– Physics II Physics 223 Syllabus Spring, 2016


Physics 223 – Physics II


Spring, 2016

Instructor : Matthew Bailey

Contact Information: Office , HS 307; Phone 410-543-6486; email : mabailey@salisbury.edu

Office Hours : HS307, TBD

Catalog Description: Continuation of introductory physics. Topics include: electrostatics, current and resistance, DC and AC circuit analysis, magnetic fields, induction, electromagnetic waves and geometrical and wave optics.

Prerequisites: PHYS 221 (Physics I) Co/Prerequisite: MATH 202 (Calculus II)

Classes: M, W, F 9:00 p.m. – 10:40 p.m. in HS 353.

Textbook : The required textbook for this class is Physics for Scientists and Engineers (9 th edition) by Serway and Jewett. The textbook will be used as a reference, rather than to structure the course. Homework assignments and readings will come from the textbook.

Writing Across The Curriculum : This instructor fully supports the campus-wide emphasis on writing and written communication. Homework assignments require written explanations.

Some exam questions will require written answers. Small group work may require reflective writing. The lab activities require written summaries.

Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, call the Gull Line at 410-546-6426 or check the Salisbury University web page for emergency closing information. If travel conditions are poor, you should use your best judgment about whether or not to attend class. Bear in mind, however, that if SU is open, then classes will be held. If the opening of campus is delayed such that classes begin after the normal start of your lab, but before your lab is scheduled to end, then you should go to lab when campus opens. For example, since class is scheduled 9:00-10:40, and campus opening is delayed until 9:30, then you should go to class at 9:30. If campus is closed early, class will meet until the closing time. For example, since class is scheduled from 9:00 – 10:40 and campus is closing at 10:00, class will meet from 9:00 – 10:00.

Academic Dishonesty: This instructor fully complies with and supports the policy of academic dishonesty outlined in the student handbook.

Calculators: You will often need to use a calculator during class. Using a preprogrammed calculator to store information not available to the entire class, including solutions or equations, is considered cheating. No cell phone may be used as a calculator.

General Goals for the Course:

1. Continue to Develop a Good Functional Understanding Physics

The goal of physics is to understand the physical universe. An understanding of the subjects covered in the class will help prepare those of you who plan on a career that includes a thorough knowledge and understanding physics. Beyond that, an understanding of the physical principles may help you perceive the world around you in a more comprehensible, enjoyable, and fascinating way.

2. Demonstrate an Ability to Think Critically, Logically, & Analytically When Solving


In order to solve a problem, you must critically examine the information available in a given situation, determine an effective method to approach the problem, and carry through to the solution, including a critical examination of the final answer to see if it is reasonable. To understand a physical situation and to solve physics problems requires the ability to use mathematical expressions that are solvable and that represent the situation. Students should be able to see the linkage between the math used and the physical principles involved. These skills are not only essential to solving problems in physics, but to solving problems in general, and are applicable to many situations in many different environments.

3. Understand the Factors for Determining the Strengths & Interactions of Gravitational,

Electric, and Magnetic Forces

Gravitational, electric, and magnetic phenomena have been known for centuries. The causes of these interactions of matter lie deep in the atomic structure of matter. We study these forces because they are ultimately some of the most basic fundamental forces of matter’s interactions within the universe which we inhabit. From these forces arise all previous ideas of “force” that were studied in Physics I.

4. Understand & Analyze the Physics of Electricity & Designed Electrical Circuits

Every day we make use of a wide variety of electronic devices most of which we take for granted. By simply pushing buttons we can turn on lights, computers, televisions, and stereos. Most of us realize that these devices require electricity in order to operate properly, but do not ever stop to think about what electricity is. An exploration of electricity and electrical circuits will give the student an appreciation for and an understanding of the physical phenomenon that works modern electrical devices.

5. Understand the Properties & Interactions of Electromagnetic Waves

Waves are everywhere. Whether we recognize it or not, we encounter electromagnetic waves on a daily basis. Simply, a wave is a disturbance which transports energy. We study the physics of waves because it provides a rich glimpse into the physical world which we seek to understand and describe as physicists especially since waves become a very important aspect of modern physics theories that students will explore after an introductory physics course.

A Word About Physics

This is a physics class and, therefore, it has similarities to all other physics classes.

Physics is a conceptual and mathematical science and will require using mathematics and mental models as tools for solving problems. For some students, the math serves as an obstacle to learning physics. I highly recommend that you become very comfortable with the symbols and mathematics described in the appendices (A, B) in the text before

progressing any farther into the semester.

Some students believe that if they can follow the lectures in class, then they have learned physics. This is not true. To learn physics, a student must do a significant amount of work outside of class thinking about, and interacting with, the course material. No one ever learns physics by simply reading about it or listening to someone talk about it. You learn it by making the effort to understand the material, building mental pictures, and by solving problems using the principles learned. The standard requirement in a college class is that you spend at least two hours outside class working on the material for every hour in class. Since this is a four-hour class, you should plan on spending at least eight hours per week outside of class interacting with the material and solving problems. Few students will be able to succeed in this class without investing that amount of time.

Finally, physics is an objective science. Problems assigned in physics will usually have objective answers. Consequently, grading standards tend to remain high in physics and other science classes.

Course Philosophy

I want you to enjoy Physics 223. The material we will be covering is fascinating and applicable. Its implications can be observed in almost everything you interact with everyday. In order to make this class as interesting and useful as possible, I will need to get feedback from you. Please feel free to ask questions in class and to come by my office during office hours. During the semester, I will give you opportunities to write a summary of which concepts are difficult, and of which you find interesting.

