Steven R. Archer
School of Renewable Natural Resources & Environment
325 Biological Sciences East/PO Box 210043
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0043
Email: sarcher@ag,
Mobile Phone: 520-400-1019
Office Phone: (520)–621-8791
FAX: (520)–621–8801
1983 Ph.D. Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University
1980 M.S. Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University
1975 B.A. Biology/Liberal Arts, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
2002- Present
2007 - Present
Professor, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, New Mexico State University (April 2007-Present)
Professor/Associate Department Head (Research/Graduate Programs), Texas A&M University
Professor, Department of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Texas A&M University
Visiting Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
Associate Professor, Department of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Texas A&M University
Adjunct Professor, Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco
Assistant Professor, Department of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Texas A&M University
Graduate Research Assistant, Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University
Instructor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University
Research Associate, Biology Department, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
Grasslands and savannas throughout the world appear to have been replaced by shrub– and woodlands in recent
history. This shift in vegetation structure has implications for the sustainability of pastoral and commercial
livestock production systems and may influence climate and atmospheric chemistry via impacts on the carbon,
nitrogen and water cycles. Documentation of shifts in woody plant abundance is poor and causes are not well
understood. As a result, our ability to anticipate the rate, direction and magnitude of future changes is limited.
My research has concentrated on interactions between grasses and woody plants in relation to soils, climate and
disturbance. Population, transition probability and dynamic ecosystem simulation models are used in conjunction
with remote sensing, GIS, dendrochronology and stable isotope chemistry to reconstruct vegetation history and to
examine potential, impending changes and the consequences of such changes on sustainability of grazing
systems, ecosystem biogeochemistry and land surface-atmosphere interactions. Field and laboratory experiments
on the population biology of grasses and shrub growth forms are emphasized in the context of landscape ecology,
succession and historical land–use practices.
Physiological plant ecology
Plant population biology
Landscape ecology
Sustainability of grazed ecosystems
Plant–animal interactions
Secondary succession
Ecology of grasslands and shrublands
Global change
• Terwilliger Memorial Graduate Scholarship, Colorado State University (1982)
• Stobbs Lecture, James Cook University (1993)
• Outstanding Achievement Award, Society for Range Management (1995)
• Publication Award (Technical Writing), Society for Range Management (1995)
• Distinguished Achievement Award, Alumni Council, Augustana College (1996)
• Leu Distinguished Lecture, University of Nebraska (1999)
• Top 25% Most Effective Graduate Teachers at Texas A&M University
• Big 12 Faculty Fellowship (2001)
• Davidson Lecture, Baylor University (2003)
• Scholarly Achievement Award (2008), School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona
• Leaders in Agriculture Lecture (2009), School of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, Sul Ross State
• Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2009)
• R.D. Watt Centenary Lecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney
Editorial Board, Journal of Arid Environments (2006-present)
Editorial Board, Ecosphere (2010-present)
Board of Professional Certification, Ecological Society of America (2010-present)
Certification: Certified Senior Ecologist, Ecological Society of America (2002-Present)
Membership: Ecological Society of America, American Institute of Biological Scientists, American
Geophysical Union, International Association for Vegetation Science, International Association for
Landscape Ecologists, Society for Range Management, American Association for the Advancement of
Formal Reviews for: American Naturalist, American Midland Naturalist, Arctic Alpine Research,
Australian J. Botany, BioScience, Canadian J. Botany; Canadian J. Forest Research, Conservation Biology,
Ecology, Ecology Letters, Ecological Applications, Ecological Complexity, Ecosystems, Environmental
Science & Policy, Global Change Biology, J. Arid Environments, J. Ecology, J. Applied Ecology, J.
Biogeography, J. Ecological Modeling, J. Forest Ecology & Management, J Geophysical Research Biogeosciences; J. Range Management, J. Theoretical Biology, J. Tropical Ecology, J. Wildlife
Management, J. Vegetation Science, Oecologia, Oikos, Proc. National Academy of Science, Regional
Environmental Change, Science, Soil Science Society of America J., Southwestern Naturalist; Torrey
Botanical Club; J. Tropical Ecology; Academic Press; Island Press, Norton Publishing Co., Saunders
Publishing Co.; Timberline Press, University of Oklahoma Press; Columbia University Press; Westview
Press; CAB International.
Proposal Reviews for: Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, National Science Foundation (Arctic System
Science Program; CAREERS Program; Ecology Program; Ecosystems Program; Population Biology
Program), Department of Energy/National Institute for Global Environmental Change, DOE Natl. Inst.
Climate Change Research, US Department of Agriculture (Ecosystems Program; Biology of Weeds &
Invasive Plants Program; Plant Response to Environment Program), NASA (Land Cover Land Use Change
and Carbon Cycle Programs) and the Smithsonian Institution Office of Fellowships & Grants.
