St. Name: ………………………………. St. #: …………………………………. Philadelphia University Lecturer(s): Dr. Murad Magableh , Ms. Reem Qaqa Faculty of IT Department of MIS Internal examiner: Dr. Ali Alawneh Examination Paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (731213) Introduction to Web Programming 29/03/2015 Time: 50 min 1st Exam. 2nd Sem. 2014/2015 Information for Candidates This examination paper contains 5 questions totaling 20 marks. Advices to Candidates Attempt all questions. Read all questions carefully before answering. Allocate the available exam time to given questions properly Write your answers clearly. ------------------------------------------------------- I. Basic Notions Objectives: the aim of the following question is to evaluate your basic knowledge. Q1: Answer each of the following short questions: [8 marks] 1) To execute the code written in the file c:\xampp\htdocs\test.php, what we write in the browser address bar? 2) How to write the following HTML code inside the PHP area: <font size=10>? 3) How to write the following PHP code inside the HTML area: (echo "HI";) ? 4) Define a constant with any name and value. 5) $x = 5; Change the data type of $x to double using a function. 6) $y = 1.2; Change the data type of $y to integers using casting. 7) $z="HI"; Show the data type of $z using a function. 8) What is the value of $s? $s="3a2b1c"; $sum=$s+5; echo $sum; Page 1 of 6 1) localhost/test.php 2) <?php echo “<font size=20>”; ?> 3) <html> <?php echo “hi”; ?> </html> 4) define(“SUM”,20); 5) settype($x,”double”); 6) $y= (int)$y; 7) echo gettype($z); 8) 3a2b1c Page 2 of 6 II. Familiar problem solving Objectives: the aim of the following question is to evaluate your capabilities in solving familiar cases. Q2: What is the output of the following? A) <?php $a= 2.6; $b= 9; $c= 8; echo ceil($a)."</br>”; echo max($c, floor(3.3), 7, 4*2, min(9, 10, 11), rand(-$b,$b)); ?> [2 marks] 3 9 Q3: Given the following 2 PHP pages, what is the output after calling b.php page? Page 1: a.php <?php Echo "WELCOME<BR>"; define("J", "2"); define("j", "3"); ?> Page 2: b.php <?php include("a.php"); $J = 4; $j = 7; echo $j + j; echo "<BR>"; echo j + J; echo "<BR>"; echo $J - $j ; echo "<BR>"; echo $j - 4; //echo ++J; $j=$J+2; echo "<BR>"; echo $j + j + $J + J; ?> [3 marks] WELCOME 10 5 -3 3 15 Page 3 of 6 III. Unfamiliar problem solving Objectives: the aim of the following question is to evaluate your capabilities in solving unfamiliar cases. Q4: Find the errors in the below code and correct them: [2 marks] <html> <body> Pizza Type:<BR> <form method="POST"> margarita <input type="radio" name="r1" value="margarita"></BR> Vegan <input type="radio" name="r2" value="vegan"></BR> Customer's Address:<BR> < input type="textarea" cols="20" rows="10"></textarea> </br> <input type="button" value= "order pizza"> </body> </form> </html> <?php echo "you ordered ".$_GET['r1']; ?> <html> <body> Pizza Type:<BR> <form method='POST'> margarita <input type=radio name=r1 value=margarita></BR> //0.5 Vegan <input type=radio name=r1 value=vegan></BR> Pizza Size: </br> Customer's Address:<BR> <textarea cols='20' rows='10'></textarea>//0.5 </br> <input type='submit' value= "order pizza">//0.5 </form> </body>//or /0.5 </html> <?php echo "you ordered".$_POST['r1'];//0.5 ?> Page 4 of 6 III. Unfamiliar problem solving Objectives: the aim of the following question is to evaluate your capabilities in solving unfamiliar cases. Q5: Write a PHP Web application that consists of 2 pages; area.html and results.php. The area.html page contains a form that will be submitted to results.php page. A) The first file (area.html) is as shown below: [3 marks] B) For the data entered in the area.html page, write a PHP program in the results.php page that shows the area of the square or circle (depends on the user's selection). Hint: Square's area= L*L, // L is the square's side's length Circle's area= pi*r*r// r is the radius and pi=3.14 [2 marks] Solution: Area.html <html> <form action=’results.php’>//.5mark <input type=text name='a'>//.5 mark <br> <select name='ss'>//.5 mark <option value="s"> square </option>//.5 mark <option value="c"> circle </option> </select>mark <br> <br> </br> <input type='submit' value='calculate area'>//1 mark </form> </html> Page 5 of 6 results.php <?php if($_REQUEST['ss']=="s")//1 mark echo $_REQUEST['a']*$_REQUEST['a'];.5//mark else echo 3.14*$_REQUEST['a']*$_REQUEST['a'];//.5 mark ?> GOOD LUCK Page 6 of 6