University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Academic Staff Senate Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 11, 2003

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Academic Staff Senate Meeting
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Union E280
Present: Joseph Weitzer (ASC), Chair, Victoria Boswell (ASC), Pam Boulton (ASC), Kate Coffaro (L&S), Helen
Crain (NURS), James Dicker (ASC), Barbara Duffy (At-Large), Christine Furness (GRAD), Suzette Garay (EDUC),
Roger Hyttinen (IMT), TJ Jeske (At-Large), Jeanne Kreuser (ASC), John Krezoski (At-Large), Tom McGinnity
(At-Large), Jennifer McKenzie-Flynn (ASC), Tom Moore (ASC), Chris Mullenbach (SCE), Maureen Powless (LIB),
Jean Salzer (At-Large), Tammy Taylor (SARUP), Wendy Volz-Daniels (SW), Gwyn Wallander (At-Large)
The meeting was called to order at 2:32 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair.
The minutes of the November 12, 2002 meeting were approved as distributed.
Special Guests
Discussion of the Accreditation Process and the Role of Academic Staff: Rita Cheng, Associate
Vice Chancellor for Accreditation, shared the accreditation schedule with the senate. UWM is
starting a two year process and wants appropriate governance representation. This Spring they
will be forming the accreditation steering committee and five working groups to address criteria for
accreditation. A sixth working groups will also be formed from representatives from the five
working groups. They would like representation of teaching , non teaching and research academic
staff members. She needs names of those interested in serving by February 28, 2003. Chair
asked Senators to contact him if they or any of their constituents are interested in serving on the
steering committee or on any of the working groups as soon as possible. They will need 4-6
names for each group and will select 1-2 of the persons nominated. The site visit for accreditation
will take place in Spring of 2005.
Old Business
Category B - IRAS Recommendations: S. Sieff reported on the Category B Subcommittee
response to the IRAS Recommendations. The response focused on employment conditions and
workload issued for Category B staff. UWM files a report annually with UW System. It was
moved and seconded to endorse and forward the Category B Subcommittee response and
recommendations to Sona Andrews for implementation.
New Business
Merit Guidelines
Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures - Status Report/Review Plan: The Codification
Committee began the process of revising the Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures
for during Summer, 2002. The goal was to make them easier to read, make the timetables more
accurate, change notification periods to “working days” instead of “days” for more clarity. The
revisions have been forwarded to NTASRC, TASRC, and Hearing & Appeals Committee for review
of areas pertinent to their committee charge. Chair asked that senators review the revisions and
send any questions and comments to the Senate reflector ( A discussion of
the revisions, section by section, will take place in March and April. Once final revisions have
been made and the senate votes on it, it will be forwarded to UWM Administration. It may be
forwarded back to the senate if administration requests any changes to the revisions. The chair
thanks Karen Jander and the Codification Committee for thei hard work. K. Jander also
recognized Jean Salzer, former chair of Codification Committee for her work on this project.
Chair Report/Announcements
Academic Staff Appointments Analysis - Update: Chair reported that the Academic Staff
Committee, Sona Andrews and Human Resources have completed their analysis and the ASC is in
the process of writing a report and making recommendations. The Chair recommended sending
the report and recommendations to the University Committee for faculty endorsement.
The Chair announced that recruitment for all new GPR funded positions has been suspended.
The campus has also been told to plan for a 5% give-back but to be prepared for 10%.
Committee Reports
Standing Committees
Awards Committee (Chair: T.J. Jeske): TJ Jeske reported on the committees activities so
far this year. The committee forwarded to the Regent’s Office in Madison the nominees
for the Regents’ awards for Excellence (for Non Teaching Academic Staff) and Teaching
Excellence. The deadlines for submission of nomination materials for the UWM
Outstanding Performance Awards for Teaching and Non Teaching Academic Staff are
March 23, 2003. The recommendation that the nominators for the Regent’s awards
candidates be notified of the nomination opportunity for UWM awards. There is also a
new award, the 2003 UWM Academic Staff Distinguished University Service Award. The
deadline for submission of nomination materials for this award is April 7, 2003.
