President’s Advisory Team September 21, 2006 Minutes

President’s Advisory Team
September 21, 2006
President’s Advisory Team Members in attendance:
Judy Fischer for Alice Bahr, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources
Ed Cowell, Dean of Students
Richard Culver, Director, Media Relations
Jackie Maisel for Jane Dané, Dean, Enrollment Management
Janet Dudley-Eshbach, President
Michael Folkoff, Interim Dean, Henson School of Science and Technology
Len Foxwell, Assistant to the President for Government and Community Relations
Steven Hetzler, Chair, University Forum
Clacie Hubbard, President, Staff Senate
Tom Jones, Interim Provost
Donna Keener, Director, Human Resources
Paul Land, Director, Auxiliary Services
Ed Lashley, Chief, Salisbury University Police
Greig Mitchell, Vice President, Administration and Finance
Herman Manakyan for William Moore, Dean, Perdue School of Business
Ellen Neufeldt, Vice President, Student Affairs
Timothy O’Rourke, Dean, Fulton School of Liberal Arts
Carol Wood for Dennis Pataniczek, Dean, Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies
Darrell Mullins, President, Faculty Senate
Jennifer Poole, President, Student Government Association
R. Bryan Price, Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and Accountability
Brian Stiegler, Interim Director, Center of International Education
Rosemary Thomas, Vice President, University Advancement
Jerry Waldron, Chief Information Officer
Ellen Zinner, Assistant to the President
Welcome and Opening Remarks - President Dudley-Eshbach:
President Dudley-Eshbach welcomed everyone to the first President’s Advisory Team
meeting of the 2006-2007 academic year.
Enrollment update - Ellen Neufeldt
i. As of September 15, enrollment data were as follows:
7,383 enrolled students
6,629 are full-time students
1,034 students in the freshman class
872 new transfer students
592 graduate students.
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This incoming class is the most diverse in SU history and has an average
GPA above 3.4, with 65% reporting on their applications that they
participated in leadership activities. The youngest student is 14 years old
and the oldest is 52.
FourSight Workshop - October 6, 10:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Worcester and
Montgomery Rooms
i. Members of the President’s Advisory team are invited to this workshop that will
explore an innovative assessment tool to reveal how people approach challenges.
Phi Beta Kappa
i. Salisbury University is in the process of applying to host a chapter of the Phi Beta
Kappa honor society. SU’s institutional profile has improved since the last
application was denied. Being a part of this honor society would underscore the
quality of Salisbury University’s academic programs and students.
Signing-In Ceremony Update - Ellen Neufeldt
Upon the recommendation of Ed Cowell, Dean of Students, Salisbury University has
instituted a new program for incoming students that emphasized the significance of
joining the SU Community. The opening activities also stressed the acceptance and
promised adherence to the new Student Code of Conduct, whether students live on- or
University Governance:
Faculty Senate - Darrell Mullins
i. The focus for the Faculty Senate this year will be General Education and
assessment of the curriculum. Two schools that provide most of the Gen Ed
courses will be considering alternate curriculum models.
ii. Faculty benefits will be considered.
Staff Senate - Clacie Hubbard
i. This year’s focus will be on the structure of the Staff Senate.
ii. A member of Human Resources is now an ex-officio member of the Staff Senate.
This allows for more open lines of communication in light of the changes in
collective bargaining.
Student Government Association - Jennifer Poole
i. The SGA is currently working on Homecoming events. This year’s theme centers
on “Tradition.”
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ii. A statue of “Sammy the Sea Gull” is almost ready for placement in front of Maggs
iii. Complaints about parking have steadily decreased.
University Forum - Steven Hetzler
The focus for the University Forum this year will be increasing participation in
shared governance, particularly in the Staff Senate.
President Dudley-Eshbach noted that the SU Community needs to take a proactive
look at the current structure of campus governance. Are the existing structures
still effective, taking into account the increased size of the student body and the
implementation of collective bargaining?
Strategies for Enrollment Management - President Dudley-Eshbach
The Board of Regents and the University System of Maryland have designated SU as
one of the “enrollment growth” institutions in the System. SU admitted 323
additional students for the 2006 academic year, and is being asked to accept between
1000-1500 new students over the next five years.
Fifteen percent of incoming freshman are from out of state.
Of our 7,383 students, 592 are graduate students. Ideally, 10% of students should
make up graduate program numbers. Reexamination of master’s programs may
suggest changes that would increase this number.
SU is considering launching a pilot program in which SAT scores are optional for
admission. An improvement in our standing in national college guide publications
may result. Faculty input is being sought prior to a decision by the administration.
As the number of students increases, the physical side of the University also needs to
grow to house more students and provide more classrooms and office space for
increased faculty and support staff. The President believes a University Planning
Council (yet to be formed) could better prepare the campus for changing student
Campus-wide Activities - Rosemary Thomas
Fun Day update - Saturday, September 16
i. Over 2,000 guests of all ages came to campus to enjoy many free activities.
ii. Kudos to Derek Tennent, a graduate student working in the Advancement
office, for coordinating the event.
iii. This year’s Fun Day was endorsed by the Wicomico County PTA, another step
towards collaboration with the local community.
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TETC groundbreaking ceremony update - Wednesday, September 20
i. Representatives from the Governor’s Office, the University System of
Maryland, and other offices participated in ceremonial “digs” announcing the
beginning of construction of the Teacher Education and Technology Complex.
Sea Gull Century - October 7
i. There are 6,000 registered riders this year.
ii. Last year, Sea Gull Century raised over $250,000, which was put back into the
campus to support various programs and projects.
Facilities Update - Greig Mitchell
Construction on the TETC building has begun, and the anticipated opening date is
summer 2008. This building adds 165,000 square feet of new space that includes
labs, classrooms, instructional technology space, and offices.
The Dresser property parking lease has allowed parking for 650 cars close to the main
campus. The demand for this space is lower than expected for a number of reasons,
including improved sidewalks, new bicycle racks, an increased parking fee, and
improved shuttle bus service. This decrease in demand opens the possibility of
freshmen bringing their cars with them to campus in the future.
The Shoreland, Inc. property is being cleared of buildings and will remain a green
field until future building projects have been determined.
University Police have moved to the East Campus Complex (formally known as the
Power Professional Building). There will be an open house later in the fall.
The first step in the planning process for the Perdue Building has begun with the
Division of Budget and Management reviewing the final program plan.
Cultural Laureate Program - Tim O’Rourke
The Cultural Affairs Committee devised the Cultural Laureate Program to encourage
freshman to experience cultural programs offered on campus.
The program is being piloted with the freshman class this semester.
Next meeting: The next meeting of the President’s Advisory Team will be held on
Thursday, October 19, 2006.
Recorder: Tracy Hajir