• Invited speaker and Chair, Plant Ecology Technical Session, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Desertification, Hvanneyri, Iceland (1985)
• Invited seminar, Icelandic Biological Society (1985)
• US–AID sponsored consultant to Morocco (1987–1992)
• Invited participant, International Union of Biological Sciences/Man and the Biosphere program on
"Responses of Savannas to Stress and Disturbance" (1987–1993)
• Invited participant, International Geosphere/Biosphere Program workshop "Quantifying the Continental
Biosphere for Studying Global Change" (1991)
• Keynote Paper, 7th Australian Rangelands Conference (1992)
• Stobbs Memorial Lecture, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia (1993)
• Invited participant, International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project workshop on "Remote Sensing of
the Land Surface for Studies of Global Change" (1992)
• Assistant Task Leader, International Geosphere Biosphere Program's Global Change and Terrestrial
Ecosystems "Global Change Impacts on Pastures and Rangelands, and the Resulting Effects on Livestock
Production" (1992–1994)
• Invited lecturer, Department of Ecological Botany, University of Uppsala, Sweden (1992)
• Member, feasibility review panel, Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Woodland Ecology,
Brisbane (1992)
• Program reviewer, CSIRO Division of Pasture & Animal Production programs (1993)
• Invited plenary paper, 17th International Grassland Congress, New Zealand (1993)
• Co–organizer, "Rangelands & Global Change" session, 1995 International Rangeland Congress
• Invited participant, International Arid Lands Consortium workshop on "Arid Lands Management–Towards
Ecological Sustainability" (June 13–17, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel).
• Co–organizer, "Global Change Impacts on Pastures and Rangelands, and the Resulting Effects on Livestock
Production" workshop, International Geosphere Biosphere Program's Global Change and Terrestrial
Ecosystems program (IGBP–GCTE). July 1994, Canberra
• Invited participant, IGBP–GCTE Workshop on 'A Global Key of Functional Types for Modeling Ecosystem
Responses to Climate Change' (Potsdam–Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany, October,
1994 (declined–scheduling conflict)
• Invited lectures on savanna/grassland ecology at University of Natal (October, 1994)
• Core Program Evaluations, Republic of South Africa Foundation for Research and Development (1994Present)
• External examiner: Botany Dept., Univ. Natal, South Africa; School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie
University, Australia (3); Grassland Sciences, Univ. of the Orange Free State, South Africa; School of
Renewable Natural Resources, The University of New England, Australia; Dept. Botany, University of
Regina, Canada, Dept. Botany, University of Cape Town, South Africa, University of Port Elizabeth, South
• Organizing Committee, International Conference on Rangeland Degradation, Reykjavik, Iceland (1996-1997)
• Invited Participant, Workshop on the Role of Bush Encroachment in Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emission
Budget, Dept. Environment, Sports and Territories and Australian National University, Canberra (October
• Invited Participant, SCOPE Workshop on Tree-Grass Dynamics in Savannas, Paris (November 1996)
• Invited Chair, Biodiversity Session of 1997 International Grassland Congress, Winnepeg & Saskatoon,
Canada (Declined; scheduling conflict)
• Invited lecturer, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca Argentina (Oct-Nov. 1997)
Professional Service (cont.)
• Invited presentation, Rangeland Desertification Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland (Sept 1997)
• Invited presentation on savanna biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institut Für Biogeochemie, Oct 98.
• Co-Organizer "Managing Rangeland Plant Communities" symposium, 1999 International Rangeland
Congress, Townsville, Australia
• National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis Savanna Modeling Project ‘Interactions in Mixed TreeGrass Systems’ (1997-2000)
• Invited participant, Mitrani Department for Desert Ecology/Ramon Science Center and Blaustein Institute for
Desert Research workshop on ‘Biodiversity of Drylands’ (declined)
• Invited speaker XIX International Grassland Congress (Feb 2001), Sao Paulo, Brazil (declined)
• Invited to contribute article on 'Effects of Desertification on Productivity' for the 2001 Encyclopedia of Soil
Science (declined)
• GCTE Workshop on “Scaling processes through time and space, from plots to landscapes and regions” (Aug
‘00, Snowbird, Utah)
• Invited participant, Dahlem Conference on "Integrated Assessment of the Ecological, Meteorological, and
Human Dimensions of Global Desertification." (Berlin, June 2001; declined due to schedule conflict)
• Invited participant, workshop on "Evaluation of terrestrial carbon storage and dynamics by in-situ and remote
sensing measurements.” Institute for Basin Ecosystem Studies, Gifu University, Japan. (Nov 2002).
