Member: Officer/Government/Organization
Participants & Advisors
President’s office:
President’s Special
Dr S. Wibulpoprasert
Ms P. Silkavuth
Dr G. Bengtsson
Mr R. Hickman
Ms Yumiko Nomura
Prof. J. Katima
Adviser to VP Africa:
Mrs A. Olanipekun
Asia & Pacific:
Russian Federation
Eng. A. Rivero for Dr E. Nieto
Ms D. Narvarez
Prof. B. Kurlyandskiy
Mr J. Monreal Urrutia
Mr C. Auer
Mr C. Blunck
Mr J. Shoaff
Mr W. Allen
Ms A. Bandemehr
Past President:
Mr H. Cavalcanti
Africa Region:
Mr M. Sylla
Ms N.F. Mondoh
Asia & Pacific:
Ms V. Naidu
Mr S. Mousavi (for
Ambassador S.S.R. Tabatabaei)
Ms Yingwa Shen for
Ms Wenchao Zang
Mr Z. Bekzhanov
Dr M. Ciraj
Costa Rica
Ing F. Paredes
Dr J.F.M. De Kom
Chair, IOCC:
IOMC organizations
FORUM IV host::
IFCS Secretariat:
Dr Barry Reville
Mr Lee Eeles
Dr S. Clarkson
Dr M. Brownstein
Prof. Dr. U. Schlottmann
Dr M. Dreyer
Dr G. Karlaganis
Dr R. Visser
IOMC Secretariat
Dr T. Meredith
Ms C. Vickers
Dr M. Gubb
Mr M. Eisa
Public Interest
Ms K. Kunzer
Dr R. Quijano
Mr J. Weinberg
Mr Bjorn Erikson
Dr Irma Makalinao
Prof. R. Awang
Dr Zoltan Szabo
Dr Aranka Hudak
Dr J.A. Stober
Dr J. Tickner
The President welcomed members and other participants to the teleconference. He extended a special welcome
to Dr Zoltan Szabó, Acting Director General, Fodor József National Centre of Public Health, Hungary, who has
been designated to replace Prof Gyorgy Ungvary on the FSC.
Acceptance of Agenda (IFCS/FSC/06.06)
The provisional agenda was adopted with one addition proposed by G. Karlaganis: an update on the
organization of the Heavy Metal Side Event at Forum V will be included under agenda item 4 .
Acceptance of Record of 65th Meeting (IFCS/FSC/06.05rev1)
The revised draft record of the 64th meeting was accepted.
Forum V Planning
Proposal for Forum V Plenary Open Information/Discussion Session on Defining and Applying the
Precautionary Principle/Approach in Practice (IFCS/FSC/06.08)
The proposal was introduced by J. Stober, IFCS Secretariat and J. Tickner, Advisor. J. Stober stated
that according to the IFCS Terms of Reference one of its functions is to foster an understanding of the
issues. In light of the recent discussions in the strategic approach to international chemicals
management (SAICM) preparatory committee meetings and the International Conference on Chemicals
Management (ICCM) there is a need for an open discussion about what precaution means (what it is
and is not so misunderstandings can be dispelled) and how it can be applied in practice. It is proposed
to include in the plenary agenda for Forum V an open information/discussion session on defining and
applying the Precautionary Principle/Approach. J. Tickner presented the rationale and proposed
objectives and organization of the session. The aim was to advance dialogue through the sharing of
practical experiences and to stimulate thinking on tools and approaches needed.
U. Schlottmann expressed support for the proposal stating that It was important to have an open
minded discussion. He also expressed the view that it was critical for representatives of the U.S. State
Department to participate and actively contribute to the discussion. G. Karlaganis supported the
proposal, volunteered Switzerland to serve on the planning Working Group (WG) and stated that Franz
Perrez, Switzerland, would be happy to make a presentation from the government's perspective. M.
