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, 04-03-2014 at 12:47 PM (Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy)
For new blog posts please see
Chinese Applicants Dominating EB-5 Applicant Pool
, 03-30-2014 at 07:42 PM (Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy)
CNN Money reports on the popularity of the EB-5 program with
Chinese nationals and the possibility that backlogs could soon
develop for people from that country. 80% of EB-5 green cards
are now going to Chinese nationals. As long as the program
doesn't fill up, that's not a problem, but if the overall demand
increases and there are more applications than the annual 10,000
allotment, China could start to see the kind of backlogs they face
in a number of other employment-based green card categories.
House Democrats Seek Discharge Petition on Immigration
Reform Bill
, 03-26-2014 at 08:39 AM (Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy)
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will introduce a
discharge petition today to try and force a floor vote on HR
15, the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill
that resembles the Senate immigration bill passed last
summer. If a majority of members of the House sign the
petition, then the bill would come up for a vote on the
House floor. Many believe that the bill would garner
majority support if it came up for a vote there.
But 20 to 25 Republicans would need to sign the discharge
petition for it to work and most believe that even
Republicans who support immigration reform efforts won't
sign the petition. The reason - a discharge petition would be
seen as a betrayal of Speaker Boehner.
So why bother? For one, it serves as a reminder to the
public and, in particular, to the country's Latino community,
that there is a solution to the country's immigration mess on
the table and Republicans are doing nothing on the issue.
The Republicans have been repeating since the Senate
passed its bill that it would do things the House way and
pass piecemeal immigration bills. But there is little evidence
anything is happening on the House side. No bills are being
introduced and none of the ones that were passed by the
Judiciary Committee last year are coming up for floor votes
in the House anytime soon (except an extremely antiimmigrant measure to kill the ICE public advocate measure).
Republicans are banking on the fact that they have time on
the immigration issue and spending 100% of their time for
the rest of the year bashing Obamacare is a smart strategy.
Perhaps. But even if this short term goal helps in the 2014
midterm elections, they are probably dooming the chances
of any of their candidates in 2016 as the Latino vote will be
one to two million votes stronger and 1 to 2% greater as a
portion of the electorate. The longer the Republicans take
and the more reluctant they appear to deal with immigration
reform, the worse the party's image will be with Latino
voters. If Hilary Clinton or whoever is the Democratic
nominee simply matches President Obama's 2012
percentage of Latino voters, assuming the rest of the
electorate votes in a similar way, she will easily win the
Many still believe Speaker Boehner will bring up immigration
reform in the next one to two months now that the GOP
primary season is largely over. That would be wise. As I
pointed out in my post yesterday, there's no evidence that
base GOP voters would stay home in November if he did
this and he could begin to repair the damage to the GOP
brand. But even if he brings up immigration reform, if the
emphasis is all on enforcement and it appears that a
legalization program is half-hearted and the GOP tries to
reduce family immigration numbers, the party will see little
benefit. Voting for immigration reform holding your nose is
not the way to win back the hearts of pro-immigrant voters.
TIME Magazine Poll: Immigration Reform Won't Hurt
, 03-25-2014 at 10:54 AM (Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy)
From Time:
A new survey could ease Republican fears that
proceeding with immigration reform would alienate
GOP voters.
The poll, conducted by Texas Republican firm
Baselice & Associates and paid for by the Michael
Bloomberg-sponsored pro-reform group Partnership
for a New American Economy, found that there is no
measurable drop in voter turnout when comparing
the immigration positions of three Texas
congressional Republicans. The poll focused on three
districts with GOP incumbents: Rep. Sam Johnson,
who is supportive of immigration reform, Rep. Lamar
Smith, who is against it, and Rep. Kevin Brady, who
is on the fence. Support of or opposition to
immigration reform didn’ t impact voter support at
the polls, according to the survey.
The results cut against Republican concerns that
passing immigration reform will keep their base
voters away from the polls this fall, and indicates that
the economy and the health care reform law are the
key issues driving voters.
This poll is just the latest report warning mainstream GOP
members that they should not buy the argument of
extremists in the party trying to convince them that their
views are widely held even with base GOP supporters. Even
those opposing immigration reform in the GOP don't usually
make it a litmus test for supporting a candidate. Those that
do, according to many polls, amount to only a small number
of individuals.
Obama's Options for Dealing with Deportations
, 03-20-2014 at 05:12 PM (Greg Siskind on Immigration Law and Policy)
As the Administration works to deflect the negative publicity
associated with passing two million deportations since 2009
and after finally admitting that the White House DOES have
options at it's disposal, many are now speculating what the
President might do.
But even before he acts, he has to weigh what any action
might do as far as helping or hurting the prospects for
immigration reform legislation passing in the House. Even
though it's largely disingenuous, House members are
blaming the President as being untrustworthy and therefore
passing reform legislation that depends on the President to
carry out new enforcement measures will have to wait. Of
course, the main reason Republicans are interested in
compromising on immigration reform is to repair the
damage to their brand with Hispanic voters. So it seems
rather odd that they want to continue to make headlines for
pursuing policies that are as tough as possible on
immigration. The more they push the "untrustworthy" line,
the worse their image with Hispanics will get.
So the President may try and hold off pro-immigration
advocacy groups for a few more months to see if the House
will act. The best window of opportunity is coming soon probably April through July. After that, the fall campaigns
will make getting major legislation passed more difficult. So
the President could wait for a few months to give the
Republicans a last chance before announcing big initiatives.
Whether the President acts soon or waits several months,
the next natural question is what his options actually are.
There have been two helpful articles in the last few days
worth a read. Elise Foley at Huffington Post has written this
article. Nora Caplan-Bricker at The New Republic has written
And there's also this leaked USCIS memo from a couple of
years ago that lays out the options.
The Administration has indicated they're not inclined to
expand DACA which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
They seem to think there's a legal barrier, but if they've
determined DACA is legal for one population, then I don't
see why broadening it somewhat is a problem.
Stay tuned...
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