IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 78th Forum Standing Committee Meeting1 Proposed Annotated Agenda 26-28 February 2008 Hosted by the Government of Thailand, Ministry of Public Health Royal Princess Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Commencing at 9h00 on the first day Tuesday 26 Feb 2008 9h00-9h30 1.0 Opening President Introductory Remarks President Representative of the Government of Thailand Introduction of members and other participants 9h30-10h30 Local arrangements for FSC meeting Thailand 2.0 Adoption of Agenda President 3.0 Acceptance of the Record of the 77th FSC Meeting President 4.0 FSC - designation of representatives status report Secretariat 5.0 Forum VI Theme: Global Partnerships for Chemical Safety Contributing to the 2020 Goal President 5.1 Host government arrangements C. Sylla, Senegal 10h30-11h00 11h00-13h00 13h00-14h30 1 President Thailand All Refreshment Break 5.2 Agenda and programme President 5.2.1 Overview of programme and proposed general time schedule Secretariat 5.2.2 Plenary agenda topics President 5.2.2.a Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges Forum VI meeting document Plenary programme G. Karlaganis, Switzerland 5.2.2.b Substitution and Alternatives Forum VI meeting document Plenary programme International Agreements on chemicals management Texts concerning substitution and use of alternatives T. Jakl, Austria Lunch hosted by the Government of Thailand Meeting document preparation and travel support funded by the Federal Office of the Environment, Switzerland IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 14h30-15h45 5.2.2.c 15h45-16h15 16h15-17h30 Lead & Cadmium - need for international action? Forum VI meeting document Plenary programme Refreshment Break 5.2.2.d Ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management Forum VI meeting document Plenary programme 17h30 Close of Day 1 t.b.a. Dinner hosted by the Government of Thailand Wednesday 27 Feb 2008 9h00-9h10 Introduction Review of progress from day 1 and overview of agenda for day 2 9h10-10h30 President 5.2.3 Opening Session President 5.2.3.a Host Government representatives C. Sylla, Senegal 5.2.3.b Keynote speaker(s) Secretariat 5.2.3.c President's address President 5.2.3.d Awards Secretariat Refreshment Break 5.2.4 Administrative items - IFCS revised Terms of Reference - Elections - Budget/finance - Contingency plan Secretariat 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Organization of work during Forum VI Lead sponsors' role and responsibilities Rapporteur Conduct of Business Secretariat Secretariat Secretariat Secretariat 13h00-14h30 14h30-16h00 N. Heidari, Islamic Republic of Iran and R. Quijano, PAN Follow-up to items taken up on day 1 as needed 10h30-11h00 11h00-13h00 M. Luxem, Germany Lunch hosted by the Government of Thailand 5.4 Side Events Secretariat and FSC members 5.5 Exhibits Secretariat and C. Sylla, Senegal 6.0 Monitoring Progress Secretariat 2 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 16h00-16h30 Refreshment Break 16h30-17h00 7.0 Financial Report - Status report - Trust Fund - Twinning funds - Twinning arrangements Secretariat 17h00-18h00 8.0 Integration of Infocap in the SAICM Information Clearing House: proposals for the modifications to Infocap M. Gubb SAICM Secretariat 18h00 Close of day 2 t.b.a. INFOCAP side event M. Gubb SAICM Secretariat Introduction Review of progress from day 2 and overview of agenda for day 3. President Thursday 28 Feb 2008 9h00-9h10 9h10 -10h30 10h30-11h00 Follow-up to items taken up on day 1 & 2 as needed 9.0 Time schedule for FVI preparations Secretariat 10.0 SAICM - Implementation update (verbal report) UNEP SAICM Secretariat/ SAICM Regional Focal Points 11.0 Other business 12.0 Closure of the meeting President Refreshment Break Forum WG on the future of IFCS - meeting will convene immediately following closure of FSC meeting t.b.a. Lunch hosted by the Government of Thailand t.b.a. Dinner hosted by the Government of Thailand 3 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 Annotations 2.0 Adoption of Agenda The Proposed Annotated Agenda is presented to the Forum Standing Committee (FSC) for its consideration and adoption. The main focus of the meeting is the continued detailed planning for Forum VI including the review and input on the final drafts of the meeting documents and plenary programmes for the substantive chemical topics. The FSC as specified in its Terms of Reference has a responsibility to guide the process of preparing meeting materials and documents for sessions of the Forum following a lead country/sponsor/organization approach. Document(s): Proposed Annotated Agenda (IFCS/FSC/08.01) Reference: List of Documents (IFCS/FSC/08.02) 3.0 Acceptance of the Record of the 77th FSC Meeting The Draft Record of the 77th FSC Teleconference was distributed to the FSC and other participants for review and comment. One member submitted suggested revisions that are incorporated in the revised draft (see section 6.2) .The revised Draft Record is presented to the FSC for its acceptance. Document(s): Draft Record of 77th FSC meeting ( IFCS/FSC/07.30 rev1) 4.0 FSC - designation of representatives status report The Secretariat will provide an update on the official