FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND REDESIGN OF A 12-BIT SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER A Project Presented to the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering by Heather Renée Richardson SPRING 2013 FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND REDESIGN OF A 12-BIT SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER A Project by Heather Renée Richardson Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Perry Heedley, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Thomas Matthews, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Heather Renée Richardson I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Preetham Kumar, Ph.D. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iii ___________________ Date Abstract of FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND REDESIGN OF A 12-BIT SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER by Heather Renée Richardson The objective of this project was to debug and redesign as needed an existing but broken 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (SA ADC) for use in an analog front-end integrated circuit in an electrocardiogram monitoring application. The simulation results initially obtained for the SA ADC showed that the converter obtained roughly 6-bit resolution. The redesign effort included correcting problems found in the connections for the reference voltage and biasing circuits, as well as redesigning the successive approximation digital logic. _______________________, Committee Chair Perry Heedley, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Perry Heedley for his invaluable technical insight contributing to the completion of this report and Dr. Thomas Matthews for his involvement with not only this project but with other endeavors over the years as well. I am so grateful to both of them for the professional guidance I have received as well as the numerous technical discussions I have been the beneficiary of while studying at CSUS. I would also like to thank Steven Dehaas and Dr. Milica Markovic for believing in me as an undergraduate student and actively encouraging my academic and professional pursuits. I would like to thank my benevolent boss Jeff Ottlinger for supporting my academic and professional goals and my employer, DMEA, for financially supporting my MSEE. I would like to thank my mentor Kevin Geoghegan for all of his insight and guidance. Special thanks to my colleagues Mike O, Ivan, Scott, Bridge, Mike G, Sack, Bill D and Dave P from whom I have learned so much and have been great resources of support, experience and comic relief. My humbled thanks to my family, especially to my brilliant and wonderful father for his insight, hilarious emails and awesome advice which were invaluable to my growth as an individual and as an engineer. Thank you to my best friend and favorite cheerleader, my gorgeous sister Lisa. v Finally and most importantly, I owe my deepest thanks to my loving, funny and handsome husband Donald. I am indebted to and grateful for his quiet strength, patience, steady character and loyal support throughout the last eleven years. I am truly blessed to be married to a man who loves, inspires and challenges me the way that he does. I am excited to close this chapter of our lives and move on to the next! דֹודא יִ נֲ א ֲ ִדֹודא ִי ֲ ֲיא י vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................v List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ......................................................................................................................x Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................1 1.1. Motivation ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Background ................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Report Organization ...................................................................................... 5 2. SPECIFICATION AND ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................6 2.1. Overview: Analog-to-Digital Converters ..................................................... 6 2.2. Successive Approximation ADC .................................................................. 7 2.2.1. Binary Search Algorithm .............................................................................. 7 2.2.2. SA ADC Architecture: General Description................................................. 8 2.2.3. Digital-to-Analog Converter ....................................................................... 12 2.2.4. Comparator ................................................................................................. 23 2.2.5. SAR Control Logic ..................................................................................... 29 2.2.6. SA Architecture: Detailed View ................................................................. 32 2.3. Error Sources .............................................................................................. 46 3. TESTING AND FAULT DIAGNOSIS ........................................................................50 3.1. Overview of SA ADC Testing .................................................................... 50 vii 3.2. Static ADC Testing ..................................................................................... 51 3.3. Dynamic ADC Testing ............................................................................... 52 3.4. ADC4 SA ADC Simulation Results ........................................................... 55 3.5. SA ADC Fault Analysis .............................................................................. 56 3.6. Simulation Results ...................................................................................... 60 4. REDESIGN AND SIMULATION RESULTS .............................................................64 4.1. SAR Logic Redesign .................................................................................. 64 4.2. SA ADC Simulation Results....................................................................... 68 5. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................70 References ..........................................................................................................................71 viii LIST OF TABLES Tables Page Table 3.1 Specifications for the SA ADC......................................................................... 50 Table 4.1 SA ADC Performance Summary ...................................................................... 69 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page Figure 2.1: SA ADC – Block Diagram ............................................................................... 8 Figure 2.2: Flow Chart for the Binary Search Algorithm used in the SA ADC ............... 10 Figure 2.3: DAC – Block Diagram ................................................................................... 13 Figure 2.4: Ideal 6-bit DAC Transfer Curve..................................................................... 14 Figure 2.5: Binary Weighted Charge Redistribution DAC............................................... 16 Figure 2.6: Binary Weighted Charge Redistribution DAC with Sample and Hold .......... 17 Figure 2.7: DAC with the MSB set = 1 and all other bits = 0 .......................................... 19 Figure 2.8: Capacitive voltage divider formed when b5 = 1 and all other bits = 0 .......... 19 Figure 2.9: Equivalent Voltage Divider with a DAC code of 100000 ............................. 20 Figure 2.10: Capacitive voltage divider formed when b4 = 1 and all other bits = 0 ........ 20 Figure 2.11: Equivalent Voltage Divider with a DAC code of 010000 ........................... 20 Figure 2.12: Example of a 3-bit Resistor String DAC ...................................................... 22 Figure 2.13: Comparator – Block Diagram ...................................................................... 24 Figure 2.14: Ideal Comparator Transfer Curve ................................................................ 24 Figure 2.15: Effect of Finite Gain and Offset on the Comparator Transfer Curve ........... 25 Figure 2.16: Fully Differential Comparator – Block Diagram ......................................... 26 Figure 2.17: Latching Comparator [12] ............................................................................ 27 Figure 2.18: SAR State Machine ...................................................................................... 29 Figure 2.19: 6-bit SA ADC ............................................................................................... 33 x Figure 2.20: 6-bit SA ADC – Clock Cycle 1 of Bit Cycling Mode .................................. 34 Figure 2.21: 6-bit SA ADC – Clock Cycle 2 of Bit Cycling Mode .................................. 35 Figure 2.22: 12-bit SA ADC ............................................................................................. 37 Figure 2.23: Ideal bipolar 6-bit DAC Transfer Curve ...................................................... 40 Figure 2.24: Example 6-bit ADC Transfer Curve ............................................................ 42 Figure 2.25: 12-bit Fully Differential SA ADC ................................................................ 43 Figure 2.26: Illustration of DNL and INL Errors [15] ...................................................... 48 Figure 3.1: Input Signal and Window Function Effects on Spectral Leakage [16] .......... 55 Figure 3.2: Comparator Swing Minimizing Circuit.......................................................... 58 Figure 3.3: Comparator Overdrive Recovery Test ........................................................... 59 Figure 3.4: Simulation of the SAR Logic block demonstrating error in B1 and B0 bits . 63 Figure 4.1: SAR Logic Schematic – Four Bit Example ................................................... 64 Figure 4.2: SAR Logic Simulation Results – Four bit Example ...................................... 67 Figure 4.3: SA ADC FFT Results with new control logic................................................ 