Publications for Iain Campbell 2016

Publications for Iain Campbell
Publications for Iain Campbell
Hofer, M., Campbell, I. (2016).
Immunoinflammatory diseases of the central
nervous system - The tale of two cytokines.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 173(4),
716-728. <a
re Information]</a>
Almolda, B., de Labra, C., Barrera, I., Gruart, A.,
Delgado-Garcia, J., Villacampa, N., Vilella, A.,
Hofer, M., Hidalgo, J., Campbell, I., et al (2015).
Alterations in microglial phenotype and
hippocampal neuronal function in transgenic
mice with astrocyte-targeted production of
interleukin-10. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity,
45, 80-97. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Hsu, M., Frausto, R., Rose-John, S., Campbell, I.
(2015). Analysis of IL-6/gp130 family receptor
expression reveals that in contrast to astroglia,
microglia lack the oncostatin M receptor and
functional responses to oncostatin M. Glia,
63(1), 132-141. <a
re Information]</a>
Villacampa, N., Almolda, B., Vilella, A.,
Campbell, I., Gonzalez, B., Castellano, B.
(2015). Astrocyte-targeted production of IL-10
induces changes in microglial reactivity and
reduces motor neuron death after facial nerve
axotomy. Glia, 63(7), 1166-1184. <a
re Information]</a>
Campbell, L., Simonin, A., Chen, C., Ferdous, J.,
Padula, M., Harry, E., Hofer, M., Campbell, I.,
Carter, D. (2015). Cryptococcus Strains with
Different Pathogenic Potentials Have Diverse
Protein Secretomes. Eukaryotic Cell (Online),
14(6), 554-563. <a
More Information]</a>
Terry, R., Deffrasnes, C., Getts, D., Minten, C.,
Van Vreden, C., Ashhurst, T., Getts, M., Xie, V.,
Campbell, I., King, N. (2015). Defective
inflammatory monocyte development in
IRF8-deficient mice abrogates migration to the
West Nile virus-infected brain. Journal of Innate
Immunity, 7(1), 102-112. <a
ore Information]</a>
Grill, M., Syme, T., Nocon, A., Lu, A., Hancock,
D., Rose-John, S., Campbell, I. (2015).
Strawberry notch homolog 2 is a novel
inflammatory response factor predominantly but
not exclusively expressed by astrocytes in the
central nervous system. Glia, 63(10), 1738-1752.
re Information]</a>
Van Belle, T., Pagni, P., Liao, J.,
Sachithanantham, S., Dave, A., Bel Hani, A.,
Manenkova, Y., Amirian, N., Yang, C., Morin,
B., Campbell, I., et al (2014). Beta-cell specific
production of IL6 in conjunction with a mainly
intracellular but not mainly surface viral protein
causes diabetes. Journal of Autoimmunity, 55,
24-32. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Millington, C., Sonego, S., Karunaweera, N.,
Rangel, A., Aldrich-Wright, J., Campbell, I.,
Gyengesi, E., Munch, G. (2014). Chronic
Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease: New
Perspectives on Animal Models and Promising
Candidate Drugs. BioMed Research
International, 2014, 1-10. <a
More Information]</a>
Almolda, B., Villacampa, N., Manders, P.,
Hidalgo, J., Campbell, I., Gonzalez, B.,
Castellano, B. (2014). Effects of
Astrocyte-Targeted Production of Interleukin-6
in the Mouse on the Host Response to Nerve
Injury. Glia, 62(7), 1142-1161. <a
re Information]</a>
Li, W., Hofer, M., Jung, S., Lim, S., Campbell, I.
(2014). IRF7-Dependent Type I Interferon
Production Induces Lethal Immune-Mediated
Disease in STAT1 Knockout Mice Infected with
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus. Journal of
Virology, 88(13), 7578-7588. <a
More Information]</a>
Nocon, A., Ip, J., Terry, R., Lim, S., Getts, D.,
Muller, M., Hofer, M., King, N., Campbell, I.