• Invited Speaker, International Rangeland Symposium, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes,
Aguascalientes, Mexico (Nov 2003)
• Invited speaker, Wild Rangelands: Conservation in the World’s Grazing Ecosystems Workshop, The
Zoological Society of London, Regents Park (January 2006)
• Invited speaker, Ecological Impacts of the Wildlife Conservation Units (UMAs) Policy Symposium,
Ecological Society of America International meetings. Merida, Mexico (January 2006; declined, schedule
• Program co-leader, United Nations SCOPE/FAO Global Biogeochemistry consequences subgroup in
“Livestock in a changing landscape” initiative (1st meeting: Rome, March 2006)
• Invited speaker and workshop participant: Earth System Feedbacks: Vulnerability of the Carbon
Cycle to Drought and Fire (Canberra, Australia, June 2006)
• Invited speaker and workshop participant: Afforestation and Sustainable Forests as a Means to Combat
Desertification" (Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007)
• Tenure/Promotion Evaluations
- CSIRO Div. Wildlife & Ecology (1997)
- Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas, Venezuela (Aug ‘00)
- Jordan University of Science and Technology
- School of Environmental Management at the University of South Australia (2006)
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (2006)
- King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops & Pastures, Australia
- Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC), Centro de Ecologia
• Invited participant, United Nations Environmental Programs workshop on ‘Evaluation of Available Sustainable
Land Management Indicators (Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug 2007)
• Invited participant, International Forum on Soils, Society and Global Change (Reykjavik, Iceland, Sep 2007)
• Invited participant, World Wildlife Fund Climate Camp professional training workshop (San Francisco, CA Feb
08. Declined; schedule conflict)
• Invited speaker, International Desert Workshop Unveiling Kumtag, Dunhuang City, Gansu Province hosted by
Institute of Desertification Studies, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China. Sept. 2009 (declined)
• Invited Instructor, NOVA University Network - The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University
Network Short Course on "Soil Degradation, Erosion and Restoration", Reykjavik, Iceland. June 2010.
• R.D. Watt Centenary Lecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney
Professional Service (cont.)
Program Committee, Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings (1985-86)
Chair, technical paper sessions, Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings (1986,‘87,‘91,‘92,’95,‘01)
Cooper Award Committee, Ecological Society of America (1995-1998)
Elroy Rice Lecture, University of Oklahoma (1986)
Invited symposium presentations: Soc. Range Management (1991, ‘92); Ecological Society of America (1978,
‘91, ‘94. ‘97, 2000, 2007)
Steering Committee, Univ. Corp. Atmospheric Research workshop, Global Change in Arid Lands (19881989)
Invited participant and plenary speaker, Bureau of Land Management workshop on global change (1991;
Reviewer, Agricultural Research Service, Squaw Butte Station, Burns, Oregon (1992; declined)
Invited participant, ISLSCP–Americas Workshop on "Remote Sensing of the Land Surface for Studies of
Global Change" (1992)
Invited participant, US Office of Technology Assessment Workshop "Systems at Risk From Climate Change
(1992; declined)
Invited participant, Herbivory in Northern Latitudes Workshop, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole,
(1992; declined).
Invited speaker, University of Arizona "Global Change Seminar Series" (1992)
Invited seminars at Max Planck Inst. Biogeochemistry, Univ. Arizona (School of Natural Resources,
Geogaphy, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Institute for Study of Planet Earth), Arizona State University,
Colorado State Univ., Jones Ecology Center (Georgia), Kansas State Univ., Sull Ross University, Univ.
California-Riverside, Univ. Oklahoma, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Univ. New Mexico, Univ.
Nebraska, Univ. Wyoming, NASA/Ames Research Center, EROS Data Center, Rice Univ., Univ. South
Dakota, South Dakota State Univ., Southwest Texas State Univ., ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center,
Tucson, Sul Ross University, Trinity Univ., Univ. Texas, Univ. Texas at San Antonio, Univ. Texas at
Brownsville, Texas A&M Univ. (Depts. of Wildlife & Fisheries; Meteorology; Geography; Entomology; Soil
& Crop Science).
Co–Organizer, Ecological Society of America–International Soc. Ecosystem Modeling Symposium "Nurse
Plants, Nucleation and Facilitation: Cluster Processes in Plant Succession" Knoxville, Tennessee (1994)
National Science Foundation, Ecology Program Panel (1994-1999)
Invited speaker, North American Savannas and Barrens Conference, Illinois State University (1994)(declined)
Invited lecturer, BLM National Training Office short course on 'Biodiversity: Meeting the Challenge'
(declined–scheduling conflict)
Lecturer, USDA/NRCS Rangeland Ecology short course (1989-1998)
Invited speaker, Sand County Foundation Workshop on 'Environmental Land Management and Ecological
Restoration (Santa Fe, November, 1994) (declined–scheduling conflict)
Invited participant, BLM National Training Office workshop on designing a short–course, 'Ecosystem
Management' (declined–scheduling conflict)
Tenure/promotion evaluations:
Arizona State University - Department of Plant Biology
Kansas State University - Biology Department (Distinguished Professor nomination)
North Carolina State – Department of Plant Biology
North Dakota State - Department of Animal & Range Science
Oklahoma State University - Department of Botany
Penn State - Department of Horticulture
Rutgers University – Biological Sciences
Southwest Texas State University - Biology Department
Texas A&M University - Ecosystem Science and Management
Utah State
Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences
Rangeland Resources
Department of Wildland Resources
Virginia Tech - Department of Biology
Washington State University
Department of Botany
Professional Service (cont.)
