Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Lecturer: Dr. Moayad A. Fahdil

Philadelphia University
Lecturer: Dr. Moayad A. Fahdil
Coordinator: Dr. Moayad A. Fahdil
Internal Examiner: Dr. Mourad M.
Faculty of Information Technology
Software Engineering Department
Examination Paper
Software Architecture (721320)
Final Exam
1st Semester - 2011/2012
Date: 24/1/2012
Section: 2
Time: 120 Minutes
Information for Candidates
1. This examination paper contains 4 questions totaling 40 marks.
2. The marks for parts of questions are shown in square brackets:
Advice to Candidates
1. You should attempt ALL questions and write your answers clearly.
2. You are not allowed to split answers of one question and mix up sections of different questions.
I. Basic Notions
Objectives: The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate your required minimal knowledge and
understanding skills in the basics of Software Architecture.
Question 1 (15 marks)
1. What are the fundamental understandings of software architecture?(2 marks)
2. What are the benefits of first-class connectors? (2 marks)
3. What are the Non-Functional Properties which related to architectural choices? (2 marks)
4. What are the types of connectors for Composite Connectors (Grid connectors and Peer-to-peer
connectors)? (2 marks)
What are the properties of DSSA? (2 marks)
Consider the following diagram: (2 marks)
a. Specify the software architectural pattern.
b. What are the properties of the specified pattern?
Software Architecture (721320)
Final Exam
1 st Semester 2011/2012
7. For the following connectors’ diagrams: (2 marks)
“Specify the type and service of them.”
8. For the following diagram what is the architectural pattern. (1 marks)
Software Architecture (721320)
Final Exam
1 st Semester 2011/2012
II. Familiar Problems Solving
Objectives: This part aims to evaluate that you have some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture
material and can attempt to solve familiar problems.
Question 2 (9 marks)
Consider the Course Registration Problem Statement:
The registration process works as follows: Students send an application form containing their personal
details and their desired course The University checks that the course is available and that the student
has necessary academic qualifications. If the course is available the student is enrolled in the course,
and the university confirms the enrolment by sending a confirmation letter to the student. If the course
is unavailable the student receives a rejection letter.
1- Choose the suitable software architecture style, justify your choice. (2 marks)
2- What are the ccomponents of the architecture? (2 marks)
3- Specify the connectors and its types. (2 marks)
4- Draw Software Architecture Style. (3 marks)
Question 3
(8 marks – 2 Marks for each)
A- For the following software architecture model determine (Components, Connectors, and Topology)
B- Consider the following diagram:
1- Specify the software architectural style.
2- What are the properties of the specified style?
Software Architecture (721320)
Final Exam
1 st Semester 2011/2012
C- For the following diagram determine its software architecture style and its advantages:
D- For the following diagram determine its software architecture style and its disadvantages:
Unfamiliar Problems Solving
Objective: This part aims to evaluate that you have some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture
material and can attempt to solve unfamiliar problems.
Question 4 (8 marks)
The following concerns a simplified system of an airplane flight simulator for a video game
“The video game system has already been implemented and consists of a computer with joystick
and pushbutton inputs and an output interface for a colour television. Your job is to develop the
software for the computer to display the view from the cockpit of an airplane. The joystick and
pushbutton control the airplane. The display should be based on a terrain description stored in
Use Object-Oriented Software Architecture Style specifies:
a) Components (objects). (2 marks)
b) Connectors (messages and method invocations). (2 marks)
c) Draw Software Architecture Style. (4 marks)
Software Architecture (721320)
Final Exam
1 st Semester 2011/2012