P h i l


P h i i l l a d e l l p h i i a U n i i v e r s s i i t t y

Lecturer : Dr. M. Maouche

Coordinator : Dr M. Maouche

Internal Examiner : Dr. M. Taye

Course Name : Software Requirement (721230)

F a c u l l t t y o f f I I n f o r m a t t i i o n t t e c h n o l l o g y

D e p a r t t m e n t t o f f S o f f t t w a r e E n g i i n e e r i i n g

Examination Paper

Business Requirements Analysis (731324)

Sections: 1, 2

Final Exam

First Semester Academic Year: 2015/16 Date : February, 2 nd

, 2016 Time: 120 minutes

Information for Candidates

1 This examination paper contains 5 questions, totaling 40 marks

2 The marks for parts of questions are shown in round brackets .

Advice to Candidates

1. You should write your answers precisely, clearly and to the point .

I. Basic Notions

Objectives: The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate the required minimal student knowledge and skills. Answers in the pass category represent the minimum acceptable standard.

Question1: (10 marks)

Answer the following MCQ questions

1 . A descriptive statement is

A. always true

B. always false

C. true only sometimes

D. None of the above


A domain property is a

A. Prescriptive statement

B. Definition statement

C. Descriptive statement

D. None of the above


‘Patrons may not borrow more than x books at time’ statement is a:

A. Domain property

B. Software requirement

C System requirement

D. Definition

4. ‘ The recorded number of loans by a patron may never exceed a maximum number x’ statement is a:

A. Domain property

B. Software requirement

C System requirement

D. Definition

5. The ‘consolidation’ activity of the RE process consists in:

A. Documenting the requirements

B. Eliciting the requirements

C. Evaluating the requirements

D. Checking the quality of of all items specified in the RE document

6. The ‘Requirements Evaluation’ activity is concerned with:

A. Inconsistency management

B. Risk analysis

C. Requirement Prioritization

D. All of the above

7. Which of the following is not a requirement error

A. Omission

B. Ambiguity

C. Unmeasurability

D. None of the above

8. Risk management processes include three activities. Which is the right execution order of these activities?

A. Risk identification, Risk control, Risk assessment


Risk identification, Risk assessment, Risk control

C. Risk assessment, Risk control, Risk identification

D. Risk control, Risk assessment, Risk identification

9. Which of the following is not a stakeholder-driven elicitation technique

A. Interview

B. Observation

C. Group session

D. Questionnaire

10. Which of the following is not a kind of requirement

A. Functional requirement

B. Quality requirement

C. Non functional Requirement

D. None of the above

Question2: (6 marks)


Draw the sub-tree reporting the ‘Interface’ part of the taxonomy of non functional requirements. (3 marks)

2. List three causal factors of requirement changes. (3 marks)

II. Familiar Problems Solving

Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar problems

Question3: (10 marks)

Problem statement: ‘Prevent Unauthorized access to IT laboratory computers’.

The following phenomena are observed in the problem and solution worlds: passwords, student, password files, encryption algorithms, hackers, passwords allocation method, user names, typing passwords, stickers with passwords written on, memory management.

Which of these phenomena are in the environment part ? Which of these phenomena are in the shared part ? Which of these phenomena are in the software to be part?

Question4: (10 marks) :

Problem World: Ambulance Dispatch System

Public dials the 911 and asks the phone operator for an ambulance. The operator fills the incident report then passes it to the resource controllers who first amend the incident report and then passes it to the dispatcher. The dispatcher then dispatches the ambulance and its driver. The selected ambulance may be located anywhere in the city.

The root goal of this system is: Support Ambulance Dispatching


Assume the following list of sub-goals: Determine uniqueness of call, select ambulance, dispatch ambulance, update ambulance status, and receive emergency call.

Draw a goal hierarchy that links the root goal to the sub-g oals mentioned above. (4 marks)

2. Input incident report and Send to dispatcher are two tasks. Which sub-goal in the goal hierarchy is achieved by these two tasks? Draw a simple graph that links these tasks to the corresponding sub-goal.

Who are the agents that perform these tasks? (3 marks)


Which of the following statements is a domain assumption? Is a soft goal? Is a quality constraint?

(3 marks)

-Fast assistance.

- Communication networks working.

- Ambulance arrives at 15 minutes.

III. Unfamiliar Problems Solving

Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve unfamiliar problems.

Question5: (4 marks) :

Based on the Ambulance Dispatch System described in the question 4.

Consider the sub-goal: Select Ambulance.

Suggest three tasks that may support the achievement of this sub-goal. Explain briefly your answer.
