Name: Date: Puppet Show CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Quite a few important parts of story were included and are correct . Much of the story was left out or not correct. Accuracy of Story All important parts of Almost all important story were included parts of story were and are correct. included and are correct. Playwriting Play was creative and really held the audience's interest. Play was creative Play had several and usually held the creative elements, audience's interest. but often did not hold the audience's interest. Play needed more creative elements. Scenery Scenery was creative, added interest to the play, and did not get in the way of the puppets. Scenery was Scenery did not get creative and did not in the way of the get in the way of the puppets. puppets. Scenery got in the way of the puppets OR distracted the audience. Sound Voices of puppeteers were always heard by the audience. Voices of puppeteers were usually heard by the audience. Voices of puppeteers were sometimes heard by the people in the back row. Voices of puppeteers were rarely heard by the people sitting in the back row. Puppet Movement Puppeteers always moved the puppets so audience could see them. Puppeteers usually moved the puppets so audience could see them. Puppeteers sometimes moved the puppets so audience could see them. Puppeteers rarely moved the puppets so audience could see them. Puppet Construction Puppets were original, creative, and well made. No pieces fell off during the performance. Puppets were original and well made. No pieces fell off during the performance. Puppets were made fairly well. No pieces fell off during the performance. Puppets were not well made. Pieces fell off during the performance. Expression Puppeteers' voices showed a lot of expression and emotion. Puppeteers' voices showed some expression and emotion. Puppeteers' voices showed a little expression and emotion. Puppeteers' voices were monotone and not expressive. Date Created: July 11, 2005