STAFF SENATE MINUTES October 18, 2006 I.

October 18, 2006
Call to order: President Clacie Hubbard called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.
In attendance: Bill Allen, Jackie Eberts, Lucy Hearn, Clacie Hubbard, Deana
Karpavage, Judy Lowe, Karen Wilson, Donna Keener
Absent: Lisa Gray, Colleen Kirby, Janine Vienna
The minutes from May 24 and September 20 were approved with corrections. Judy
Lowe motioned to approve the minutes. Lucy Hearn seconded and motion was
III. President’s Report:
a. To set committee goals. (The committee needs to decide what our issues
and concerns are this year)
b. Recap of last year’s goals
 Conversion of contingents – completed
 Staff picnic – recommended this go back to President’s Office –
 Tuition waiver – payment plan – went into effect Fall 2006
 Modify bylaws – completed
 Staff recognition – not completed – lack of participation
 Holiday Social – combined with recognition of Staff Award nominees
 Staff development – not completed
 Employee Handbook – completed
c. Review of current vacancies and executive committee
After carefully reviewing the executive committee structure the
committee’s subcommittees will be removed except for Membership &
Elections. These committees have been inactive but hold potential staff
that could fill the current vacancies on the executive committee.
The previous chair of the Membership & Elections Committee, Lisa Gray
has been asked to write a letter to subcommittee members informing them
of the change and current vacancies on the executive committee.
Please note, as issues and concerns arise the executive committee will
formulate ad hoc committees if needed.
d. SU CUSS Reps met with HR
This meeting was arranged to develop a procedure for routine updates
throughout the year on our Exempt, Non-Exempt NCBCB and Contingent
employees for the following;
 HR updates at each Staff Senate meeting
 Distribution list of represented staff
 HR and/or BOR policies changes that affect our staff
 A way for represented staff to voice opinions, etc.
 Staff development
e. Forum
The first forum meeting was held on Tuesday, October 17. President Janet
Dudley-Eshbach spoke on making the SAT optional and the admittance of
freshman vehicles on campus in Fall 07. Freshman parking will be on a
first come first served basis.
Steve Hetzler addressed the following for topics of discussion:
Is our current governance structure adequate or ideal for our campus, how
do we more effectively encourage participation in governance, including
active discussion in Forum meetings and participation in Forum
Remarks from the audience were noted and will be reviewed by the
Executive Forum Committee.
f. Maryland Charities Campaign
The Chair Jennifer Berkman configured a committee to strategize ways to
support this charity and increase SU participation. The campaign will
continue through November 10, 2006. Please take a moment to pick the
organization of your choice and complete the donation information. A
MD Charities event fair will take place on November 7th in the Link of
Human Resources: Donna Keener
A representative from HR will attend each Staff Senate meeting. In
support of shared governance Human Recourses is looking forward
working with the Staff Senate as a two-way communication to best serve
the staff.
Current update:
 Non-exempt reclassifications were completed.
CUSS: Jackie Eberts (Alternate)
The Council of University Systems Staff met on September 26 at UMBI.
Topics of discussion included:
 USM Conference on Shared governance
The purpose is to bring staff together to discuss shared governance and
learn how to get policy ideas changed or initiated, problem solving,
and distributing alternative resolutions. The emphasis is on
rejuvenating and strengthening shared governance system wide
 New Prescription Plan - Catalyst, Inc.
This transition is expected to take place in January 07
 ORP – (Optional Retirement Program) possible enhancements
USM HR representative indicated that the USM is going to look at the
best packages to benefit current employees. In addition, they are
working with a tax firm (for IRS code) as to any compliance issues for
the ORP.
 Staff Awards
New this year is a more streamlined criteria for non-exempt staff to
provide a work history summary instead of a full resume.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
The next meeting will be November 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the Manokin Room.
Recorded by,
Karen Wilson