EDUCATION PORTFOLIO EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION GRANTS SCHEME PROGRESS REPORT TEMPLATE FOR GRANTS AWARDED IN THE 2015 FUNDING ROUNDS Project title: Insert project title here Project leader: Insert project leader’s name here Project team members: Insert project team members’ names here * DELETE SUGGESTION NOTES (text in italics) BEFORE SUBMITTING * PROGRESS REPORT DUE TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016 SUBMIT ONLINE AT The online submission will be no longer than 2000 words 1. INNOVATION DESCRIPTION What is your innovation in brief? Maximum 3 sentences. 2. REACH OF THE PROJECT Curriculum: Units of study* Degrees* Colleagues: Academic staff (all employment categories) Professional staff Structures: Leaders Faculty/School/Department committees Please give unit codes and names where the whole cohort has been impacted by the innovation Please give degree codes and names where the whole cohort has been impacted by the innovation Please give the names of all academic staff that have participated in your project, in addition to the project team Please give the names of all professional staff that have participated in your project, in addition to the project team Please give the names of all faculty leaders that have been consulted or kept up to date throughout the project Please give the names of the committees or other important groups at which the project has been discussed * If specific students were selected for involvement in the projects, rather than whole unit or degree cohorts, please give a description of the student sample, and the number involved. 1 EDUCATION PORTFOLIO 3. EVIDENCE OF IMPACT & OUTCOMES TO DATE Students. What evidence can you provide on improvement in the quality of student learning outcomes and/or the student experience? (Just one or two aspects that are important to you and the project innovation; be sure to select things that are also important in the educational research literature and/or in the University’s education strategy.) Teachers. (If relevant) What evidence can you provide on improvement in the quality of teaching and/or the teaching experience? (Just one or two aspects that are important to you and the project innovation; be sure to select things that are also important in the educational research literature and/or in the University’s education strategy.) Structural. (If relevant) Are there any indications that your innovation may be adopted systemically in some way at the University e.g. by a degree program, across multiple units of study, a department, a school, a faculty, a central portfolio, be included in a University policy or faculty guideline, etc. Project outcomes. List project outcomes as they appear in your grant application, and any additional unanticipated outcomes arising since then. For each, make a brief statement about the extent to which the outcome has been achieved. Please also note if there are any outcomes that are unlikely to be achieved during the grant period and the reasons for this. Suggest tabulating. For some outcomes you could also include supporting evidence e.g. a quote, a number/percentage, a graph, a statistical analysis result, a qualitative analysis result, etc. 4. SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING If your evaluation to date indicates that the innovation has been successful, and you would like to maintain or extend the innovation, what steps have you taken to ensure you will have the support and/or resources to continue it as a business-as-usual activity in your faculty following the grant period? 5. DISSEMINATION TO DATE (If relevant, otherwise leave this section blank.) What dissemination activities have been undertaken to date? Tabulate or list? Examples: discussions with Head, mention at meetings, chat with colleagues not directly involved in project, branding, snowballing participation, guides or teaching materials produced, influencing policy, social networking, emails/newsletters/media releases, online content, presentations, etc. 6. PROJECT OUTPUTS/DELIVERABLES/RESOURCES (If relevant, otherwise leave this section blank.) What will be/has been produced during the course of the project that could be used by others at the University? E.g. website, guidelines, software, survey instrument, interview schedule, etc. Where can it be accessed or where should interested persons go for more information? 2