Introduction to System Analysis and Design System Analysis and Design

System Analysis and Design
Introduction to System Analysis
and Design
- Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Arra
- Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghoul
Learning Objectives
Describe the systems development
life cycle
Discuss Systems Development
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
 Systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a common
methodology for system development in many
organizations; it features several phases that mark the
progress of the systems analysis and design effort
 Every text book and information systems development
organization uses a slightly different life cycle model
 SDLC involves a series of phases.
 You can think about SDLC like constructing a building.
First, you would list specific objectives for the project.
Then you might hire an architect to present an overall
concept and create a set of drawings to show how the
building will fulfill your objectives. Later, you would need
detailed blueprints for the workers. When the building is
done, you would check it out, test everything, turn it
over to the new occupants, and make sure they are
satisfy with the results.
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
An idea
Planning and
Design and
operation, security
and support
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
SDLC is Series of steps used to manage the
phases of development for an information system
SDLC used to plan and manage the systems development
The life cycle can be thought as a circular process in
which the end of the useful life of one system leads to the
beginning of anther project that will develop a new
version or replace an existing system altogether
SDLC is not necessary to be sequentially ordered set of
phases, the specific steps and their sequence are meant
to be adapted as required for a project
In a SDLC you can complete some activates in one phase
in parallel with some activates of anther phase
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
In some cases the SDLC is iterative; that is,
phases are repeated as required until an
acceptable system is found
The SDLC used in an organization is an orderly
set of activates conducted and planned for each
development project
Each activity or phase in the SDLC has specific
outcomes that feed important information to
other phases
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Each of the phases include a set of steps, which
rely on techniques that produce specific
document files that provide understanding about
the project.
Individual companies use customized life
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Traditionally pictured as
a waterfall model
In waterfall model the
result of each phase,
which is called end
product, flaws
sequentially into the next
The adjacent phases
interact, as shown by
dotted lines
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Alternative model
In the alternative model
of the SDLC, planning,
analysis, and design
interact continuously,
followed by
implementation and
operation and support
interactive model
depicting real world
practice and the constant
dialog among users,
managers, and systems
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
System development life cycle
includes the following steps:
 Systems planning
Systems Operation
and Support
 Systems analysis
 Systems design
Implementation Design
 Systems implementation
 Systems operation, support,
and security
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Systems planning
Purpose is to identify the nature and scope of the
business opportunity or problem
Systems request – begins the process & describes
problems or desired changes in an information system
or business process
Systems planning includes preliminary investigation
to identify the nature and scope of the business
opportunity or problem. The outcome of preliminary
investigation will affect the entire development
process. A key part of the preliminary investigation is
a feasibility study that reviews costs and benefits and
recommends a course of action based on operational,
technical, economic and time factors.
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Systems Analysis
Purpose is to build a logical model of the new system
The analysis phase answers the questions of who will use the
system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be
During this phase the project team investigates any current
systems, identifies improvement opportunities, and develops a
concept for the new system.
 First step is requirements modeling, where you investigate
business processes and document what the new system must
do. To understand the system, you perform fact-finding using
techniques such as interviews, surveys, document review,
observation, and sampling
 End product is the System requirements document which
describes management and user requirements, costs, and
benefits, and outline alternative development strategies.
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life Cycle
Systems Design
In this phase the designer decided how the system will operate, in
terms of the hardware, software, and network infrastructure; the
user interface, forms, and reports that will be used; and the specific
programs, databases, and files that will be needed.
 Purpose is to create a blueprint that will satisfy all documented
 Identify all outputs, inputs, and processes
 Avoid misunderstanding through manager and user involvement
 End product is system design specification
Logical Design
 Concentrates on business aspects of the system
Physical Design
 Technical specifications
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Systems Implementation
New system is constructed
Write, test, & document programs
File conversion occurs
Users, managers, IT staff trained to operate
and support the system
System evaluation performed, to determine
whether the system operates properly and if
costs and benefits are within expectations.
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
The Systems Development Life
Systems Operation, Support, and security
New system supports operations
Maintenance changes correct errors or meet requirements
Enhancements increase system capability by provide new
features and benefits
The objective during this phase is to maximize return on the IT
Security controls safeguard the system from both external and
internal threats
A well-designed system will be secure, reliable, maintainable,
and scalable so it can expand to meet new business
requirements and volumes
After several years of operation, systems need extensive
SDLC ends with system replacement
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
Systems Development Guidelines
With experience as a system analyst, you will develop
your own style and techniques. Although each project is
different and have its constraints, rules, so you can
decide which methods and technique you will use, you
should consider some basic guidelines as you build an
information system.
Involve users throughout the development process
Ensure that users are involved in the development process,
especially when identifying and modeling system requirements
Listening is Very Important
stick to an overall development plan
The best system is the one that meets user needs most effectively.
When you interact with users, you must put aside any preconceived
notations and listen closely
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
Systems Development Guidelines
Create a Time Table with Major Milestones
Identify Interim Checkpoints
System development is a dynamic process, and overlap often
exists between the phases of system planning, analysis,
design, and implementation
Develop Accurate Cost and Benefit Information
Establish interim checkpoints between major milestones to
ensure that the project remains on schedule
Remain Flexible
Identify major milestones for project review and assessment.
At those milestones, managers and systems developers must
decide whether to proceed with the project, redo certain
tasks, return to earlier phase, or terminate the project
Provide accurate and reliable cost estimation and benefit
information to managers at start of each phase
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
Sequence Summary
In this Sequence we have
Described the systems development life cycle
Distinguished between Traditional SDLC as a
waterfall model and the Alternative SDLC
Defined system planning, system analysis,
system design, system implementation,
System Operation, Support, and security
Discussed systems development guidelines
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD
[1] System Analysis and Design, Sixth Edition
Authors: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J. Rosenblatt ,
[2] Modern Systems Analysis and Design Third Edition
Authors: Jeffrey A. Hoffer , Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich
Publisher: prentice hall
[3] System Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition
Authors: Dennis, Wixom, & Roth
Publisher: John Wiley & sons
System Analysis and Design
Introduction to SAD