Engr 221 Syllabus Spring, 2016

Engr 221
Spring, 2016
Instructor: Matthew Bailey
Contact Information: Office, HS 307; Phone 410-543-6486; email:
Office Hours: HS307, TBD
Goals: This course in dynamics is designed to teach solution techniques for rigid body
kinematics. Conservation of momentum and energy are employed to analyze two and
three dimensional problems. The use of vectors and free body diagrams for the
analysis of dynamic systems is stressed.
This course will train you to analyze and solve problems systematically. This will be a
major effort for many of you, so prepare to spend a lot of time on developing the skills
every engineer is expected to have.
To gain a solid understanding of kinematics and kinetics of problems commonly
encountered by engineers
Analyze the kinematics of point mass and rigid body systems
Determine the motion of point mass and rigid body systems in space and time.
Acquire the skills necessary to continue on in advanced undergraduate study of
engineering mechanics
To develop problem solving skills in groups and as individuals in the field of
engineering dynamics.
Textbook: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 13th edition by R.C. Hibbeler.
Class: MWF 2:00 – 2:50, HS 360. Class time will be devoted to discussing new ideas,
working on group projects, in class activities, and exams/quizzes.
Prerequisite: ENGR 110 (Statics)
Reading: Reading assignments will be given on a daily basis and students are
expected to read and understand the material, and come with questions. For the
reading assignments, please see the course schedule.
Homework: Homework problems are given each class period and are due by 4:00 pm
on the Monday after they are assigned. Late homework will receive a 50% reduction in
score. Homework more than 1 week late will not be accepted.
The following rules must be followed with homework:
Work all problems clearly, giving yourself plenty of room. A prospective engineer
should perform his work in a manner that is professional. Students who turn in
sloppy work (i.e. I can’t follow or read it) will have their homework grade
drastically reduced.
If your homework problem includes a diagram, you must include a neat diagram
on your homework solution, showing all relevant information.
If you work more than one problem on the same sheet of paper, clearly indicate
each problem number, and separate the problems with a horizontal line.
Turn in homework problems in order
Always include a sketch or a free body diagram where necessary. Always write
the algebraic equation(s) used before you plug in any numbers
Indicate your final answer (circle or double underline or something…)
Quizzes: Some weeks, there may be a homework quiz along with or in lieu of a
homework assignment. These will be announced by the instructor, and will count as
part of the homework grade.
Exams: There will be four exams during the semester, held in class. Things that may
be on the exams include anything covered in class, anything from the textbook,
anything from the homework. If you cannot make it to class the day of an exam, you
must contact the professor before the exam if you would like to take it on a different
date. The professor will allow this if you have a sufficient reason for missing the exam.
No cell phones or similar devices will be allowed within the classroom at the time of an
exam. If the professor sees such a device, the student will be excused from class, and
the exam will be given a no score. All that is allowed for a student within an exam is a
calculator, writing utensil, and piece of paper for your notes (will be provided by
instructor). The comprehensive final exam will be held in class on Monday, May 16 at
1:30 p.m.
Help: Help may be obtained in office hours, or through appointment. I would
encourage you to seek help if you are having difficulties, and would promote questions
asked during class time.
Grade Determination:
Homework and Quizzes:
22 %
In Class Activities and Class Participation:
Class Project:
18 %
Four Mid-term exams
Final Exam
10% Each
Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. I fully comply with and support the policy of
academic dishonesty outlined in the student handbook. I assume any submitted work
alleges to be your own unless you have indicated otherwise. Any work submitted that is
not your own which does not indicate so will be returned with a grade of zero. A second
violation will result in a zero for the homework/quiz portion of your grade. Each violation
will also include a result sent to academic services.
Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, call the Gull Line at 410-546-6426
or check the Salisbury University web page for emergency closing information. If travel
conditions are poor, you should use your best judgment about whether or not to attend
class. Bear in mind, however, that if SU is open, then classes will be held.
Grade Scale: The letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale applied
to the total percentage earned in the course:
90 – 100% = A
Superior work. Student demonstrates a thorough and complete
understanding of the subject.
80 – 89% = B
Excellent work. Student demonstrates an above average
understanding of the subject.
70 – 79% =
Good work. Student demonstrates average understanding of the
60 – 69% =
Fair work. Student demonstrates below average understanding of
the material and has completed most of the assignments.
0 – 59% =
Unsatisfactory work. Student does not demonstrate adequate
understanding of the subject and/or has not turned in all
Students with Disabilities: Any student in this course who has a disability that may
prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me as
soon as possible so that we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full
participation in this class and facilitate educational opportunities.