School of Biological Sciences
University of Arizona - School Renewable Natural Resources (2)
University of Arkansas - Biology Department
University of California-Berkeley - Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management (2)
University of California-Davis - Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management
University of Florida - Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation; West Florida Research and
Education Center (3)
University of Kansas - Biology Department
University of Nevada-Las Vegas – Biological Sciences (2)
University of New Mexico – Biology Department
University of Texas –El Paso - Dept. Biological Sciences
University of Texas – San Antonio
University of Wyoming
CSRS Review, Department of Animal and Range Science, Montana State University, June 1995 (Declined,
scheduling conflict)
Invited speaker, BLM Applied Biodiversity Conservation Workshops [Durango, CO (‘95); Butte, MT, Reno,
NV (‘96); Lac Cruces, NM [‘97]].
SERA-Task Force on Sustainable Agriculture & Agroecosystems (1996-1999)
Invited speaker, National Center for Atmospheric Research Summer Colloquium on ‘Terrestrial Ecosystems
and the Atmosphere’ (July, 1996)
Invited lecture, Colloquium in the Life Sciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins (1996)
Invited lecture, Biology Colloquium, University of Colorado, Boulder (1996)
Invited speaker, Ecological Society of America Symposium on ‘Natural and anthropogenic influences on
savanna ecosystems of the arid Southwest’ (Albuquerque, NM)(1997)
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis workshops on Tree- Grass Interactions (Co-organizer,
Invited lecturer, USDA/NRCS Soil Science Institute short course 1998.
Lecturer, National Park Service workshop on grazing ecology (Dec 98)
Invited talk on “State of the Science and Research Needs” at SRM/ESA/USFS Symposium on ‘Great Plains
Grasslands At The Millennium’ (Feb ‘98). Declined.
Invited presentation, Sevilleta LTER workshop, University of New Mexico (Jan ‘99)
Invited presentation, Symposium: Integrated Life and Earth Science Approaches to Understanding Global and
Environmental Change, University of Texas (April 1999)
Invited Lecturer, Department of Interior Conference on the Environment (Denver, CO)(April 1999)
Leu Distinguished Lecture, Center for Grassland Studies, Univ. Nebraska (Dec 1999)
Malpai Borderlands Science Advisory Panel (Jan ‘00) - declined
CSR Review Team, Rangeland Resources, Oregon State - declined
Invited participant, Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) All Scientists meeting, Aug 2-4, Snowbird, Utah
Nominated as reviewer for USDA/ARS National Program in Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (Beltsville, MD,
May 2000)
Invited speaker, Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings ‘Land Use and Land Cover Change’
symposium (August 2000)
Invited speaker/participant. NASA/Land Cover Land Use Change Workshop “ Changing Landscapes of Rural
America” (Sep. 2000, Mammoth Hot Springs, MT)
Invited participant, workshop on ‘Evaluating Ecosystem Indicators’, H. John Heinz III Center for Science,
Economics and the Environment, Washington, DC (October, 2000)
Invited keynote speaker, Cedar Creek LTER Annual Workshop, Minneapolis, MN (declined; scheduling
Reviewer, Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region’ (Union of Concerned Scientists, Dec. ‘00)
Invited speaker, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings ‘Ecosystem Simplification’ symposium (Feb
Review panel, NASA Carbon Cycle Science and Related Opportunities in Biology and Biogeochemistry of
Ecosystems and Applications Program (March ‘01; declined due to conflict of interest)
Invited speaker, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings ‘Invasive Weeds’ symposium (Feb 2001; declined
due to schedule conflict)
Professional Service (cont.)
• Invited speaker, Boston meeting of American Geophysical Union , special session on "Eco-hydrological
dynamics of water-controlled ecosystems" (29 May ‘01)(declined)
• Invited speaker, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings ‘State and Transition Model Assessment
Symposium’ (Feb. 2002, Kansas City)
• Invited speaker, Chapman Conference on Ecohydrology of Semiarid Landscapes (Sept. 2002, Taos)(declined)
• Invited speaker, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings Carbon Storage Symposium, Soc. Range
Management Annual Meetings, Casper, WY (Feb 2003)
• Davidson Lecture, Department of Biology, Baylor University, Waco, TX (April 2003)
• Panelist, USDA Managed Ecosystems Program (2003 declined; schedule conflict; 2004, 2005 declined,
conflict of interest
• Program Review Team, Joseph W. Jones Ecology Center (Feb 2003)
• Invited participant, USDA/NASA Workshop on Utilizing Earth science remote sensing data and models in
support of applications of national priority, March 4-5, Denver, CO. Declined; schedule conflict.
