Document 17544222

‫جامعــــة فيــالدلفيـــا‬
‫قسم إدارة نظم وشبكات األعمال‬
Philadelphia University
Department of Business Networking And Systems Management
‫اإلمتحان األول‬
‫ورقة اإلجابة‬
Form No:
:‫نموذج رقم‬
Answer sheet
:‫القسم األول‬
‫ معلومات‬-‫أ‬
A: Information
: ‫الرقم الجامعي للطالب‬
Student No:
: ‫اسم الطالب‬
Student Name:
‫ الصباحية‬: ‫الفترة‬
Duration: Morning
:‫الفصل الدراسي‬
: ‫أسم مدرس المادة‬
0371350 :‫رقم المادة‬
Module Number: 0371350
: ‫السنة الدراسية‬
Academic year:
‫ التجارة اإللكترونية‬: ‫اسم المادة‬
Module Title: Electronic Commerce
: ‫التاريخ‬
: ‫اليوم‬
Day: Tuesday
Internal Examiner:
:‫الممتحن الداخلي‬
Examination: First
‫ األول‬:‫االمتحــــان‬
B -Guidelines
-The exam consists of two categories and the total mark
is (20).
- Each question has its own mark beside it.
-The answer must be written clearly and writ the
question number relevant to the answer.
- Student must not talk or cheat during the exam or
He / She will be subject to penalty
) ‫ مالحظات الطالب حول األسئلة ( إذا وجد‬- ‫جـ‬
C- Student Comments about the Questions ( If any)
‫ ارشادات‬-‫ب‬
‫ االمتحان يتكون من فئتين من األسئلة ومجموع العالمات‬.)20(
.‫ العالمة مكتوبة إزاء كل سؤال‬‫ يجب كتابة اإلجابة بوضوح وتحديد رقم السؤال المتعلق‬.‫باإلجابة‬
‫ أو الغش خالل االمتحان‬/ ‫ أو الكالم‬/‫ يمنع منعاً باتاً االلتفات‬.‫تحت طائلة العقاب‬
‫ األسئلة‬: ‫القسم الثاني‬
PART II: Questions
.) 10( ‫ أسئلة األفكار األساسية للمادة‬: ‫الفئة األولى‬
FIRST Category: Main points of the topic (10).
The aim from these questions is to assess the main
knowledge and skills of the student that show the
minimum that the student should acquire.
‫الهدف من هذا النوع من األسئلة هو تقييم المعرفة‬
‫والمهارات األساسية والتي تمثل المستوى األدنى المطلوب‬
.‫من الطالب وفق ما تم به إثراء قدراته المعرفية‬
Question One (10 Marks):
A) Explain the following concepts and sentences (6 Marks)
1. Electronic commerce:
The process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, or information via computer
2. Intermediary:
A third party that operates between sellers and buyers.
3. Intranet:
An internal corporate or government network that uses Internet tools, such as Web browsers, and
Internet protocols.
4. Bartering:
The exchange of goods or services.
B) Give four examples represent the E.C Classification by nature of the transactions or interactions.
 Business-to-business (B2B).
 Business-to-consumer (B2C).
 Consumer-to-business (C2B).
 Consumer-to-consumer (C2C).
SECOND Category: practical applications and
analysis skills (10).
The aim from these questions is to assess the
student’s ability to analyze and comprehend
Information In addition to his ability to apply the
Information in a practical way.
‫أسئلة الجانب التطبيقي وقياس قدرة الطالب على‬: ‫الفئة الثانية‬
. )10( ‫التحليل واالستنتاج‬
‫الهدف من هذا النوع من األسئلة هو فحص قدرة الطالب على‬
‫التحليل واالستنتاج ومقدار مهارته في الربط بين المعلومات النظرية‬
.‫التي درسها والجانب التطبيقي العملي للمادة‬
Question Two (10 Marks):
A) Compare between the front end and back end concepts. (4 Marks).
Front end
The portion of an e-seller’s business processes through which customers interact, including the
seller’s portal, electronic catalogs, a shopping cart, a search engine, and a payment gateway.
Back end
The activities that support online order-taking. It includes fulfillment, inventory management,
purchasing from suppliers, payment processing, packaging, and delivery.
B) Explain how can (Transforming organizations) in Electronic commerce environment. (3 Marks).
Technology and organizational learning:
Corporate change must be planned and managed.
Organizations may have to struggle with different experiments and learn from their mistakes.
The changing nature of work:
Firms are reducing the number of employees down to a core of essential staff and outsourcing
whatever work they can to countries where wages are significantly lower
C) Specify the E.C benefits. (3Marks).
Benefits to Organizations.
Benefits to Consumers.
Benefits to Society.
Good Luck