Ciraj supported the proposal and volunteered a presentation on the experience in Slovenia which had
been studied in a recent master degree research thesis on precaution.
B. Erikson welcomed the proposal noting that major discussions at the international level have not
advanced and there was a need to understand the existing difficulties. J. Katima agreed recalling his
recent experience in the principles and approaches contact group in the SAICM negotiations. He failed
to see what the problem is as everyone understands the need to be careful. He supported an indepth
discussion at Forum V and volunteered to participate in the WG. R. Quijano supported the proposal
stating that it would be beneficial for capacity building in developing countries to gain knowledge on
putting principle into practice. J. Weinberg stated that the IFCS has both an opportunity and an
obligation to provide explanations of the meaning of precaution in the Bahia Declaration and the
recommendations of Forum IV. IFCS has a proven record of being able to bring together stakeholders
and governments in a constructive dialogue. He agreed with those expressing the view that the reasons
why the issue is so contentious has never been made clear. S. Mousavi supported the proposal saying
that it was important to increase understanding so not to loose the current international momentum to
address chemicals management issues.
J. Shoaff requested more time to review the proposal. He said it would be helpful to have information on the
complete Forum V plenary agenda. He is not sure what can be gained after the lengthy discussions during the
SAICM negotiations. His initial view was that the last objective listed in the proposal was too definitive and that a
session should aim towards sharing practical experiences. K. Kunzer informed the FSC that she had not yet
consulted with her colleagues, but was also concerned as any attempt to prepare a consensus document would
likely result in polarized sides. She expressed the view that it may be sufficient to have an open dialogue and
suggested that the term "precaution" be used rather than precautionary principle or approach. She volunteered to
participate in the WG.
The President asked the Secretariat to propose a way forward. The Secretariat proposed the following process
for obtaining further input and revising the proposal:
 10 March 2006: FSC requested to provide written input on the 1st draft,
 week of 13 March (early) - revised draft circulated to Working Group (WG) for review and written input.
Depending on comments received, a WG teleconference may be organized to discuss revised draft.
 Final draft prepared for FSC consideration and decision at its meeting in Budapest 27-29 March 2006.
The FSC agreed to the proposal including the establishment of a WG co-chaired by the Secretariat and J.
Tickner. FSC were requested to inform the Secretariat if they wished to participate in the WG.
Thought Starter on MDGs as a plenary item
The President has written to J. Sachs inviting him to be a keynote speaker and/or prepare a paper for plenary on
the role of chemical safety in achieving the MDGs, but has not received a response to his email. He reported that
a mutual acquaintance had indicated that it was unlikely J. Sachs would respond positively to the invitation as he
was concentrating his work on the MDG project in Africa. The President asked the FSC for suggestions on
others who would be able to prepare the topic for Forum V. The FSC was not able to offer any suggestions. The
President suggested that the item be discussed at the FSC meeting in Budapest and said that he would contact
J. Sach's again before then.
Future of IFCS Working Group
G. Karlaganis, WG Chair, informed the FSC on the work of the group to date including the structure of the draft
Thought Starter. Two informal meetings were held in the sidelines of the ICCM in Dubai and one teleconference.
A revised draft would be circulated today to the WG for comment by 9 March. And a further revision would be
prepared as needed for the FSC to discuss and finalize at its meeting in Budapest.
Forum V Swiss sponsored side event on heavy metals, 23 September 2006
G. Karlaganis provided an update on the planning. The event programme will include the three metals mercury,
lead and cadmium. The draft programme includes presentations by IGOs on their ongoing activities and case
studies. The WG had 2 informal meetings in Dubai as well as a teleconference. A further teleconference was
planned for 20 or 21 April 2006. A revised draft agenda was being prepared based on WG input - members had
been requested to provide further input by 9 March including a title and brief description of any proposed
presentation. Presenters would be confirmed by 15 April and provided with guidance for the preparation of their
presentations. Each presenter would be requested to submit an abstract by 15 June 2006. G. Karlaganis
informed the FSC that the Swiss Government would like to bring the outcome of the side event into the agenda
of Forum V and requested that the FSC discuss this at its upcoming meeting in Budapest.
