Women’s Panhellenic Council Officer Election Packet and Application Important Dates: October 29th – Hand out applications at meeting, copies available in the office or online at www.ship.edu/greeks November 18th – Applications due! Hard copy or email to Samantha Wallace, Panhellenic President (sw0140@ship.edu)or Emilee Danielson-Burke, Panhellenic Advisor (eadanielson@ship.edu) November 19th – 4pm, Speeches in Orndorf Theater (CUB)/Voting/Results Announced November 22nd – 2:30pm, Officer Installation at IFC/Panhellenic Scholarship Reception Application: Name: Class Standing: Organization: Position Sought: In addition to this application, candidates will be asked to give a brief speech which should include answers to the questions listed below and any experience required for the position. Required experience can be found in the attached election policy. Presentation is important and will be considered. Why are you interested in this position? What experience and/ or qualifications do you have to hold this position? What goals do you have for this position? What goals do you have for the overall Council? Officer Roles and Responsibilities (as outlined in the WPC Bylaws): A. The president shall: Preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Panhellenic Association committees. Communicate regularly with the Panhellenic advisor. Be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association. Ensure that the NPC annual report is completed. Communicate regularly with the NPC area advisor. Maintain current copies of the following: Shippensburg University Panhellenic Association bylaws and standing rules; the Panhellenic Association budget; contracts executed on behalf of the Panhellenic Association; correspondence and materials received from the NPC area advisor; all College Panhellenic reports to NPC; and other pertinent materials. Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties as assigned. B. The vice president shall: Perform the duties of the president in her absence. Serve as Chair of the Judicial Board Direct the planning and implantation of all Panhellenic Council fundraising activities and serve as the committee chair. Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association. Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties as assigned C. The secretary shall: Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of Panhellenic Council. Record minutes of all meetings of the Shippensburg University Panhellenic Council and the Executive Board. Maintain a complete and up-to-date file that includes the minutes of all meetings from the date of organization and current correspondence. Send meeting minutes to the NPC area advisor. Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association. Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties as assigned A. The treasurer shall: Supervise the finances of the Shippensburg University Panhellenic Association. Prepare the annual budget and, after its approval by the Panhellenic Council, provide a copy to each Shippensburg University Panhellenic Association member fraternity. Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association, collect all dues and give receipts. Pay promptly the annual NPC dues and all bills of the Shippensburg University Panhellenic Association. Maintain up-to-date financial records; give a financial report at each regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and an annual report at the close of her term of office. Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association. Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties as assigned. B. The recruitment chair shall: Work with the Panhellenic Advisor and the Panhellenic Council to determine recruitment dates and regulations, inform member fraternities, and enforce regulations Assist the Panhellenic Advisor in compiling recruitment statistics Work cooperatively with the Public Relations Chair in developing publications, posters, and advertisements to best represent the sororities participating in recruitment. Serve as a liaison to the recruitment chairs of member organizations to provide information and assistance Maintain a complete and up-to-date file which should include a copy of the current constitution, bylaws, and budget, information regarding current and past programs and activities in the Association, and other pertinent materials Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office C. The public relations chair shall: Act as Assistant to the Recruitment Chair to determine recruitment dates and regulations, inform member fraternities, and enforce regulations Be responsible for promoting all Shippensburg University Women’s Panhellenic Association events. Provide advertising, public relations, promotion, etc. for all Panhellenic activities Create a yearly marketing plan for the Panhellenic Association. Maintain a complete and up-to-date file which should include a copy of the current constitution, bylaws, and budget, information regarding current and past programs and activities in the Association, and other pertinent materials Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. D. The education chair shall: Create and implement one program per semester that addresses the educational needs of fraternity women and new members. Act as a resource person for member fraternities’ academics chairpersons. Develop a program that recognizes outstanding Panhellenic scholars Provide documentation (pictures, video, media, etc.) for all Panhellenic events Maintain a complete and up-to-date file which should include a copy of the current constitution, bylaws, and budget, information regarding current and past programs and activities in the Association, and other pertinent materials Act impartially and maintain a Panhellenic spirit at all times. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. Shippensburg University Women’s Panhellenic Council Election Process Created and Passed: October 2013 I. Purpose a. To establish a process for all Women’s Panhellenic Council elections II. Timeline Elections will be held each Fall semester based on a timeline established by the Women’s Panhellenic Council Executive Board and announced in October. III. Qualifications a. In order to run for office candidates must be in good standing with the Women’s Panhellenic Council, their individual sorority and Shippensburg University b. Members of Provisional groups are eligible to run for office after receiving permission from the WPC Executive Board c. Candidates interested in the offices of President, Treasurer and Public Relations must present specific qualification in their speeches. President - must have previous Women’s Panhellenic Council experience as a Council officer or a Delegate IV. Treasurer –must have previous experience with finance management, serving as a Treasurer, fundraising chair or other related office from Greek or non-Greek activities. Public Relations – must have previous experience with public relations, serving as a PR chair or assistant in Greek, non-Greek or major related activities. Nominations a. Individuals interested in running for office must complete the election packet distributed by the Women’s Panhellenic Council. b. After completion of the election packet, nominees must meet with the Women’s Panhellenic Officer current holding the office they have been nominated for. c. Nominations for officer candidates will be accepted based on the timeline established and announced by the Executive Board of the Women’s Panhellenic Council. d. Each sorority is encouraged to nominate candidates for each office, however, no sorority will be limited in the number of candidates they nominate. e. Nominations may come from any officer, delegate or member at large. Individuals may nominate members from their sorority or any other Women’s Panhellenic Council sorority. f. V. Individuals may self-nominate. Elections a. A speech is required of all candidates. Nominees will give speeches in alphabetical order by officer position, starting with President. b. If a candidate is not able to be present at the meeting a written speech will be accepted and read in their absence by a member of their sorority, the Women’s Panhellenic Council President or Advisor. c. Voting will be done by ballot at the conclusion of speeches. d. Each sorority will cast one vote, this vote should be cast by the sorority delegate, however, the vote may be cast by an alternate delegate. e. The President of the Women’s Panhellenic Council will be the tie breaker. If the President is ineligible because she is running for office the Vice President will serve as the tiebreaker. If the Vice President is also ineligible the next officer in order of reporting structure will serve as the tiebreaker and so on after that. VI. Vacancies a. In the case of a vacancy in an officer position an election or appointment shall take place as soon as is practicable. b. In the case of an election, the process outlined above should be followed. c. In the case of an appointment, a unanimous agreement must be reached by all officers and the Women’s Panhellenic Council Advisor. If this agreement cannot be reached the election process should be followed.