• Invited speaker, Ecological Society of America and Weed Science Society of America Conference on
“Invasive Plants in Natural and Managed Systems: Linking Science and Management Conference” November
3-7, Wyndham Bonaventure Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Declined; schedule conflict
• Invited panelist, USGS Science Plan Development meeting on ‘Forecasting Landscape Change’ June 26-27,
Tucson, AZ
• Review team, NSF-LTER Program, Jornada Basin site (Sep 6-8, 2003)
• Invited Speaker, American Geophysical Union Annual Meetings, Session on Ecohydrology of Brush
• Invited Member, Review Panel, University of Kentucky Savanna Ecology Program (Oct. 2003). Declined.
• CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.) Visioning Workshops
on the Ecohydrology of Arid and Semiarid Environments (2004-2005)
• Invited Member, Review Panel, NASA Carbon Cycle Science Program, 2004 (NRA-04-OES-01). Declined.
• Invited paper, American Quaternary Association 18th Biennial Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas, June 2004
• Invited Participant, NEON planning workshop on land use and habitat alteration, Baltimore, MD, Aug 2004
• Invited Participant, NEON planning workshop on climate change /variability, Tucson, AZ, Aug 2004
• Invited Presentation, NSF LTER Science Theme Meeting, Virginia Coastal Reserve LTER site, Cape Charles,
Virginia Sep 2005
• Invited participant, Vital Signs Monitoring in the National Parks prioritization workshop, Amarillo, TX
(Jan 2006; declined, schedule conflict).
• Invited Panelist, NASA Carbon Cycle Science (2006; declined, schedule conflict)
• Invited Panelist, USDA-NRI Biology of Weedy and Invasive Species (2006, declined, schedule conflict)
• Invited participant, USDA-NRCS State and Transition Modeling & Ecological Theory workshop,
Corvallis, OR (Aug 2006)
• Invited presentation, Symposium on “Resolving Critical Issues in the Development and Use of Ecological Site
Descriptions.” Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, NV (Feb 2007).
• Lead Author, Arid Lands Section, US Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.3
• National CEAP (Conservation Evaluation Assessment Project) team, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation
Service; lead writer on ‘Woody Plant Management’ section of the national report (2007-2009).
 Invited participant and Agency Heads briefing, USDA Strategic Plan for Climate Change meetings,
Washington, DC, Sep. 15-16, 2008.
 Leaders in Agriculture Lecture, Sul Ross State University (2009)
 Invited speaker, Chapman Conference “Ecohydrological Feedbacks of Landscape Change along Elevation
Gradients in Semiarid Regions’ Sun Valley, ID (Oct 2009). Declined.
 Invited speaker, Symposium on ‘Carbon Sequestration on Rangelands: Science, Policy and Economics”.
Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Denver, CO (Feb 2010). Declined.
 Assisted with establishment of NEON Inc's Desert Southwest Domain Science and Education Coordinating
Committee (DSECC) (2009)
 Steering Committee, Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Sensing of Global Savannas: A Scoping Study
for new NASA Terrestrial Ecology Field Campaign
 Invited panelist, NASA Earth Science Technology program. Oct 2010. Declined (schedule conflict).
Professional Service (cont.)
• Technical Advisor, Endangered Resources Committee, Texas Dept. Parks & Wildlife (1991–1995)
• Invited speaker, Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop (1991)
• Invited seminars at the University of Texas, Southwest Texas State, Rice University, Trinity University,
University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas Native Plant Society
• Instructor, High School Teacher’s Workshop on Rangeland Ecology & Management (week-long training
course sponsored by Texas Section of the Soc. Range Management and the Welder Wildlife Foundation (June
• Review Team, Freeman Ranch and Research Area, Southwest Texas State University (Oct 98)
• Invited speaker, Brush and Wildlife Management Symposium, San Angelo (Nov ‘00; declined)
• Invited speaker, Texas Plant Protection Conference, College Station (Dec ‘00)
• Invited speaker, Texas Extension Range Program (April ’01)
Graduate Program Committee, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (1992-1999)
Evans Library Serials Review Committee (1987–88)
Plant Physiology Faculty Seminar Committee (1988–1991)
TAES Staff Conference, Current Topics Committee (1988–1990; Chair, 1989,1990)
Forest Science Faculty Search/Selection Committee (1991)
Invited presentations at Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Staff Conference (1988, 1991) and at La
Copita Research Area Field Days (1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993).
