Psychology Department Abnormal Psychology PSYCH-412-001 Course Syllabus UWinterim 2016 Instructor: Krista Lisdahl, Ph.D. (note: name is listed as Krista Medina) Meeting Times: All ONLINE Welcome to Class! Please review the course syllabus carefully. In making the decision to remain enrolled in this course, you are agreeing to fulfill all the requirements listed for this course along with the posted course deadlines and due dates. Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 2 COURSE OBJECTIVES This course is designed to help broaden your knowledge and conceptual understanding of abnormal psychology. We will look for scientific answers to questions such as: What makes a behavior “abnormal?” How does society perceive (and misperceive) psychopathology? What are the major psychiatric disorders? How do we classify psychiatric disorders? What are the causes of psychological disorders? What are effective treatment strategies? LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course is designed to meet the following objectives: 1. Demonstrate on-line learning skills adequate for the completion of college level coursework. 2. Identify and integrate key psychological disorders and their treatments. 3. Discuss underlying etiologic factors in psychological disorders. 4. Integrate knowledge gained from experimental research into their discussions of psychological disorders. REQUIRED TEXTS Kring, Johnson, Davison, & Neale (2012). Abnormal Psychology. (12th Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. You can find this book to rent or buy on ecampus: Additional readings beyond the text are not required for this course, although other material is available through the Registration Code purchased with the full price text/website option. An electronic copy of the text & supplemental materials (practice chapter quizzes, weblinks, videos) are available with full-priced option. GENERAL: This class will be taught through PowerPoint presentations, recorded lectures, and group discussions. There is also a significant amount of self-study in the textbook. All requirements are self-paced and must be completed by the LAST DAY OF CLASSES. D2L: This is an online course. ALL announcements, grades, and assignments will be posted on D2L. As the professor will be posting assignments and announcements online, you are responsible for checking in with the course webpage on a DAILY basis. A review of the course outline below will reveal that you will need to submit items often throughout the semester. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 3 The student will: 1. Actively prepare for all segments of the course by: a. reading the assigned chapter, b. listening/going through to the PowerPoint lectures c. taking quizzes for each of the 15 chapters 2. Be professional. Participate in Discussions and all other aspects of the course in a meaningful way. 3. Communicate any special needs or test-taking accommodations within the first two days of school. 4. Communicate any concerns regarding this course to the instructor via email. Students must notify the instructor of any reason that would preclude a lack of participation in any aspect of the course. 5. The student must access all course information via the D2L link on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee website. In addition, periodic announcements will be sent to the students’ PantherLink email accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to access PantherLink or make other arrangements to receive information. Course Pacing & Due Dates UWinteriM instruction begins January 4, 2016 and ends January 21, 2016. This is a self-paced course. Therefore, all Discussions and Quizzes must be completed by January 21, 2016 at 11pm with NO EXCEPTIONS. Due to technical difficulties, it is also highly suggested that you finish your course at least 1 day BEFORE the deadline- you will receive a zero on assignments that are not posted by the deadline. Furthermore, it is HIGHLY recommended you pace yourself in order to complete the 13 quizzes and 5 discussions. The recommended pace is approximately ONE Chapter/Quiz PER DAY and ONE Discussion topic every 3-4 days. Time Commitment: This is a very fast-paced course over a period of only 12 weekdays and two weekends. This will be full-time work to complete. During the 18 days, you will need to complete the scavenger hunt, 13 quizzes, and four discussions (plus 3 responses). There are chapters to read, powerpoint slides to review, and videos to watch to enhance your experience. It is also recommended that you take the practice on-line quizzes. This will likely translate to approximately eight hours/day (read chapter=4 hours, review powerpoint slides=1 hour, write discussion response=1 hour, prepare and review for exam including watching supplemental materials=2 hours). Scavenger Hunt (0% of course grade) You must complete the Scavenger Hunt questions to proceed to Quiz 1. It should be one of the first things you do for the course. To complete the Scavenger Hunt: 1. Open the Scavenger Hunt file in Introduction section under the Content tab (the tab where you're at now). PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 4 2. Read this file and copy the questions into a Word (or some other word processing program). 