University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Academic Staff Committee February 19, 2004


University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Academic Staff Committee


February 19, 2004

Business N456, 2:30 p.m.

Present: J. Weitzer, Chair, V. Boswell, J. Dicker, R. Hall, J. Lenichek, J. McKenzie-Flynn, A.

Melchior, M. Mulroy, S. Schmidt

I. The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair.

II. Approval of Minutes and Agenda

A. Approval of the Minutes of the February 5, 2004 meeting was deferred.

III. Guests: Joe Douglas, Chief Information Officer and Bruce Maas, Deputy Chief

Information Officer attended the Academic Staff Committee meeting to report on the

Provost’s Wise Use of Technology Initiative. J. Douglas shared background on the development of the Office of Information Technology. Office was formed to separate technology planning and decision making from day to day functions of technology support. Withing the Wise Use of Technology Initiative are five areas headed by deputy chief information officers. Those five areas are: Management Services (IT resource allocation, staffing and financial reporting), Major Projects (Project development, coordination and planning services), I&MT Operations (Delivery of core technology services), Technology Planning (Campus or unit IT planning, IT governance and policy development), and Systems Integration (IT architecture planning and design and change management services). The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has also formed

Core Service Teams to launch a collaborative effort regarding technology at UWM. Each

Team is chartered to address specific functions, assess that function and make recommendations regarding improvement and formulate an implementation plan. There are Core Teams assigned to address: Active Directory, Campus Desktop Computer

Purchasing, Desktop Security, Desktop Support, E Payment, Email, File Share, Identity

Provisioning, Interoperability, Printing, and myUWM Portal. Office of Information

Technology meets with Core Team Leaders bi-weekly. Once fine tuning of recommendations and implementation plans has been done, the core planning teams will become operation teams to implement recommendations. B. Maas shared that staff interested in serving on a Core Team can contact him. Staff can review Core Team activities on the OIT web site (

J. Douglas and B. Maas asked that governance be a conduit for feedback to the Core Teams. Teams need feedback from across campus to address problems and issues. Committee reminded J. Douglas any changes that create personnel issues must go through governance. Suggestion that there be more dialog OIT/IMT and units prior to forcing changes (for example, the move to Windows XP). B. Maas shared that there will be choices available but once a decision is made, there is a set of rules that will go with that decision. Units will have some options but there will be a set of standards for the campus as a whole. The Office is very interactive with ITPC and other IT committees on campus. They are actively working toward changing the mindset/environment to using what we have more effectively.

IV. Old Business

A. AS Personnel Policies and Procedures – Update: V. Boswell reported that she

B. had received an email from M. Rimai with a summary her comments to the

Chancellor regarding the Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures. V.

Boswell will forward the email to the committee.

Other: None.

V. New Business

A. Preliminary Discussion of Chair Responsibilities: J. Weitzer shared annual timeline of chair duties in preparation for electing a new chair. There is a buyout for the chair of the ASC. The chair asked that the committee set a date for chair

B. election. Committee agreed to take nominations from the floor and vote at the

April 1, 2004 meeting. Chair election will then be ratified at the May Senate meeting.

UW System President Search Committee Nomination: Committee discussed the

C. request for names for the UW System President Search Committee. Chair shared that there has been no statement from the Regents regarding how the committee will be constituted. It was moved and seconded to forward two names, Victoria Boswell and Janet Padway, to UW System as nominees to represent Academic Staff on the UW System President Search Committee


UWS/WTCS Principles and Draft Implementation Plan: Discussion of the

Implementation Recommendations ensued. Chair will request a definition of



JACAP. It was moved and seconded to forward the document to the Category B

Subcommittee for comments and recommendations (pass).

Review of AS Operating Procedures: It was moved and seconded to forward the document to the Codification Committee for review and revision (pass).

Other: Chair shared request from Interim Secretary of the University R. Ryder for an appointment to represent academic staff at a commencement planning meeting. It was moved and seconded to forward Lori Fitzenberger’s name to R.

Ryder (pass).

VI. Team Reports/Committee Reports

A. AS Reps: A. Melchior reported on meeting of the CASR:

1. There will be an open enrollment period of March 1-19, 2004 for enrollment in dental plan. The plan includes a new HMO component as well as coverage options for employee, employee +1 dependent and employee + 2 or more dependents. Details regarding the dental plan will be coming soon.



The discussion at the meeting regarding the role or the Council of

Academic Staff Representatives in relation to the CASR statement forwarded to System and campus administrations earlier in the year. It was moved and seconded that UWM supports the Council of Academic

Staff Representatives being authorized to formulate joint position statements and recommendations that benefit and enhance respective campuses after receiving support from their respective campus academic staff governance body (pass).

Academic Staff Leadership Conference: The Academic Staff Leadership





Conference will be held at UW-Stout on July 29-30, 2004. Details will be forthcoming.

APBC: J. Lenichek reported on discussion of issues related academic staff appointment types.

Legislative: None.

Milwaukee Idea Trustee Council: None.

Other: None.

VII. Personnel Matters [Closed Session according to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (f)]: It was moved and seconded at 3:53 p.m. to move into Closed Session for purposes of personnel

matters pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.85 (1)(f). At 4:05 p.m., it was moved and seconded to rise from Closed Session.

VIII. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
