Publications for Margot Rawsthorne 2016

Publications for Margot Rawsthorne
Publications for Margot Rawsthorne
Bamforth, J., Gapps, B., Gurr, R., Howard, A.,
Onyx, J., Rawsthorne, M. (2016). Planning,
funding, and community action: The Area
Assistance story. Champaign, IL: Common
Ground Publishing.
Vinson, T., Rawsthorne, M., Beavis, A., Ericson,
M. (2015). Dropping off the Edge 2015:
Persistent communal disadvantage in Australia,
(pp. 6 - 148). Curtin, ACT, Australia: Jesuit
Social Services / Catholic Social Services
Australia. <a
Rawsthorne, M., Evans, D., Young, A.,
Andriana, E. (2015). Learning support in NSW
public schools, June 2015, (pp. 5 - 132). Sydney,
Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work,
The University of sydney.
Rawsthorne, M., Klineberg, E., Paxton, K.,
Hawke, C., Steinbeck, K. (2015). Trust and
Reciprocity: Parental Consent in Adolescent
Research. Developing Practice, 41, 47-61.
Rawsthorne, M. (2014). "Helping ourselves,
helping each other": Lessons from the Aboriginal
Women against Violence Project. Advances in
Social Work and Welfare Education, 16(1), 7-21.
Rawsthorne, M. (2013). How long in the
wilderness? Australian lesbian parents and social
policy reform. Critical Social Policy, 33(2),
266-284. <a
857">[More Information]</a>
Vinson, T., Rawsthorne, M. (2013). Lifting our
Gaze: The Community Appraisal and
Strengthening Framework. Champaign, Illinois:
Common Ground Publishing.
Cooper, S., Rawsthorne, M., Paxton, K., Hawke,
C., Skinner, R., Steinbeck, K. (2012). "You Can
Help People": Adolescents' Views on Engaging
Young People in Longitudinal Research. Journal
of Research on Adolescence, 22(1), 8-13. <a
1.00759.x">[More Information]</a>
Rawsthorne, M. (2012). Older people building
better communities through informal community
leadership, June 2012, (pp. 1 - 15). Canberra,
Australia: National Seniors Productive Ageing
Centre. <a
munities">[More Information]</a>
Rawsthorne, M. (2012). Survey of young people:
Relationships study, on behalf of the St. George
Domestic Violence Youth Sub-committee,
Steinbeck, K., Hazell, P., Cumming, R., Skinner,
R., Ivers, R., Booy, R., Fulcher, G., Handelsman,
D., Martin, A., Morgan, G., Starling, J., Bauman,
A., Rawsthorne, M., Chow, C., Lam, M., Kelly,
P., Paxton, K., Hawke, C., et al (2012). The
study design and methodology for the ARCHER
Study - Adolescent Rural Cohort Study of
Hormones, Health, Education, Environments and
Relationships. BMC Pediatrics, 12, 1-10. <a
43">[More Information]</a>
Rawsthorne, M., Cooper, S., Steinbeck, K.,
Paxton, K., Hawke, C., Skinner, R. (2011). "You
might save someone's life": rural Australian
adolescents' ideas on research participation,
recruitment, and retainment. Rural Medicine
Australia 2010 Conference Tasmania, Tasmania.
Rawsthorne, M. (2011). Parental involvement in
schools. In Dorothy Bottrell and Susan
Goodwin (Eds.), Schools, Communities and
Social Inclusion, (pp. 158-172). South Yarra:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Laing, L., Rawsthorne, M. (2011). Research
skills for practitioners. In OHara A, Pockett R
(Eds.), Skills for Human Service Practice:
working with individuals, groups and
communities, (pp. 326-338). Melbourne,
Australia: Oxford University Press.
Rawsthorne, M., Howard, A. (2011). Working
with Communities: Critical Perspectives.
Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground
Rawsthorne, M. (2010). Aboriginal Women
Against Violence Project Evaluation Report. <a
Rawsthorne, M., Costello, M. (2010). Cleaning
the sink: Exploring the experiences of Australian
lesbian parents reconciling work/family
responsibilities. Community, Work and Family,
13(2), 1-16. <a
9777">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, S., Steinbeck, K., Skinner, R.,
Rawsthorne, M., Hawke, C. (2010). Conducting
Sensitive Research with Adolescents. Australian
Consortium for Social and Political Research
Publications for Margot Rawsthorne
Incorporated Social Science Methodology
Conference ACSPRI 2010, Australia: ACSPRI:
Australian Consortium for Social and Political
Research Ind.
Rawsthorne, M. (2010). Enabling participation
of diverse families study: Preliminary Report to
the Federation of P&Cs: Family Survey. <a
Rawsthorne, M. (2010), Enabling participation
of diverse families: A discussion paper for the
P&C Federation.
Rawsthorne, M. (2010). Mother impossible: the
experiences of lesbian parents. In Susan
Goodwin and Kate Huppatz (Eds.), The Good
Mother: Contemporary Motherhoods in
Australia, (pp. 195-213). Sydney: Sydney
University Press.
Rawsthorne, M., Hoffman, S. (2010). Supporting
safe and healthy relationship choices: A peer
education approach. Women Against Violence
Journal, 22, 28-40.
Rawsthorne, M., Hoffman, S., Kilpatrick, E.
(2010). Women Educating Each Other..Women
in Safe and Equal Relationships. Women in
Welfare Education, 9(February 2010), 13-27.
Rawsthorne, M. (2009). Creating inclusive rural
communities: grass roots perspectives on the
opportunities and challenges. 11th Australian
Social Policy Conference (ASPC) - An Inclusive
Society Practicalities and Possibilities, Sydney:
Social Policy Research Centre: University of
Rawsthorne, M., Hillman, W., Healy, K. (2009).
Families on the fringe: mental health
implications of the movement of young families
to non-metropolitan areas. Rural Society: the
journal of research into rural and regional
social issues in Australia, 19(4), 306-317.
Rawsthorne, M. (2009). Just like other families?
Supporting lesbian-parented families. Australian
Social Work, 62(1), 45-60. <a
6885">[More Information]</a>
Rawsthorne, M. (2009). Same-sex couples in the
2006 census: countering symbolic exclusion.
Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education,
11(1), 71-88.
Rawsthorne, M. (2008). Beyond the Sandstone:
research partnerships between the community
welfare sector and universities. In Bottrell,
Dorothy and Meagher, Gabrielle (Eds.),
Communities and change: selected papers, (pp.
285-302). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Rawsthorne, M., Shaver, S. (2008).
Government/non-government relations: the
impact of contractual reporting and
accountability requirements on non-government
organisations under previous arrangements in the
Family and Community Services portfolio.
Australian Social Policy Journal, 7, 141-155.
Rawsthorne, M. (2008). Violence against women
in rural settings. In Barbara Fawcett and Fran
Waugh (Eds.), Addressing Violence, Abuse and
Oppression: Debates and Challenges, (pp.
93-105). New York London: Routledge imprint
of Taylor & Francis.
Rawsthorne, M., Vinson, T. (2007). 'The Most
Liveable Place in Australia': The role of social
indicators in realising the vision. New
Community Quarterly, 5(4), 3-10.
De Pree-Raghavan, A., Rawsthorne, M. (2007).
Putting community development at the centre:
'teaching' community development in a social
work program. New Community Quarterly, 5(2),
Rawsthorne, M., Eardley, T. (2007). Working
collaboratively: Improving services outcomes for
young people. Australian Social Policy Journal,
2 (2006)(1), 85-119.
Rawsthorne, M. (2006). Instability among low
income families. Just Policy, 40, 25-33.
Rawsthorne, M. (2006). Unemployment at
29-year low: Why unemployment still matters.
In Serr K (Eds.), Thinking about Poverty, (pp.
92-106). Sydney: The Federation Press.
Rawsthorne, M. (2005). Community
development activities in the context of
contracting. Australian Journal of Social Issues,
40(2), 227-240.
Rawsthorne, M., Christian, F. (2005).
Government/Community Sector Compacts: 'Real
Engagement?'. 2005 International Conference on
Engaging Communities, Brisbane: Queensland