68 xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Motivation With recent healthcare trends focused on a proactive, preventative and personalized approach the demand for portable, intelligent, reliable and low power biomedical diagnostic devices has increased dramatically. A crucial aspect of medical diagnostics systems is the monitoring of biopotential signals [1], such as the electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is the measurement and graphical representation of the electrical signals associated with the heart muscles with respect to time [2]. Some applications for ECGs include monitoring the heart rate, diagnosing specific heart problems, detecting if a heart attack has occurred, monitoring the effects of heart medicines and aiding in the treatment of breathing problems, such as asthma. Biomedical devices that monitor a patient’s ECG increase the patient’s autonomy and improve the quality of their healthcare as well as their quality of life. The necessity for continuous monitoring, ultra-low power consumption, light weight and portability of the ECG monitoring devices have forced the design methodology to evolve from a board level approach to system-on-a-chip (SoC) solutions [3]-[4]. The SoC approach benefits from reduced power consumption and also results in a more compact biomedical device. The applications of and demand for ECG monitoring devices present a challenging and rewarding design opportunity; the goal of the BME2 graduate student design team is to design an Analog Front-End (AFE) integrated circuit (IC) for an ECG monitoring 2 application. The role of the AFE in an ECG device is to digitize the heart signal. The primary components of a traditional discrete ECG AFE include instrumentation amplifiers, active filters, and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) [5]. A 12-bit Successive Approximation (SA) ADC was designed by a prior California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Mixed-Signal Design Laboratory (MSDL) project team, the ADC4 team. However, the simulated dynamic testing of the SA ADC revealed only 6-bit resolution. To leverage the work of the ADC4 project team, a fault diagnosis and redesign of the SA ADC was performed with the ultimate goal of utilizing the SA ADC in the BME2 project. This report presents the fault diagnosis and redesign of the SA ADC performed using the Mentor Graphics IC Station CAD tools and targeting the MOSIS 0.5µm 5-Volt CMOS process. 1.2. Background ECGs detect heart signals through electrodes placed in specific external locations on the human body. The differential voltage between electrodes, referred to as a channel, is displayed on a monitor and allows for the electrical activity of the heart to be monitored. The amplitude of the differential signal is typically a few millivolts and the bandwidth of interest is 0.5Hz to 150Hz. The actual ECG signal contains the differential signal, a common mode signal as well as a differential electrode offset. The ECG device must detect the heart signal as well as two reference signals; the pace and the lead-off. The pace is a man-made signal which is generated from an implanted pacemaker. The leadoff is also a man-made signal and is used to detect when an electrode is not making good 3 contact with the body. The lead-off signal is generated by the ECG device by measuring the impedance between the electrode and the body. The AFE in an ECG device digitizes the input signals detected by the electrodes. Since the ECG device is connected directly to a patient the AFE must not produce a shock hazard for the patient or interfere with any other nearby medical equipment. The AFE must be able to detect the three signals listed above, reject electrical noise and signals from other equipment and muscles, operate on signals which vary in amplitude and frequency, and also recover quickly from a defibrillation event. The dynamic range specification of the AFE is determined by the magnitude of the actual heart signal along with the required resolution of the heart signal and the bandwidth specification is determined by the frequency of the heart signal. The availability and specifications of the AFE components will determine the AFE architecture, and the features of an AFE vary with the architecture. The speed and resolution of the ADC will determine the processing of the ECG signal. The speed of the ADC available for use in the AFE dictates the approach to sampling the input signals. If a high speed ADC is available, the input channels can be multiplexed and one ADC can be used to sample the inputs one at a time; this is referred to as sequential sampling. If a low speed ADC is to be used in the AFE, each channel will have a dedicated ADC which will sample all the signals at the same time; this is referred to as simultaneous sampling. If a low resolution ADC is available for use in the AFE, a low noise amplifier is necessary to increase the amplitude of the input signal. 4 Conversely, if a high resolution ADC is available for use in the AFE, an amplifier with a much lower gain could be used. Designing an AFE for an ECG application provided the BME2 team the opportunity to not only become familiar with analog design methodology but also offered valuable time with the professors for technical interchanges and access to industry design tools while completing a real world project in the team environment of the CSUS MSDL. The team environment of the CSUS MSDL emulates industry design culture where continued technology scaling, increased IC complexity and decreased time-to-market for new products have caused the IC design process to evolve into a project team driven effort. It is therefore desirable that design engineers are not only technically competent but also familiar with the IC design process and able to work effectively in a team environment. The professors at CSUS recognized this crucial educational facet and thus created the MSDL [6] to give graduate students valuable design and teamwork experience prior to entering the workforce. The analog design methodology implemented by CSUS MSDL design teams includes four phases: the architecture phase, preliminary design phase, layout phase and the final design phase [7]. Each phase of the design process is concluded with a structured review during which the design team presents the results of that phase’s completed tasks to their peers, professors and industry professionals. The goal of these reviews is to catch mistakes before the project is fabricated in silicon and also give the students exposure to the design review atmosphere and process. 5 The purpose of the architecture phase is to research design solutions to similar problems, identify possible solutions, examine tradeoffs between alternative designs, and identify potential issues. The purpose of the preliminary design phase is to design the circuit, use simulations to show that the design meets the specifications, verify that borrowed blocks meet the required functionality, resolve any issues, and prepare for the layout phase. The purpose of the layout phase is to layout the new design blocks as well as to connect any blocks which are being reused. The purpose of the final design phase is to identify and correct any issues in the layout which will cause performance issues. 1.3. Report Organization Chapter 2 discusses the theory of operation of a SA ADC as well as the functions and limitations of the sub-circuits. Chapter 3 presents the target specifications of the SA ADC for use in the BME2 project and addresses the fault diagnosis of the SA ADC originally designed by the ADC4 project team. Chapter 4 presents the detailed results of the redesign effort and Chapter 5 is the summary of the project. 6 Chapter 2 SPECIFICATION AND ARCHITECTURE 2.1. Overview: Analog-to-Digital Converters For electronics to be used in biomedical applications, such as heart rate monitoring, the electronics must be able to not only detect but also analyze the input signal. The heart rate is an analog signal; a signal that has a continuous time and amplitude representation. The electronics used to process and analyze signals in biomedical applications are typically digital devices. Digital devices operate on binary signals and are typically faster, less susceptible to noise, and consume less area than their analog counterparts. It is also more straightforward to perform complex arithmetic operations on a digital signal than on an analog signal. Thus for signal processing in biomedical applications it is advantageous to analyze and process the signals in the digital domain. To analyze digital signals in a biomedical device, an ADC must be available to translate the analog biomedical signal into a digital signal which can be used by the digital signal processing electronics. The ADC performs this function by sampling the analog input signal and creating a digital representation of the signal which can then be used for analyzing or processing. ADCs are characterized by their speed and resolution. Many ADC architectures exist and the choice of architecture is application specific and involves tradeoffs between speed and resolution. The speed of the ADC refers to the rate at which the input is sampled. Converters which sample the input at a rate near the theoretical minimum of twice the 7 input signal frequency are referred to as Nyquist-rate converters. The resolution of the ADC is determined by the number of digital output bits; for an ADC with N-bit resolution, 2N digital output codes exist to describe the sampled analog input. 2.2. Successive Approximation ADC SA ADCs are a type of Nyquist-rate converter. They are medium speed and resolution converters and are commonly used due to their moderate circuit complexity. SA ADCs utilize a binary search algorithm to convert an analog input signal to an N-bit digital code. The SA ADC designed by the ADC4 graduate student design team is a 12-bit fully-differential SA ADC implemented with a hybrid capacitor-resistor approach. To understand the functionality and architecture of the SA ADC it is useful to understand a general description then add detail incrementally to the description so that the switching, control signals and the expected voltage values can be understood. 2.2.1. Binary Search Algorithm The main operating principle of the SA ADC is the binary search algorithm [8]. The binary search algorithm can be explained by a guessing game in which one has to guess a number between 1 and 64. To find the answer by asking the fewest questions the search space should first be divided in half. Thus the question “Is the number greater than 32?” is asked. If the answer is yes the search space is then between 33 and 64. The search space can again be divided in half by asking “Is the number greater than 48?”, if the answer is yes, the search space is then between 49 and 64 and again can be divided in half and another guess can be made. This continues until the correct answer is 8 determined; for a data set with 2N values the correct answer will always be found after N steps. 