Publications for Anna Rangan 2016

Publications for Anna Rangan
Publications for Anna Rangan
Chua, T., Prasad, N., Rangan, G.,
Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A. (2016). A
systematic review to determine the most
effective interventions to increase water intake.
Nephrology, in press. <a
re Information]</a>
Lei, L., Rangan, A., Flood, V., Louie, J. (2016).
Dietary intake and food sources of added sugar
in the Australian population. British Journal of
Nutrition, 115(5), 868-877. <a
5255">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Tielemann, L., Louie, J., Tang, L.,
Hebden, L., Kay, J., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016).
Electronic Dietary Intake Assessment (e-DIA):
Relative validity of a mobile phone application
to measure intake of core and discretionary foods
[Forthcoming]. British Journal of Nutrition, in
press. <a
1-8">[More Information]</a>
Hebden, L., O'Leary, F., Rangan, A., Lie, E.,
Hirani, V., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016). Fruit
Consumption and Adiposity Status in Adults: A
Systematic Review of Current Evidence. Critical
Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. <a
1012290">[More Information]</a>
Haskelberg, H., Neal, B., Dunford, E., Flood, V.,
Rangan, A., Thomas, B., Cleanthous, X.,
Trevena, H., Zheng, J., Louie, J., Gill, T., Wu, J.
(2016). High variation in manufacturer-declared
serving size of packaged discretionary foods in
Australia. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(10),
1810-1818. <a
0799">[More Information]</a>
Louie, J., Moshtaghian, H., Rangan, A., Flood,
V., Gill, T. (2016). Intake and sources of added
sugars among Australian children and
adolescents. European Journal of Nutrition, in
press. <a
1-8">[More Information]</a>
Louie, J., Lei, L., Rangan, A. (2016). Reliability
of a systematic methodology to estimate added
sugars content of foods when applied to a recent
Australian food composition database. Journal of
Food Composition and Analysis, 46, 36-42. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Roy, R., Hebden, L., Rangan, A.,
Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016). The development,
application and validation of a Healthy Eating
Index for Australian adults (HEIFA-2013).
Nutrition, 32(4), 432-440. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Roy, R., Hebden, L., Rangan, A.,
Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016). The development,
application, and validation of a Healthy eating
index for Australian Adults (HEIFA-2013).
Nutrition, 32(4), 432-440. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Roy, R., Hebden, L., Rangan, A.,
Allman-Farinelli, M. (2016). The development,
application, and validation of a Healthy eating
index for Australian Adults (HEIFAd2013).
Nutrition, 32, 432-440.
Zheng, M., Wu, J., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill, T.,
Thomas, B., Cleanthous, X., Neal, B., Rangan,
A. (2016). Typical food portion sizes consumed
by Australian adults: Results from the 2011-12
Australian National Nutrition and Physical
Activity Survey. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-9. <a
re Information]</a>
Louie, J., Moshtaghian, H., Boylan, S., Flood,
V., Rangan, A., Barclay, A., Brand-Miller, J.,
Gill, T. (2015). A systematic methodology to
estimate added sugar content of foods. European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(2), 154-161. <a
[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., O'Connor, S., Giannelli, V., Yap,
M., Tang, L., Roy, R., Louie, J., Hebden, L.,
Kay, J., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Electronic
Dietary Intake Assessment (e-DIA): Comparison
of a Mobile Phone Digital Entry App for Dietary
Data Collection With 24-Hour Dietary Recalls.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(4), 1-12. <a
More Information]</a>
Roy, R., Kelly, B., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli,
M. (2015). Food Environment Interventions to
Improve the Dietary Behavior of Young Adults
in Tertiary Education Settings: A Systematic
Literature Review. Journal of The Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(10), 1647-1681. <a
80">[More Information]</a>
Burrows, T., Khambalia, A., Perry, R., Carty, D.,
Hendrie, G., Allman-Farinelli, M., Garnett, S.,
McNaughton, S., Rangan, A., Truby, H., et al
(2015). Great ‘app-eal’ but not there yet: A
review of iPhone nutrition applications relevant
to child weight management. Nutrition and
Dietetics, 72(4), 363-367. <a
Publications for Anna Rangan
4">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, M., Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M.,
Rohde, J., Olsen, N., Heitmann, B. (2015).
