IFCS/FSC/05.05 61STFORUM STANDING COMMITTEE TELECONFERENCE 1 FEBRUARY 2005 REPORT PARTICIPANTS Member: Officer/Government/Organization Participants & Advisors President: President’s office: President’s Special Advisers: Thailand Thailand Dr S. Wibulpoprasert Ms P. Silkavuth Sweden Canada Dr G. Bengtsson Mr R. Hickman Tanzania Prof. J. Katima Adviser to VP Africa: Nigeria Mrs A. Olanipekun Asia & Pacific: Philippines CEE: Russian Federation Dr A.S. Lopez Ms D. Narvarez Prof. B. Kurlyandskiy LAC: Chile Mr J. Monreal Urrutia WEOG: U.S.A. Mr C. Auer Mr C. Blunck Mr J. Shoaff Mr W. Allen Ms A. Bandemehr Vice-Presidents: Africa: Participated Past President: Brazil Mr H. Cavalcanti Africa Region: Guinea Zimbabwe Mr M. Sylla Ms N.F. Mondoh Asia & Pacific: Fiji Iran Japan Ms V. Naidu Mr Ali Reza Hajizadeh (for Ambassador S.S.R. Tabatabaei) Ms Yumiko Nomura Kazakhstan Slovenia Mr Z. Bekzhanov Dr M. Ciraj Costa Rica Suriname Ing F. Paredes Dr J.F.M. De Kom CEE: LAC: Absent IFCS/FSC/05.05 WEOG: Australia Mr M. Hyman Mr D. Atkinson Dr S. Clarkson Dr M. Brownstein Prof. Dr. U. Schlottmann Dr M. Kern FAO Dr N. Van der Graaf IOMC Secretariat Dr T. Meredith (for SAICM only) Ms C. Vickers UNEP UNIDO Dr M. Gubb Mr M. Eisa Industry Public Interest Ms K. Kunzer Dr R. Quijano Mr J. Weinberg Dr Irma Makalinao Prof. R. Awang Prof. G. Ungvary Dr J.A. Stober Ms S. Bjorkquist Canada Germany IOMC Chair, IOCC: IOMC organizations NGOs Labour - to be announced Science FORUM IV host:: IFCS Secretariat: Hungary IFCS/FSC/05.05 1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Roll Call 3.0 Introduction The President welcomed teleconference participants. He informed the FSC that Undersecretary Antonio Lopez officially retired from the Philippine government last December and has been replaced by Dr. E. Nieto in his position as Undersecretary. The Department of Health is processing the necessary paperwork to designate Dr. Nieto as the IFCS Vice President for the Asia Pacific Region.1 3.1 Acceptance of the Agenda (IFCS/FSC/05.01) The proposed agenda was accepted. 3.2 Acceptance of the Record of the 60th meeting (IFSC/FSC/04.55) The draft record of the 60th meeting was accepted. 4.0 SAICM PrepCom3 SAICM STEERING COMMITTEE (SC) MEETING - 26 JANUARY 2005 M. Hyman briefed the FSC on the SAICM Steering Committee (SC) meeting held 26 January 2005 providing information on intersessional work and meetings, budget and finance. The venue and date for PrepCom 3 have been confirmed for 19-24 September 2005 in Vienna. The SAICM SC had initial discussions on options for organizing the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) in conjunction with the ninth special session of the UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum. The PrepCom President will convene an expanded bureau meeting 27 June - 1 July 2005 in Sweden. Additional representatives (probably two) from each region (except WEOG for which 3 would be invited as the President would participate independent) would be nominated by the regions at their earlier regional meetings. Representatives from IGOs and NGOs would also be invited. It is anticipated that the key issue of financial considerations would occupy a significant portion of the proposed meeting. M. Hyman stated that he would discuss with his government attending the meeting to represent IFCS. Additional information can be found in the draft SAICM SC meeting report which the President requested the Secretariat to distribute the to the FSC (see Annex 1 to this report). FSC inter-session work M. Hyman introduced the 1st draft of the thought-starter the FSC has been asked to prepare for PrepCom 3 of SAICM and outlined an approach to its preparations (IFCS/FSC/05.04). He noted that the request from PrepCom 2 as recorded in the meeting record was difficult to understand and the Working Group (WG) had considered it in context of the recorded discussions. The proposal for the thought starter deals in a neutral manner with options for the institutional arrangements that might be introduced post-SAICM, or that would be needed to implement it. During the SAICM SC meeting, the IOMC organizations were invited to participate in the WG. The 1st draft will be discussed at Secretariat comment: Dr. Nieto could not attend the teleconference as she was in the senate budget hearing for the Department of Health. 