2.2.2. SA ADC Architecture: General Description The general building blocks needed to implement a binary search algorithm in a typical SA ADC are shown in Figure 2.1. The sample and hold circuit is used to capture the analog input, VIN , and the comparator is used to compare the analog input to a variable reference voltage, VDAC . The SAR and control logic is a digital logic block which implements the bit switching sequence necessary for the binary search algorithm and controls the bit settings for the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The DAC generates the reference voltage which is varied during the binary search, VDAC . VIN S/H + COMP Successive Approximation Register (SAR) and Control Logic b0 VDAC b1 ………. bN DAC VREF Figure 2.1: SA ADC – Block Diagram For implementation in an SA ADC, the binary search will use a sequence of possible N-bit ADC output codes to determine the final code that represents a particular analog voltage. For an N-bit ADC the search space is between the positive and negative reference voltages and is divided in half N times by the digital sequence so that the 9 correct code representing an analog input value can be found in N steps. Essentially, the output voltage of the DAC, VDAC , will be the “guessed” value of the binary search algorithm. Each step in the binary search algorithm will determine one bit of the final ADC digital output code. Figure 2.2 is a flowchart illustrating the binary search algorithm implemented in the SA ADC. 10 Start Conversion Sample Vin, Reset i N -1, VDAC 0 bi = 1 VDAC VDAC + VREF 2 N i VIN > VDAC No bi =0 Yes VDAC VDAC - VREF 2N-i i i 1 Yes i0 No End Conversion Figure 2.2: Flow Chart for the Binary Search Algorithm used in the SA ADC 11 Consider a 4-bit case where the top of the ADC input range is VREF and the bottom of the ADC input range is zero. A code of 0000 represents input voltages near the bottom of the ADC input range and a code of 1111 represents input voltages near the top of the ADC input range. At the start of the conversion cycle the analog input signal, VIN , is captured by the sample and hold block and the bit count variable, i, is reset. The DAC voltage is reset to the lowest reference voltage, which is zero in this case. The first step of the binary search, dividing the search space by two, can be done by simply taking the 4-bit digital code for the bottom of the ADC input range, 0000, and changing the MSB to a 1, resulting in the digital code 1000. This code sets the VDAC voltage to one half of the reference voltage, which is in the middle of the ADC input range. The comparator in Figure 2.1 implements the VIN VDAC decision block of Figure 2.2. The sampled analog input voltage VIN is compared with VDAC and the output of the comparator indicates whether the analog input voltage is greater than or less than VDAC . The comparator decision is input to the SAR control logic, which controls the bit settings of the DAC based on the comparator output. If VIN VDAC the comparator output will be high, indicating that the sampled analog input voltage is in the top half of the ADC input range, and the control logic will keep the MSB set to a 1. If VIN VDAC the comparator output will be low, indicating that the sampled analog input voltage is in the bottom half of the ADC input range. In this case, the MSB will be reset to a 0 by the control logic and half of VREF will be subtracted from VDAC . 12 The bit count variable is reduced by 1 and if it is still greater than or equal to zero, the sequence will repeat; this corresponds to the i ≥ 0 decision block of Figure 2.2. For this four-bit example, the bit count variable i is equal to 2, which is still positive, so the conversion sequence will repeat. During the next sequence the next most significant bit will be determined. To divide the search space in half again, this bit will be changed to a 1. If the MSB bit had remained as a 1 from the previous sequence, the resulting 4-bit digital DAC code provided by the control logic would be 1100. VDAC will then be equal to 3 VREF and the sampled input 4 voltage is compared with this new VDAC voltage. After the comparison this second most significant bit will either remain high or be reset to zero by the control logic. The bit count variable i is then decremented, compared with 0 and the sequence will repeat two more times. 2.2.3. Digital-to-Analog Converter The first detail to add to the general description of the SA ADC in Figure 2.1 is the functionality, architecture and resolution of the DAC. The role of the DAC is to convert the digital bits from the SAR control logic to an analog voltage that will be used as a variable reference voltage for the comparator; thus the resolution of the DAC will determine the resolution of the ADC. 13 BIN DAC VOUT VREF Figure 2.3: DAC – Block Diagram Figure 2.3 illustrates a block diagram for a DAC; BIN denotes the digital input bits and VOUT is the analog output voltage which is related to the digital code BIN through the analog reference signal VREF . For a DAC with N-bit resolution, bit bN is the most significant bit and bit b0 is the least significant bit. The relationship between the input code and output voltage for a 6-bit DAC is given by the following equation. VOUT VREF (b5 21 b4 22 b3 23 b2 24 b1 25 b0 26 ) (Equation 2.1) For an N-bit DAC there are 2N possible analog output voltages; thus it is useful to define the minimum incremental voltage step by which the output can increase or decrease. This is referred to as VLSB and is defined in Equation 2.2. VLSB VREF 2N (Equation 2.2) In addition to VLSB it is also convenient to define an LSB unit that can be used when discussing errors. Equation 2.3 defines this unit, referred to as an LSB, which is dependent on the resolution of the converter. 1 LSB 1 2N (Equation 2.3) 14 From Equation 2.1 the transfer curve for an ideal 6-bit converter can be created. The goal of the transfer curve is to graphically show the analog output voltage of the DAC as a function of the input bits increasing from 000000 to 111111, the full scale range of the DAC. The transfer curve of Figure 2.4 is monotonic since the analog output voltage increases as the DAC code increases and the slope of the ideal transfer function is 1. VOUT / VREF 1 63/64 3/4 VLSB / VREF 1/ 64 1 LSB 1/2 1/4 000000 010000 100000 110000 DAC Input Code 111111 Figure 2.4: Ideal 6-bit DAC Transfer Curve The ideal transfer curve is a straight line, however the transfer function of a non-ideal DAC will deviate from this straight line, have a different slope and will not match the 15 ideal transfer function at each point on the curve. The deviation of the actual slope from the slope of an ideal DAC is referred to as the gain error. It is typically expressed in terms of LSB units or as a percentage of the full scale range of the DAC. Offset error refers to the difference between the ideal transfer curve and the actual curve at a given point; this is measured as the analog output voltage of the DAC when an input code of all zeros is applied to the input. Integral non-linearity, or INL, is the deviation of the transfer curve from the ideal straight-line. Differential non-linearity, or DNL, is the difference between each step and the ideal step size of 1 LSB. Binary-Weighted Charge Redistribution DAC Binary-weighted charge redistribution DACs are popular architectures since CMOS technology is conducive to the fabrication of switches and capacitors and the effects of mismatched capacitors on linearity, gain and offset can be minimized using design and layout techniques. Charge redistribution DACs operate using switched capacitor techniques to control the flow of charge, with the binary-weighted capacitors dividing the total charge applied to the array. Non-overlapping clocks are required for this architecture to ensure that charge transfer occurs at the appropriate time and that charge is not lost. 16 VOUT 32C 16C 8C b5 b4 b3 4C 2C C C S1 b2 b1 b0 bx BusA BusB VREF Figure 2.5: Binary Weighted Charge Redistribution DAC An example of a 6-bit binary weighted charge redistribution DAC is depicted in Figure 2.5. The output voltage of the DAC, VOUT , is connected to the top plates of the capacitors in the array and is reset to zero when the switch S1 is on. The input bits to the DAC are set by the control logic, and determine if the bottom plates of the capacitors are connected to BusA or BusB. If a bit value is a 1 then the bottom plate of that capacitor is connected to BusB and therefore connected to the reference voltage. If instead the bit value is a 0 then the bottom plate of that capacitor is connected to BusA, and therefore connected to the lowest reference voltage used by the DAC, which is ground in this example. Digital to analog conversion is achieved in two steps. The first step is to reset the output voltage of the DAC, VOUT , by closing switch S1 which for this example will result in VOUT = 0. The second step of the conversion is to set the bits of the DAC according to the values from the control logic. Bits with a value of a 1 will be connected to the reference 17 voltage through BusB and bits with a value of a 0 will remain connected to ground through BusA. The circuit of Figure 2.5 can be modified to provide the sample and hold function required for the SA ADC as well as the digital-to-analog conversion, as shown in Figure 2.6. VOUT 32C 16C 8C b5 b4 b3 4C 2C C C S1 b2 b1 b0 bx BusA BusB S2 Vi VREF Figure 2.6: Binary Weighted Charge Redistribution DAC with Sample and Hold By first sampling the analog input voltage onto the capacitor array, this circuit creates an output voltage of VOUT VDAC Vi . This subtraction of the analog input voltage is done to ease the comparator design needed for the final SA ADC which uses this DAC. By having this circuit combine the DAC function with this subtraction of the analog input voltage, the comparator only has to compare the output voltage of this circuit to zero rather than needing to compare Vi to a variable reference voltage. 18 Digital to analog conversion is achieved in four steps. The first step is to reset the output voltage of the DAC by closing switch S1 which for this example will result in VDAC = 0. The next step is to sample the analog input voltage by setting all bits to a 1 and setting switch S2 to connect the bottom plates of the capacitor array to the input voltage, Vi . Switch S1 is then opened resulting in a charge proportional to Vi being trapped on the array; at this point the capacitor array can be thought of as a battery with a voltage across it. The next step is to reset all of the bit values back to 0, thus connecting the bottom plates of all the capacitors to BusA, and therefore to the lower reference voltage for the DAC, which is ground in this example. By connecting the bottom plates of all the capacitors to ground the output voltage VOUT is set equal to - Vi . This is much like connecting the positive terminal of a battery to ground to create a negative voltage of the same magnitude. The final step of the conversion is to set switch S2 to connect to the reference voltage, and then set the bits of the DAC according to the values from the control logic. Bits with a value of a 1 will be connected to the reference voltage through BusB and bits with a value of a 0 will remain connected to ground through BusA. As shown in Figure 2.7, if the MSB, b5 , is set to a 1 to connect the bottom plate of the 32C capacitor to VREF through BusB and the remaining bits are all set to a 0 so that the other capacitors are connected to ground through BusA, then the capacitors form a voltage divider as shown in Figure 2.8. 19 VOUT 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 bx BusA BusB S1 Vi VREF Figure 2.7: DAC with the MSB set = 1 and all other bits = 0 32C VREF 16C 8C 4C 2C C C VDAC Figure 2.8: Capacitive voltage divider formed when b5 = 1 and all other bits = 0 The circuit of Figure 2.8 can be simplified to the voltage divider of Figure 2.9, and the resulting output voltage VDAC will be ½* VREF as long as the total capacitance in the array is 2*32C. This shows the need for the LSB capacitor to be followed by a second capacitor of the same value in order to ensure that the total capacitance in the array is 2*32C. 20 32C VREF 32C VDAC VREF 2 Figure 2.9: Equivalent Voltage Divider with a DAC code of 100000 If instead the second most significant bit, b4 , is set = 1 to connect the bottom plate of the 16C capacitor to VREF through BusB and the remaining capacitors are connected to ground through BusA as shown in Figures 2.10 and 2.11, then the resulting output voltage VDAC will be ¼* VREF . 