(2014). The Bacteriostatic Protein Lipocalin 2 Is
Induced in the Central Nervous System of Mice
with West Nile Virus Encephalitis. Journal of
Virology, 88(1), 679-689. <a
More Information]</a>
Getts, D., Terry, R., Getts, M., Deffrasnes, C.,
Müller, M., Van Vreden, C., Ashhurst, T.,
Chami, B., McCarthy, D., Wu, H., Ma, J.,
Witting, P., Campbell, I., Reilly, D., White, M.,
Cordwell, S., Chadban, S., Bao, B., King, N., et
al (2014). Therapeutic inflammatory monocyte
modulation using immune-modifying
microparticles. Science Translational Medicine,
Publications for Iain Campbell
6(219), 1-14. <a
7563">[More Information]</a>
Campbell, I., Erta, M., Lim, S., Frausto, R., May,
U., Rose-John, S., Scheller, J., Hidalgo, J.
(2014). Trans-Signaling Is a Dominant
Mechanism for the Pathogenic Actions of
Interleukin-6 in the Brain. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 34(7), 2503-2513. <a
30-13.2014">[More Information]</a>
Zimmermann, J., Krauthausen, M., Hofer, M.,
Heneka, M., Campbell, I., Muller, M. (2013).
CNS-Targeted Production of IL-17A Induces
Glial Activation, Microvascular Pathology and
Enhances the Neuroinflammatory Response to
Systemic Endotoxemia. PloS One, 8(2), 1-13. <a
7307">[More Information]</a>
Roberts, K., Zeineddine, R., Corcoran, L., Li,
W., Campbell, I., Yerbury, J. (2013).
Extracellular Aggregated Cu/Zn Superoxide
Dismutase Activates Microglia to Give a
Cytotoxic Phenotype. Glia, 61(3), 409-419. <a
re Information]</a>
Giralt, M., Ramos, R., Quintana, A., Ferrer, B.,
Erta, M., Castro-Freire, M., Comes, G., Sanz, E.,
Unzeta, M., Pifarre, P., Campbell, I., et al (2013).
Induction of atypical EAE mediated by
transgenic production of IL-6 in astrocytes in the
absence of systemic IL-6. Glia, 61(4), 587-600.
re Information]</a>
Li, W., Hofer, M., Nocon, A., Manders, P.,
Campbell, I. (2013). Interferon regulatory factor
7 (IRF7) is required for the optimal initial control
but not subsequent clearance of lymphocytic
choriomeningitis virus infection in mice.
Virology, 439(2), 152-162. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Hofer, M., Campbell, I. (2013). Type I interferon
in neurological disease-The devil from within.
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews, 24(3),
257-267. <a
.006">[More Information]</a>
Minten, C., Terry, R., Deffrasnes, C., King, N.,
Campbell, I. (2012). IFN Regulatory Factor 8 Is
a Key Constitutive Determinant of the
Morphological and Molecular Properties of
Microglia in the CNS. PloS One, 7(11), 1-11. <a
9851">[More Information]</a>
Terry, R., Getts, D., Deffrasnes, C., Van Vreden,
C., Campbell, I., King, N. (2012). Inflammatory
monocytes and the pathogenesis of viral
encephalitis. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9,
1-10. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Hofer, M., Li, W., Manders, P., Terry, R., Lim,
S., King, N., Campbell, I. (2012). Mice deficient
in STAT1 but not STAT2 or IRF9 develop a
lethal CD4+ T-cell-mediated disease following
infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis
virus. Journal of Virology, 86(12), 6932-6946.
More Information]</a>
Getts, D., Terry, R., Getts, M., Muller, M., Rana,
S., Deffrasnes, C., Ashhurst, T., Radford, J.,
Hofer, M., Thomas, S., Campbell, I., King, N.
(2012). Targeted blockade in lethal West Nile
virus encephalitis indicates a crucial role for very
late antigen (VLA)-4-dependent recruitment of
nitric oxide-producing macrophages. Journal of
Neuroinflammation, 9(1), 1-8. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Ip, J., Nocon, A., Hofer, M., Lim, S., Müller, M.,
Campbell, I. (2011). Lipocalin 2 in the central
nervous system host response to systemic
lipopolysaccharide administration. Journal of
Neuroinflammation, 8(124), 1-15. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Krauthausen, M., Ellis, S., Zimmermann, J.,
Sarris, M., Wakefield, D., Heneka, M.,
Campbell, I., Müller, M. (2011). Opposing Roles
for CXCR3 Signaling in Central Nervous System
Versus Ocular Inflammation Mediated by the
Astrocyte-Targeted Production of IL-12. The
American Journal of Pathology, 179(5),
2346-2359. <a
041">[More Information]</a>
Thompson, C., Hofer, M., Campbell, I., Holmes,
A. (2010). Community Dynamics in the Mouse
Gut Microbiota: A Possible Role for
IRF9-Regulated Genes in Community
Homeostasis. PloS One, 5(4),
e10335-1-e10335-9. <a
0335">[More Information]</a>
Muller, M., Carter, S., Hofer, M., Campbell, I.