1 IFCS/FSC/05.05 a WG teleconference on 8 February 2005. It is planned to have the complete working draft prepared by the end of February so that the paper is available for the regional SAICM meetings. N. van der Graaff, IOMC/IOCC Chair, informed the FSC that the IOMC organizations were developing their own thoughts and therefore would not participate in the WG. The organizations were willing to provide comments on the FSC draft Thought Starter. The FSC agreed to the following process and time line for preparing the Thought Starter: 7 Feb 05 8 Feb 05 8-18(?) Feb 05 Week of 21 Feb 05 1 March 05 20-27 May 05 1-3 June 05 15 June 05 15 June 05 FSC members to provide comments on initial draft (via email to WG) WG 1st teleconference to discuss initial draft Second draft prepared and circulated to WG & FSC for comment WG 2nd teleconference Final working draft distributed for SAICM Regional Meetings for comment & input: 15-18 March 2005 African 4-7 April 2005 Bangkok 27-29 April 2005 LAC 17-19 May 2005 CEE Note: translations in meeting languages are planned Penultimate version prepared by WG WG 3rd teleconference? FSC Meeting, Budapest Thought Starter Finalized Thought Starter submitted to SAICM PrepCom Secretariat Note: Thought Starter will be submitted in all UN languages Thought Starter distributed to all IFCS National Focal Points (English version; other UN languages will be distributed when available) 5. Communications The Secretariat informed the FSC that it had received a number of requests from IFCS participants for information on FSC work and activities since Forum IV and for further information on the President's Champion initiative. The Special January 2005 Edition of the IFCS Information Circular: IFCS Forum Standing Committee (FSC) Activities in Review had been prepared in response to these requests for information. The IFCS Secretariat prepared this special edition of the Information Circular to facilitate FSC members' communication to constituents. Future specials editions were planned to report on the work of the various Champions Groups. FSC members were encouraged to provide feedback and to follow up with further communications to constituents. 6. Fundraising Update H. Cavalcanti and the Secretariat informed the FSC that a series of letters had been written to the traditional donors and the response had been minimal. Additional annual contributions for 2004 had been received from Germany and Switzerland. Contributions had also been received or pledged from Cyprus and Denmark. Germany was expediting payment of its 2005 normal contribution. A number of countries indicated that a contribution in 20005 may be considered, while other indicated that it would not be possible to contribute. All contributions were appreciated, but as most were relatively small the overall funding situation remains very serious. H. Cavalcanti advised the FSC that it needed to renew its fundraising efforts. S. Clarkson indicated that Canada was currently processing a contribution for 2005. IFCS/FSC/05.05 7. Widening Gap A.R. Hajizadeh provided an update on the initiative. As advised by the FSC, he had written to the IOMC/IOCC Chair requesting that the IOMC organizations take into consideration the IFCS Widening Gap initiative in the development of the IOMC Capacity Building Strategy paper. The letter also conveyed that the FSC noted that the questions and information requested by the IOMC/IOCC in its letter (4 August 2004) are to be addressed by an Expert Group at the meeting of the Group planned for early 2005. The purpose of the first expert group meeting will be to further define, in concrete terms, the structure and approach for the process to be established. The IOMC organizations were again encouragde to participate in the meeting and to contribute information on their activities and programmes. In response to the concerns raised by the IOMC/IOCC Chair at the FSC teleconference, the experts will be invited to participate in one meeting i.e. and will not be invited or requested to commit to being a member of the Expert Group that implements the "process". A copy of the letter is included in Annex 2. A. R. Hajizadeh stated that it was hoped to convene the Expert Group meeting in the time period between the Stockholm COP1 (2-6 May 2005) and early June. The meeting will be hosted by the Government of Iran in Tehran. Funds to support the travel cost of participants were needed. A funding request has been submitted to the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation and a reply was awaited. FSC members were requested to send suggestions on the meeting dates and possible funding sources to A. R. Hajizadeh. 