3. In the word processing document, answer the questions and upload the document in the Drop Box (see the menu bar where Content, Quizzes, Grades, & Discussion tabs are). Online quizzes (87% of course grade) The chapter quizzes are the main part of the course. Thirteen quizzes will each be worth a proportional aspect of the quiz portion (87%) of the course grade. Quizzes will be multiple-choice format. Students will be able to take the quiz only once. Here is some more information: 1. Master the material for each module by reading the chapter, reviewing the PowerPoint slides, and doing optional exercises if you desire to strength your grasp of the material (optional exercises include videos of different psychopathologies & online quizzes that come with the full-price version of the textbook). 2. Then take the quiz for that module. Each chapter quiz (Chs. 6-7 make up one quiz) consists of 10 questions and you will have 15 minutes to complete it. Discussion (13% of course grade) Under the Discussion tab you will see the required Discussions. You must participate in the Introduction Discussion first: Introduction Discussion For this Discussion (see Discussion tab) all you have to do is: 1. Post a response introducing yourself and asking something of the other class members. Any question will do that might engage others and help you get to know class members, 2. Respond to at least 3 other posts. 3. Four Discussions (Psychopathology experience, Normal ‘symptoms,’ Psychopathology in the Media, and Psychopathology research) are required and are located under the Discussion tab. Go to each Discussion for an explanation of the requirements (you are required to make 3 posts to each Discussion). These Discussions are designed to provide the on-line equivalent to face-to-face interactive discussion in the classroom. As such, it is ideal to complete the Discussions early in the course in order to engender as much interaction as possible among course members. However, there is no time limit other than having them done, as well as the other course requirements, by the last day of classes. You must complete all requirements by that date. Grading of Discussions consider: 1) spelling and grammar; 2) organization and clarity; 3) addressing the intended topic, 4) accuracy of information, 5) thoughtful response to other posts. PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 5 COURSE OUTLINE- SELF-PACED- ALL DUE JAN 21, 11PM Topic Other Notes Ch. 1 Introduction & Historical Overview Quiz 1 Ch. 2. Current Paradigms in Psychopathology Quiz 2 Ch 3. Diagnosis & Assessment Quiz 3 Ch. 4. Research Methods in Psychopathology Ch.5 Mood Disorders Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Ch. 6 & 7 Anxiety Disorders Quiz 6 Ch. 9 Schizophrenia Quiz 7 Ch. 10 Substance Use Disorders Quiz 8 Ch. 11 Eating Disorders Quiz 9 Ch. 12 Sexual Disorders Quiz 10 Ch. 13 Disorders of Childhood Quiz 11 Ch. 14 Late Life & Neurocognition Quiz 12 Ch. 15 Personality Disorders Quiz 13 COURSE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 1. 13 quiz scores (10 points each)= 130 pts 2. Discussions (5 points each)= 20 pts PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 6 FINAL GRADING Your final grade will be based on the total number of points you accumulate from assignments + earned extra credit and will be assigned according to the following scale: Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Percentage 95-100% 90-94.99% 87-89.99% 84-86.99% 80-83.99% 77-79.99% 74-76.99% 70-73.99% 67-69.99% 64-66.99% 61-63.99% Less than 61 PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Lisdahl does accept late assignments! The only exclusions to this rule are documented cases of personal or family emergency where you missed more than 3 days of Winterim and are concerned you will not make the deadline. I expect students to notify me about their circumstances within 24 hours of the emergency by email: I will treat each case individually, and reserve the right not to accept a late assignment. If I do deem your case an emergency, I will expect all work to be completed by the course deadline. If this is not possible (e.g., extended hospital stay), then individual arrangements must be made – if you will be missing a substantial portion of class then you may need to withdraw. COMMUNICATION WITH DR. LISDAHL You can contact Dr. Lisdahl via email at You can also post questions under the Discussion General Question area. If you choose to submit an email to Dr. Lisdahl, please be aware that timely responses are likely when you have PSYCH-412: {subject title} on the subject line. And please, sign your email with your name. **Do not email your assignments unless this has been arranged up front. I will not be holding office hours on campus, but I encourage you to schedule meetings whenever you need it. Please also feel free to stop by and chat informally at my office238C Garland Hall. EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES You may earn up to 2 points in extra credit for this course. Opportunities for research participation for extra credit can be found on the Psychology Department SONA website – see the top link on the department Sona webpage: If you PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 7 participated in previous semesters you may already have an account. If your account no longer exists or you need to establish a new account, follow these steps: 1. Log onto the SONA website: 2. In the bottom left-hand corner click on “Request an Account Here” under the “New Participant” heading. 