A. Olanipekun and J. Katima agreed to work together to identify a presenter from the African region. J. Shoaff
confirmed the interest of the US government in making a presentation on its mercury partnership efforts with
UNEP, other countries and a number of sectors.
GHS - response to President's letter to ECOSOC Sub-Committee
The President referred to the correspondence presented in the FSC meeting document wherein the Chair of the
UNECE SCGHS indicated that after conferring with the UNITAR Programme Advisory Committee it was
concluded that inclusion of GHS in the Forum V plenary agenda or side event programme was not warranted. R.
Visser stated that the consensus opinion of the IOMC organizations was that any effort on GHS at Forum V
would be duplicative as ILO, UNITAR and the UNECE SCGHS had ongoing efforts.
FSC Meeting, Budapest, 27-29 March 2006 - Draft Agenda (IFCS/FSC/06.12)
The Secretariat introduced the draft agenda for the FSC face-to-face meeting in Budapest. The FSC at its
meeting in Budapest must finalize the plenary agenda and programme organization for Forum V. The agenda
has been prepared based on the work that needs to be accomplished at the meeting. The meeting will be a
"working" meeting, e.g. a number of Forum V papers will be revised and agreed by the FSC at the meeting. All
FSC papers for the meeting in Budapest should be submitted to the IFCS Secretariat by 15 March 2006 latest.
The FSC was requested to send the IFCS Secretariat comments and suggestions on the draft agenda. U.
Schlottmann requested that an information item on the "Senior Professor Service for Sustainability and Chemical
Safety" be included in the agenda.
SAICM - ICCM - Implementation: initial work
M. Gubb informed the FSC on the initial SAICM Secretariat efforts to implement SAICM. It is hoped that the
official SAICM documents will be released in several days. Fund raising is being undertaken to staff the
secretariat at the agreed composition levels. In the meantime the staff that support the SAICM process and
ICCM were continuing to work on a temporary basis. Letters to the ministers of foreign affairs inviting the
designation of SAICM national focal points are being sent and the processes for the designation of regional focal
points and NGO focal points were being arranged. Approximately 7 million USD has been pledged to the Quick
Start Programme (QSP)Trust Fund. The QSP Trust Fund Implementation Committee will meet in mid April 2006
to discuss screening and approval processes and the QSP Executive Board will meet 26-27 April 2006 to
establish rules of procedure and operational guidelines. Concerning the SAICM secretariat clearinghouse for
information function, internal discussions were ongoing to identify the most economical mechanism without
duplicating efforts. The SAICM Secretariat will be contacting the INFOCAP Steering Group soon to discuss the
transfer of INFOCAP. The frequency and size of regional meetings will depend on the availability of resources
but it is anticipated that there may be time for two rounds of meetings before the ICCM meets in 2009. An African
regional meeting is being discussed for the middle or 3rd quarter of 2006.
In response to a questions raised by several FSC members, M. Gubb stated that NGOs could potentially have a
role in the QSP Executive Board on the basis of being contributors to the programme. At its 1st meeting the
Executive Board would have an open discussion and clarify the issue. Concerning the staffing of the secretariat,
the composition agreed by the ICCM includes specialists in health and environment, but not labour. The
intervention at the ICCM concerning the importance of labour expertise was flagged for future consideration.
R. Visser stated that the IOMC IOCC would be meeting immediately following the QSP Trust Fund Implementing
Committee and SAICM implementation was an important IOCC agenda item.
Other Business
Next Meeting: 27-29 March 2006, Budapest Hungary
Z. Szabó informed the FSC that preparations for the FSC meeting were well organized and they were looking
forward to welcoming everyone to Budapest again. Any additional information will be sent to the secretariat for
communication to members and other participants.