Replacing sugary drinks with milk is inversely
associated with weight gain among young
obesity-predisposed children. British Journal of
Nutrition, 114(9), 1448-1455. <a
2974">[More Information]</a>
Hebden, L., Chan, H., Louie, J., Rangan, A.,
Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). You are what you
choose to eat: factors influencing young adults'
food selection behaviour. Journal of Human
Nutrition and Dietetics, 28(4), 401-408. <a
re Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Jones, A., Samman, S. (2015). Zinc
supplement use and contribution to zinc intake in
Australian children. Public Health Nutrition,
18(4), 589-595. <a
0871">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Allman-Farinelli, M., Donohoe, E.,
Gill, T. (2014). Misreporting of energy intake in
the 2007 Australian Children's Survey:
differences in the reporting of food types
between plausible, under- and over-reporters of
energy intake. Journal of Human Nutrition and
Dietetics, 27(5), 450-458. <a
re Information]</a>
Louie, J., Flood, V., Burlutsky, G., Rangan, A.,
Gill, T., Mitchell, P. (2013). Dairy consumption
and the risk of 15-year cardiovascular disease
mortality in a cohort of older Australians.
Nutrients, 5(2), 441-454. <a
ore Information]</a>
Louie, J., Flood, V., Rangan, A., Burlutsky, G.,
Gill, T., Gopinath, B., Mitchell, P. (2013).
Higher regular fat dairy consumption is
associated with lower incidence of metabolic
syndrome but not type 2 diabetes. Nutrition,
Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(9),
816-821. <a
8.004">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Flood, V., Denyer, G., Webb, K.,
Marks, G., Gill, T. (2012). Dairy consumption
and diet quality in a sample of Australian
children. Journal of the American College of
Nutrition, 31(3), 185-193. <a
&list_uids=23204155">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Flood, V., Denyer, G., Ayer, J.,
Webb, K., Marks, G., Celermajer, D., Gill, T.
(2012). The effect of dairy consumption on blood
pressure in mid-childhood: CAPS cohort study.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(6),
652-657. <a
[More Information]</a>
Burrows, T., Golley, R., Khambalia, A.,
McNaughton, S., Magarey, A., Rosenkranz, R.,
Allman-Farinelli, M., Rangan, A., Truby, H.,
Collins, C. (2012). The quality of dietary intake
methodology and
reporting in child and adolescent obesity
intervention trials: a systematic review. Obesity
Reviews, 13(12), 1125-1138. <a
2.01022.x">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Samman, S. (2012). Zinc Intake and
Its Dietary Sources: Results of the 2007
Australian National Children's Nutrition and
Physical Activity Survey. Nutrients, 4(7),
611-624. <a
ore Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Kwan, J., Flood, V., Louie, J., Gill,
T. (2011). Changes in 'extra' food intake among
Australian children between 1995 and 2007.
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5(1),
e55-e63. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Kwan, J., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill,
T. (2011). Changes in core food intake among
Australian children between 1995 and 2007.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65(11),
1201-1210. <a
[More Information]</a>
Innes-Hughes, C., Hardy, L., Venugopal, K.,
King, L., Wolfenden, L., Rangan, A. (2011).
Children's consumption of energy-dense
nutrient-poor foods, fruit and vegetables: are
they related? An analysis of data from a cross
sectional survey. Health Promotion Journal of
Australia, 22(3), 210-216.
Louie, J., Flood, V., Hector, D., Rangan, A., Gill,
T. (2011). Dairy consumption and overweight
and obesity: a systematic review of prospective
cohort studies. Obesity Reviews, 12(7),
e582-e592. <a
1.00881.x">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Anna Rangan
Rangan, A., Flood, V., Gill, T. (2011).