8. INFOCAP M. Kern, Chair INFOCAP Steering Group, requested the FSC to consider the nomination of T. Morita, NIHS, Japan as the Asia-Pacific regional represented to the INFOCAP Steering Group (SG). The FSC agreed to the appointment. M. Kern informed the FSC that a nomination for NGO science representative, replacing Prof W, Klein who had retired, was in progress. The INFOCAP SG work is continuing according to its work plan. A WG on monitoring progress has been established and the SG would be holding a face to face meeting 19-21 April 2005 in Geneva. The FSC would be updated on the work at its June 2005 meeting in Budapest. 9. Forum V Theme The Secretariat introduced the meeting paper in which the submissions from FSC members were compiled. U. Schlottmann stated that he wished to withdraw his proposal. He agreed with the remarks submitted by H. Cavalcanti. A. R. Hajizadeh, also expressing support for the ideas put forth by H. Cavalcanti, noted the overlap in proposals. FSC members were requested to send written comments or additional proposal to the Secretariat. The information will be incorporated into the paper for the FSC consideration at its June 2005 meeting. 10. Forum V Agenda Items and Programme The Secretariat introduced the meeting paper. The paper presented an annotated initial list of suggested agenda items for Forum V, as brainstormed by FSC members during its meeting in June 2004. The FSC had agreed that only decision items would be included on the agenda for Forum V. Members proposing agenda items should submit to the Secretariat by 1 May 2005 a brief paper presenting the issues to be considered, rationale and possible actions requested. A number of FSC members commented on the large number of items put forth and suggested that a process of prioritization would help to bring focus. M. Hyman noted the widely held expectation that after the development of the SAICM concludes the chemicals management area will be different. Although the SAICM outcome can not be IFCS/FSC/05.05 predicted, he suggested that room on the Forum V agenda be reserved to address it. N. van der Graaf suggest that the FSC consider linking the agenda items to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as they are the current focus of the donor community. G. Bengtsson offered to write several pages on the relationship between the IFCS area of work and the MDGs. He will submit the paper by 1 May 2005. The President asked the Secretariat what the time line would be for submission of Forum V papers. The Secretariat stated that Forum V decision papers would have to be submitted by March/April 2006 to allow sufficient time for translation and distribution. The face to face meeting of the FSC proposed for early 2006, either in conjunction with the SAICM ICCM or shortly after, would facilitate the preparation process. The FSC agreed to form a small WG to prepare a revised shortened list of possible Forum V agenda items. G. Bengtsson agreed to lead the WG. FSC members wishing to participate should inform the Secretariat. 11. Other Business M. Ciraj that there would be an IFCS CEE Regional Meeting on 16 May 2005 prior to the SAICM Regional Meeting. UNEP and Switzerland as organizers of the SAICM Regional Meeting, had agreed to make travel arrangements for the participants to accommodate the IFCS meeting. 12. Next Meeting 12 April 2005 - 62nd FSC meeting Please note that the FSC face to face meeting will be held in Budapest from the 1-3 June 2005. IFCS/FSC/05.05 Annex 1 Further development of a strategic approach to international chemicals management (SAICM) Seventh meeting of the SAICM steering committee Geneva, 26 January 2005 SUMMARY REPORT Participants FAO Dr Niek Van Der Graaff (Chief, Plant Protection Service) Dr Gero Vaaght (Senior Officer, Pesticide Management Group) IFCS Dr Suwit Wibulpolprasert (President) Dr Judy Stober (Executive Secretary) Dr Rainer Koch (International Council of Chemical Associations) Mr Jack Weinberg (Environmental Health Fund) Mr Mark Hyman (Department of Environment & Heritage, Australia) (by telephone) ILO Mr Pavan Baichoo (Technical Officer, Safework) OECD Dr Rob Visser (Head, Environment, Health and Safety Division) UNDP Dr Suely Carvalho (Unit Chief, Environment and Energy Group) Ms Aurela Hoxha Rincon (Programme Assistant, EEG) UNEP Dr John Buccini (Director, Chemicals) UNIDO Dr Mohamed Eisa (TITLE?) UNITAR Mr Achim Halpaap (Principal Programme Coordinator, Chemicals and Waste Management) WHO Dr Tim Meredith (Coordinator, International Programme on Chemical Safety) Ms Carolyn Vickers (International Programme on Chemical Safety) World Bank Mr Steve Gorman (GEF Executive Coordinator & Team Leader, POPs/Montreal Protocol Operations, Environment Department) Secretariat Dr Matthew Gubb Mr Muhammed Omotola IFCS/FSC/05.05 [Apologies: Dr Laurent Granier (Manager, POPs Programme, GEF Secretariat)] IFCS/FSC/05.05 Preliminaries 1. The meeting was opened by the chair (UNEP). The committee adopted the provisional agenda and the minutes of the sixth meeting of the committee. Report on SAICM PrepCom2 2. The final draft of the official report of SAICM PrepCom2 was made available to the meeting. The report was due to be issued publicly very shortly. Intersessional work Regional consultations 3. The secretariat briefed the steering committee on the regional consultations on SAICM scheduled to take place during March-May 2005 and the meeting of an “expanded bureau” proposed for late June. 4. IFCS suggested that the availability of funding for only one participant per Government in the regional consultations and the use of UNEP Official Contact Points as the channel for nominations could lead to an emphasis on the environment to the exclusion of other sectors. It proposed that consideration be given as to how a broader multi-sector perspective could be facilitated. 5. IFCS recommended that, in addition to NGOs from the health, environment, labour and industry sectors, a science NGO should be included in the invitation list for the proposed expanded bureau meeting. IOMC work 6. The IOMC chair briefed the steering committee on IOMC’s progress with the papers it was preparing for PrepCom3. It was intended that these be available in time for the expanded bureau meeting in June and, in the case of the paper on monitoring SAICM implementation, in time for the regional consultations. The proposed paper on information exchange networks had not yet been discussed. 7. Noting the recognition of SAICM already achieved in the governing bodies of ILO, UNEP and WHO, IFCS asked whether the other participating organizations of the IOMC would be facilitating consideration of SAICM by their governing bodies. OECD noted that it would first discuss SAICM with Governments at its Joint Meeting2 to ascertain whether the issue should be sent to the OECD Council for consideration. FAO was not confident of securing Governments’ attention for SAICM at the governing body level. The World Bank and UNDP would be waiting for the content of SAICM, and its implications for their organizations, to become clearer before assessing when it would be appropriate for their boards to consider SAICM. UNIDO had begun internal discussions on the possibility of its governing body 2 Joint Meeting of the Chemicals Committee and the Working Parry on Chemicals, Pesticides and Biotechnology IFCS/FSC/05.05 endorsing SAICM, which would depend on having identified concrete advantages for UNIDO. The secretariat noted that the PrepCom President was intending to encourage her bureau members to mobilize their regional networks of Governments to seek consideration of SAICM in the various governing bodies. IFCS work 8. IFCS indicated that it had formed a working group and prepared a first draft of a thought starter paper on SAICM institutional arrangements. It would be discussed at a teleconference the following week. Input from IOMC members was sought with regard to the factual appendix on the roles of organizations and would also be welcome in relation to the options laid out in the paper itself. The paper will be made available for the upcoming regional consultations on SAICM, with the intention of both informing discussions and attracting feedback. Other intersessional work 9. The secretariat ran through the various other items of intersessional work, including the principal tasks of the President and secretariat with regard to the draft high-level declaration, overarching policy strategy and concrete measures and also arrangements for the financial considerations study. The secretariat advised that the papers on possible industry financing and internalisation of costs, which had initially been understood to be two separate tasks undertaken, respectively, by the Environmental Health Fund and by IPEN in collaboration with the Africa Group, were now being treated as a single exercise. It was still not clear what the IPEN papers for regional consultations (referred to in the PrepCom2 meeting report) would entail but the secretariat was content to leave this open. 10. IFCS J. Weinberg [Note: revision to draft text submitted by IFCS to clarify that the paper in question is not an IFCS paper. J. Weinberg, IFCS advisor, was commenting on behalf of EHF during the general discussion on intersession work.] explained the proposed paper on internalisation of costs (the “role of chemical producing industries in funding SAICM implementation”) that has been initiated by the Environmental Health Fund. It was hoped that organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP and OECD, as well as industry, could contribute financial expertise for the paper. There were positive indications from other members of the steering committee in this regard. 