Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Lecturer : Dr. M. Maouche Coordinator : Dr M. Maouche Internal Examiner : Prof.Dr. M. Mahafzah Marking Schema Department of Computer Science Course Name: Computer Design and Organization (750233) Section: 1 First Exam . Question1: (8 marks) 1. CPU; Memory; I/O system. (2) 2. Stored program and data; sequential execution (fetch decode execute); single datapath(2) 3. combinational circuits give always the same output values for the same input values while for sequential circuits the output values depend not only on the input values but also on last stored state of the circuit. (2) 4. Multiplexer (2) Question2: (10 marks) 1. 57 = 32 + 16 + 8 + 1 so 111 0 0 1 (1.5) 0.55 : using successive multiplication by 2 gives: 100011 Final result: 2. (1.5) 111001.100011 Converting -1.5 into binary gives : -1.1 x 20 (1) Non biased exponent = 0 ; biased exponent = 127 + 0 = 127 (1) IEEE representation: 1 01111111 3. 68: 34: 01000100 00100010 10000000000000000000000 -68: 10111100 -34: 11011110 ------------10011010 Final result = -102 (correct result) Carry out = carry in thus NO overflow . (1) (two complement) (two complement) (1) (1) (1) (1) Question3 : (4 marks) 65 is the decimal ASCII code for the letter “A”; code for the letter “a”. 97 is the decimal ASCII 1. (2) 65: 97: 100 |0001 110|0001 - same BCD value (0001) for both letters expressing that these are the first letters of latin characters - only one bit is different in their block parts (110 \100) 2. Switching from a capital letter to its corresponding small letter consists in inverting the 6th bit of the ascii code and this is what the key CAPS LOCK do. (2)