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Faculty of Information Technology
Philadelphia University
Department of Software Engineering
: Dr. Moayad
: Dr. Moayad
Internal Examiner: Dr. Samer Hanna
Software Architecture (721320)
Date: 23rd November 2014
Examination Paper
First Exam
Section: 1
1st semester 2014-2015
Time: 60 Minutes
Information for Candidates
1.This examination paper contains 4 questions. Question 1 carries 8 marks. Question 2 carries 4
marks. Question 3 carries 4 marks. Question 4 carries 4 marks. The total is 24.
2.The marks for parts of questions are shown in round brackets.
I. Basic Notions
Objectives: The aim of the question is to evaluate your knowledge and skills concerning with the basic
concepts of Software Architecture.
Question 1: (8 marks, 2 marks for each)
1. What are the main features of Domain-Specific Software Architectures?
2. Consider the following diagrams:
a. The diagram can be representing a Software Architectural Pattern, What is it?
b. What are the suitable words which can be written in the empty blocks?
3. What are the basic Benefits of software architectural styles?
4. What is the Model-View-Controller Pattern?
II. Familiar Problems Solving
Objectives: The aim of the question is to evaluate your basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lectures
material and your ability to solve familiar problems.
Question 2 (6 marks, 3 marks for each)
Consider the Course Registration Problem Statement:
The registration process works as follows: Students send an application form containing their personal details
and their desired course The University checks that the course is available and that the student has necessary
academic qualifications. If the course is available the student is enrolled in the course, and the university
confirms the enrolment by sending a confirmation letter to the student. If the course is unavailable the student
receives a rejection letter.
1- What are the data components, processing components, and interface components?
2- Draw a prescriptive software architecture style for the above problem statement.
Question 3 (6 marks, 3 marks for each)
Consider the two architectures illustrated in the figures below. What architecture does each one apply?
Justify your answer.
Figure 1
Figure 2
III. Unfamiliar Problems Solving
Objectives: The aim of the question is to evaluate your knowledge of the key aspects of the lectures
material and your ability to solve unfamiliar problems.
Question 4 (4 marks)
The application provides advice to stock customer. It uses a multiplatform design consisting of several website. One
website continually collects and stores prices and other information about stocks; a second site continually collects
stock advice from analysts; a third recommends portfolio suggestions to users.
Draw a client/server descriptive software architecture diagram representing the hardware/software
mapping of this application.