Data and Computer Communications Chapter 1 – Data Communications, Data Networks, and the Internet Ninth Edition by William Stallings Data Communications, Data Networks, and the Internet “The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point” - The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Claude Shannon Message Message 1-1 DATA COMMUNICATIONS The term telecommunication means communication at a distance. The word data refers to information presented in whatever form is agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data. Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable. 1.3 Figure 1.1 Five components of data communication 1.4 Figure 1.2 Data flow (simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex) 1.5 1-2 NETWORKS A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes) connected by communication links. A node can be a computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network. 1.6 Figure 1.3 Types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint 1.7 Technological Advancement Driving Forces Traffic growth at a high & steady rate • Development of new services • Advances in technology Changes in Networking Technology * Emergence of high-speed LANs * Corporate WAN needs * Digital electronics Convergence The merger of previously distinct telephony and information technologies and markets Layers: • applications • these are seen by the end users • enterprise services • services the information network supplies to support applications • infrastructure • communication links available to the enterprise Convergence Layers Benefits Convergence benefits include: Efficiency Effectiveness Transformation • better use of existing resources, and implementation of centralized capacity planning, asset and policy management • the converged environment provides users with flexibility, rapid standardized service deployment and enhanced remote connectivity and mobility • enables the enterprise-wide adoption of global standards and associated service levels Communications Model Communications Tasks Transmission system utilization Addressing Interfacing Routing Signal generation Recovery Synchronization Message formatting Exchange management Security Error detection and correction Network management Flow control Transmission Lines Capacity The basic building block of any communications facility is the transmission line. The business manager is concerned with a facility providing the required capacity, with acceptable reliability, at minimum cost. Reliability Cost Transmission Line Two mediums currently driving the evolution of data communications transmission are: and Networking Advances in technology have led to greatly increased capacity and the concept of integration, allowing equipment and networks to work simultaneously. Voice Data Image Video Network Hardware Classifying networks based on their scale: Local Area Networks Metropolitan Area Networks Wide Area Networks Wireless Networks Home Networks Internetworks 18 Network Hardware 19 LANs and WANs There are two broad categories of networks: Local Area Networks (LAN) Wide Area Networks (WAN) Wide Area Networks (WANs) Span a large geographical area Require Rely the crossing of public right-of-ways in part on common carrier circuits Typically consist of a number of interconnected switching nodes Wide Area Networks Alternative technologies used include: Circuit switching Packet switching Frame relay Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Circuit Switching Uses a dedicated communications path Connected sequence of physical links between nodes Logical channel dedicated on each link Rapid transmission The most common example of circuit switching is the telephone network Network Hardware Wide Area Networks 24 Packet Switching Data are sent out in a sequence of small chunks called packets Packets are passed from node to node along a path leading from source to destination Packet-switching networks are commonly used for terminal-to-terminal computer and computer-to-computer communications Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Referred to as cell relay Culmination of circuit switching and packet switching Uses fixed-length packets called cells Works in range of 10’s and 100’s of Mbps and in the Gbps range Data rate on each channel dynamically set on demand Local Area Networks (LAN) Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) Network Hardware Wireless Networks Categories of wireless networks: System interconnection Wireless LANs Wireless WANs 29 Network Hardware Wireless Networks System interconnection Bluetooth a short-range wireless network. Allows system components together, digital cameras, headsets, scanners, and other devices to connect to a computer by merely being brought within range. Wireless LANs Every computer has a radio modem and antenna with which it can communicate with other systems. Standard for wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11, which most systems implement and which is becoming very widespread. 30 Network Hardware Wireless Networks Wireless WANs (cont.) Wireless LANs an operate at rates up to about 50 Mbps over distances of tens of meters. While cellular systems (Wireless WANs) operate below 1 Mbps, but the distance between the base station and the computer or telephone is measured in kilometers rather than in meters. High-bandwidth wide area wireless networks are also being developed (IEEE 802.16). 31 The Internet Internet evolved from ARPANET Developed to solve the dilemma of communicating across arbitrary, multiple, packet-switched network TCP/IP provides the foundation Internet Key Elements Internet Architecture Figure 1.11 WANs: a switched WAN and a point-to-point WAN 1.35 Figure 1.12 A heterogeneous network made of four WANs and two LANs 1.36 Figure 1.13 Hierarchical organization of the Internet 1.37