Information for all of the awards can be found on the award committee’s web page at Stipends for all awards is contingent on
budget considerations. A recommendation was made that UWM Administration
understand that the suspension of the award monies be for one year only.
Codification Committee (Chair: Karen Jander): See item V. B.
Hearing & Appeals Committee (Chair: Pat Touchett): P. Touchett reported that there had
not been a lot of business for the committee this year. There was one case in last year
that has since been withdrawn. The committee will be meeting to review revisions to the
Policies and Procedures.
Nominations Committee (Chair: Sarine Schmidt): S. Schmidt reported that the committee
will be meeting on Thursday and asked that senators encourage their constituents to
return their preference forms; they also encouraged senators to nominate interested
constituents from the floor at the March Senate meeting if they are not already on the
ballot. Due to budget constraints, hard copies of the Voter’s Guide with candidate
biographies will not be sent out this year. All of the bios will be posted on line. Questions
was raised regarding the value of subcommittee service in comparison to standing
committee service when probationary staff members forward their file for indefinite status
review. P. Gunderson (NTASRC Chair) responded that any kind of university service
and/or committee service is better than none. He also emphasized other volunteer
activities such as marshalling at ceremonies and volunteering at Open House especially for
those who work at an off campus site or cannot make the time commitment for committee
service due to their position duties. There was a suggestion that the information on the
web be expanded to include more of what the committees do and information regarding the
committees’ current projects. The question regarding using email reflectors to “campaign”
for committee seats will be addressed at the March General Meeting. The chair also
requested that senators make department chairs and supervisors aware of the value of
committee and subcommittee service; especially now when workload reports are due.
The slate of nominees will be emailed to all academic staff prior to the March General
Non-teaching Academic Staff Review Committee (Chair: Paul Gunderson): The
committee has been busy reviewing the revisions to the Policies and Procedures and also
presented their workshop for non teaching probationary academic staff in December.
They have had many files to review and are expecting many more this Spring.
Teaching Academic Staff Review Committee (Chair: Stephen Nelson-Raney): S, Sieff
reported that the committee had been meeting monthly regarding changes to the Policies
and Procedures and the TASRC Workshop for probationary teaching academic staff.
They have not received any files to review so far this year.
Category A (Chair: Janet Padway): None.
Category B (Chair: RussellCuhel/Sherri Sieff): See item IV.A.
Campus Climate (Co-Chair: Linda Czernicki/Joanne Barndt): The committee is in the
process of revising their mission statement. Some of the activities of the committee were
also shared including: Tai Chi group, walking group, educational series, Lunch Bunch,
Luncheon at the Terrace (Au Bon Appetit).
Economic Benefits (Chair: Judy Panich): The committee is working on a
questionnaire/survey to assess Academic Staff members’ knowledge and value of benefits.
They are still trying to determine the best time to circulate the survey due to changes
coming from the Insurance Board and budget concerns. They have also been following
the discussions of possible changes to the state health insurance including a tiered
approach, dental plan, and contracts with drug companies.
Legislative (Chair: Matt Sirinek): TJ Jeske reported that the Legislative Subcommittee has
postponed its meeting until after the February 18 budget announcement.
Mentoring (Molly Abraham for Pauli Taylor-Boyd)” The committee and program have
been very active. There are eight mentors in-waiting so the program will be soliciting for
mentees. There has been a 504% increase in participation sin February, 2002. Due to
budget constraints the programs will probably no longer be able to offer food; the
mentoring staff salary may also be cut.
Orientation (Chair: Joanne Barndt): The committee has been very active making
presentations to new staff and also to mentoring groups. The committee has contacted
ASC with the request that it be made a standing committee.
Public Relations (Chair: Tammy Howard): The on-line newsletter is in final revisions and
will be posted soon. Also, the Academic Staff Handbook is in the revision process and will
be available electronically later in the year.
Other: Anyone interested in volunteering for the Sturgeon Bowl is asked to contact Barb Duffy
( They are in need of 4-6 volunteers.
Announcements: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.