questions brought to his
attention by staff of Housekeeping Department:
Why is it that Housekeepers must keep track of occurances of sick
Why is it that Housekeepers have to present a note from doctor
after 3 days off?
Why aren’t Housekeepers allowed to use comp time to make up
for tardy over 8 minutes.
Linda Beall will meet with Shirley Pinkett to discuss concerns.
Next meeting will be held on July 12.
CUSS Minutes
MAY 21, 2002
 Collective Bargaining Update – Petition filed for Exempt at FSU
 SHELRB met on May 23rd in Annapolis
 Chancellor’s Salary Guidelines – There will either be something or nothing.
Funds set-aside for the potential payment of a one-time merit bonus. A final
decision will be made in September 2002, and the distribution date will be
determined. Annual evaluations have to be done in order to receive the bonus.
 Discussion on memo to Chancellor Langenberg from John Anderson, Office of
the Attorney General on Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining. Memo
addresses how enactment and implementation of the 2001 collective bargaining
legislation affects existing shared governance mechanisms including USM
institutions and the Systemwide Council of University System Staff (CUSS).
Memo includes three Options for institutions to choose from.
 SHELRB meeting concentrated on ULPs. Office of Administrative Hearing at
the State level where 3rd step grievances are handled will hear and make rulings
on the ULPs. Also, neutrality issued discussed. Certain termanoloy needs
 Referral to memo from John Anderson. Executive Board voted that CUSS
would remain inclusive. CUSS can share information, but how members share
the information back at their campuses has not been determined. What happens
to the senates? One possibility is they could become part of a MOU with a
resolution to keep the senates in tact. Roy Ross’ thought is that the BOR would
want Senates/Councils to still exist as part of Shared Governance. CUSS will
continue as is. UMBC picked option 3 separating members excluded from
 No Board of Regents meeting.
 Call for nominations for CUSS officers.
President – Joe Hill
Vice President – Andrianna Stuart
Secretary – Venus Windmiller
CUSS Meeting
May 21, 2002
Page 2
 Comments on Shared Governance Models sent to BOR – Concerns shared from
other schools because their models were not picked. The Models picked were
because of their uniqueness.
 BOR made decision to raise tuition.
 Salary Guidelines – The non-exempt market review should be started this Fall,
but it hasn’t been determined if there will be funding for the study. Baltimore is
the market area. The current Nonexempt Salary Structure remains in effect
until June 30, 2003. The current Exempt Salary Structure remains competitive
with the market and shall remain in effect through June 30, 2004.
Benefits – Circulating EPA program
Recommend standardization of Merit Pay for exemp employees same
as for nonexemp employees tied into annual evaluations.
Community Development – Invitations will be sent out next month for the Annual
retreat/meeting. July will be the transitional meeting for the newly elected officers.
Legislative Affairs – A summary of the Legislative session will be available at the
next meeting. A bill was pulled that allowed Insurance companies to use credit
information for the base for your homeowners and car insurance rates.
Tuition Remission for Contingent II employees – A policy change was made by the
BOR to limit Tuition Remission for Contingent II employees to their home
Submitted by
Donna Test
Salisbury University
CUSS Representative for Nonexempt Employees