16C VREF 32C 8C 4C 2C C C VDAC Figure 2.10: Capacitive voltage divider formed when b4 = 1 and all other bits = 0 16C VREF VDAC 48C VREF 4 Figure 2.11: Equivalent Voltage Divider with a DAC code of 010000 21 The voltage added to the output by each successive bit can be calculated in the same way. In general, the voltage VDAC resulting from bi is VREF and thus the output voltage of the 2 N i DAC can be calculated by Equation 2.4: VDAC VREF ( b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ) 2 4 8 16 32 64 (Equation 2.4) The output voltage of Figure 2.6 including Vi is then given by Equation 2.5: VOUT Vi VREF ( b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ) 2 4 8 16 32 64 (Equation 2.5) Resistor String DAC Another common type of DAC uses a resistive voltage divider to convert a single reference voltage, VREF , to a set of 2N scaled reference voltages. A decoder selects one of these reference voltages to connect to the single analog output voltage under the control of the input digital code [9]. An example of a resistor string DAC is shown in Figure 2.12, including a unity gain output buffer used to supply output current. 22 VREF R R b0 __ b0 b1 R b0 R R R R R - __ __ b0 b1 b2 VDAC Buffer VOUT + b0 __ b0 b1 b0 __ __ __ b0 b1 b2 Figure 2.12: Example of a 3-bit Resistor String DAC For N bits, 2N resistors are required, thus a 3-bit version is shown here. The digital input bits, bi , control the binary tree-like switch array to create a connection between one point on the resistor string and the input of the buffer. Note that the switches here are all 23 assumed to be on when their control bit is high, and off when their control bit is low. An important feature of resistor string DACs is that they are guaranteed to be monotonic since any node on the string must have a lower voltage than all of the nodes above it. If the most significant bit in this example, b2 , is set to a 1 while the remaining bits are all set to a 0 then the output of the DAC will be connected the midpoint of the resistor string and the output voltage, VDAC , will be ½* VREF . If instead the second most significant bit in this example, b1 , is set to a 1 while the remaining bits are all set to a zero, the output of the DAC will be connected to the top of the second lowest resistor in the string and the resulting output voltage VDAC will be ¼* VREF . In general, the voltage VDAC resulting from bi is VREF and thus the output voltage of the DAC can be calculated by 2 N i Equation 2.6: VDAC VREF ( b2 b1 b0 ) 2 4 8 (Equation 2.6) 2.2.4. Comparator A comparator is a circuit which compares two analog input voltages and generates a binary digital output as a result of the comparison indicating which of the analog inputs is larger. Thus a comparator is essentially a 1-bit analog-to-digital converter. Comparators are often used to compare a varying voltage to a reference voltage, Figure 2.13 shows the block diagram of a comparator. 24 VIN + VREF COMP VOUT - Figure 2.13: Comparator – Block Diagram If the analog input voltage, VIN , is larger than the reference voltage, VREF , the output of the comparator will be high. If VIN is less than VREF , the output of the comparator will be low. The transfer curve of an ideal comparator is shown in Figure 2.14. VOUT 1 0 VIN VREF Figure 2.14: Ideal Comparator Transfer Curve The resolution of the comparator, the minimum input voltage which will cause the output to change between the two binary states, is determined by the gain of the comparator. If the gain is infinite, the transfer curve of the comparator will have an infinite slope, as in Figure 2.14. A non-ideal comparator has finite gain and thus the transfer curve of a non-ideal comparator will have a finite slope. In addition to the finite gain, a comparator transfer curve will vary from the ideal transfer curve due to random variations in the transistors 25 used to construct the comparator. These variations cause an input offset voltage that can be thought of as an additional voltage source present on one input of the comparator that results in a horizontal shift of the transfer curve, indicated as VOFFSET . The finite gain of the comparator and the effect of this offset voltage are shown in Figure 2.15. VOUT VOFFSET 0 1 VIN VREF Figure 2.15: Effect of Finite Gain and Offset on the Comparator Transfer Curve Comparator Architecture The comparator architecture used in this project is a fully differential latching comparator consisting of a preamplifier stage followed by a track and latch stage. A latching comparator was chosen due to its availability for reuse from other projects, and its ability small input voltages quickly while using very little power. For a fully differential comparator a differential reference voltage, VREFP VREFN , is compared to a differential input voltage, VIP VIN . Figure 2.16 shows the block diagram of a fully differential comparator. 26 VREFP VIP VIN COMP VOUT VREFN Figure 2.16: Fully Differential Comparator – Block Diagram For the SA ADC in this project, a differential input voltage needed to be compared to a reference voltage of zero volts. Therefore the reference voltages VREFP and VREFN were both connected to a common mode voltage. Thus the differential input voltage, VIP - VIN , is compared to a differential reference voltage of zero. The latching comparator used for this project is shown in Figure 2.17. The preamplifier is used to provide some gain before the latch, which helps increase resolution [10]. The track and latch stage uses the positive feedback inherent in the cross-coupled NMOS pair of devices to cause the voltage difference between the cross-coupled NMOS nodes to grow exponentially, or “regenerate”, to a full digital logic level after the reset switch between the two cross-coupled nodes is turned off [10]. The swing minimizing circuit, SMC, is used to reduce charge injection from the reset switch and to control the reset time constant in order to reduce memory effects [11]. 27 VDD PHI1 I BIAS VOUT V REFP V IP VIN VREFN PHI1a Preamplifier Track and Latch SMC Figure 2.17: Latching Comparator [12] The functionality of the latching comparator can be explained over two time periods utilizing the two clocks, PHI1 and PHI1a , where the latter is an advanced version of the former. During the first time period when both PHI1 and PHI1a are low, the NMOS reset switch is on and connects the two sides of the latch to reset the voltage between the nodes of the NMOS cross-coupled pair. The positive resistance provided by the reset switch is in parallel with the negative resistance provided by the NMOS cross-coupled pair, which yields an overall positive resistance that acts as the load for the preamplifier while the reset switch is on [13]. The preamplifier stage amplifies the difference between the differential input voltage and the differential reference voltage to create a small voltage difference between the nodes of the cross-coupled NMOS pair. Then when PHI1a goes high, the SMC lowers the voltage on the gate of the reset switch by just enough to turn this switch off. At this point the positive feedback in the cross-coupled NMOS pair 28 causes the voltage difference between the two cross-coupled nodes to begin to grow exponentially (i.e. regenerate). A short time later PHI1 goes high, which both turns off the two PMOS switches used to reset the top half of the circuit containing the PMOS cross-coupled pair, and turns on the two NMOS switches used to connect the PMOS cross-coupled pair to the NMOS cross-coupled pair. By allowing the signal to grow before turning on the NMOS switches errors due to charge injection from these switches are reduced. Once the PMOS cross-coupled pair is connected to the NMOS crosscoupled pair it aids in regenerating the signal to a full digital logic level. At this point VOUT represents the result of the comparator decision and is latched by an RS latch used on the output (not depicted in Figure 2.17) to reduce errors from metastability [14]. In this way, the small analog voltage from the preamplifier is regenerated into a full-scale digital logic level which can be sent to the subsequent digital logic. The SMC uses a programmable current source to control the bias voltage on the gate of the NMOS reset switch. By varying the gate voltage applied to this switch to turn it on, the resistance of the switch can be adjusted and thus the reset time constant can be controlled to reduce memory effects. Since the SMC also limits the change in the gate voltage applied to the NMOS reset switch to the minimum required, charge injection from this switch is greatly reduced [11]. 29 2.2.5. SAR Control Logic The SAR control logic is a state machine implemented in Verilog which controls the sample clock and switching scheme for both the binary weighted switched-capacitor DAC and the resistor string DAC. The conversion sequence of Figure 2.2 is achieved by the SAR control logic progressing through the fifteen states shown in Figure 2.18. External Reset Reset Sample B0 Hold B1 B11 B2 B10 B3 B9 B4 B8 B7 B5 B6 Figure 2.18: SAR State Machine 30 The first state is the reset state and is the start of the conversion sequence. The SAR logic remains in the reset state for one clock cycle during which time the top and bottom plates of the capacitors are reset to the common mode voltage. The next state is the sample state, the duration of which is also one clock cycle. At the beginning of the sample state when the clock is high, the switches for the DAC are set to connect the bottom plates of the capacitor array in Figure 2.6 to Vi in order to sample the analog input voltage. When the clock goes low the switch connecting the top plates of the capacitors to ground, switch S1 in Figure 2.6, is opened. This traps a charge proportional to Vi on the capacitor array, which samples the input voltage onto the capacitors. The next state is the hold state during which all the bits in the capacitor array are switched to a 0 to connect the bottom plates of the capacitor array to BusA. By connecting the bottom plates of all the capacitors to ground the output voltage in Figure 2.6, VOUT , is set equal to - Vi . The duration of the hold state is one clock cycle. The SAR control logic now enters the bit cycling mode during which the logic will progress through the B11-B0 states to determine the bit settings of the capacitor array and resistor string DACs. The bit settings of the DACs are the digital representation of the sampled analog input voltage. The SAR control logic will successively switch each bit on the capacitor array high, beginning with the MSB, to connect the bottom plate of that capacitor to the reference