(2010). Review: The chemokine receptor
CXCR3 and its ligands CXCL9, CXCL10 and
Publications for Iain Campbell
CXCL11 in neuroimmunity - a tale of conflict
and conundrum. Neuropathology and Applied
Neurobiology, 36(5), 368-387. <a
0.01089.x">[More Information]</a>
Ellis, S., Gysbers, V., Manders, P., Li, W.,
Hofer, M., Muller, M., Campbell, I. (2010). The
Cell-Specific Induction of CXC Chemokine
Ligand 9 Mediated by IFN-gamma in Microglia
of the Central Nervous System Is Determined by
the Myeloid Transcription Factor PU.1. The
Journal of Immunology, 185(3), 1864-1877. <a
00">[More Information]</a>
Hofer, M., Li, W., Lim, S., Campbell, I. (2010).
The type I interferon-alpha mediates a more
severe neurological disease in the absence of the
canonical signaling molecule interferon
regulatory factor 9. The Journal of Neuroscience,
30(3), 1149-1157. <a
11-09.2010">[More Information]</a>
Campbell, I., Hofer, M., Pagenstecher, A.
(2010). Transgenic models for cytokine-induced
neurological disease. Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1802 (10),
903-917. <a
004">[More Information]</a>
Quintana, A., Muller, M., Frausto, R., Ramos,
R., Getts, D., Sanz, E., Hofer, M., Krathausen,
M., King, N., Hildago, J., Campbell, I. (2009).
Site-Specific Production of IL-6 in the Central
Nervous System Retargets and Enchances the
Inflammatory Response in Experimental
Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. The Journal of
Immunology, 183(3), 2079-2088. <a
42">[More Information]</a>
Feuer, R., Ruller, C., An, N., Tabor-Godwin, J.,
Rhoades, R., Maciejewski, S., Pagarigan, R.,
Cornell, C., Crocker, S., Kiosses, W., Campbell,
I., et al (2009). Viral Persistence and Chronic
Immunopathology in the Adult Central Nervous
System following Coxsackievirus Infection
during the Neonatal Period. Journal of Virology,
83(18), 9356-9369. <a
More Information]</a>
Miu, J., Mitchell, A., Muller, M., Carter, S.,
Manders, P., McQuillan, J., Saunders, B., Ball,
H., Lu, B., Campbell, I., Hunt, N. (2008).
Chemokine gene expression during fatal murine
cerebral malaria and protection due to CXCR3
deficiency. The Journal of Immunology, 180(2),
1217-1230. <a
&list_uids=18178862">[More Information]</a>
Quintana, A., Molinero, A., Borup, R., Nielsen,
F., Campbell, I., Penkowa, M., Hidalgo, J.
(2008). Effect of astrocyte-targeted production of
IL-6 on traumatic brain injury and its impact on
the cortical transcriptome. Developmental
Neurobiology, 68(2), 195-208. <a
ore Information]</a>
Getts, D., Terry, R., Getts, M., Muller, M., Rana,
S., Shrestha, B., Radford, J., Van Rooijen, N.,
Campbell, I., King, N. (2008). Ly6c+
"inflammatory monocytes" are microglial
precursors recruited in a pathogenic manner in
West Nile virus encephalitis. The Journal of
Experimental Medicine, 205(10), 2319-2337. <a
[More Information]</a>
Sanz, E., Hofer, M., Unzeta, M., Campbell, I.
(2008). Minimal Role for STAT1 in
Interleukin-6 Signaling
and Actions in the Murine Brain. Glia, 56(2),
190-199. <a
re Information]</a>
Wang, J., Campbell, I., Zhang, H. (2008).
Systemic interferon-alpha regulates
interferon-stimulated genes in the central
nervous system. Molecular Psychiatry, 13(3),
293-301. <a
[More Information]</a>
Hofer, M., Carter, S., Muller, M., Campbell, I.
