Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting November 2, 2001 Minutes

Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting
November 2, 2001
Linda Beall called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. In attendance were: Linda Abresch, Linda
Beall, Mike Burton, Maggie Cohea, Michael Elliott, Dave Gutoskey, Nancy Isaacs, Judy Lowe,
Mary Luke, Marylane McGlinchey, Ray Pryor, Alan Selser, Donna Test, Tammy Trivits,
Vaughn White, and Estella Young. Absent Senators: Marvin Ames, Ross Leisten, Kevin Mann,
and Melanie Stefursky. Guests: Lois Bromley, James Brittingham, Brian Polkinghorn.
I. Meeting Minutes - Linda Abresch
Corrections to the October 12th minutes recommended by Donna Test. A motion made
by Alan Selser, and seconded, to approve the October 12th minutes as amended, was carried
II. Chair’s Report - Linda Beall
A. President’s Advisory Team Meeting - President Dudley-Eshbach was concerned
about local press releases criticizing SU. She will address this issue and seek answers at the
November Forum meeting. Linda Beall asked all Senators to attend the Forum meeting on
November 6th, and to encourage all staff to attend. The President would like to see more faculty
and staff serving on community boards.
The President is encouraging all staff to vote in the upcoming collective bargaining
The Special Assistant to the President for Diversity/Affirmative Action Issues has been
hired. Mr. Anthony Jemison is due to start in December.
Full meeting minutes from the PAT meeting can be found on the Staff Senate website.
B. November 6th Forum Meeting - Please encourage everyone to attend. There will be
presentations on collective bargaining and capital projects. The President will discuss
community relations. A proposal for a bylaw amendment will be read.
C. 2nd Full Staff Senate Meeting - scheduled for November 27th from 9:00 to 10:30. The
ballot for the collective bargaining election will say: AFSCME, MCEA, No representation. We
have no choice on the wording of the ballot. Ray Pryor asked if we could get the “no
representation” cleared up. Linda Beall indicated that she would ask Donna Keener to send email to the campus before the meeting on the 27th to clear this up. The President is hoping to be
able to attend this meeting.
D. There will be an open campus meeting on November 15th from 8:00 to 10:00 in the
Wicomico Room so that the President can present and discuss Dr. Brian Polkinghorn’s report on
the Physical Plant.
E. The President is considering changing the “sad news” e-mails to a more inclusive
good news/bad news format. Linda passed around the draft copy for this.
IV. Committee Reports
A. Staff Development and Training - Marylane McGlinchey
October 25, 2001
3:30 – 4:30, DH 316
V. Adeniran, N. Isaacs, M. Luke, K. Mann, M. McGlinchey, L.A. Schull, O. Wilson
 Reviewed the development and training priorities submitted to Dr. Dudley-Esbach on June 28, 2001
with new committee members.
 Mr. Wayne Shelton, interim SU safety officer, attended the meeting. The following items were
There will be comprehensive safety training that will occur in January 2002. The following
training modules have been identified: hazard communication, general safety, blood borne
pathogens, fire extinguishers, confined spaces, lockout/tag out, ladders, trenching/excavation,
hearing conservation?, personal protective Hazard equipment. There may be additional
modules added, once the duration of presentation has been determined.
The schedule of training sessions will be available in December. A professional “trainer”,
Mr. Chuck Northam, of Safety Resources L.L.C, will conduct this training.
The training is being funded by the physical plant, but will be open to all staff and faculty.
Issues of mandatory attendance will be determined by the “job”. There will be two offerings
of training with the goal of creating continuing in-service training.
Kevin Mann provided an update on the three new kiosks. Baring any problems, they will be up and
running by Thursday, November 1.
4. Jerry Waldron has stated that “outdated computers” are currently being donated to the county school
system. Nancy Isaacs will check with Jerry Waldron to determine the possibility that staff may also
benefit from the donation of outdated computers.
 Mary Luke raised the question of the noise threshold level in the copy room. Mr.Shelton
will follow-up with testing the area to determine the necessity of hearing conservation
 Mary Luke inquired about anthrax. Mr. Shelton indicated that the mailroom personnel
had been instructed on observing for suspicious mail and are provided with gloves.
Education is the key, and everyone is encouraged to use the Internet CDC website for the
most up-to- date information….this is available through Mr. Jim Phillip’s website.
 Basic IT training is currently under discussion by Ms. Donna Keener and Mr. Ken Kundell.
It will occur in the near future.
 Next meeting will be in December.
