Publications for Philip Hirsch 2016

Publications for Philip Hirsch
Publications for Philip Hirsch
Boer, B., Hirsch, P., Johns, F., Saul, B., Scurrah,
N. (2016). The Mekong: A Socio-Legal Approach
to River Basin Development. United Kingdom:
Routledge. <a
>[More Information]</a>
2.00779.x">[More Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2012). River Hardware and Software:
Perspectives on National Interest and Water
Governance in the Mekong River Basin. In
David Higgitt (Eds.), Perspectives on
Environmental Management and Technology in
Asian River Basins, (pp. 31-43). Heidelberg:
Hirsch, P. (2016). The shifting regional
geopolitics of Mekong dams. Political
Geography, 51, 63-74. <a
.004">[More Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2011). China and the Cascading
Geopolitics of Lower Mekong Dams. The
Asia-Pacific Journal, 9(20), unknown-unknown.
Lyu, X., Hirsch, P., Kimkong, H., Manorom, K.,
Tubtim, T. (2013). Cross-Boundary Peer
Learning in the Mekong: A Case of Field-Based
Education in Natural Resources Management.
Journal of Contemporary Water Research &
Education, 150(1), 41-52. <a
3.03134.x">[More Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2013). Emerging Issues In Southeast
Asian Geography: Local, Non-Local and
Collaborative Scholarship. TRaNS: Trans
Regional and National Studies of Southeast Asia,
1(1), 105-119. <a
re Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2013), Laos mutes opposition to
controversial Mekong dam.
Hirsch, P. (2013), Thailand's colliding mountains
and conflicting values.
Hirsch, P. (2013). The Institutional Imperative:
The Politics of Equitable Development in
Southeast Asia. Pacific Affairs, 86(2), 428-430.
Hirsch, P. (2012). IWRM as a Participatory
Governance: Framework for the Mekong River
Basin? In Joakim Ojendal, Stina Hansson and
Sofie Hellberg (Eds.), Politics and Development
in a Transboundary Watershed: The Case of the
Lower Mekong Basin, (pp. 155-170). London,
United Kingdom: Springer.
Hirsch, P. (2012). Nong Nae Revisited:
Continuity and Change in a Post-frontier
Community. In Jonathan Rigg and Peter
Vandergeest (Eds.), Revisiting Rural Places:
Pathways to Poverty and Prosperity in Southeast
Asia, (pp. 112-134). Singapore: NUS (National
University of Singapore) Press.
Hirsch, P. (2012). Reviving Agrarian Studies in
South-East Asia: Geography on the Ascendancy.
Geographical Research, 50(4), 393-403. <a
Hirsch, P. (2011). A New Geopolitics of Mekong
Dams? Bangkok Post.
Hirsch, P. (2011), Cascade Effect.
Hirsch, P., Sciortino, R. (2011). Climate Change
and the Resource Politics of the Greater Mekong
Subregion. In Kobkun Rayanakorn (Eds.),
Climate Change Challenges in the Mekong
Region, (pp. 223-248). Chiang Mai, Thailand:
Chiang Mai University Press.
Hirsch, P., Wilson, K. (2011). Ebbs and Flows:
Megaproject Politics on the Mekong. In Stanley
D Brunn (Eds.), Engineering Earth: The Impacts
of Megaengineering Projects, (pp. 1633-1650).
Dordrecht: Springer.
Chem, P., Hirsch, P., Someth, P. (2011).
Hydrological Analysis in Support of Irrigation
Management: A Case Study of Stung Chrey Bak
Catchment, Cambodia.
Nang, P., Khiev, D., Hirsch, P., Whitehead, I.
(2011). Improving the governance of water
resources in Cambodia: A Stakeholder Analysis
Understanding Stakeholders' Roles, Perceptions
and Constraints for Effective Irrigation and
Catchment Management and Development.
Hirsch, P. (2011). Mekong mainstream dams: a
revival? Asian Currents.
Hall, D., Hirsch, P., Murray Li, T. (2011).
Powers of Exclusion: Land Dilemmas in
Southeast Asia. Singapore: NUS (National
University of Singapore) Press.
Johns, F., Saul, B., Hirsch, P., Stephens, T.,
Boer, B. (2010). Law and the Mekong River
Basin: A Socio-Legal Research Agenda on the
Role of Hard and Soft Law in Regulating
Transboundary Water Resources. Melbourne
Journal of International Law, 11(1), 154-174.
Molle, F., Wester, P., Hirsch, P. (2010). River
basin closure: Processes, implications and
responses. Agricultural Water Management,
97(4), 569-577. <a
Publications for Philip Hirsch
004">[More Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2010). The Changing Political
Dynamics of Dam Building on the Mekong.
Water Alternatives, 3(2), 312-323.
Hirsch, P., Tapp, N. (2010). Tracks and Traces:
Thailand and the Work of Andrew Turton.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Ganjanapan, A., Hirsch, P. (2010). Transforming
Agrarian Transformation in a Globalizing
Thailand. In Philip Hirsch and Nicholas Tapp
(Eds.), Tracks and Traces: Thailand and the
Work of Andrew Turton, (pp. 29-38).