Technical Advisory Committee, TAES La Copita Research Area (1992–2002)
COALS (College Agriculture & Life Sciences) Agricultural Program Faculty Advisory Committee (19951998)
COALS Research Enhancement Program Proposal Evaluation Panel (1995)
COALS Study Leave Evaluation Committee (1995-1997)
Nominations Evaluation Committee, COALS Distinguished Achievement Award, Teaching (1996)
Texas A&M School of Natural Resources Task Force (2000-2002)
Invited speaker, TAES/Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Symposium on “Brush, Water and
Wildlife A Compendium of Our Knowledge” - declined
Invited speaker on ‘Carbon Sequestration on Rangelands: Issues and Challenges’ at the Texas Range
Extension Specialists Annual Meetings (March ‘01)
Judge, County-wide Youth Science Fair (March ’02)
Computer Technology Committee (1988–1992)
Graduate Programs & Curricula Committee (1988–1991; Chair, 1992–2002)
Faculty Advisor, Graduate Student Organization (1986–1991)
Distinguished Lecturers Series Committee (1984-1988; Chair, 1984–86)
Awards Committee (1983–1988; Chair, 1984-1987)
Social Committee (1983-87; Chair, 1988)
Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee (1983-87)
Faculty Search and Selection Committees (biogeochemist, 1986; restoration ecologist, 1987; Visiting
Assistant Professor, 1989; landscape systems ecologist, 1994, 1995; hydrologist 2000)
• Evans Library Faculty Representative (1986–1988)
• Graduate/Faculty Seminar Program Committee (1992–1993; Chair 1994–1996)
• Equipment Access Fees Committee (1994-2002)
Professional Service (cont.)
• Tenure and Promotion Committee (1988-2002)
• E.J. Dyksterhuis Distinguished Lecture Series Committee (1995-2002)
• RLEM Graduate Fellowship Selection Committee (1997-2002)
• Member, Malpai Borderlands Science Advisory Panel
• Invited speaker, Master Watershed Steward training program, 20 March 2003, UA South in Sierra Vista.
Declined; schedule conflict.
• Invited speaker, Arizona State Hydrological Society Annual Meetings, September 2004
• Invited speaker, Southwest Vegetation Management Association Annual Meetings (Nov 2005); declined
(schedule conflict)
• Soc. Range Management State Section Meeting, organizer, speaker (Jan 2006)
• Forest Health Advisory Climate Impacts Subcommittee (2005 – present)
• Invited speaker, Arizona Section, Soc. Range Management Winter meetings, San Carlos, AZ. (Jan 25, 2006).
• Executive Committee, Global Change Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona (member; 2003-present)
• Earth Science and Environmental Programs Committee, College of Agric. & Life Sciences (member; 2003)
• Arid Lands Resources Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (member; 2003 – present)
• Executive Committee, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth (2003-2009)
• Faculty Search & Screen Committee (member), Climate Science Position, Department of Soil, Water &
Environmental Science (2003-04)
• Faculty Search & Screen Committee (member), Biogeochemist Position, Geosciences (2004-05)
• College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Post-Tenure Review Committee (member), 2005 – 2007
• Search and Screen Committee (member), Director, School of Natural Resources position (2005-06)
• Faculty Search & Screen Committee (member), Plant-Soil Relations Position, Soil, Water & Environmental
Science (2007)
• CALS Quality Guidance Council (member; 2007 – present)
• Faculty Advisory Committee, Institute of the Environment (2009-present)
• Search and Screen Committee (member), Forests in the Earth System position, Laboratory of Tree Ring
Research (2010)
• Laureate Hire committee: Russ Monson (2010)
Recruitment & Retention Committee, 2002- 2006
Curriculum & Instruction Committee, 2004 – 2007
Core Curriculum Committee, 2003-2007
RFR Faculty Post-tenure Review Committee 2002-Present
Space Allocation Committee, 2004-2006
Awards Committee: 2002
Faculty Status Committee (elected), member 2004-2005; Chair 2006 – 2007, member 2008-present
Faculty Search/Screen Committees:
 Inventory & Monitoring position, 2003-2004 (member)
 Ecohydrology position (2004) (chair)
 Director position (2006) (member)
Information Technology/Advanced Resources Technology Committee (member); 2007 – Present
Colloquium Committee (Chair, 2007-2008)
Grantsmanship (cont.)