B. Compensation and Benefits Committee - Donna Test
IN ATTENDANCE: Donna Test, Judy Lowe, Maggie Cohea, Lisa Gray, Dave Gutoskey,
Charlene Matthews, Linda Shipp, Lee Townsend and Tammy Trivit. Not in attendance
Dennis Bradford.
Welcome and introduction of Charlene Matthews and Lee Townsend.
. Distributed from the Staff Senate meeting was a handout from Ray Pryor with a list
of issues sent to this committee.
. We have not been able to get our meetings on to Donna Keener’s schedule. Judy
will check with Donna and we will work a meeting around Donna’s schedule.
Policies being reviewed.
The policy that was worked on last year was presented to H.R.
We need to find out how far that policy went and why it was not implemented. We would
like to find out where it is now.
USM policy is used as a guideline in the Dining Services. The Book Store and Housing are
using the non-exempt policy.
The committee will review the non-exempt policy (in the employee handbook page 24) and
the written policy from March 1998. Then recommendations will be made to the Staff
Senate on which policy or combination of policies we would like to see implemented.
This then needs to be added and put into the employee handbook as an amendment.
In the USM 228.0 VII-8.00 Febuary25, 1992 policy there is a grievance form available. Is
there a form here at SU and is it available? There should be a grievance form available in
the institution office of Human Resources.
When we meet with Donna Keener we will advise her on the grievance policy discussions.
The recommendations to the Staff Senate will wait until after the policies have been
The terminology is confusing in the written policy included in the employee
Definitions on some of the terms need to be clarified.
We would like to recommend that the policy be re-written and include
definitions. The policy as written reads confusing and contradictory. The
committee has many questions regarding the current policy.
Departmental Shifts need to be defined.
Is there a USM system policy on shift differentials?
When using examples we would like to use the University Police department,
which has three shifts.
SU follows the USM system policy using compensatory leave or cash payment.
The essential required personnel should be identified in the job
descriptions at time of advertising.
Current employees that are identified as essential should be notified with a
letter. This will be discussed with Donna Keener.
We would like to recommend a letter of understanding be written for
essential personnel to be signed at the time of hire and included in their
personnel file.
Fair Labor Standard Act is not being followed if employee is not given the
option of compensatory time or cash payment.
An e-mail question for Charlotte Ganoe will be if essential personnel are
hired at a different pay scale.
The concern now with Physical Plant is that they are receiving time and a
half and one day off later. The understanding of this committee is that the
employees are not being given the option for compensatory time or cash
Kevin Mann will be invited to the next meeting to discuss how Physical Plant
deals with essential personnel pay. Dave will talk to Kevin and to set a
meeting time.
There was a table discussion on employee participation policy on handing out
union information during working/off times while on campus. The discussion
also included Collective Bargaining and the Exclusion list.
The next Compensation and Benefits Committee meeting will be on Nov. 15. The
time will be changed to 8:30 for this meeting in regards to Kevin Mann being present.
Recorded by: Maggie Cohea
Dave Gutoskey did ask that Senators try to provide as much information as possible
about the concerns that staff have regarding different issues. Senators and other
committee members who are researching these issues need to know as much information as
possible before they start talking to supervisors, etc. about the problems. Ray Pryor
suggested that the Senator who brought the issue to the table be contacted by someone on
the committee before action is taken by the committee.
C. CUSS Report
OCTOBER 23, 2001
Open Enrollment deadline – November 1, 2001
Campaign for U. S. Savings Bonds
United Charities Campaign
Zurich Insurance is no longer affiliated with the USM System. Employees were notified directly
by Zurich and given time to change. Those interested can still get pet insurance from Zurich.
Filing for Elections for Collective Bargaining:
1st order of elections is Frostburg State University on November 14, 2001 for Nonexempt and the Police. Voting times from 6am-4: 30pm.
 Elections are held 90 days from date of petition.
 Each Institution will have a meeting with the SHELRB to determine an election process.
 Everyone must be present to vote!
The SHELRB meets the 4th Thursday of the month except for Thanksgiving. Meetings are open
to the public.
4% Cola- Reaffirmation of receiving the Cola in January 2002.
Dentist issue – There is a shortage nationwide.
Discussion on PMP:
 If employee is at the top of their scale, they cannot get merit added to base for
above standards or outstanding. Will get as a Bonus.
 Program needs to be managed properly.
 Budget has to be there to support it.
 An employee’s record “should not be destroyed” because the money isn’t there
(reduced from getting above standards or outstanding to standards) not because
of their performance but because of the lack of funds.