Misreporting of Energy Intake in the 2007
Australian Children's Survey: Identification,
Characteristics and Impact of Misreporters.
Nutrients, 3(2), 186-199. <a
ore Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Hector, D. (2010). Consumption of
fruit and vegetables by children in Australia and
NSW: Results from national surveys in 1995 and
2007. Monitoring Update, October 2010, (pp. 3 20). Sydney, Australia: Physical Activity
Nutrition Obesity Research Group (PANORG).
Rangan, A., Schindeler, S., Hector, D., Gill, T.
(2009). Assessment of typical food portion sizes
consumed among Australian adults. Nutrition
and Dietetics, 66(4), 227-233. <a
9.01375.x">[More Information]</a>
Hector, D., Rangan, A., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill,
T. (2009). Soft drinks, weight status and health:
A review, (pp. 5 - 54). Sydney, Australia: NSW
Health Department.
Rangan, A., Hector, D., Louie, J., Flood, V., Gill,
T. (2009). Soft drinks, weight status and health:
Health professional update, HEALTH
PROFESSIONAL UPDATE 2009, (pp. 1 - 23).
Sydney, Australia: NSW Cluster of Public
Health Nutrition.
&list_uids=17356553">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, A., Hector, D., Randall, D., Gill, T.,
Webb, K. (2007). Monitoring consumption of
'extra' foods in the Australian diet: Comparing
two sets of criteria for classifying foods as
'extras'. Nutrition and Dietetics, 64(4), 261-267.
Rangan, A., Gill, T., Webb, K. (2006). Short
questions for surveys about bread and cereal
intake: Comparing measures of quantity versus
frequency. NSW Public Health Bulletin, 17(3-4),
39-43. <a
&list_uids=16892097">[More Information]</a>
Gill, T., Rangan, A., Webb, K. (2006). The
weight of evidence suggests that soft drinks are a
major issue in childhood and adolescent obesity.
Medical Journal of Australia, 184(6), 263-264.
&list_uids=16548828">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, M., Rangan, A. (2005). Nutrition. In
David Harris, Lukas Kairaitis, Grahame Elder,
Gopala Rangan (Eds.), Basic Clinical Dialysis,
(pp. 89-95). Sydney: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub.
Louie, J., Flood, V., Rangan, A., Hector, D., Gill,
T. (2008). A comparison of two nutrition
signposting systems for use in Australia. NSW
Public Health Bulletin, 19(7-8), 121-126. <a
&list_uids=19007543">[More Information]</a>
Boudville, N., Rangan, A., Moody, H. (2003).
Oral nutritional supplementation increases
caloric and protein intake in peritoneal dialysis
patients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases,
41(3), 658-663.
Rangan, A., Schindeler, S., Hector, D., Gill, T.,
Webb, K. (2008). Consumption of 'extra' foods
by Australian adults: types, quantities and
contribution to energy and nutrient intakes.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October
2008(63(7)), 865-871. <a
More Information]</a>
Grogan, M., Rangan, A., Gebski, V., Boyages, J.
(2002). The value of follow-up of patients with
early breast cancer treated with conservative
surgery and radiation therapy. The Breast, 11(2),
Rangan, A., Randall, D., Hector, D., Gill, T.,
Webb, K. (2007). Consumption of 'extra' foods
by Australian children: types, quantities and
contribution to energy and nutrient intakes.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
Oublished online 14 March 2007(62 (3)),
356-364. <a
Papadatos, G., Rangan, A., Psarianos, T., Ung,
O., Taylor, R., Boyages, J. (2001). Probability of
axillary nodal involvement in patients with
tubular carcinoma of the breast. British Journal
of Surgery, 88(6), 860-864.
Rangan, A., Ahern, V., Yip, D., Boyages, J.
(2000). Local recurrence after mastectomy and
adjuvant CMF: implications for adjuvant
radiation therapy. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 70,
Publications for Anna Rangan