(2008). Unaltered Neurological Disease and
Mortality in CXCR3-Deficient Mice Infected
Intracranially with Lymphocytic
Choriomeningitis Virus-Armstrong. Viral
Immunology, 21(4), 425-433. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Muller, M., Carter, S., Hofer, M., Manders, P.,
Getts, D., Getts, M., Dreykluft, A., Lu, B.,
Gerard, C., King, N., Campbell, I. (2007).
CXCR3 Signaling Reduces the Severity of
Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
by Controlling the Parenchymal Distribution of
Effector and Regulatory T Cells in the Central
Nervous System. The Journal of Immunology,
179(5), 2774-2786. <a
&list_uids=17709491">[More Information]</a>
Quintana, A., Molinero, A., Florit, S., Manso, Y.,
Publications for Iain Campbell
Comes, G., Carrasco, J., Giralt, M., Borup, R.,
Nielsen, F., Campbell, I., et al (2007). Diverging
mechanisms for TNF-alpha receptors in normal
mouse brains and in functional recovery after
injury: From gene to behavior. Journal of
Neuroscience Research, 85(12), 2668-2685. <a
e Information]</a>
Millward, J., Caruso, M., Campbell, I., Gauldie,
J., Owens, T. (2007). IFN-γ-Induced
Chemokines synergize with pertussis toxin to
promote T cell entry to the central nervous
system. The Journal of Immunology, 178(12),
8175-8182. <a
&list_uids=17548656">[More Information]</a>
Millward, J., Caruso, M., Campbell, I., Gauldie,
J., Owens, T. (2007). IFN-γ-Induced
Chemokines Synergize with Pertussis Toxin to
Promote T Cell Entry to the Central Nervous
System. The Journal of Immunology, 178(12),
Carter, S., Muller, M., Manders, P., Campbell, I.
(2007). Induction of the genes for Cxcl9 and
Cxcl10 is dependent on IFN-gamma but shows
differential cellular expression in experimental
autoimmune encephalomyelitis and by astrocytes
and microglia in vitro. Glia, 55(16), 1728-1739.
re Information]</a>
Hofer, M., Mueller, M., O'Sullivan, C., Manders,
P., Campbell, I. (2007). Lethal lymphocytic
choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in
STAT1 KO mice is associated with dysregulated
PD-1/B7-H1 and a phenotypic switch in the
T-cell response. International Society for
Interferon and Cytokine Research, Interferon
Anniversary Meeting (ISICR 2007), United
Kingdom: Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers.
Getts, D., Matsumoto, I., Muller, M., Getts, M.,
Radford, J., Shrestha, B., Campbell, I., King, N.
(2007). Role of IFN-gamma in an experimental
murine model of West Nile virus-induced
seizures. Journal of Neurochemistry, 103(3),
1019-1030. <a
&list_uids=17854352">[More Information]</a>
Crocker, S., Milner, R., Pham-Mitchell, N.,
Campbell, I. (2006). Cell and agonist-specific
regulation of genes for matrix metalloproteinases
and their tissue inhibitors by primary glial cells.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 98(3), 812-823.
Wacher, C., Muller, M., Hofer, M., Getts, D.,
Zabaras, R., Ousman, S., Terenzi, F., Sen, G.,
King, N., Campbell, I. (2006). Coordinated
regulation and widespread cellular expression of
the interferon-stimulated genes (ISG)-49, ISG-54
and ISG-56 in the central nervous system
following infection with distinct viruses. Journal
of Virology, 81(2), 860-871. <a
&list_uids=17079283">[More Information]</a>
Carr, D., Campbell, I. (2006). Herpes Simplex
Virus Type 1 Induction of Chemokine
Production Is Unrelated to Viral Load in the
Cornea But Not in the Nervous System. Viral
Immunology, 19(4), 741-746. <a
&list_uids=17201669">[More Information]</a>
Milner, R., Campbell, I. (2006). Increased
expression of the beta4 and alpha5 integrin
subunits in cerebral blood vessels of transgenic
mice chronically producing the pro-inflammatory
cytokines IL-6 or IFN-alpha in the central
nervous system. Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience, 33(4), 429-440. <a
&list_uids=17049262">[More Information]</a>
Crocker, S., Whitmire, J., Frausto, R.,
Chertboonmuang, P., Soloway, P., Whitton, J.,
Campbell, I. (2006). Persistent
macrophage/microglial activation and myelin
disruption after experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis in tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinase-1-deficient mice. The
American Journal of Pathology, 169(6),
Zirger, J., Barcia, C., Liu, C., Puntel, M.,
Mitchell, N., Campbell, I., Castro, M.,
Lowenstein, P. (2006). Rapid upregulation of
interferon-regulated and chemokine mRNAs
upon injection of 10(8) international units, but
not lower doses, of adenoviral vectors into the
brain. Journal of Virology, 80(11), 5655-5659.