Assignments to Committees:
Community Development Committee assigned the CUSS Picnic and the Chancellor’s
 Communications Committee assigned Shared Governance Report for BOR.
Models for Shared Governance were given out and discussion followed. Reminder of the
Lawson Report and the mandate for Shared Governance by the BOR. Chancellor is behind
CUSS to come up with models for Shared Governance.
Discussion about CUSS having a picnic with the Chancellor in April. CUSS voted to present the
Chancellor with a plaque at the end of his tenure for his support.
BOR Meeting:
 Presentation made by President at Coppin in reference to be under funded.
 Staff was presented their BOR Staff Awards at this meeting. Discussion on changing the
location back to Chancellor’s reception. Family members could attend as well.
 Move CUSS up on the agenda to earlier in the day.
 Discussion on BOR Staff awards on each campus. 
o Designate one person from Staff Senate to follow the
procedures, deadlines.
o Roy asked the Chancellors Council to have the
presidents promote on their campus.
Committee Work Groups during lunch
 Verify membership and add new members.
Assignments to committees: Benefits & Compensations, Community
Development, Communications & Legislative Affairs
Discussion on Collective Bargaining:
Box for No Representation
 Copy of Frostburg’s Ballot
 No one can visibly display campaign literature, or clothing, pins, hats, etc., within the
restricted voting area.
Submitted by
Donna Test
The Faculty Senate just passed a bylaws amendment that addressed committee members who
are not attending the committee’s meetings. The Staff Senate does not have any rules
covering this. Also, it was mentioned that we need to convene the Ad Hoc Bylaws
committee and look at the attendance of Senators at Senate meetings as well. This is outlined
in our bylaws.
V. Brian Polkinghorn - Second Step Hearing Officer for Non-Exempt Employees
Brian indicated that he has been very busy since he was appointed the second-step
hearing officer about 14 months ago. He has heard many concerns and issues that staff felt
were not being addressed. At the President’s request, he did an appreciative inquiry in the
Physical Plant. He met with employees there over a period of 4 months. Brian stated that the
appreciative inquiry provided an opportunity for employees to voice concerns in a
confidential setting. A number of issues were able to be resolved before the report was
written. His report will be presented to the campus community by the President on
November 15th.
He has been very surprised by the ambiguity in the policies at SU, as he hears grievances. It
seems that many policies are vaguely written, and there are many different interpretations of
the same policy. This results in conflicts. He has reported these inconsistencies and the need
to eliminate them to the President.
He has been able to mediate some grievances, which is new on the second step.
He has worked with over 200 employees in the last 14 months, and has plans to work with
about 150 employees in the next few months.
Ray Pryor raised the issue that he would like the Staff Senate to consider a request to change
the second-step hearing officer to a group of peers like the State Employees’ system.
VI. Unfinished Business
A. November 27th - Full Senate meeting
There was discussion about how the Senators should be seated, how many
microphones, etc. It was decided that this meeting not be videotaped since a lot of effort is
involved and there have only been 2 requests for the videos from the last full Senate meeting.
The agenda was discussed, and Linda Beall will compile it. It was suggested that the flyers
for the meeting contain a “Don’t forget to vote” notation on them.
VII. New Business
A. Lois Bromley sent Linda Beall an e-mail asking the Staff Senate to address the use of
a floating holiday for Monday, December 23, 2002. The campus would normally be closed
starting on the 24th, but classes and final exams will already have ended. It was stated that
the Compensation and Benefits Committee had already contacted Human Resources about
doing this next year, but has received no response. Linda Beall will talk with Donna Keener,
and the Compensation and Benefits Committee will also try to get in touch with her.
There was also a question about the leave that is used by some campuses in the USM
when they close for several days during Spring Break each year. SU does not close the
campus at all during Spring Break and many employees would like to see us do so. The
CUSS reps will find out how the leave for those days is handled on other campuses.
B. Blood Drive - Linda Beall distributed flyers for the Blood Bank drive to be held on
November 14th at SU. She asked Senators to support the effort and spread the word.
C. The SGA has concerns about the recommendations that the Staff Senate recently
made to Public Safety and the Traffic Committee regarding the pro-rating of the cost of
parking permits, and waiving the cost for parking permits for the high school students who
attend classes here. Linda Beall will contact the SGA President, Sean Ofeldt, to discuss the
concerns with him.
D. Please plan to attend the President’s reception for Staff Senators on November the 7th
at 4:00 at the President’s home.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Abresch.