To: UW System CIOs UW Purchasing Directors

UW System CIOs
UW Purchasing Directors
GIS Primary Contacts
GIS Specialists
From: Lori Voss and Dwayne Williams
Date: August 20, 1999
Contract with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) for Geographic Information System
Software (GIS)
The UW-System contract with ESRI for GIS software has been signed. Details follow.
Basic Information
ESRI Contract number for your reference: 99S2350
State Bulletin number: 18-39720-706 (subject to renewals)
Term: One year beginning August, 1999
Renewal: Two (2) optional one-year periods
Warranty: One year for software, 90 days for media
This contract superceds existing contracts at UW Institutions.
ESRI Rights and Responsibilities
ESRI retains all ownership rights to the software. Upon termination of the agreement, UWS is required to return
or delete as appropriate all copies of software and documentation.
ESRI will ship initial deliverables listed in Appendix A.1 to each primary contact listed in Appendix C.
contract has been signed and purchase order completed releasing ESRI to ship.
UWS Rights
This Agreement provides participating institutions listed in Appendix C the right to copy and use the following
Software Programs and Data sets listed under "Software Included". Authorized users are registered students,
faculty, staff and subcontractors. All use of software must be non-commercial in nature, serving educational,
academic, administrative, or research purposes. Use of the software for profit or gain is strictly prohibited.
Specific Permitted Uses and Limitations are described in the attached Exhibit.
UWS Responsibilities
GIS Specialists (Appendix B): Are the technical contacts responsible for supporting the software at each
institution. Questions regarding use of the software should be directed to a GIS Specialist who is
authorized to contact ESRI directly if needed.
Primary Contacts (Appendix C): Are the contacts responsible for distributing the software within their
own institution. Records must be kept by Primary Contact or designee, including the number of copies
and the computers and/or servers on which software is installed. ESRI may audit such records with 30
days' notice. Each Primary Contact will receive the Initial Deliverables listed in Appendix A.1,
including an account number and password for keycode generation. These will expire one month after
renewal date. New expiration dates will be set upon ESRI's receipt of renewal payment. The Primary
Contacts must reasonably guard the password and account number to prevent unauthorized use of the
Software. Any loss or theft must be reported in writing to ESRI within ten days. Such occurences
should be reported to Lori Voss, UWS Procurement, for formal notice to ESRI.
Software Included
All programs previously licensed by ESRI to the participating UW Institutions listed in Appendix C are included.
The primary list of software follows. If your institution has previously licensed additional titles, they are also
ArcPress for ArcView
ArcView® GIS
ArcView Network Analyst
ArcView Spatial Analyst
ArcView 3D Analyst™
Digital Chart of the World (DCW)
U.S. Street Database
MapObjects Internet Map Server
ArcView Internet Map Server
BusinessMAP® PRO
Atlas GIS™
ArcLogistics™ Route
Subdistribution: Institutions can subdistribute the software within the participating sites by:
Copying its master CD set; or
Loaning its master CD set for installation purposes only; or
Ordering the media from ESRI, for the fees detailed in Appendix A, for subdistribution; or
Subdistributing the Programs to the participating institutions listed in Appendix C via a secure Web
server in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Additional Orders: If additional media or keycodes beyond what is sent with the initial deliverables are required,
they can be ordered by the institutions at the prices listed in Appendix A. All purchase orders should reference
the following:
"Software acquired under Purchase Order No. _________ is hereby licensed under the same terms and conditions
as previously agreed to in University Systemwide Site License Agreement No. 99S2350 between University of
Wisconsin System and ESRI dated August 11, 1999."
Other additional suport:
In addition to the software, technical support for the twenty-five GIS Specialists is included. Upgrades are also
included and will be sent to the Primary Contacts. Changes to the GIS Specialist list may be made by notifying
ESRI in writing. Twenty-five annual conference registrations are included in the annual fee. In addition, training
tools per the attached Appendix E are also included.
If you have any questions about the agreement, please do not hesitate to contact either of using the information
listed below.
