Section: Accounting Revised Date: 01/04/2011 Procedure: 2.3.1 2.3.1 - Budget Transfers I. II. A. Budget transfers between divisions and/or major budget accounts and/or programs may be requested, but must be approved by the appropriate Unit Business Representative and the Controller. B. Divisional budget transfers which do not cross fund, division, major account or program must be approved and submitted by the division's Unit Business Representative or authorized delegate without institutional approval. C. Grant budget entries (funds 133 & 144) are controlled by Graduate School Accounting in order to maintain the integrity of grants. Call 229-4745 for information. III. SALPRM Salary Permanent FRING1 Fringe Benefits SALUCL Unclassified Salary SPEXP1 Supplies & Expense SALCLA Permanent Classified Salary SALCR1 LTESTU LTE/Student Salary CAPEX1 Capital LTE1 LTE Salary SPPUR1 Special Purpose STUDNT Student Salary FNAID1 ADVER Advertising TRAVEL Travel TRAING Training TELEPH Telecommunication PRINT Printing SERVIC Other Services SUPPLY Supplies MISC Miscellaneous Expenses Sales Credits Financial Aid IV. To submit Request for Budget Transfer forms for II.A. and II.B. above, download a budget transfer form found on BFS Online Forms website: A. Explain the source of funding and how the funds will be used. Include a 30 character short description which will display as the description on WISDM. B. Complete “To” and “From” sides (fund, dept./org., program, project/grant). Make certain that the totals in each column equal one another (debits = credits) rounded to whole numbers. C. Print the budget transfer form and gather Dean/Division Head approvals as required per section II above. Include the approvers printed name and date. D. Approved Budget Transfer Request forms should be scanned and emailed to for processing. For transfers between divisions the request should be initiated by the division providing the funds. E. After the request has been processed into SFS, an email will be sent to all of the applicable Division Contacts confirming completion and providing the budget transfer number that was assigned. F. Please note that Budget Transfer Requests and Cash Transfer Requests are done on two separate request forms. V. Refer to UWM Divisional Upload Transfers procedures if needed for Budget Transfers due to multiple Budget Account transactions. A. When processing the Budget Upload Journal Entries, please complete the instructions IV. A. through E above, with the exception of completing the “To” and “From” details. Make sure the amount of the upload is indicated under the “Amount” column equaling one another (debits = credits) rounded to whole numbers. B. Also, include the Budget Transaction number as provided by Accounting Services. Questions about budget transfers should be directed to Accounting Services by phone (x4056) or email.