designation of representatives to the FSC. The current list of FSC members/representatives is available on the IFCS website: http://www.who.int/ifcs/standingcommittee/members/en/index.html 5.0 Forum VI 5.1 Host government arrangements At its 76th teleconference the FSC accepted the offer of the Government of Senegal to host Forum VI in Dakar with the understanding that a detailed local arrangements document covering all the IFCS requirements would be prepared and presented to the FSC for consultation at its 77 th teleconference. Further discussions on the detailed arrangements would be undertaken by the FSC at its February 2008 meeting as necessary. It was agreed that the FSC will be kept informed on an ongoing basis on the host government’s organizational arrangements. At the 77th FSC teleconference (11 December 2007) the secretariat updated the FSC on its communications and work with the Government of Senegal on the organizational arrangements for Forum VI. Senegal requested a revised deadline of mid-January 2008 by which to provide the detailed organizational arrangements for Forum VI. The FSC agreed to the extension stressing the importance of Senegal providing detail information by mid January 2008 to enable the FSC to evaluate and responsibly provide advice. The Government of Senegal will present to the FSC the detailed arrangements it has made for Forum VI as the designated host government. Document(s): FORUM VI, Organizational and Local Arrangements, Responsibilities of Host Country – Senegal, Basic Document" Reference: Hosting Meetings of the Forum –Guidelines and Criteria for Selection of Hosts ( IFCS/FORUMIV/16w Annex 10) Hosting Meetings of the Forum, Organizational and Local Arrangements, Responsibilities of Host Government" 4 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 5.2 Agenda and programme Reference: Proposed Provisional Agenda (IFCS/Forum VI/01w) 5.2.1 Overview of programme and proposed general time schedule The working version of the "Overview of Programme and Proposed General Time Schedule" for Forum VI agreed by the FSC at its 75 th meeting is presented to the FSC for its further consideration. Document(s): Overview of Programme & Proposed General Time Schedule (IFCS/FSC/07.15 rev 2) 5.2.2 Plenary agenda topics The FSC is requested to review and provide input for the finalization of the meeting documents and plenary session programmes for the substantive chemical topics on the Forum VI agenda. The FSC agreed on four substantive topics for the Forum VI agenda. The preparation of these topics has been undertaken by working groups following the lead sponsor approach. The list of WG members, work schedule and the proposal for each topic are available on the FSC website at: http://www.who.int/ifcs/documents/forums/forum6/en/index.html Document(s): IFCS Forum Sessions Official Meeting Documents – types and organization (IFCS/FSC/01.63 rev 2) 5.2.2.a Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges G. Karlaganis, Switzerland, the lead sponsor for the topic Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges, will present for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the thought starter paper prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme. Document(s): Nanotechnology and manufactured Nanomaterials: Opportunities and Challenges – Thought Starter (IFCS/FSC/WG Nano/ 02 rev 4) Nanotechnology and nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges – Forum VI Plenary Programme (IFCS/FSC/WG Nano/ 04 rev 4) Reference: Nanotechnologies at the OECD (IFCS/Forum VI/ 04 INF) Activities on Nanotechnologies in the IOMC Organizations (IFCS/FORUM-VI/5 INF) 5.2.2.b Substitution and Alternatives T. Jakl, Austria, lead sponsor for the topic Substitution and Alternatives, will present for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the thought starter paper prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme. Document(s): Substitution and Alternatives – Thought Starter (IFCS/FSC/WG SubstitutionAlternatives/02rev3) Substitution and Alternatives – Forum VI Plenary Programme (IFCS/FSC/WG SubstitutionAlternatives/ 04 rev3) 5 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 5.2.2.c Lead and cadmium - need for international action? M. Luxem, Germany, lead sponsor for the topic Lead and cadmium - need for international action? will present for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the information/reference paper prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme. Document(s): Lead and cadmium – need for international action? Thought Starter (IFCS/FSC/WG Lead and cadmium/04 rev 1) Lead and cadmium: need for international Action? Forum VI Plenary Programme (IFCS/FSC/WG Lead and cadmium/03 rev 1) Reference: Lead and cadmium reference list (IFCS/FSC/WG lead and Cadmium/05) Lead and Cadmium: Need for International Action? Compiled input received on initial draft papers (IFCS/FSC/WG Lead and Cadmium/09) 5.2.2.d Ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management N. Heidari, Islamic Republic of Iran, and R. Quijano, PAN Asia Pacific, lead sponsors for the topic Ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management will present for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the thought starter paper prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme. Document(s): Forum VI Plenary Session on IPM & IVM – Thought Starter (IFCS/FSC WG IVP & IPM/03) IM & IVM Forum VI Plenary Programme (IFCS/FSC WG IVP & IPM/04) 5.2.3 Opening Session The FSC assumes lead responsibilities for preparing the programme for the Opening session of Forum meetings. Document(s): Opening Session – Proposed Programme including keynote speakers (IFCS/FSC/08.08) 5.3.2.a Host government representatives C. Sylla, Senegal, will inform the FSC on the participation of representatives of the Government of Senegal in the Opening session. 