Lori Voss
Dwayne Williams
Procurement Specialist - Senior
(608) 265-0557
Program & Planning Analyst
UWS Office of Learning & Information Technology
(608) 262-1996
Ruth Anderson, Director, Office of Procurement, UWSA
Bob Jokisch, Director Information Technology Planning, UWS Learning and Information Technology
Mike Kraus - Controller, UW System Administration Accounting
Ed Meachen, Associate VP, UWS Learning and Information Technology
Permitted uses:
a. University may install on permanent storage device(s) and thereafter use, copy, and distribute the
Software, Data, and Related Material, including documentation, in quantities sufficient to meet its own
internal needs on stand-alone computers and on computers linked via local area networks within the
participating sites.
b. University may copy and use, for its own internal use, an unlimited number of copies of the software
and/or Data on the University's computer system(s) and/or specific computer network(s), as described
in this Agreement. Certain Software requires a hardware key to release the right to use the Software.
If, after receipt of initial deliverables, University requires additional hardware keys, University may
purchase additional hardware keys from ESRI at a cost of thirty dollars ($30) per hardware key, as
further described in Appendix A. University will generate a keycode at no additional cost to
University for each hardware key purchased, as further described in Article 5.3.
c. University may use the Internet Map Server Software on an unlimited number of development seat(s),
and may deploy the Software and Related Materials on an unlimited number of computer servers acting
as a map/data server engine in an Internet and/or Intranet distributed computing network or
d. University may maintain backup copies provided University keeps possession of each backup in a
locked space with restricted access. In addition, all the information appearing in or on the original
Software or Data labels, including the copyright notice, must be included in the backup copies and on
the labels.
e. University may use the Spatial Database Engine™ (SDE™) Software incorporated into this Agreement
by reference, and as further described in Article 4.1.3, for its own internal use. University may make
routine backups, but only one (1) copy of the SDE Software for archival purposes; no other copies shall
be made without ESRI's prior written consent.
f. University may use, copy, alter, modify, merge, reproduce, and/or create derivative works of the online documentation for University's own internal use. The portions of the on-line documentation
merged with other software, hard copy, and/or digital materials shall continue to be subject to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement and University shall provide the following copyright attribution
notice acknowledging ESRI's proprietary rights in the documentation: "Portions of this document
include intellectual property of ESRI and are used herein by permission. Copyright © 199_
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
g. University may use the Sample Data contained on the Data and Maps CD that are provided under
license from ESRI or its third party licensor(s) as described in the Distribution Rights section of the online Data Help files.
h. University may modify the Data contained in the University Data Package and merge other data sets
with the Data for University's own internal use. The portions of the Data merged with other data sets
will continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
i. University may use, copy, reproduce, remarket, resell, and/or redistribute the Data contained in the
University Data Package or any derived portion(s) of the Data in published hard-copy and/or in static,
electronic (i.e., .gif, .jpeg, etc.) formats, provided that University affixes a legend statement
acknowledging ESRI as the source of the portion(s) of the Data displayed, printed, or plotted.
j. University may run Software on computers at the authorized sites and display it on remote, off-site
machines using X Windows remote display or equivalent functionality.
k. University may run Software on off-site computers which access Software through network
connections to file servers at the Site, provided University (I) maintains controls to limit such access to
students, faculty, staff and subcontractors and (ii) takes reasonable steps to prevent the copying of
unprotected Software.
Spatial Database Engine and SDE are trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Programming Tools Permitted Uses:
Software includes Licensed Software Programming Tools (LSPT) containing ESRI proprietary
information in the form of source code files, object code libraries, and/or software components that
may be used and implemented in UDA Packages solely for the noncommercial, educational, academic,
administrative and research use of University.
University may use the Software for Internet access provided the LSPT are not accessible to any person
and/or entity that is not authorized to use the Software under the terms of the Agreement.
The Scope of License expressly and specifically excludes some uses by University. Use by University beyond
the Scope of License shall constitute a violation of this Agreement. The following uses are not permitted:
University may not:
a. Enable Graphic Interface Format (GIF) file generation capabilities in the Internet Map Server
extensions for Internet or distribution purposes without obtaining a license from Unisys, since the GIF
format utilizes the LZW compression technology patented by Unisys Corporation.
b. Distribute the Data contained on the Data and Maps CD except as stated in the Distribution Rights
section of the on-line Data Help files.
c. Except as permitted above, make additional copies of the Software or Related Materials.
d. Sell, rent, lease, loan, sublicense, lend, or transfer, in whole or in part, or provide to unlicensed third
parties the Software, Data, Related Materials, any updates, or University rights under this Agreement.