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1986–89. An ecological basis for a working bionomic model (862-2925)($79,000). PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1988-89. Dissemination of seed by cattle: potentials for
rangeland revegetation.(88–38300–3625)($20,905). CO-PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1989-1992. Succession on mixed-shrublands: reconstructing the
past and predicting the future.(89–38300–4508)($72,000). PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1989-1991. Dissemination of seed by cattle: potentials for
rangeland revegetation (continuation).(89–38300–4505)($55,000). CO-PI
USDA/CSRS Southern Region Integrated Pest Management Program. 1990–1992. Manipulation of cattle–
vegetation–tick interactions: unexplored IPM strategies. (90–34103–4979) ($115,000). CO-PI
NASA/EOS. 1991–2001. Using multi–sensor data to model factors limiting carbon balance in global arid and
semi–arid lands.(NAGW–2662).CO-PI
NSF/Ecosystems. 1991–94. Spatial dynamics at individual and landscape levels: vegetation cluster processes in
semi–arid ecosystems. (BSR–9109240) ($748,113). CO-PI
The Texas Nature Conservancy. 1990–91. Plant communities of the Mesquite Brushland Preserve, Duvall, Co.,
Texas.($1,498). PI
NASA/Graduate Student Research Program. 1990–92. Using multi–sensor data to model effects of biomass
combustion on ecosystem dynamics. ($44,000). PI
The Texas Nature Conservancy. 1991–92. Spatial attributes of the Mesquite Brushland Preserve: vegetation,
topography, soils and physical features.($1,997). PI
USDA/National Research Initiative. 1992–1995. A demographic basis for monitoring vegetation change in
grassland communities.(92–37101–7463)($222,392). CO-PI
DOE/National Institute for Global Environmental Change. 1993–1994. Land cover change and regional
tropospheric chemistry.(DE–F03–90ER61010)($99,995). PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1993–1995. Spatial modeling of succession in a subtropical
savanna: an integrated approach. (93–38300–8730–9304280)($73,982). PI
USDA/Soil Conservation Service. 1993. Analysis of rangeland woody plant elements in 3rd Resource
Conservation Act appraisal.(68–3A75–4–15)($20,000). PI
USDA/Soil Conservation Service. 1994. Analysis of rangeland woody plant elements in 3rd Resource
Conservation Act appraisal. (68–3A75–4–15)($40,000). PI
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advanced Research Program. 1994–1996.
dynamics, land cover and tropospheric chemistry. (999902126) ($140,000). PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1994–1996. Tree/shrub influence on the nitrogen cycle of a
subtropical savanna ecosystem. (94-38300-1694) ($70,000). CO-PI
USDA/Soil Conservation Service. 1995. Analysis of rangeland woody plant elements in 3rd Resource
Conservation Act appraisal. ($48,927). PI
Grantsmanship (cont.)
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1995–1998. Hydrologic mechanisms determining plant species
interactions in grazed savannas. (95-38300-1694) ($79,992). CO-PI
Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation. 1995-1997. Ecology of bush encroachment in south Texas. ($36,
224). PI
TAMU Faculty Mini-Grant Program. 1996. New tools for climate/vegetation reconstruction in arid lands.
(FMG 96-64) ($1,250). PI
The Texas Nature Conservancy. 1996-1997. Woody plant invasion in a south Texas savanna: pattern and
process. ($2,500). PI
USDA/CSRS Rangeland Research Program. 1996–1999. Quantification of vegetation transitions and
thresholds on diverse landscapes. (96-03983) ($79,893). PI
USDA/National Research Initiative. 1996–1999. Historic change in tree/grass abundance: implications for C
and N storage. (96-00842) ($352,700). PI
NASA Land Cover Land Use Change Program. 1997-2000. Quantifying grassland-to-woodland transitions
and the implications for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the Southwestern United States. (NAG5-6134)
($550,000) CO-PI.
NSF Ecology. 1999-2002. Facilitation, competition and woody patch dynamics in a savanna parkland. DEB9815607 (TAMU); 0303886 (UA) ($400,000). PI.
National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis. 1998-1999. Interactions in Mixed Tree-Grass Systems.
($50,800) CO-PI.
Icelandic Soil Conservation Service. 1999-2001. Rangeland Degradation at High Latitudes. ($50,770). PI.
NSF-Ecology. 2001. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($6,000). PI.
NSF-Ecosystem Science. 2002-2005. Scaling soil C And N storage in changing savanna parkland landscapes:
spatial structure, prediction and uncertainty assessment ($385,000). CO-PI. DEB-9981723.
NASA LCLUC-Carbon Cycle Initiative. 2001-2004. Regional NPP and Carbon Stocks in Southwestern USA
Rangelands: Land-use Impacts on the Grassland-Woodland Balance ($965,834). CO-PI. NAG5-11238
USDA Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (Task 1). 2002-2004. Woody
plant encroachment in grasslands: implications of increased primary production for soil carbon
sequestration ($100,000). CO-PI.
NSF-Ecology. 2002. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($6,000). DEB-9815607. PI.
