Performance Task Assessment Oral Report Possible Points Element Earned Assessment Self Teacher Content Report shows evidence of effective research and understanding of concepts relevant to the task. Concepts are accurately presented and reflect specific and purposeful information that is extended and expanded to fully answer main questions. Supporting details are used to help explain the concepts. Vocabulary is appropriate to both the content and the audience. There is a clear beginning, an organized body, and a clear closure. Length of report conforms to the allotted time frame. Sources are cited properly. Presentation Voice quality is effective including appropriate rate, volume, articulation, and enthusiasm. Body language is effectively used including appropriate eye contact, posture, and body movement. The speaker gives the audience time to think and take notes. The speaker responds well to questions. The speaker checks audience's understanding of concepts following the presentation Total: Adapted by Baltimore County Public Schools, 2004, from materials developed by Pomperaug Regional School District, Middlebury, CT Through an agreement with the Maryland Assessment Consortium, permission is granted to Maryland Public Schools to reproduce this material for non-profit, educational use.