Campbell, I., Owens, T. (2005). Animal models
of neuroimmunologic disease. In J. Antel, G.
Birnbaum, H-P. Hartung and A. Vincent (Eds.),
Clinical Neuroimmunology, (pp. 129-146).
United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Campbell, I. (2005). Cytokine-mediated
inflammation, tumorigenesis, and
disease-associated JAK/STAT/SOCS signaling
circuits in the CNS. Brain Research Reviews,
48(2), 166-177. <a
4.12.006">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Iain Campbell
Ousman, S., Wang, J., Campbell, I. (2005).
Differential regulation of interferon regulatory
factor (IRF)-7 and IRF-9 gene expression in the
central nervous system during viral infection.
Journal of Virology, 79(12), 7514-7527. <a
&list_uids=15919906">[More Information]</a>
Vlkolinsky, R., Siggins, G., Campbell, I.,
Krucker, T. (2004). Acute exposure to CXC
chemokine ligand 10, but not its chronic
astroglial production, alters synaptic plasticity in
mouse hippocampal slices. Journal of
Neuroimmunology, 150(1-2), 37-47. <a
01.011">[More Information]</a>
Quintana, A., Giralt, M., Rojas, S., Penkowa, M.,
Campbell, I., Hidalgo, J., Molinero, A. (2005).
Differential role of tumor necrosis factor
receptors in mouse brain inflammatory responses
in cryolesion brain injury. Journal of
Neuroscience Research, 82(5), 701-716. <a
e Information]</a>
Sanchez-Burgos, G., Hernandez-Pando, R.,
Campbell, I., Ramos-Castaneda, J., Ramos, C.
(2004). Cytokine production in brain of mice
experimentally infected with dengue virus.
NeuroReport, 15(1), 37-42.
Reiman, R., Torres, A., Martin, B., Ting, J.,
Campbell, I., Barnum, S. (2005). Expression of
C5a in the brain does not exacerbate
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Neuroscience Letters, 390(3), 134-138. <a
&list_uids=16154690">[More Information]</a>
Wang, J., Campbell, I. (2005). Innate
STAT1-Dependent Genomic Response of
Neurons to the Antiviral Cytokine Alpha
Interferon. Journal of Virology, 79(13),
8295-8302. <a
&list_uids=15956575">[More Information]</a>
Ousman, S., Campbell, I. (2005). Regulation of
murine interferon regulatory factor (IRF) gene
expression in the central nervous system
determined by multiprobe RNase protection
assay. Methods in molecular medicine, 116,
115-134. <a
&list_uids=16000858">[More Information]</a>
Carr, D., Tomanek, L., Silverman, R., Campbell,
I., Williams, B. (2005). RNA-dependent protein
kinase is required for alpha-1 interferon
transgene-induced resistance to genital herpes
simplex virus type 2. Journal of Virology,
79(14), 9341-9345. <a
&list_uids=15994831">[More Information]</a>
Boos, L., Campbell, I., Ames, R., Wetsel, R.,
Barnum, S. (2004). Deletion Of The
Complement Anaphylatoxin C3a Receptor
Attenuates, Whereas Ectopic Expression Of C3a
In The Brain Exacerbates, Experimental
Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. The Journal of
Immunology, 173(7), 4708-4714.
Zirger, J., Barcia, C., Liu, C., Puntel, M., Sitia,
G., Guidotti, L., Mitchell, N., Campbell, I.,
Castro, M., Lowenstein, P. (2004). Immune
System Regulation Of Transgene Expression In
The Brain 2: Differential Increase Of Mrnas
Encoding For Interferon-Regulated, Chemokine,
And T-Cell Genes During Either Innate Acute Or
Chronic Systemic Adaptive Immune Responses
To First Generation Ade. Molecular Therapy,
9(S1), S390-S391.
Wang, J., Lin, W., Popko, B., Campbell, I.
(2004). Inducible production of interferon-γ in
the developing brain causes cerebellar dysplasia
with activation of the Sonic hedgehog pathway.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 27(4),
Lin, W., Kemper, A., McCarthy, K., Pytel, P.,
Wang, J., Campbell, I., Utset, M., Popko, B.