e. Alter, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or make any attempt to unlock or
bypass the hardware key or the License Manager software used, or allow any such activity.
f. Remove or obscure any copyright or trademark notices.
g. Use the Software for commercial time-sharing.
h. Use the Programs to teach ESRI developed courses unless authorized to do so in writing by ESRI.
i. In regard to the Data contained in the University Data Package, University shall not reverse engineer,
decompile, or disassemble the ESRI-compatible data format(s) in an attempt to duplicate the proprietary
and copyright-protected ESRI data model(s) and/or export format(s).
j. Use the Software or Related Materials for commercial network services or interactive cable or remote
processing services that provide unlicensed end users with direct access to the Software.
k. Make available, disclose, and (sub)license, and/or transfer the Source Code files(s) and Object Code
libraries (.lib files[s]) to any person and/or entity that is not authorized to use the Software under the
terms of this Agreement.
l. (Re)market, (sub)license, or (sub)distribute copies of its UDA Package(s) in Executable Code format
as a single user application, Intranet application, or Internet/Extranet application except for University's
noncommercial, administrative, educational, academic, or research purposes.
Fee Schedule, Additional Software, and Initial Deliverables
The information in the tables below applies to Software and Documentation and services licensed to the
University pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
Annual Site License Fee
The Annual Site License fee is payable in advance. This fee includes the initial
deliverables and technical support as defined in Article 6 for all ESRI-supported
deliverables under this Agreement and existing ESRI-supported Software currently in
possession of University.
Initial Site License Contract Fee
Site License Contract Renewal Fee
Additional Software
ARC/INFO Software Installation Kit (any supported UNIX platform)
ARC/INFO for Windows NT Software Installation Kit (including one hardware key)
Additional ARC/INFO for Windows NT Hardware Key Only (one hardware key
required per server or CPU serving the license)
PC ARC/INFO (Software and Documentation)
ArcCAD (Software and Documentation)
ArcView GIS for UNIX (Software and Documentation)
ArcView GIS for Macintosh (Software and Documentation)
ArcView GIS for Windows (Software and Documentation)
ArcView Network Analyst Extension for Windows (Software and Documentation)
ArcView Spatial Analyst Extension for Windows (Software and Documentation)
ArcView 3D Analyst Extension for Windows
ArcView 3D Analyst Extension for UNIX
ArcView Internet Map Server extension (Software and Documentation)(4)
Atlas GIS (Software and Documentation)
MapObjects Deployment License (available at commercial pricing only for off-campus
Additional MapObjects Development License with Media and Documentation
MapObjects Internet Map Server (Software and Documentation)(4)
Data Automation Kit for Windows (Software and Documentation)
BusinessMAP PRO for Windows (Software and Documentation)
University Data Package Media and Documentation
TIFF/LZW License for ArcView GIS for Windows(3)
TIFF/LZW License for ArcView GIS for Macintosh(3)
TIFF/LZW License for ArcView GIS for UNIX(3)
TIFF/LZW License for ARC/INFO Floating License(3)
TIFF/LZW License for ARC/INFO Node-Locked 3-Pak(3)
NetEngine University Developer Kit (Software and Documentation)
ArcLogistics Route (Software and Documentation)
ArcView Image Analysis Add-on
400.00 each
400.00 each
30.00 each
300.00 each
300.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
Commercial pricing
150.00 each
150.00 each
150.00 each
99.95 each
250.00 each
50.00 each
50.00 each
50.00 each
100.00 each
150.00 each
250.00 each
150.00 each
Additional Services
Training at ESRI
Courses Offered through the ESRI Virtual Campus(2)
First Module of Each Training Course Offered through the ESRI Virtual Campus
ESRI's Annual User Conference
• Registration for twenty-five (25) people
Additional GIS Specialist Annual Technical Support Subscription Fee(5)
40% off list price
40% off list price
No charge
No charge
$1,500.00 each
Applicable sales tax and shipping and handling fees will be added to each invoice.
Current List Prices must be obtained from the local ESRI marketing representative.
(3) Not licensed for distribution or Internet use at fees listed; no right to copy Software is granted.