3. Enter all of the requested information – MAKE SURE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECT. Your username should be your epanther email address, not your student ID number. 4. When you receive your password via email, log into your account and change your password. Once you have logged on to the website you will see a list of studies. If a study interests you and “Time slots available” is stated to the left of the study title, you can view available sessions and sign up for those sessions by clicking on the study title and then on View Time Slots at the bottom of the study description page. You will receive a reminder email prior to your session. It is very important to remember that when you sign up for a session you are making a commitment to show up for that appointment. If you need to cancel you may do so via the SONA website prior to the session. Studies vary in how much advance notice they need of cancellation (most are 24 hours) – please take note of this when you sign up. If you do not show up for a session you will lose the opportunity to earn one percent of extra credit. If you fail to show for a second session you will again lose the opportunity to earn a second percentage of extra credit and you will no longer have the opportunity to sign up for research studies to earn extra credit for your course(s). You can make up the extra credit points you lost by completing an alternative extra credit option (see Alternative to Research Participation study on Sona). The alternative option involves reading an empirical paper related to the course for which you wish to receive extra credit and writing a summary of the article. If you have questions please contact the SONA Subject Pool Coordinator, Dr. Christine Larson, UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Information on university policies on participation by students with disabilities, accommodation for religious observances, complaint procedures, grade appeal procedures, and other standing policies (e.g., sexual harassment, incompletes) can be found on this web page: OTHER UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability and need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact me as soon as possible. I will need your VISA form, which you can obtain at the Student Accessibility Center (Mitchell 112,, phone 414-229-6287). PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 8 2. Religious observances. Accommodations for absences due to religious observance are available. 3. Students called to active military duty. Accommodations for absences due to callup of reserves to active military duty will be made, please contact the professor as soon as you are called-up. Students: Employees: (Editorially Revised, 3/25/09) 4. Incompletes. A notation of "incomplete" may be given in lieu of a final grade to a student who has carried a subject successfully until the end of a semester but who, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student's control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. 5. Discriminatory conduct (such as sexual harassment). Discriminatory conduct will not be tolerated by the University. It poisons the work and learning environment of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. 6. Academic misconduct. In this course, we will strictly adhere to UWM's policy regarding academic misconduct. UWM does not tolerate academic misconduct, in any form. Cheating and plagiarism are examples of academic misconduct. Here is the university's definition: "an act in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation, uses unauthorized materials or fabricated data in any academic exercise, forges or falsifies academic documents or records, intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others, engages in conduct aimed at making false representation of a student's academic performance, or assists other students in any of these acts." Information about the procedures that are followed when a student is suspected of academic misconduct can be found on this web page: 7. Complaint procedures. Students may direct complaints to the head of the academic unit or department in which the complaint occurs. If the complaint allegedly violates a specific university policy, it may be directed to the head of the department or academic unit in which the complaint occurred or to the appropriate university office responsible for enforcing the policy. 8. Grade appeal procedures. A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the established procedures adopted by the department, college, or school in which the course resides or in the case of graduate students, the Graduate School. These procedures are available in writing from the respective department chairperson PSYC-412 Psychopathology Course Syllabus; PSYCH-412 Professor: Dr. Krista Lisdahl Updated: Jan, 2016 Page 9 or the Academic Dean of the College/School. 9. Final Exam There is no final exam required in this course. 10. Firearms and Dangerous Weapons Policy. The Wisconsin Administrative Code at UWS 18.10(3) prohibits a person from carrying, possessing, or using any dangerous weapon on university lands or in university buildings or facilities, unless it is for law enforcement purposes or the person receives written approval of the Chancellor. Chapter 18 permits police to confiscate and remove dangerous weapons from university lands. NOTE: This syllabus is subject to modification with notice. PSYC-412 Psychopathology