(2004). Interferon-γ Induced Medulloblastoma in
Developing Cerebellum. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 24(45), 10074-10083.
Sitia, G., Isogawa, M., Iannacone, M., Campbell,
I., Chisari, F., Guidotti, L. (2004). MMPs are
required for recruitment of antigen-nonspecific
mononuclear cells into the liver by CTLs.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 113(8),
Balosso, S., Ravizza, T., Perego, C., Peschon, J.,
Campbell, I., Simoni, M., Vezzani, A. (2005).
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits seizures in mice
via p75 receptors. Annals of Neurology, 57(6),
804-812. <a
re Information]</a>
Sanchez-Alavez, M., Gombart, L.,
Huitron-Resendiz, S., Carr, J., Wills, D., Berg,
G., Campbell, I., Gauvin, D., Henriksen, S.,
Criado, J. (2004). Physiological and behavioral
effects of methamphetamine in a mouse model of
endotoxemia: a preliminary study.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior,
77(2), 365-370.
Crocker, S., Pagenstecher, A., Campbell, I.
Publications for Iain Campbell
(2004). Review: The TIMPS tango with MMPs
and more in the CNS. Journal of Neuroscience
Research, 75(1), 1-11. <a
e Information]</a>
Penkowa, M., Camats, J., Hadberg, H., Quintana,
A., Rojas, S., Giralt, M., Molinero, A.,
Campbell, I., Hidalgo, J. (2003).
Astrocyte-targeted expression of interleukin-6
protects the central nervous system during
neuroglial degeneration induced by
6-aminonicotinamide. Journal of Neuroscience
Research, 73(4), 481-496. <a
e Information]</a>
following central nervous system damage.
Neurobiology of Disease, 13, 22-36.
Lewicki, H., Tishon, A., Homann, D., Mazarguil,
H., Laval, F., Asensio, V., Campbell, I.,
DeArmond, S., Coon, B., Teng, C., et al (2003).
T cells infiltrate the brain in murine and human
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
Journal of Virology, 77(6), 3799-3808.
Campbell, I. (2003). The chemokines. In
Michael Aminoff, Robert Daroff (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. (pp.
686-691). Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
Milner, R., Campbell, I. (2003). The
Extracellular Matrix and Cytokines Regulate
Microglial Integrin Expression and Activation.
The Journal of Immunology, 170(7), 3850-3858.
Wang, J., Pham-Mitchell, N., Schindler, C.,
Campbell, I. (2003). Dysregulated Sonic
hedgehog signaling and medulloblastoma
consequent to IFN-alpha-stimulated
STAT2-independent production of IFN-γ in the
brain. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 112(4),
Moore, T., Moore, J., Kaji, Y., Frizzell, N., Usui,
T., Poulaki, V., Campbell, I., Stitt, A., Gardiner,
T., Archer, D., et al (2003). The Role of
Advanced Glycation End Products in Retinal
Microvascular Leukostasis. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 44(10),
Penkowa, M., Camats, J., Giralt, M., Molinero,
A., Hernandez, J., Carrasco, J., Campbell, I.,
Hidalgo, J. (2003). Metallothionein-I
overexpression alters brain inflammation and
stimulates brain repair in transgenic mice with
astrocyte-targeted interleukin-6 expression. Glia,
42(3), 287-306. <a
re Information]</a>
Kayali, A., Gunst, K., Campbell, I., Stotland, A.,
Kritzik, M., Liu, G., Flodstrom-Tulllberg, M.,
Zhang, Y., Sarvetnick, N. (2003). The stromal
cell-derived factor-1#/CXCR4 ligand-receptor
axis is critical for progenitor survival and
migration in the pancreas. The Journal of Cell
Biology, 163(4), 859-869.
Molinero, A., Hernandez, J., Penkowa, M.,
Camats, J., Giralt, M., Lago, N., Carrasco, J.,
Campbell, I., Hidalgo, J. (2003).
Metallothionein-I overexpression decreases brain
pathology in transgenic mice with
astrocyte-targeted expression of interleukin 6.
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental
Neurology, 62(3), 315-328.
Freude, S., Hausmann, J., Hofer, M.,
Pham-Mitchell, N., Campbell, I., Staeheli, P.,
Pagenstecher, A. (2002). Borna disease virus
accelerates inflammation and disease associated
with transgenic expression of interleukin-12 in
the central nervous system. Journal Of Clinical
Virology, 76(23), 12223-122232.