(4) GIF format utilizes LZW compression technology patented by Unisys Corporation. University must obtain license
from Unisys Corporation prior to enabling GIF file generation capabilities in the Internet Map Server extensions for
Internet use or distribution purposes.
(5) Fee for each additional GIS Specialist authorized to contact ESRI's Technical Support.
ESRI Installation Services shall be invoiced at ESRI's standard installation rates.
SDE may be acquired by University pursuant to special provisions and fees
Initial deliverables consist of one (1) copy of media and documentation for each item listed below, and a total
of ten (10) hardware keys. ESRI will ship one (1) set of initial deliverables to each University of Wisconsin
System site listed in Appendix C.
ARC/INFO and one (1) standard documentation package for each of the following platforms:
DEC Alpha
HP 700/8x7
Silicon Graphics
DEC Alpha
ArcView GIS for Windows NT/95/98 only
ArcView Network Analyst extension for Windows NT/95/98
ArcView Spatial Analyst extension for Windows NT/95/98
3D Analyst extension for Windows NT/95/98
ArcPress for ArcView for Windows
ArcPress for ArcView for UNIX
ArcView GIS for Macintosh (Version 3.0a only)
ArcView GIS including Network Analyst for UNIX
ArcView Spatial Analyst extension for UNIX
3D Analyst extension for UNIX
ArcView Internet Map Server for Windows
ArcView Internet Map Server for UNIX
MapObjects Internet Map Server
NetEngine University Developer Kit
BusinessMAP PRO
ArcLogistics Route
University Data Package consisting of:
Digital Chart of the World (DCW)
U.S. Street Database
Atlas GIS
Registered Client Information Profile
1) GIS Specialist: Stephen Ventura
Dept.: LICGF
Address: UW–Madison
1525 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-262-6416
Fax No.: 608-265-2595
6) GIS Specialist: Paul Gunther
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–Madison
550 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-265-3585
Fax No.:
2) GIS Specialist: W. Math Heinzel
Dept.: LICGF
Address: UW–Madison
550 North Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-263-534
Fax No.: 608-265-3991
7) GIS Specialist: Frank Stetzer
Dept.: I&MT Services
Address: UW–Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telephone: 414-229-4571
Fax No.: 414-229-4777
3) GIS Specialist: Tom McClintock
Dept.: LICGF
Address: UW–Madison
550 North Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-263-5534
Fax No.:
8) GIS Specialist: Williams Huxhold
Dept.: Urban Planning
Address: UW–Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telephone: 414-229-6954
Fax No.:
4) GIS Specialist: Joan Riera
Dept.: Environmental Remote Sensing Center
Address: UW–Madison
1201 AOS Building, 1125 W. Dayton
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-263-3266
Fax No.:
9) GIS Specialist: Patti Day
Dept.: Golda Meir Library
Address: UW–Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telephone: 414-229-4659
Fax No.: 414-229-3981
5) GIS Specialist: Dan Rodman
Dept.: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Address: UW–Madison
1204 Engineering, 1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-262-9854
Fax No.:
10) GIS Specialist: Donna Schenstrom
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telephone: 414-229-4865
Fax No.: 414-229-3981
11) GIS Specialist: Bill Niedzwiedz
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Telephone: 920-465-2355
Fax No.: 920-465-2864
16) GIS Specialist: David Faulkner
Dept.: Computer Services
Address: UW–La Crosse
103 Wing Comm. Ctr., 1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Telephone: 608-785-8773
Fax No.: 608-785-8825
12) GIS Specialist: Dave Kieper
Dept.: Network Services
Address: UW–Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Telephone: 920-465-2355
Fax No.: 920-465-2864
17) GIS Specialist: Williams Smethells
Dept.: I&TM
Address: UW–Eau Claire
Schofield Hall 212, 105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Telephone: 715-836-5262
Fax No.: 715-836-2902
13) GIS Specialist: Hawthorne Beyer
Dept.: Natural Resources
Address: UW–Stevens Point
1900 Franklin Street, Room 22B
Steven Point, WI 54481
Telephone: 715-346-3795
Fax No.: 715-346-3624
18) GIS Specialist: Shunfu Hu
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–Oshkosh
800 Algoma Boulevard
Oshkosh, WI 54702
Telephone: 920-424-3123
Fax No.: 920-424-0292
14) GIS Specialist: Alan Bond
Dept.: Info Techn.