5.2.3.b Forum VI Keynote speakers The secretariat will inform the FSC status of invitations to the proposed keynote speakers. 5.2.3.c President’s address At the 75th FSC meeting it was proposed and agreed that the President report on the activities and work of the FSC since Forum V in the Opening Session Forum VI. FSC members supported not preparing a detailed President’s Progress Report noting that a report would duplicate efforts under way for the ICCM. 5.2.3.d Awards The Secretariat will update the FSC on the nomination process for the IFCS Award of Merit and IFCS Special Recognition Award. Reference: IFCS Award of Merit – Nomination and Selection Process (IFCS/FSC/07.19) IFCS Special Recognition Award – Nomination and Selection Process (IFCS/FSC/07.20) 6 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 5.2.4 Administrative items IFCS Terms of Reference, Elections, Budget & Finance, Contingency plan The IFCS Terms of Reference (TOR) state that at each session the Forum will elect officers (para 6) and members of the Forum Standing Committee (para 7.2). The TOR also state 15. Budget and Expenses 15.1 The Forum Standing Committee shall prepare for consideration by each session of the Forum an estimate of expenditure related to the Forum, the Forum Standing Committee, and ad hoc Working Groups established by the Forum and a Secretariat, together with information concerning expenditures for the period since the last Forum. This estimate, with such modifications as may be considered appropriate by the Forum in the light of potential funding, shall subsequently be considered in the budget of the Forum. Forum V adopted a resolution on the future of IFCS. The Resolution established a working group to prepare a draft decision on the future role and functions of the IFCS for consideration at Forum VI. The draft decision document under preparation by the Forum Working Group (WG) proposes a future role and functions of IFCS and presents several options and approaches for the future IFCS structure and institution arrangements. To make an informed decision on the future of IFCS, the Forum should have a sense of the budgetary costs of each option under its consideration. The Forum WG will finalize the draft decision document at its meeting 28-29 February 2008. The decision on the future of IFCS will warrant an examination and possible revision of the IFCS TOR by Forum VI. The draft decision document under preparation by the Forum Working Group (WG) puts forth the following issue: "Note that an important question under any approach of incorporating IFCS into ICCM/SAICM is what rules of procedure or terms of reference would apply to Forum sessions or activities held under the auspices of ICCM. ICCM-2 will take place in May 2009, several months after Forum VI will be held in September 2008. While ICCM-2 is scheduled to consider and adopt rules of procedure for itself, Forum VI will not know what they will be, nor will the Forum know the nature of a bureau that may be created under them when it makes its decision about the future of IFCS. If Forum VI decides upon an approach in which IFCS would be incorporated into ICCM, the Forum will not know whether it can confidently “hand-off” IFCS to ICCM, because it will have no idea of whether ICCM-2 will be willing or able to accept the Forum, or under what terms. In light of this timing challenge, it may be prudent for Forum VI to adopt a contingent plan in respect to the future of the Forum, if it decides upon an approach in which IFCS would be incorporated into ICCM. " The Forum WG will consider the issue at its 28-29 February 2008 meeting. If Forum VI decides upon an approach in which IFCS would be incorporated into ICCM, it should also consider arrangements for IFCS in the interim period until ICCM-2. The FSC is requested to discuss the preparatory work to support the consideration of these matters by Forum VI. References: IFCS Terms of Reference (IFCS/FORUM III/23w, ANNEX 1) Forum V – Final Report (IFCS/FORUM-V/05w) Forum VI – Future IFCS Draft Decision Document (IFCS/WG Future IFCS/ 14) 7 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 5.3 Organization of work during Forum VI 5.3.1 Lead sponsors' role and responsibilities The Secretariat will review the lead sponsors' roles and responsibilities for the preparation of plenary sessions, documents produced during the session and the Forum V meeting report. These had been instituted as IFCS working procedures by the FSC and Forum since Forum II. Document(s): Lead sponsors’ role and responsibilities (IFCS/FSC/08.04) 5.3.2 Rapporteur The Forum will designate the individual to serve as meeting