Samland, H., Huitron-Resendiz, S., Masliah, E.,
Criado, J., Henriksen, S., Campbell, I. (2003).
Profound increase in the sensitivity to
glutamatergic but not cholinergic agonistinduced seizures in transgenic mice with
astrocyte production of IL-6. Journal of
Neuroscience Research, 73, 176-187. <a
e Information]</a>
Campbell, I. (2003). Review: Chemokines as
plurifunctional mediators in the CNS:
Implications for the pathogenesis of stroke. Ernst
Schering Research Foundation Workshop, 45,
Carrasco, J., Penkowa, M., Giralt, M., Camats,
J., Molinero, A., Campbell, I., Palmiter, R.,
Hidalgo, J. (2003). Role of metallothionein-III
Freude, S., Hausmann, J., Hofer, M.,
Pham-Mitchell, N., Campbell, I., Staeheli, P.,
Pagenstecher, A. (2002). Borna Disease Virus
accelerates inflammation and disease associated
with transgenic expression of interleukin-12 in
the central nervous system. Journal of Virology,
76(23), 12223-12232.
Strack, A., Asensio, V., Campbell, I., Schluter,
D., Deckert, M. (2002). Chemokines are
differentially expressed by astrocytes, microglia
and inflammatory leukocytes in Toxoplasma
encephalitis and critically regulated by
interferon-γ. Acta Neuropathologica, 103,
Milner, R., Campbell, I. (2002). Cytokines
regulate microglial adhesion to laminin and
astrocytes Extracellular Matrix via protein kinase
C-dependent activation of the α6β1 integrin. The
Publications for Iain Campbell
Journal of Neuroscience, 22(5), 1562-1572.
Milner, R., Campbell, I. (2002). Developmental
regulation of β1 integrins during angiogenesis in
the central nervous system. Molecular and
Cellular Neuroscience, 20, 616-626.
Reiman, R., Gerard, C., Campbell, I., Barnum, S.
(2002). Disruption of the C5a receptor gene fails
to protect against experimental allergic
encephalomyelitis. European Journal of
Immunology, 32, 1157-1163.
Campbell, I., Asensio, V. (2002). Insights from
transgenic and knockout mice [Chapter 38]. In
R.M. Ransohoff, K. Suzuki, A.E.I. Proudfoot,
W.F. Hickey, J.K. Harrison (Eds.), Universes in
delicate balance: chemokines and the nervous
system, (pp. 225-233). United States: Elsevier.
Boztug, K., Carson, M., Pham-Mitchell, N.,
Asensio, V., DeMartino, J., Campbell, I. (2002).
Leukocyte infiltration but not neurodegeneration
in the CNS of transgenic mice with astrocyte
production of the CXC chemokine ligand 10.
The Journal of Immunology, 169, 1505-1515.
Giralt, M., Penkowa, M., Hernandez, J.,
Molinero, A., Carrasco, J., Lago, N., Camats, J.,
Campbell, I., Hidalgo, J. (2002).
Metallothionein-1+2 deficiency increases brain
pathology in transgenic mice with
astrocyte-targeted expression of interleukin 6.
Neurobiology of Disease, 9, 319-338.
Vallieres, L., Campbell, I., Gage, F., Sawchenko,
P. (2002). Reduced hippocampal neurogenesis in
adult transgenic mice with chronic astrocytic
production of interleukin-6. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 22(2), 486-492.
Maier, J., Kincaid, C., Pagenstecher, A.,
Campbell, I. (2002). Regulation of Signal
Transducer and Activator of
Transcription and Suppressor of
inflammation and other actions in the central
nervous system. Ernst Schering Research
Foundation Workshop, 39, 61-83.
Wang, J., Campbell, I. (2002). Review: Cytokine
Signaling in the Brain: Putting a
SOCS in It? Journal of Neuroscience Research,
67(4), 423-427.
Wang, J., Asensio, V., Campbell, I. (2002).
Review: Cytokines and chemokines as mediators
of protection and injury in the central nervous
system assessed in transgenic mice. Current
Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 265,
Milner, R., Campbell, I. (2002). Review: The
Integrin Family of Cell Adhesion
Molecules Has Multiple Functions Within
The CNS. Journal of Neuroscience Research,
69(3), 286-291.