Address: UW–Stevens Point
1801 Fourth Avenue, Room 127
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Telephone: 715-346-4663
Fax No.: 715-346-4213
19) GIS Specialist: Steve Gustafson
Dept.: Info Techn.
Address: UW–Superior
P.O. Box 2000, Belknap & Katlin
Superior, WI 54880
Telephone: 715-394-8360
Fax No.: 715-394-8064
15) GIS Specialist: Paul Stoelting
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–La Crosse
2026 Cowley Hall, 1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Telephone: 608-785-6673
Fax No.: 608-785-8046
20) GIS Specialist: Charles P. Rader
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–River Falls
410 South Third Street
River Falls, WI 54022
Telephone: 715-425-3264
Fax No.: 715-425-0643
21) GIS Specialist: Howard Botts
Dept.: Geography
Address: UW–Whitewater
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Telephone: 414-272-5271
Fax No.: 414-472-5633
22) GIS Specialist: Don (Chip) Hankley
Dept.: WI Geography & Natural History
Address: UW–Extension
3817 Mineral Point Road
Madison, WI 53705
Telephone: 608-262-2320
Fax No.: 608-262-8086
23) GIS Specialist: Jim Brey
Dept.: Geography Dept.
Address: UW–Fox Valley
1478 Midway Road
Menasha, WI 54952
Telephone: 920-832-2600
Fax No.: 920-832-2674
24) GIS Specialist: Keith Brockman
Dept.: Info Techn.
Address: UW System Admin.
780 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608-265-5043
Fax No.: 608-265-2090
25) GIS Specialist:
Fax No.:
Client's Contract Administrator's
Name and Address:
Contracts: Lori Voss
Telephone: 608-265-0557
Fax No.:
Address: Office of Procurement
University of Wisconsin System Administration
780 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53715
Bill to:
Participating University of Wisconsin System Sites
1) Site: UW System Administration
Primary Contact: Nancy Crabb
Ship to: Computer Services
780 Regent Street, Room 246
Madison, WI 53715
2) Site: UW–Eau Claire
Primary Contact: David Hart/Meg Dwyer
Ship to: Schofield Hall
105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Phone: 715-836-2637
3) Site: UW–Green Bay
Primary Contact: Dave Kieper
Ship to: 2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
Phone: 920-465-2238
4) Site: UW–La Crosse
Primary Contact: David Riley/Kathy Lange
Ship to: Graff Main Hall, Room 135
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608-785-8000
5) Site: UW–Madison
Primary Contact: Stephen Ventura
Ship to: 1525 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-262-6416
6) Site: UW–Milwaukee
Primary Contact: Joe Douglas
Ship to: 202 Chapman Hall
2310 E. Hartford Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Phone: 414-229-1122
7) Site: UW–Oshkosh
Primary Contact: John Berens
Ship to: 800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: 920-424-1234
8) Site: UW–River Falls
Primary Contact: Joe Brown
Ship to: 410 S. Third Street
River Falls, WI 54022
Phone: 715-425-3911
9) Site: UW–Stevens Point
Primary Contact: Bruce Staal
Ship to: Room 213 Old Main
2100 Main Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897
Phone: 715-346-0123
10) Site: UW–Superior
Primary Contact: Steve Gustafson
Ship to: P.O. Box 2000
Belknap & Kaitlin
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8360
11) Site: UW–Whitewater
Primary Contact: His-ping T. Shao
Ship to: Hyer Hall
800 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 414-472-1234
12) Site: UW–Colleges
Primary Contact: Dick Cleek
Ship to: 780 Regent Street
P.O. Box 8680
Madison, WI 53708-8680
Phone: 608-262-1783
13) Site: UW–Extension
Primary Contact: Ron Kraemer
Ship to: 432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-262-3980
At no additional cost to University, ESRI agrees to provide University with the following:
Fifty (50) copies of the tutorial entitled, "Getting to Know ArcView GIS"
A total of three (3) one-day training seminars, one (1) each to be conducted at the following University of
Wisconsin campuses: Milwaukee, Madison, and Stevens Point.
Note: ANY faculty, staff, subcontractor or student can take the first of 6 sections of ANY of ESRI’s GIS
Web-based classes for FREE. For someone simply desiring an orientation to GIS and what, for
instance, ArcView can do, this is a VERY good option.