rapporteur at the Opening Session. According to the IFCS Terms of Reference (para 14) "…. the Secretariat, in consultation with and under the guidance of the President of the Forum, shall prepare a Provisional Agenda for each session of the Forum, including a recommendation for the meeting rapporteur." The rapporteur is responsible for preparing the meeting report. Lead sponsors for Forum Plenary agenda items have the main responsibility for drafting any Forum decisions or recommendations as well as the relevant section in Meeting Summary Report on their agenda items. The rapporteur prepares the meeting report based on their input. The FSC is invited to consider nominations for rapporteur. References: Forum VI – Preparation of Plenary Sessions/Presentations and Meeting Report – Responsibilities and Drafting Process – Lead Sponsors and Rapporteur (IFCS/FSC/08.04) IFCS Terms of Reference (IFCS/FORUM III/23w, ANNEX 1) 5.3.3 Conduct of Business The document "Conduct of Business in Plenary Sessions of the Forum, Regional Group Meetings, and ad hoc Working Groups" is distributed as an information paper for sessions of the Forum. It was prepared by the Forum Sanding Committee when it was established. It is presented to the FSC for information. Reference: Conduct of Business ( IFCS/FORUM-V/3 INF) 5.4 Side Events The FSC will be updated on the side events being considered by IFCS participants. As a result of discussions at previous FSC meetings, pre-meetings for Forum VI have tentatively been noted for Saturday 13 September 2008 and Sunday 14 September 2008 in the Forum VI programme schedule and the host government has been requested to tentatively reserve the conference facilities for possible premeetings on these dates. C. Sylla will inform FSC on possible arrangements for side events and deadlines for making any special requests. The FSC is invited to provide advice on scheduling of side events and to take a decision on whether or not the conference facilities will be requested for pre-meetings on Saturday 13 September 2008 and Sunday morning 14 September 2008. Document(s): Side Events Working List (IFCS/FSC/08 INF3) 5.5 Exhibits Senegal as host government is responsible for providing arrangements (e.g. furniture and equipment), the cost of which will be borne by the exhibitor. C. Syaal, Senegal, will provide information on the options 8 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 available for exhibits at Forum VI, costs for display materials and space, customs procedures and deadlines for requesting exhibit space. 6.0 Monitoring Progress At its 75th meeting, the FSC members supported not preparing a detailed President’s Progress Report for Forum VI noting that a report would duplicate efforts under way for ICCM2 and it would be difficult to obtain information. The Secretariat was requested to prepare the standard summary report on the annual IFCS Simple Indicators of Progress reports submitted by NFPs and include in the report links to additional information available on the web to supplement the information provided in the national reports. The secretariat will update the FSC on the status of NFP annual report submissions. The deadline for submission of 2007 reports is March 2008. Reference: IFCS Simple Indicators of Progress Questionnaire and summary table of submissions (http://www.who.int/ifcs/focalpoints/indicators/en/index.html ) 7.0 Financial Report The Secretariat will provide a summary report on the IFCS Trust Fund and Twinning Funds. A role and responsibility of the FSC is to “assist the Secretariat of the IFCS in fund raising for the Trust Fund and for funds to support participation in IFCS activities ("twinning" arrangements).” The FSC is requested to consider fund raising for IFCS in particular to support participation in Forum VI Document(s): Financial Report (IFCS/FSC/08.05) 8.0 INFOCAP M. Gubb, SAICM secretariat, will provide information on the status of work to host, operate and administer the INFOCAP system as part of the SAICM clearing house function. A consultant is advising on technical requirements for the installation of INFOCAP and its integration into the SAICM information clearing house. Modifications to update and improve the useability of the system will also be considered. The SAICM Secretariat will present the proposed changes and is seeking advice and input from the FSC. Document(s): Integration of Infocap in the SAICM Information Clearing House: proposals for the modifications to Infocap 9.0 Time schedule for Forum VI preparations The FSC is requested to consider and update its time schedule for Forum VI preparations taking into account its decisions during the meeting. The schedule will be kept in constant review by the FSC as preparations progress and updated as necessary. Document: Time schedule for Forum VI preparations (IFCS/FSC/07.16 rev5) 10.0 SAICM – Implementation update The SAICM Secretariat and SAICM Regional Focal Points are invited to update the FSC on SAICM implementation efforts. 9 IFCS/FSC/08. 01 21 February 2008 11.0 Other business The FSC may wish to discuss any other items of business. 12.0 Closure of the meeting It is expected that the meeting will be closed by the President during the morning session on Thursday 28 February 2008. 10