As stated earlier, you can only learn physics by personally interacting with the material and solving problems. Consequently, I emphasize three methods of learning in this class:

1. Reading and thinking about the assigned material before it is discussed in class.



Solving problems using the physics concepts and principles.

Discussing the material and solving problems in class, including working with your classmates.

Thinking about problems and solving them on a regular basis will allow you to learn and appreciate the subject matter in a natural way, without having to cram everything at the last moment. Remember that this is a four-hour class so you should spend about eight hours per week outside class interacting with the material.

Course Structure & Assignments

The course will be divided into subject modules and may consist of the following graded assignments:

1. In-class activities and written labs

2. Quizzes

3. Homework Problems

4. Midterm Exams or Final Exam

Before each module begins, I will distribute a detailed description of the material covered during the module. Homework problems will be assigned each week. A calendar listing the tentative due dates for course subject material is attached as the last page of this syllabus. The calendar may be revised at the discretion of the professor.

Group Work

Groups will allow you to work together with your peers to understand the material. Group activities will include discussion of homework, as well as working on other problems designed to help you understand the material. All activities in the groups will be cooperative, not competitive. A good group member is not necessarily one who knows the answers. A good group member is one who comes prepared and regularly participates in the work, enters into the spirit of trying to help his or her fellow group members answer questions, work problems, and better understand the material.

Activity Notebook (Folder)

In-class work will be assembled neatly and chronologically in an activity notebook. This notebook will also be used for some student course feedback. Most of the topics covered in this class are challenging. The folder will be collected weekly or bi-weekly usually at the end of the week. Some of these in class activities may be gathered the day of class, with only one packet per group collected, and everyone in the group will receive that grade.


There may be quizzes given throughout the semester. Some of these will be on the material that you should have read for the week, it could be a conceptual question, or could be based on the homework problems.


Homework will be assigned each class period, and will be collected weekly on Fridays

(please have it to the instructor by 12:00 p.m.). Questions about the homework may be asked at the start of each class period. Please do your homework problems in order.

Here are some suggestions for how to get the most knowledge and help out of the homework:

 Read the problems as soon as you get them. You don’t have to spend any time working on them; just think about them as you read and study the material.

 Don’t procrastinate!! You will have most of a week to work on the problems.

Don’t wait until the last minute to do them. In particular, you will have an opportunity to ask questions in class to help you further understand the problems. Many students find that it is very helpful to attempt the problems even before the material is discussed in the class lecture.

Ask Questions!! If you are having problems with the homework, seek help!!

You may discuss the problems with your classmates as well as with me during office hours.

Rework Missed Incorrect Solutions: The next class period after the homework has been turned back, you may turn in the problems you did not get full credit for, along with the corrections. If you do this, you can receive up to full marks for those problems.

Although you may discuss the homework with your classmates, all work handed in must be your own. Copying another person’s work is plagiarism, and will be considered cheating. In fact, if

you copy down a solution to a homework problem, no matter what the source , without working it through yourself, and turn it in as your own work will be considered cheating, and actions will be taken. I encourage you to talk with others in order for you to get a general understanding of the work. However, each person must work out detailed solutions of the problems individually.

Doing the homework is the best way to prepare for the quizzes and exams, since test questions will be similar to problems assigned for homework.

Active Participation

Because learning requires active participation, and not just passive listening, we will be doing various activities in the classroom that involve student participation. These activities will help the student learn and give the instructor valuable feedback on how well the students have mastered the course material. The exact nature of this participation will be described in more detail at the time the assignments are given.

Physics Learning Portfolio

You will assemble a portfolio from a selection of your work from this course. The portfolio will include a reflection on your work and learning from the semester. More details will be provided at a later date. IMPORTANT: Please save every bit of your work for this course

(homework, exams, quizzes, activities, journal writings, etc) – you might want it for your course portfolio!!


Three mid-semester exams (one of which is a practical exam) are scheduled. The final exam will be comprehensive. No make-up exams will be given. See the schedule for exam dates. The best preparation for these exams is a thorough understanding of the material and an understanding of the homework.

Grade Determination: Your grade for this course will be determined from your grades on:

Homework Assignments and Quizzes 20%

In Class Activities and Labs


Three Midterm Exams (3 @ 14%)

Final Comprehensive Exam





------ Total = 100%

Grade Scale: The following criteria will be used for determining letter grades:

90 -100% = A: Superior Work. Student demonstrates a thorough and complete understanding of the subject.

80 - 89% = B: Excellent Work. Student demonstrates an above average understanding of the subject.

70 - 79% = C: Good Work. Student demonstrates an average understanding of the material.

60 - 69% = D: Fair Work. Student demonstrates below average understanding of the material and has completed most of assignments.

0 - 59% = F: Unsatisfactory Work. Student does not demonstrate and adequate understanding of the subject and has not turned in all assignments.

Cell Phones: Please turn off or silence your cell phones during class. You may not have your phone out during class, unless there is an emergency and you check with the instructor.

You may not use your phone as a calculator, and if the instructor sees you using your phone in class, he may ask you to leave class for the day.

Late Work: Late Homework will be accepted for a 50% reduction of points. Homework will not be accepted after one week of the due date. To be excluded from these two rules, students need to contact the instructor before hand, and present their case as to whether or not these rules can be waved. This is done at the discretion of the instructor.
