Integrated Pest Management International Policies and Trends

Integrated Pest Management
International Policies and Trends
Harry van der Wulp, Senior Policy Officer
Plant Production and Protection Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Governments are facing many challenges
regarding agricultural production
Soaring food prices
Increasing populations
Changing food patterns
Climate change
Demand for biofuel
Consumer demand for safe food
Development of export markets
Requires sustainable intensification
of agricultural production
Concerns about pesticide use
Agronomic risks related to inappropriate use
Food safety and other public health risks
(pesticide exposure; pesticide residues)
Environmental risks
(water contamination, biodiversity)
Market access - Pesticide residue requirements are
increasingly important in trade
(Legal requirements and private GAP standards)
Pesticide quality - Illegal trade in pesticides;
(substandard, counterfeit and fake products)
These concerns feed into policy development
Sector policies affecting pesticide use
Public health and food safety
Environmental protection
Nature conservation
Water quality
Labour standards
These concerns feed into policy development
Pest and pesticide management policy
Regulation of pesticide use
Pesticide management capacity building
Development of policy to encourage IPM
Capacity building in IPM training
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) schemes
Phytosanitary legislation and capacity building
....... and at International Level
International instruments
 International Code of Conduct on Distribution and
Use of Pesticides
 Rotterdam Convention (PIC)
 Stockholm Convention (POP)
 Montreal Protocol
 CODEX Alimetarius
 International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)
Trade requirements (public and private)
 MRLs
It is all about
Risk Reduction
Principles for pesticide risk reduction
1. Reduce reliance on pesticides \ reduce pesticide use
- Prevent pest build up
- Use non-chemical pest management tools
2. Better selection of pesticides.
- Select least harmful products
3. Ensure proper use of the selected products
in line with international standards.
- Including accurate calibration and application
Policies tools for pesticide risk reduction
Strengthen regulatory control of pesticides
Promote IPM
Promote GAP, with crop protection based on IPM
Enhance access to non-chemical pest management
approaches and products
Resource allocation to education, extension and research
Awareness raising and training programmes
- Risks; proper and rational use of pesticides,
- use of none\less hazardous alternatives
Incentives/disincentives to encourage/discourage certain
Growing attention for IPM
Challenges to production and concerns about pesticides
Growing attention for IPM
Regional and National
Private Sector
Three decades of FAO IPM Programmes
Some of the Lessons Learned
There often is significant pesticide overuse that
can be eliminated without loss in crop production.
Promotion of IPM requires farmer education.
Introduction of IPM can start with simple measures
and then gradually develop into more complex
Broad adoption of IPM needs to be supported by
policy reform.
FAO Policy
Implementation of the International Code of Conduct
on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
- Revision of 2002 puts more emphasis on IPM
Mainstreaming principles of IPM in all work on plant
production and protection.
IPM is now considered an integral part of pesticide
risk reduction.
The International Code of Conduct on the
Distribution and Use of Pesticides
Articles referring to IPM (summarised)
Concerted efforts by governments to develop
and promote the use of IPM. Including the
development of National IPM policies.
All stakeholders, should play a proactive role in
the development and promotion of IPM.
Promote research on, and the development of,
alternatives posing fewer risks.
Support for IPM extension
World Bank
Operational Policy 4.09 on Pest Management
Art. 1: In assisting borrowers to manage pests that
affect either agriculture or public health, the Bank
supports a strategy that promotes the use of biological
or environmental control methods and reduces reliance
on synthetic chemical pesticides.
Art. 4: In Bank-financed agriculture operations, pest
populations are normally controlled through IPM
approaches, such as biological control, cultural
practices, and the development and use of crop
varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the pest.
The Bank may finance the purchase of pesticides when
their use is justified under an IPM approach.
EU Proposal for a Directive on establishing
a framework for Community action to achieve
the sustainable use of pesticides
Article 13 on IPM requires Member States to: (summarised)
Take appropriate measures to promote low pesticideinput pest management - including IPM, .... giving
priority wherever possible to non-chemical methods ..
Establish the necessary conditions for implementation of
IPM, and report on this to the Commission by 06/2013
describe in Action Plan how they ensure that all
professional users implement the general principles of
IPM by 2014
Establish appropriate incentives to encourage
implementation of crop or sector specific guidelines for
IPM on a voluntary basis.
Many developing countries already have policies
and programmes to mainstream IPM
IPM in China
IPM-based safe-vegetable
production scheme to supply
Beijing (and the olympics)
Private Sector
GAP schemes
 E.g.: GlobalGAP (EurepGAP)
- TOR: Minimization of agrochemical inputs
- Specific requirements regarding IPM
Company policies
 Food industry
 Cotton users
My local supermarkets
Agricoltura a lotta Integrata
Concluding Comments
IPM helps reduce pesticide use and helps achieve
selection of less hazardous products
IPM is increasingly being promoted/implemented
- Range: small scale farmers – multinationals
- both in industrialized and developing countries
Promotion of IPM should be a key element of
strategies and efforts to reduce risk related to the
use of chemicals
A pro-active approach to involve the agricultural
sector is required to capture the potential offered by
IPM in the context of SAICM