voltage. By doing so, a fraction of the reference voltage will be added to the voltage on the top plates of the capacitor array, as discussed previously in 31 section The comparator compares this voltage to a reference voltage of zero, to determine if the polarity of the resulting voltage has changed from negative to positive. If it has that indicates that the voltage added was too large, and the bit needs to be reset to zero. The output of the comparator is sent to the control logic which leaves the bit being tested high if the comparator output is low, or resets the bit to a logic zero if the comparator output is high. One clock cycle for each bit is required to determine a capacitor bit setting, thus the bit settings of the 6-bit DAC will be determined during the first six clock cycles of the bit cycling mode. Once the capacitor DAC bit settings have been determined, the control logic will determine the bit settings for the resistor string in a similar way. Beginning with the MSB, each bit in the resistor string DAC will be successively set to a 1 and the comparator output will be sent to the control logic to determine if that bit in the resistor string should remain a 1 or be reset to a 0. One clock cycle for each bit is required to determine a resistor string bit setting, thus the six bits in the resistor string will be determined during the remaining six clock cycles of the bit cycling mode. The end of the conversion occurs at the end of the bit cycling mode, at which point the output of the SA ADC is valid. The control logic then returns to the reset state and the conversion sequence is repeated. Note that the additional clock cycle for the hold state is not really required and bit cycling could begin immediately after the sample state ends. Also, the user can reset the SA ADC at any time using an external reset signal to force the converter into the reset state. 32 2.2.6. SA Architecture: Detailed View The circuit blocks discussed above can now be assembled into a complete, detailed view of the SA ADC designed by the ADC4 graduate student design team. The 12-bit differential SA ADC was implemented using a hybrid capacitor-resistor approach; the six most significant bits are resolved using the capacitor array and the six least significant bits are resolved using the resistor string. Analog-to-digital conversion is accomplished in three steps. The first step is the sample step during which the analog input voltage is sampled onto the capacitor array by opening switch S1 in Figure 2.6. The second step is the hold step where the switches on the bottom plates of the capacitors connect to ground through BusA, and the voltage on the top plates of the capacitors is equal to - Vi . The last step is the bit cycling mode, where the SAR logic cycles through states B11 through B0 in Figure 2.18 to implement the flowchart of Figure 2.2. This determines the appropriate bit settings for the capacitor array and resistor string DACs, which are the digital representation of the analog input voltage and the final ADC output code. SA Architecture: Conversion Sequence The description of the SA ADC will begin with a 6-bit example using single-ended circuits, as shown in Figure 2.19, and more detail will be added as the concepts gain complexity. 33 S2 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 bx VP VN + - COMP VOUT BusA BusB S1 Vi VREF Figure 2.19: 6-bit SA ADC During the sample step, S2 is closed to set the voltage on the top plates of all the capacitors, VP = 0. S1 is connected to Vi , b11 through b6 and bx are all connected to BusB and Vi is connected to the bottom plate of the capacitors. At the end of the sample step S2 is opened, which traps a charge proportional to Vi on all the capacitors in the array, sampling the input voltage Vi onto these capacitors. During the hold step b11 through b6 and bx are all switched to BusA, which in this case is connected to ground, resulting in VP Vi . To prepare for the bit cycling mode, which comes next, S1 is connected to VREF . 34 S2 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 bx VP + VN COMP VOUT - BusA BusB S1 Vi VREF Figure 2.20: 6-bit SA ADC – Clock Cycle 1 of Bit Cycling Mode The goal of the bit cycling mode is to incrementally add binary weighted scaled values of the reference voltage to the voltage on the top plates of the capacitor array, which is applied to the comparator input, in order to guess the analog input voltage consistent with Figure 2.2 and Equation 2.1. The MSB is switched from BusA to BusB as shown in Figure 2.20 to add half the reference voltage to VP . From the previous description of the charge-scaling DAC the resulting voltage on VP can be calculated by Equation 2.7: VP Vi VREF 2 (Equation 2.7) The comparison between VN ( VN 0 ) and VP is performed. If the output of the comparator is high, the voltage VP has been increased by too much and the SAR control logic will reset the MSB bit back to zero, thus connecting the capacitor back to ground. 35 If the output of the comparator is low, the voltage VP has not yet been increased by enough and the MSB bit will remain as a 1 and the bit switch will remain connected to the reference voltage. S2 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 C b6 C VP + VN COMP VOUT - bx BusA BusB S1 Vi VREF Figure 2.21: 6-bit SA ADC – Clock Cycle 2 of Bit Cycling Mode If the MSB had remained connected to the reference voltage after the first comparator decision was made, during the following clock cycle when the second most significant bit is being determined the switches would be as shown in Figure 2.21. The resulting voltage on VP can be calculated by Equation 2.8: VP Vi VREF VREF 2 4 (Equation 2.8) The bit cycling continues in this way until all the bits have been determined. For the 6bit SA ADC in this example, the output of the ADC will be valid after 8 clock cycles; 1 36 clock cycle for the sample phase, 1 clock cycle for the hold phase and 6 clock cycles for the bit cycling. Note that the additional clock cycle for the hold phase is not required and bit cycling could begin immediately after the sample phase. To implement the charge scaling DAC in the SA ADC, bits bx and b11 through b6 will be controlled by the SAR control logic. The settings of bits b11 through b6 correspond to the 6 MSBs of the digital output of the ADC. For the SA ADC to obtain 12-bit resolution, the 6-bit resistor string DAC will be added to the capacitor array using the switch controlled by bx . By utilizing a hybrid capacitor array and resistor string architecture, the matching requirements for the capacitors and resistors are greatly reduced. The resistor string DAC output voltage is used as a variable reference voltage which replaces the reference voltage for the last capacitor (C) in the array as shown in Figure 2.22. The 6-bit resistor string DAC is identical to the resistor string DAC of Figure 2.12 but with 6-bits instead of 3-bits and without the buffer amplifier. Bits b5 through b0 are used by the resistor string DAC and controlled by the SAR control logic. The settings of these bits correspond to the 6 LSBs of the ADC digital output code. 37 S2 32C b11 16C 8C b10 4C b8 b9 2C b7 C b6 C bx VP V + VN COMP OUT - BusA Vi BusB VRES S1 Vi VREF Figure 2.22: 12-bit SA ADC For the circuit shown in Figure 2.22 the sample and hold steps proceed in the same manner as they did for the circuit shown in Figure 2.19 with bx set to a 1 to connect to Vi during the sample state, then bx set to a 0 to connect to VRES during the hold step. The value of bx will remain a 0 and be connected to VRES for the remainder of the conversion sequence. Initially, all bits on the resistor string are set to zero. Thus the voltage VRES is at the lowest voltage on the resistor string, which for the resistor string DAC shown in Figure 2.12, is zero. Thus the voltage VRES is equal to the voltage on BusA and there is no change in the operation of the conversion sequence for the 6 MSBs with the addition of the resistor string DAC. 38 Once the six most significant bits, b11 through b6 have been determined, the bit cycling then begins on the resistor string. The resistor string MSB is switched from 0 to 1 while the remaining bits in the string remain at 0. This results in the voltage output of the resistor string, VRES , to be 1 VREF , resulting in a change in the voltage VP equal to half 2 that provided by the smallest capacitor in the capacitor array. VP is compared to VN and the result of the comparator decision will determine if the MSB on the resistor string remains high or is reset to 0. As with the capacitor array, if the comparator output is high this indicates that too much voltage has been added to VP and so the bit is reset to a logic 0. If the comparator output is low this indicates that the voltage added to VP has not yet caused VP to go above zero volts, so the bit is kept as a logic 1. If the MSB remains high, this indicates that the voltage tap on the resistor string which will result in the correct “guessed” voltage must be higher on the resistor string than 1 VREF . Then when 2 the next most significant bit is switched high the resulting voltage on VRES will be VREF VREF . If instead the MSB bit is reset, this indicates that the “guessed” voltage 2 4 value is above the correct reference voltage. Thus the voltage tap on the resistor string which will result in the correctly guessed voltage value must be lower on the resistor 1 string than VREF . In this case, with the MSB reset to a logic 0, when the next most 2 39 1 significant bit is switched high the resulting voltage on VRES will be VREF . Each 4 subsequent bit in the resistor string is determined in the same way. SA Architecture: Full Scale Range The 12-bit SA ADC described in this report uses a bipolar full scale input range of +/- 3V achieved through two single-ended reference voltages, VREFP and VREFN . These singleended reference voltages establish the full-scale input range of the ADC which is between VREF and VREF as defined in Equations 2.9 and 2.10: VREF VREFP VREFN (Equation 2.9) VREF VREFN VREFP (Equation 2.10) This requires a modification to the reference voltage scheme described in section 2.2.3 for the capacitor array and resistor string. For the capacitor array, BusA will no longer be connected to ground but will be connected to the lowest reference voltage, VREFN and switch S1 will toggle between Vi and VREFP . The top of the resistor string will be connected to VREFP and the bottom of the resistor string will connect to VREFN . The transfer curve of Figure 2.4 can be modified to that of Figure 2.23. 