Wang, J., Schreiber, R., Campbell, I. (2002).
STAT1 deficiency unexpectedly and markedly
exacerbates the pathophysiological actions of
IFN-α in the central nervous system.
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
99(25), 16209-16214.
Moore, J., McMullen, T., Campbell, I., Rohan,
R., Kaji, Y., Afshari, N., Usui, T., Archer, D.,
Adamis, A. (2002). The inflammatory milieu
associated with conjunctivalized cornea and its
alteration with IL-1RA gene therapy.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science,
43(9), 2905-2915.
Carr, D., Ash, J., Al-Khatib, K., Campbell, I.
(2002). Unforeseen consequences of IL-12
expression in the eye of GFAP-IL12 transgenic
mice following Herpes Simplex virus type I
infection. DNA and Cell Biology, 21(5-6),
Gene Expression in the Brain of Mice with
Astrocyte-Targeted Production of Interleukin-12
Buchmeier, M., Campbell, I. (2001). Advances
in Virus Research Vol 56. Advances in Virus
Research, 56.
Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.
The American Journal of Pathology, 160(1),
Strack, A., Schluter, D., Asensio, V., Campbell,
I., Deckert, M. (2002). Regulation of the kinetics
of intracerebral chemokine gene expression in
murine Toxoplasma encephalitis: Impact of host
genetic factors. Glia, 40, 372-377.
Murtaza, A., Nugent, C., Tailor, P., Asensio, V.,
Biggs, J., Campbell, I., Sherman, L. (2001).
Altered functional and biochemical response by
CD8(+) T cells that remain after tolerance.
International Immunology, 13, 1085-1093.
Al-Khatib, K., Campbell, I., Carr, D. (2002).
Resistance to ocular Herpes simplex virus type I
infection in IL-12 transgenic mice. Journal of
Neuroimmunology, 132, 41-48.
Giralt, M., Carrasco, J., Penkowa, M., Angel
Morcillo, M., Santamaria, J., Campbell, I.,
Hidalgo, J. (2001). Astrocyte-targeted expression
of interleukin-3 and interferon-alpha causes
region-specific changes in metallothionein
expression in the brain. Experimental Neurology,
168, 334-346.
Campbell, I. (2002). Review: Cytokine mediated
Kakimi, K., lane, T., Wieland, S., Asensio, V.,
Publications for Iain Campbell
Campbell, I., Chisari, F., Guidotti, L. (2001).
Blocking chemokine responsive to
gamma-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma inducible
protein and monokine induced by IFN-gamma
activity in vivo reduces the pathogenetic but not
the antiviral potential of hepatitis B
virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 194,
Asensio, V., Campbell, I. (2001). Chemokines
and viral diseases of the central nervous system.
In Michael J. Buchmeier and Iain L. Campbell
(Eds.), Neurovirology: Viruses and the Brain,
(pp. 127-173). United States: Academic Press.
Campbell, I. (2001). Cytokine-mediated
inflammation and signaling in the intact central
nervous system. In B. Castellano Lopez and M.
Nieto-Sampedro (Eds.), Glial Cell Function, (pp.
481-489). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Pagenstecher, A., wussler, E., Opdenakker, G.,
Volk, B., Campbell, I. (2001). Distinct
expression patterns and levels of enzymatic
activity of matrix metalloproteinases and their
inhibitors in primary brain tumors. Journal of
Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology,
60, 598-612.
Lassmann, S., Kincaid, C., Asensio, V.,
Campbell, I. (2001). Induction of type-I immune
pathology in the brain following immunization
without central nervous system autoantigen in
transgenic mice with astrocyte-targeted
expression of IL-12. The Journal of Immunology,
167, 5485-5493.
Asensio, V., Maier, J., Milner, R., Boztug, K.,
Kincaid, C., moulard, M., Phillipson, C.,
Lindsley, K., Krucker, T., Fox, H., Campbell, I.
(2001). Interferon-independent, human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120-mediated
induction of CXCL10/IP-10 gene expression by
astrocytes in vivo and in vitro. Journal of
Virology, 75(15), 7067-7077.
Swartz, K., Liu, F., Sewell, D., schochet, T.,
Campbell, I., Sandor, D., Fabry, Z. (2001).
Interleukin-6 promotes post-traumatic healing in
the central nervous system. Brain Research,
896(1-2), 86-95.
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