Introduction to Databases

Introduction to Databases
Functional Dependency
Given a relation R, we say that the attribute y of R is
functionally dependent on attribute x of R, if and only if,
each value of x has association with precisely one y value in
R at one time.
Supplier-no. has FD with Sup-name, and City.
Also (Sup-no and Part-no) has FD with QTY.
Normalization is a step by step process of replacing the
relationships between data by two dimension tables.
The normalized relation must have the following properties:
1- Each entry in a table represents one data item, no
repeating groups.
2- They have column homogeneous.
3- Each column assigned a distinct name.
4- All rows are distinct.
5- Both the rows and the columns can be viewed in any
1- The initial or the unnormalized relation, and this step
must be converted into the First Normal Form (1NF).
2- The (1NF) is converted into Second Normal Form
3- The (2NF) is converted into Third Normal Form (3NF).
4- The (3NF) is converted into Optimized Third Normal
Form (Optimized 3NF).
Unnormalized relation  1NF relations  2NF relations 
3NF relations Optimized relations.
*A relation R is in 1NF if and only if all underlying
domains contain atomic values only (No repeating groups).
*A relation R is in 2NF if and only if every non key
attribute is fully dependent on the primary key. It means:
1- For each field in the 1NF relation, ask if it relates to the
whole key or only part of the key.
2- If any field relates to only part of the key, remove that
field from the 1NF relation to a new relation, which
also contains the dependent key.
*Converting from 2NF to 3NF is similar to the conversion
to 2NF, in that we are looking for dependencies between
each field in the relation.
An Organization needs to manage their training
courses using the following data items:
Employee Number, EmployeeName, Employee
Address, CourseCode, CourseName, CoursePrice,
CourseLocation, CoursePrerequisite.
Having the following semantic assumptions:
1- Employee Number is not duplicated.
2- CourseCode is not duplicated
3- Courses have fixed prices and locations.
4- Each EmployeeName has a unique address.
It is required to accomplish an optimized 3NF database.
Unnormalized relation=
(e-n,e-na, e-a, cc, cn, cp, cl, cpre)
R1= (e-n, e-na, e-a) &
R2= (e-n, cc, cn, cp, cl, cpr)
R1 & R21= (cc, cp) &
R22= (cc, cl) &
R23= (e-n, cc, cn, cpre)
R11= (e-na, e-a) &
R12= (e-n, (e-n, or e-a)) &
R21 & R22 & R23
Optimized 3NF
R11 & R12 & R23 & R4= (cc, cp, cl)
Example 2
An Equipment company needs to convert its documents into
optimized Data bases. The body of the company reports the
following attributes:
Salesperson-number, S-name, S-working-area, Customernumber, C-name, Warehouse-number, W-location, Sales.
We have the following semantic assumptions:
1- The salesperson-number is unique.
2- No two S-names have the same S-working-area.
3- No two W-locations have the same Warehouse-number.
Example 3:
A company needs to computerize their purchase orders, and
they have a special document must be filled from the
employee, and this document contains the following fields:
Order-number, O-date, O-due-date, Supplier-number, Sname, S-address, Part-number, P-name, P-color, P-price, PQuantity.
The company has the following semantic assumptions:
1- Order-number are never duplicated
2- No two suppliers have the same address.
3- Same parts have the same price.
4- Same parts have the same color.