40 DAC Output 63VREF 64 VREF 2 0 VREF 2 VREF 000000 010000 100000 110000 111111 DAC Input Code Figure 2.23: Ideal bipolar 6-bit DAC Transfer Curve SA Architecture: Differential Input Configuration The final element to add to the SA ADC description is the differential input scheme. A fully differential ADC offers improved noise rejection, increased dynamic range and superior DC and AC common-mode rejection compared to a single-ended 41 implementation. The output of a differential ADC is the digital representation of the differential input signal. The differential input signal is defined by Equation 2.11: VID VIP VIN (Equation 2.11) The single-ended inputs to the ADC, VIP and VIN , are centered around the input commonmode voltage, VCM , and the full-scale range of the differential input is between VREF and VREF . The SA ADC uses offset binary encoding of the digital output code in order to represent positive and negative differential input voltages. Figure 2.24 illustrates the ADC transfer curve. When the differential input voltage is zero, the MSB in the ADC output code is a one while the remaining bits are all zeros. The ADC output code increases as the differential input voltage increases. Conversely, the ADC output code decreases as the differential input voltage decreases. 42 ADC Output Code 111111 100000 000000 VREF VID 0V ADC Differential Input Voltage VREF Figure 2.24: Example 6-bit ADC Transfer Curve To create the fully differential SA ADC shown in Figure 2.25 from the single-ended version shown in Figure 2.22, an identical copy of the capacitor array previously shown connected to the comparator's VP input must be connected to the comparator's VN input. Also the single input signal must be replaced with the two single-ended input signals, VIP 43 and VIN , which make up the differential input signal, VID . Similarly, the single reference voltage must be replaced with the two single-ended reference voltages, VREFP and VREFN , which make up the differential reference voltage, VREF . In addition the single output from the resistor DAC must be replaced with the two single-ended resistor-string DAC output voltages, VRESP and VRESN , which make up the differential resistor-string DAC output voltage, VRES . Finally, the S2 switch which shorts the comparator input VP to ground in Figure 2.22 is instead connected to the common-mode input voltage for the comparator. The resulting fully differential circuit is shown in Figure 2.25. 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 bx BusA BusB VREFN VCM S2 VIP VRESN S1 VP VN VREFP VREFN VIP VIN + COMP - S1 VREFP VIN BusB BusA b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 bx 32C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C VRESP Figure 2.25: 12-bit Fully Differential SA ADC S2 VCM VOUT 44 When the analog input to the SA ADC is sampled onto the capacitor arrays, VIP will be sampled onto the bottom plates of the capacitors connected to VP and VIN will be sampled onto the bottom plates of the capacitors connected to VN . The differential architecture results in a modification to the explanation of the voltage on the capacitor arrays during the hold step. During the sample step the voltage across the capacitor array connected to VP is equal to the common-mode voltage, VCM , minus the input voltage, VIP . The total charge on the capacitor array is proportional to this potential difference times the total capacitance of the array. When the bits are switched to BusA, which is now connected to VREFN , at the beginning of bit cycling the voltage on VP changes and since charge is conserved the voltage difference between VREFN and VIP is added to VP . During the bit cycling mode when the MSB is switched high, the MSB capacitor in the VP array will be connected to VREFP while all the remaining capacitors are connected to VREFN . Half of the difference between VREFN and VREFP will be added to VP , and since this is a positive voltage this will result in the voltage on node VP increasing. Similarly for the voltage VN , the voltage across the capacitor array during the sample step is equal to the common-mode voltage minus the sampled input voltage, VIN . When the bits are switched to BusA at the beginning of bit cycling, the voltage difference between VREFP and VIN is added to VN . During the bit cycling mode when the MSB is switched high, the MSB capacitor in the VN array will be connected to VREFN while all the 45 remaining capacitors are connected to VREFP . Half of the difference between VREFN and VREFP will be added to VN , and since this is a negative value this will result in the voltage on node VN decreasing. Since the voltage on the VP input to the comparator is increasing during the bit cycling mode and the voltage on the VN input is decreasing during the bit cycling mode, the voltages VP and VN converge towards the common-mode voltage during bit cycling. This causes the differential input voltage for the comparator, VP - VN , to converge to zero during bit cycling. A necessary requirement for the resolution of the comparator emerges from this explanation. For a 12-bit SA ADC the LSB size is 1 2(VREFP VREFN ) . Since the inputs 212 to the comparator converge as each bit is resolved, it becomes apparent that the comparator must be able to resolve a differential input voltage difference smaller than 1 LSB in order for the SA ADC to achieve the required resolution. However, it should be noted that the input referred offset voltage of the comparator will only cause an offset in the ADC transfer curve, not a linearity error. SA Architecture: Control Signals CMOS transmission gates are used for the switches in the SA ADC and the control signals generated by the digital logic are either 1 or 0. For the bit switches b11 through b6 , a bit value of a 1 will connect the bottom plate of that capacitor to BusB, and a 0 will connect the bottom plate of that capacitor to BusA. The sample signal, SWT, controls switch S2 and is slightly advanced in time compared to the signal controlling S1 in order 46 to reduce errors from signal dependent charge injection. When the signal SWT is a 1, S2 is connected to the common-mode voltage, thus setting VP and VN to the common-mode voltage. Shortly after SWT goes to a 1, S1 connects BusB to the input voltage. During this time all bits are also a 1 and the bottom plates of all the capacitors are connected to BusB and thus connected to the input voltage. When the SWT signal goes low, the signal charge is trapped on the capacitor array. Then S1 connects BusB to the reference voltage. Since bx is connected to the input signal during the sample phase and connected to the resistor string at all other times it makes sense to have bx controlled by the same signal which controls S1. Thus when S1 connects to the input, at the same time bx will connect to the input, and when S1 connects to the reference, at the same time bx will connect to the variable reference voltage provided by the resistor string. 2.3. Error Sources The performance of the SA ADC will be limited by non-idealities in the circuit blocks such as the gain and offset errors previously discussed for the DAC. In general, the most critical non-idealities that must be examined are those which lead to non-linearity and therefore distortion [12]. The SA ADC architecture will have errors due to mismatches between the capacitors in the switched-capacitor DAC, mismatches between the resistors in the resistor string DAC, and the accuracy limitations of the comparator. It should be noted that charge injection errors due to mismatches between the two S2 switches are not 47 signal dependent, and so only contribute an offset voltage to the overall ADC transfer curve, not nonlinearity or distortion. The errors in the DAC are measured in terms of LSB units and degrade the overall performance of the SA ADC. The actual ADC will suffer from both integral (INL) and differential (DNL) non-linearity errors. For an ideal ADC the slope of the transfer curve will be one, meaning for that each increasing digital code the analog input should have increased by 1 LSB. The difference between the actual increase of the analog input resulting in a 1 LSB change in the output code and the ideal difference of 1 LSB is the DNL error. An ADC with a monotonic transfer curve with no missing codes will have a maximum DNL error less than 1 LSB [15], where monotonic refers to a transfer function that always increases as the input increases. The difference between the actual transfer function and an ideal straight line, measured at each point along the line, is the INL and is the integral of the DNL. Figure 2.26 illustrates the ideal transfer function of a 2-bit ADC including DNL and INL errors. Note that, as shown in Figure 2.26, INL is typically measured compared to a straight line passed through the endpoints of the actual transfer curve. This is done to separate linearity errors from linear gain errors. 48 Figure 2.26: Illustration of DNL and INL Errors [15] The matching of the capacitors in the switch-capacitor DACs is crucial in order to create the voltage divider necessary to implement the binary search algorithm. Variations in capacitor values will result in differences between the theoretical voltage and the actual voltage by which the inputs to the comparator are incremented during bit cycling. This will cause the transfer function of the DAC to vary from the ideal transfer function shown previously in Figure 2.4, resulting in differential and integral non-linearity errors. The resistors in the resistor string DAC are designed to be the same value and need to match to ensure that the voltage taps on the string are incremented or decremented by the same voltage. This is to say that if the voltage between the positive reference and the first tap below the reference is measured, the ΔV measured will be the same as the ΔV measured between the first tap below the reference and the second tap below the reference. This will also hold true for any two adjacent taps on the resistor sting, assuming good resistor matching. This results in a ΔV step between each tap on the 49 resistor string. If the resistor values do not match properly the result will be variations in the ΔV between the taps on the resistor string. This variation in voltage values will cause the transfer function of the resistor string DAC to vary from the ideal transfer function shown in Figure 2.4, resulting in INL and DNL errors. The hybrid capacitor-resistor DAC approach used for this SA ADC was chosen to relax the matching requirements for each of these two DACs. 50 Chapter 3 TESTING AND FAULT DIAGNOSIS 3.1. Overview of SA ADC Testing The two main types of testing used to evaluate the performance of an ADC are static and dynamic testing. The static performance of an ADC relates to the accuracy of the analogto-digital conversion and includes the parameters relating to offset voltage, gain error and nonlinearity, namely the INL and DNL specifications. The dynamic performance of an ADC relates to the repeatability of the conversion and includes the signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SNDR) and the total harmonic distortion (THD) specifications. Table 3.1 lists the target performance specifications for the 12-bit SA ADC reported here. Parameter VDDA Resolution ENOB SNDR INL DNL Input Range CLK Freq Description Power Supply Number of Bits Effective Number of Bits (Accuracy) Signal-to-Noise plus Distortion Ratio Integral Non-Linearity Error Differential Non-Linearity Error Analog Input Signal (differential) Conversion Rate MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5.0 