11. In response to a request for clarification from IFCS, the secretariat confirmed that the focus of the proposed Canadian/Chinese paper on SAICM implementation plans was understood to be not necessarily limited to national governments. 12. UNEP noted the potential significance of the regional consultations, particularly the first one (African region), for the development of intersessional work and the value of making draft papers available in time for discussion at these meetings. The secretariat confirmed that it would endeavour to make the report of each regional consultation available as soon as possible so that it could be taken into account at successive meetings. IFCS/FSC/05.05 13. It was anticipated by IFCS, UNEP and others that the period between the expanded bureau meeting in late June and PrepCom3 in September would see an intensive last round of bilateral consultations, though as FAO noted there would not be time for further modification of papers and broader consultations. Preparations for the PrepCom3 and the ICCM PrepCom3 14. In response to a query from the World Bank, the secretariat explained that it hoped to secure high-level participation in PrepCom3 (as well as the ICCM) in order to encourage SAICM awareness and buy-in by each of the relevant organizations as the SAICM development process entered the “end-game” and thoughts turned to achieving endorsement by governing bodies. 15. UNEP suggested that representation should be at as high a level as possible in order to send a signal that the organization in question was committed to SAICM. It anticipated that speaking slots should be made available for such representatives. 16. The World Bank noted that there would be a meeting of the heads of GEF implementing agencies and the GEF in New York on 9 February. This would be an opportunity for the UNEP Executive Director to encourage his counterparts to ensure senior-level representation in the remaining SAICM conferences. It was agreed that the secretariat would follow up on this possibility. 17. IFCS considered it would be especially important to have the health sector represented at a high level for PrepCom3, while other organizations might focus more on getting senior participation in the ICCM. 18. FAO observed that at this point there was little in the way of negotiated SAICM text to take into PrepCom3. UNEP concurred that achieving a near-complete SAICM at PrepCom3 would be a considerable challenge. ICCM 19. The secretariat’s working assumption was that the ICCM and the UNEP Governing Council meetings in February 2006, while held “in conjunction” with each other, would be two separate meetings. The ICCM would complete development of the SAICM document and then the UNEP Governing Council meeting would constitute the first high-level consideration and adoption of SAICM (prior to the governing bodies of other sectors’ lead organizations addressing it). The committee discussed possible variations of this model. IFCS underscored the importance of multi-sector endorsement of SAICM prior to UNEP’s consideration of it. 20. In response to a query from FAO, the secretariat explained that the co-convening of the ICCM by UNEP, IFCS and IOMC would be reflected in practical arrangements such as a jointlyissued invitation letter and tri-partite participation in the opening formalities of the meeting. IFCS/FSC/05.05 IFCS suggested that there might be presentational value in IOMC members participating in their individual capacities rather than collectively. Budget and fundraising 21. The secretariat briefed the steering committee on the remaining budgetary requirements for the SAICM development process and on past and present financial pledges. At present it was estimated that the funding shortfall for completion of SAICM development was approximately $1.4 million. 22. The World Bank advised that a decision was expected shortly on a possible contribution to SAICM from the Bank’s Development Grant Facility. Other business WHO Executive Board outcomes 23. WHO advised that at its recent meeting the organization’s Executive Board had recognised the need for more technical and financial support for developing country health sector participation in SAICM preparatory meetings. It had agreed that funding should be provided for two to three health sector representatives from each of the six WHO regions to participate in PrepCom3. UNEP Governing Council 24. The steering committee was briefed on the draft SAICM decision which will be considered by UNEP Governing Council at its 23rd regular session in Nairobi from 21 to 25 February 2005. This is expected to be a relatively straightforward decision which would, inter alia, confirm the expectation of holding the ICCM in conjunction with the UNEP Governing Council special session in early 2006 and call upon participants to provide further financial support for SAICM. Next meeting 25. It was anticipated that the next steering committee meeting might be held some time in June 2005, with options for dates to be advised by the secretariat in due course. 