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Hirsch, P. (2009). Issues of scale in governing
water as a common good: the Mekong River
Basin. In Devleena Ghosh, Heather Goodall
and Stephanie Hemelryk Donald (Eds.), Water,
Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and Oceania,
(pp. 125-133). Oxon, UK: Routledge imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Hirsch, P., Fold, N. (2009). Re-thinking frontiers
in Southeast Asia . Geographical Journal,
175(2), 95-97.
Hirsch, P. (2009). Revisiting frontiers as
transitional spaces in Thailand. Geographical
Journal, 175(2), 124-132. <a
9.00321.x">[More Information]</a>
Kakonen, M., Hirsch, P. (2009). The
Anti-Politics of Mekong Knowledge Production.
In Molle, Francois; Foran, Tira; Kakonen,
Mira (Eds.), Contested Waterscapes in the
Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and
Governance, (pp. 333-355). London: Earthscan.
Leksakundilok, A., Hirsch, P. (2008).
Community-based ecotourism in Thailand. In
John Connell and Barbara Rugendyke (Eds.),
Tourism at the Grassroots: Villagers and visitors
in the Asia-Pacific, (pp. 214-235). 2 Park Square,
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Fisher, R., Hirsch, P. (2008). Poverty and
Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand.
Geographical Research, 46(1), 74-84. <a
7.00493.x">[More Information]</a>
Hirsch, P. (2007). Advocacy,civil society and the
state in the Mekong Region. In Barbara
Rugendyke (Eds.), NGOs as Advocates for
development in a gobalising world, (pp.
185-199). Abington, Oxon, United Kingdom:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Hirsch, P. (2007). Civil Society and
interdependencies: towards a regional political
ecology of Mekong development. In John
Connell and Eric Waddell (Eds.), Environment,
Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific:
Between Local and Global, (pp. 226-246).
London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Hirsch, P. (2007). Managing a transboundary
resource: Catchment management and dams in
the Mekong River Basin. Geodate, 1(1), 5-8.
Molle, F., Wester, P., Hirsch, P., Jensen, J.,
Murray-Rust, H., Paranjpye, V., Pollard, S., Van
der Zaag, P. (2007). River Basin Development
and Management. In David Molden (Eds.),
Water for Food, Water for Life: the
Comprehensive Assessment of Water
Management in Agiriculture, (pp. 585-625).
London: Earthscan.
Hirsch, P. (2006). Governing water as a common
good in the Mekong River Basin: issues of scale.
Transforming Cultures eJournal, 1(2), 104-113.
Hirsch, P. (2006). Water Governance Reform
and Catchment Management in the Mekong
Region. Journal of Environment and
Development: a review of international policy,
15(2), 184-201.
Hirsch, P., Tubtim, N. (2005). Common property
as enclosure: A case study of a backswamp in
southern Laos. Society and Natural Resources,
18(1), 41-60.
Bush, S., Hirsch, P. (2005). Framing fishery
decline. Aquatic Resources Culture and
Development, 1(2), 79-90.
Hirsch, P., Lloyd, K. (2005). Real and virtual
experiential learning on the Mekong: Field
schools, e-Sims and cultural challenge. Journal
of Geography in Higher Education, 29(3),
Hirsch, P. (2004). Development Assistance In A
Transboundary River Basin Setting: The Role Of
Institutional Mechanisms In Safeguarding Poor
People'S Livelihoods To And Rights To Land
And Water In The Mekong Region. From Water
'Wars' to Water 'Riots' - Lessons from
Transboundary Water Management, Strandgade
56, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish
Institute for International Studies.
Hirsch, P., Wyatt, A. (2004). Negotiating Local
Livelihoods: Scales Of Conflict In The Se San
River Basin. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 45(1),
Publications for Philip Hirsch
Hirsch, P. (2004). The Politics of Fisheries
Knowledge in the Mekong River Basin. Second
International Symposium on Large Rivers for
Fisheries, Thailand: RAP Publication.
Vandergeest, P., Phanvilay, K., Fujita, Y., Fox,
J., Hirsch, P., Van Esterik, P., Withayapak, C.,
Tyler, S. (2003). Flexible networking in research
capacity building at the National University of
Laos: lessons for north-south collaboration.
Canadian Journal of Development Studies,
24(1), 119-135.
Hirsch, P. (2002). Global Norms, Local
Compliance and the Human Rights-Environment
Nexus: A Case Study of the Nam Theun II Dam
in Laos. In Lyuba Zarsky (Eds.), Human Rights
And The Environment: Conflicts And Norms In A
Globalising World, (pp. 147-171). United
Kingdom: Earthscan/James & James.
Hirsch, P., McLaughlan,, R., Kirkpatrick, D.,
Maier, H. (2001). Academic and Institutional
Issues related to the planning and
implementation of a multi-disciplinary role-play
simulation involoving collaboration across
institutions. 18th Annual Conference of the
Australasian Society of Computers in Learning
in Tertiary Education, : UNSW Australian
Defence Force Academy.
Hirsch, P. (2001). Globalisation, regionalisation
and local voices: the Asian Development Bank
and re-scaled politics of environment in the
Mekong region. Singapore Journal of Tropical
Geography, 22(3), 237-251.