5.5 12.0 11.5 71 +/- 1 +/- 0.5 +/-3.0 8k Units Volts Bits Bits dB LSB LSB Volts Hz Table 3.1: Specifications for the SA ADC The signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio, SNDR, is the ratio of the power of the desired signal in the output to the power of the noise and distortion contributions from the ADC and is defined in Equation 3.1: 51 SNDR dB =10*LOG10 ( Signal Power ) Noise + Distortion Power (Equation 3.1) The theoretical value of SNDR for an ideal N-bit converter is defined by Equation 3.2: SNDRdB 6.02* N 1.76 (Equation 3.2) Another way to represent SNDR is to solve Equation 3.2 for N, resulting in Equation 3.3. Equation 3.3 is referred to as the effective number of bits (ENOB) and indicates the number of bits an ideal converter would have with the same SNDR. ENOB 3.2. SNDR 1.76 6.02 (Equation 3.3) Static ADC Testing The parameters relating to the static performance of the ADC can be obtained by measuring the overall transfer function of the ADC. Since INL, the deviation of the transfer curve from the ideal straight-line, and DNL, the difference between each step and the ideal step size of 1 LSB, affect the transfer function of the ADC, these two performance parameters will determine the static performance of the SA ADC. Static ADC testing is typically performed using histogram techniques. To collect a histogram, the input of the ADC is driven by an input signal of a known statistical quality over a large observation window. Since the probability density function of the input signal is known, each ADC output code also has a known probability of occurrence. Thus if a large number of samples is measured, the measured histogram can be compared with the ideal probability density function of the input signal. Sine wave inputs are 52 typically used for this, since extremely pure sine waves can be obtained in practice using filters. The measured codes are placed in bins and each bin has a code width which is the difference between two transition levels, where a transition level is the input voltage corresponding to a transition between adjacent digital output codes. A histogram bin with zero measured occurrences of that code indicates a missing code in the transfer function. For static testing, all available ADC codes must be tested thus an input signal slightly larger than the full-scale input range of the ADC is used. A ramp input signal would be ideal, however due to the difficulties associated with generating an extremely linear ramp signal for testing, a low distortion sine wave is most frequently used for histogram testing. For a finite number of samples there is statistical error present, thus the number of samples for the histogram test must be chosen large enough to make this error sufficiently small [15]. 3.3. Dynamic ADC Testing The dynamic performance parameters such as ENOB and SNDR require characterization of the spectral components of the ADC output signal. Since Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) produce the RMS frequency content of a signal over a specified period of time during which the signal was sampled they are typically used for the dynamic testing of ADCs. Considerations for FFT testing include the sample rate, input signal frequency, the desired number of samples and the sampling window. The number of samples effects 53 both the time required for the test, the sampling window, and also the accuracy of the results. The sample rate is determined by the clock input to the ADC and the input signal frequency is chosen such that the data samples capture as many converter codes as possible and the input signal repeats an integer number of times during the sampling window. This method of sampling is referred to as coherent sampling, and eliminates the need for windowing which reduces the accuracy of the results. The integer chosen for the number of times the input signal repeats during the sampling window should be a prime number, to insure that all the points sampled on the input sine wave are unique. For the SA ADC discussed here one conversion is completed every fifteen clock cycles, thus if 256 samples are desired for an FFT, the sampling window can be calculated by Equation 3.4: (Equation 3.4) sampling window = (sample period) * (number of samples) = (15*clock period)*256 The input signal must repeat an integer number of times during the sample window so that the FFT measurement will not suffer from spectral leakage [16]. The FFT algorithm assumes that all signals contained in the sampling window are periodic at intervals corresponding to the length of the sampling window, meaning that the data used for the FFT corresponds to one period of a periodic waveform. If a non-integer number of cycles is present during the sampling window then discontinuities between successive periods in the waveform will occur. These discontinuities are not actually present in the signal but are a result of the assumption that the input waveform is periodic. This violates an assumption of the FFT and the resulting FFT spectrum will not be a discrete 54 frequency spectrum but will appear smeared, as though energy from one frequency leaked out into energy at all other frequencies. This is called spectral leakage [16]. Windowing functions can be used to minimize the effects of spectral leakage by multiplying the signal with a windowing function which goes to zero at both ends of the sampling window. This eliminates the discontinuities, but some accuracy is lost. Depending on the chosen windowing function the level of the peak or the exact frequency of a peak can be more accurately indicated. Figure 3.1 depicts the effects of integer and non-integer numbers of cycles during the sampling window and the effects on the frequency spectrum. Since the use of windowing functions does reduce the accuracy of the results, it should be avoided whenever possible. Instead, the frequency of the input signal should be carefully selected to ensure that an integer number of periods is contained in the sampling window. Prime integers yield the best results, since this prevents the same point on the input sine wave from being sampled more than once. 55 Figure 3.1: Input Signal and Window Function Effects on Spectral Leakage [16] 3.4. ADC4 SA ADC Simulation Results The ADC4 graduate design team reported FFT results indicating that the SA ADC was obtaining approximately 6-bit resolution, as opposed to the target design specification of 12-bit resolution. This indicated significant problems with their original design, which will be discussed in the following. 56 3.5. SA ADC Fault Analysis The method for completing the fault analysis of the SA ADC included three steps: 1) Gain a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of the hybrid capacitorresistor SA ADC architecture. 2) Verify the implementation of the blocks within the design. 3) Systematically verify the functionality of each block within the design. Once the pertinent information regarding the SA ADC was aggregated and a sufficient foundation of knowledge was developed the second step of the fault analysis began. To verify the implementation of the blocks in the SA ADC a transient simulation was performed to observe the digital output code while applying a ramp input signal. The ramp signal increased at the rate of 1 LSB per conversion (15 clock periods), thus at the end of each consecutive conversion the ADC output code should increase by 1 LSB, resulting in the transfer function of Figure 2.18. Initial simulation results showed incongruous output codes and random errors in the comparator decisions. Since the comparator had previously been proven to work correctly in silicon, the functionality of the comparator itself was not presumed to be the problem. However, the implementation of the comparator used in this ADC could be the culprit. Review of the netlists and simulation output file revealed two major issues: 1) No bias current was supplied to the comparator. 2) No ground connection was made in multiple design blocks. These issues were corrected and the ramp simulation was performed again. Missing codes were present on the 6 LSBs and after investigation it was noted that the reference 57 voltages connecting to the bottom of the capacitor arrays were improperly connected: VRESN was connected to the capacitor array on the VN input and VRESP was connected to the capacitor array on the VP input. The correct reference scheme of Figure 2.19 was then implemented and the circuit was simulated again. Results of these simulations showed that missing codes still existed and upon further investigation it became clear that the comparator was making incorrect decisions. The comparator utilizes a swing minimizing circuit, SMC, which reduces the signal swing present on gate of the reset switch to reduce the amount of charge injected to the NMOS cross-coupled pair. The SMC uses a 3-bit current DAC to provide adjustability to the bias applied to the gate of the reset switch, which in turn sets the time constant during the reset phase. This time constant sets the speed at which the comparator can track changes in the input signal, as well as the ability to reduce memory of the last result obtained. Simulation results indicated that the comparator output was correct some of the time however the correctness of the output appeared to be influenced by the comparator input from the previous conversion, thus suggesting memory effects. The SMC uses 3-bits, B0-B2, to vary the current from 200uA-900uA and is shown in Figure 3.2. 58 VDD Vbias M19 M20 M21 B2 B1 B0 M22 M23 M24 M25 Vreset M26 M27 M28 phi1a Figure 3.2: Comparator Swing Minimizing Circuit The bit settings on the current DAC control the reset signal, Vreset, applied to the gate of reset switch, thus controlling the impedance of the switch. A large DAC current will result in a lower switch impedance, so the switch will appear more like a short circuit. In this case the resulting voltages on the differential nodes of the latch will be nearly equal. Conversely, a small DAC current will result in a higher switch impedance thus the voltages on the differential nodes of the latch will not reset to exactly the same value but rather retain memory of the previous decision. This is the memory affect mentioned previously and is the subject of the overdrive recovery simulations performed next. 59 For the overdrive recovery simulations the inputs to the comparator are driven with a full scale input in one direction, then driven to within 1 LSB of the reference in the opposite direction on the next clock cycle. Figure 3.3 illustrates the comparator clock, input and output voltages for a successful test. phi1a phi1 5V 0V t Clocks +Vref 1LSB 0 Vidm -Vref t Comparator Input 5V 0V t Comparator Output Figure 3.3: Comparator Overdrive Recovery Test The intent of this test was to highlight memory effects in the comparator if they existed and also allowed for investigation into the DAC settings which will give the optimum bias for the SA ADC application. It was noted that the clock scheme of Figure 3.3 was not being used in the SA ADC, instead non-overlapping clocks were used. When the overdrive recovery test was performed on the comparator using non-overlapping clocks 60 the comparator output was not always correct. Then the clocks for the comparator were modified to use the advanced clock scheme of Figure 3.3, and the overdrive recovery tests were performed again to determine the appropriate SMC bit settings. The bit settings on the DAC which resulted in correct comparator decisions were 110. 