26. IFCS drew the committee’s attention to the meeting of Health and Environment Ministers of the Americas (HEMA) on 18 June 2005 in Argentina, which might provide a useful opportunity to promote SAICM. It was agreed that the secretariat would follow up on this possibility. IFCS/FSC/05.05 Annex 2 Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety President: Dr Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Thailand Executive Secretary: Dr Judy Stober 14 January 2005 IOMC/IOCC Chair Dr Niek A. Van der Graaff Chief Plant Protection Service Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Plant Production & Protection Division Agriculture Department Via delle Terme di Caracalla Roma 00100 Italy Dear Dr. Van der Graf, Thank you for your letter dated 4 Aug 2004 on the IFCS widening gap initiative. I would like to inform you that I have had the opportunity to report to the Forum Standing Committee (FSC) about the concerns that you had raised in your letter. Mandated by the FSC, I have the honor to draw your attention to the followings: The Forum Standing Committee took note that the IOMC organizations are developing an IOMC Strategy Paper on Capacity Building for Chemicals to be ready for SAICM PrepCom3. FSC welcomed this work and requested that the IOMC organizations take into consideration the IFCS Widening Gap initiative in the development of the IOMC Strategy paper. Concerning the development of a process to address the widening gap in response to the Forum IV recommendation, the FSC noted that the questions and information requested by the IOMC/IOCC in its letter (4 August 2004) are to be addressed by an Expert Group at the meeting of the Group planned for early 2005. The purpose of the first expert group meeting will be to further define, in concrete terms, the structure and approach for the process to be established. In response to the concerns that you raised at the FSC teleconference, the experts will be invited to participate in one meeting i.e. and will not be invited or requested to commit to being a member of the Expert Group that implements the "process". The FSC has emphasized the importance of the IOMC organizations' contribution to the initiative to ensure the necessary input to respond to the Forum IV recommendation. The IOMC organizations are requested to contribute their information, experience & expertise to the development transforming a "concept" into concrete terms. This would ensure that the process moved forward in the agreed manner, i.e. in active partnership with those working in the area that will enhance on-going efforts. IOMC organizations and other organizations with experience/interest in this area will be invited to attend this IFCS/FSC/05.05 meeting as "active" observers. Each will be requested to make a presentation on the relevant work of their organization. You can rest assured that the establishment of the Expert Group never meant to interfere with the work of IGOs. The mandate of the Group is to put the hand of countries in need for assistance in the right hands. Duplication of existing mechanisms is the last thing that developing countries would like to see because it simply makes things more complicated. Our expectation is that the work of the Expert Group would even reduce the costs and efforts required for the functioning of the IOMC organizations. In this line it is expected that they would make the best possible contribution to modification of the TOR of the Group through their constructive participation in the first meeting of the Group which is tentatively scheduled for early 2005 in Tehran, close to the Alborz Range where by one hour drive you can snow-ski or swim in hot mineral water springs while enjoying the beautiful scene of Top Damavand, the highest in Iran, which would be covered by snow at that time. I would gladly be at your disposal should you be willing to make more enquiry regarding the work of the Group. Yours sincerely, Ali Reza Hajizadeh Chair, IFCS Forum Standing Committee Widening Gap Working Group Deputy Secretary National Authority for Conventions on Chemicals Islamic Republic of Iran