3.6. Simulation Results These new SMC bit settings were implemented for the SA ADC comparator and a short ramp simulation was performed again. The output bits were observed and showed that the comparator was making the appropriate decisions. Discrete inputs which covered the ADC input range were simulated for the ADC and a rough transfer function for the ADC was plotted and showed that the ADC was functioning correctly. Once the coarse functionality of the SA ADC was verified the static and dynamic testing of the ADC began. For the dynamic testing a 256 point FFT simulation was performed with the input signal 1dB below the full-scale range of the converter to avoid clipping. The input signal frequency was chosen such that a prime, integer number of periods of the input signal would be contained in the sampling window to insure that all the points sampled on the input sine wave were unique while avoiding spectral leakage. The simulated ADC output was imported into MATLAB where the FFT was generated. The FFT plot showed an ENOB of 9.614 bits. Analysis of the FFT simulation waveforms showed that the comparator was making incorrect decisions when the differential input voltage was in the range of hundreds of microvolts. To determine if the resolution of the comparator was in fact causing the 61 derisory ENOB value obtained in the FFT simulations, another simulation was performed using the ELDO differential comparator macromodel. These simulation results showed an ENOB of 9.67 bits. This result showed that the remaining problem with the SA ADC was not in the comparator, and so further debug efforts were required. Careful reexamination of the SA ADC output waveforms showed that the SAR logic appeared to be setting bits B1 and B0 to incorrect values when a certain comparator input was presented to the SAR logic. To show that the SAR logic was indeed incorrectly setting the last two bits of the resistor string DAC, the SAR logic was simulated with the given comparator input condition noted in the SA ADC transient output waveforms. When the comparator output, COMPOUT, is high after a bit is set to a logic one and a comparison is performed, the SAR logic output for that bit should remain high for the remainder of the bit cycling. If instead the comparator output is low, the SAR logic output for that bit should be reset to a logic zero for the remainder of the bit cycling. The error in the SAR logic that was observed occurred when the comparator output was high after B2 was set to a logic one and a comparison performed, then low after B1 and B0 were respectively tested during bit cycling in a similar manner. The correct output of the digital logic under that condition should be that B2 will remain set to a one and both B1 and B0 will be reset to zeroes. The SAR logic initially correctly resets B1 to a zero, however B1 does not stay reset for the remainder of the bit cycling. Instead B1 is set to a one in error when B0 is determined, and B0 is also set to a one instead of a zero. These errors in the setting of last two bits were successfully reproduced in a simulation of just the logic block alone, and the output waveforms are shown in Figure 3.4. For this 62 simulation, the output bit B0 is shown as V(B0) in Figure 3.4 and B1 is shown as V(B1); both bits should have been reset to a zero and remained at that value until the signal V(SWITCH2) transitioned high. Instead, both V(B1) and V(B0) were set to a logic one in error. Figure 3.4: Simulation of the SAR Logic block demonstrating error in B1 and B0 bits 63 64 Chapter 4 REDESIGN AND SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1. SAR Logic Redesign The SAR logic was redesigned based on the sequencer architecture described by Anderson [17]. Figure 4.1 shows a four bit example of the redesigned SAR logic. The top row of D flip-flops (DFFs) act as a counter and shift a “1” through each DFF thereby generating the set signals used by the bit register (the bottom row of DFFs) for bit cycling, as well as the sample and hold signals. Restart INT Reset VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD EXT Reset D Q D Q SET Q D SET D Q QB CLR CLR SET Q QB QB QB CLR SET D Q QB CLR NotQ3 D CLR CLK Q QB CLR QB Hold Restart CLR INT Reset VDD CLK SET SET SET D EXT Reset NotQ1 NotQ2 NotQ0 Sample SetQ3 Comp SetQ2 SET D SetQ1 SET SET Q D D Q Sample SetQ0 SET Q D SET Q D SET Q D Q Sample QB QB QB CLR QB CLR CLR QB CLR CLR SetQ0 NotQ0 SetQ1 QB CLR NotQ1 Sample SetQ2 NotQ2 Hold Clear Sample Clear EXT Reset B3 B2 B1 B0 Result Ready SetQ3 NotQ3 Figure 4.1: SAR Logic Schematic – Four Bit Example Operation of the SAR logic begins with restarting the counter which is initially accomplished by momentarily pulling the external reset signal, EXT Reset, low upon circuit power up then returning it high for normal circuit operation. After the external reset signal returns high, the SAR logic must complete bit cycling one time before 65 analog-to-digital conversion can begin. The restart signal, Restart, is used to restart the counter after each conversion sequence. When either the Restart signal or EXT Reset signal are low, the internal reset signal, INT Reset, will also be low and the counter will be restarted. The conversion sequence of the SA ADC begins with the sample signal which sets all output bits to a logic one, followed by the hold signal which resets all the output bits to a logic zero. The internal reset signal then goes low to restart the counter and begin shifting a “1” through the DFFs for the bit cycling step of the conversion sequence. The DFF in the upper left of Figure 4.1 which has it’s set input connected to the INT Reset signal controls the MSB DFF in the bit register below it. When the counter is restarted, the output NotQ3 will transition from high to low resulting in the SetQ3 signal pulling low, which in turn causes the output of the associated bit register, B3, to be set to a logic one. On the rising edge of the next clock cycle the “1” in the counter will be shifted to the second DFF and the output NotQ2 will then transition from high to low. This will result in the SetQ2 signal being pulled low and cause the output of that bit register, B2, to be set to a logic one. The transition of output bit B2 will clock the B3 bit register and the output of the comparator from the previous clock cycle (namely when the comparator is determining the setting for the B3 bit) is latched by the B3 bit register. In this way each bit is sequentially set, the comparator decision is made to determine if the bit should remain high or low and the bit is then set to that value on the following clock cycle. 66 The output of the SA ADC bit register is valid once every fifteen clock cycles on the clock cycle prior to taking a new sample and is indicated by the Result Ready signal in Figure 4.1. Simulation results for a four bit version of the SAR logic is shown in Figure 4.2. Figure 4.2: SAR Logic Simulation Results – Four Bit Example 67 68 4.2. SA ADC Simulation Results The SA ADC was simulated again to obtain an FFT and evaluate the performance of the ADC with the modified SAR logic. The FFT results are shown in Figure 4.3 and the performance of the SA ADC is summarized in Table 4.1. As shown, an ENOB of 11.3 effective bits was achieved after the reduced input amplitude is corrected for. Additional FFT tests with larger input signals yielded significantly lower performance, indicating that another potential issue likely exists that will require further investigation in the future. ADC time domain output 2000 ADC output code 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 normalized output relative to full scale (dB) 0 5 max/min codes = 1366, -1366 10 15 sample number 20 25 ADC output spectrum 20 fs = 533.333 Hz fin = 97.917 Hz FFT pts = 256 window = rectangular fund = -3.525 dB 0 -20 ENOB = SNDR = SNR = SDR = SFDR = 10.711 66.245 dB 66.619 dB 77.081 dB 80.874 dB -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 0 50 100 150 frequency (Hz) 200 Figure 4.3: SA ADC FFT Results with new control logic 250 69 Parameter VDDA Resolution ENOB SNDR INL Description Power Supply Number of Bits Effective Number of Bits (Accuracy) Signal-to-Noise plus Distortion Ratio Integral Non-Linearity Error Target 5.0 12.0 11.5 71 +/- 1 DNL Input Range CLK Freq Differential Non-Linearity Error +/- 0.5 Analog Input Signal (differential) Clock Frequency +/-3.0 8k Simulated 5.0 Table 4.1: SA ADC Performance Summary 11.3 69.77 Units Volts Bits Bits dB LSB LSB +/-2.3 8k Volts Hz 70 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION The objective of this project was to debug and redesign as needed an existing but broken 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter for use in an AFE IC in an ECG monitoring application. The simulation results obtained during the fault diagnosis of the ADC identified several design issues which contributed to the SA ADC’s poor performance. These design issues included the improper reference voltage connections, improper biasing of the latching comparator, the lack of a ground connection in the top level schematic and faulty SAR logic. The redesign effort included rectifying the reference voltage and biasing issues as well as redesigning the SAR logic. The performance verification of the modifications proposed in this report was obtained through an FFT of the simulated SA ADC. With these changes, the effective number of bits achieved improved dramatically, from only 6 effective bits to an ENOB of 11.3 bits. Unfortunately, these results required the use of a reduced input signal amplitude. Additional FFT tests with larger input signals yielded significantly lower performance, indicating that another potential issue likely exists that will require further investigation in the future. Ultimately, the successful implementation of the SA ADC will be determined by the test results obtained after fabrication of the AFE. 71 REFERENCES [1] R.F. Yazicioglu, et al., “200µW Eight-Channel EEG Acquisition ASIC for Ambulatory EEG Systems,” ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 164-165, 2008. [2] Maxim Integrated, “Medical Solutions Guide: Electrocardiograph,” Maxim Medical Solutions. [Online] Available: http://www.maximintegrated.com/solutions/patientmonitors/. [Accessed Sept. 2, 2012]. [3] J. Yoo, et al., “An 8-Channel Scalable EEG Acquisition SoC with Fully Integrated Patient-Specific Seizure Classification and Recording Processor”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 292-293, 2012. [4] K. A. Ng and P. K. Chan, “A CMOS Analog Front-End IC for Portable EEG/ECG Monitoring Applications,” IEEE Trans. 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