NSF-Ecosystems. 2002. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($6,000). DEB-9981723. Co-PI
USDA Managed Ecosystems Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. 2003-2005. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics
in rangelands: effects of contrasting grazing and brush management practices ($90,000). CO-PI.
NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. 2003-2005. Impact of woody plant
proliferation and land use history on soil C pools and processes. ($125,000). CO-PI.
Grantsmanship (cont.)
USDA State Agricultural Experiment Station. 2004-2009. Woody plant proliferation in rangelands: rates,
patterns and consequences. ARTZ-136711-H-12-167 (Accession 0198071). PI ($12,000/y)
DOE/NSF Workshop Grant. 2004 Ecohydrology of Arid and Semiarid Environments Vision Paper.
($10,000). CO-PI.
USDA-NRI Managed Ecosystems. 2004-2008. Ecosystem carbon and nitrogen pools in managed rangelands: a
spatial accounting of management influences. With Heather Throop and Mitch McClaran. $503,000. Award
2005-35101-15408. PI
NSF 2005-2007. Woody plant encroachment into desert grasslands: an experimental assessment of the critical
establishment phase. With Susan Schwinning (Texas State Univ.) and Larry Howery (U Arizona); George
Ruyle (U Arizona), collaborator. $450,000. DEB-0531691.
NSF-Ecology. 2006. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($6,000). DEB-0620564. PI.
NSF-LTER. 2006-2012. Jornada Basin LTER V: Landscape linkages in arid and semiarid ecosystems. DEB0618210. $4,920,000. Co-PI
NSF-Ecology. 2007. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($7,500). DEB-724631. PI.
USDA-NRI Biology of Weedy and Invasive Species in Agroecosystems 2008-2011. A hierarchical, geospatial
approach to predicting and mitigating shrub invasion in the southwestern United States. With Brandon
Bestelmeyer (UADA-ARS/Las Cruces & New Mexico State Univ.) $400,000. 2008-35320-18684. Co-PI
NSF Ecosystems. 2008. Collaborative Research: Decomposition in drylands: Soil erosion and UV interactions
With Heather Throop (New Mexico State), Paul Barnes (Loyola), Rebecca McCulley (Univ. Kentucky) and
Dave Breshears (Univ. Arizona).
Total: $1,117,000; UA portion: $523,120. DEB- 0816162. PI.
NSF-Ecology. 2008. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($10,520). DEB-724631. PI.
NSF-Ecosystems. 2008. Research Experience for Undergraduates ($7,000). DEB- 0924641. PI.
Published Abstracts: 259
Refereed Publications: 86
Book Chapters:
Edited Volumes:
Invited Presentations:
Official Reports:
Workshop/Symposium Proc.:
Popular Articles:
PUBLICATIONS (• = invited submissions; grad student/post-doc authors
underlined;§=undergraduate student)
1. Blankespoor, G, S Archer, D Ode§. 1979. Breeding colonies of double-crested cormorants and great blue
herons on Lake Francis Case, South Dakota during summer of 1978. South Dakota Bird Notes 31:4-9.
2. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1980. Growth and physiological responses of tundra plants to defoliation. Arctic
and Alpine Research 12:531-552.
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
Archer, S, LJ Zimmerman, LL Tieszen. 1982. Ecological characterization as a foundation for prediction of
plains village tradition site locations in central South Dakota. North American Archaeologist 3:311-332.
4. Archer, S, A Arnalds. 1983. Spring grazing on Icelandic rangelands: factors to consider. Icelandic
Journal of Agricultural Research 14:55-68.
5. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1983. Growth and biomass allocation in an Arctic tundra sedge (Eriophorum
vaginatum) following defoliation. Oecologia 58:92-102.
6. Archer, S. 1984. The distribution of photosynthetic pathway types on a mixed-grass prairie hillside.
American Midland Naturalist 111:138-142.
7. Archer, S, JK Detling. 1984. Effects of defoliation and competition on regrowth of tillers of two North
American mixed-grass prairie graminoids. Oikos 43:351-357.
8. Archer, S, JK Detling. 1986. Evaluation of potential herbivore mediation of plant water status in a North
American mixed–grass prairie. Oikos 47:287-291.
9. Archer, S, M Garrett, JK Detling. 1987. Rates of vegetation change associated with prairie dog (Cynomys
ludovicianus) grazing in North American mixed-grass prairie. Vegetatio 72:159-166.
10. Brown, JR, S. Archer. 1987. Woody plant seed dispersal and gap formation in a North American subtropical
savanna woodland: the role of domestic herbivores. Vegetatio 73:73-80.
11. Archer, S, CJ Scifres, C Bassham§, R Maggio. 1988. Autogenic succession in a subtropical savanna: rates,
dynamics and processes in the conversion of grassland to thorn woodland. Ecological Monographs 58:111127.
12. Tieszen, LL, D McElroy§, S Archer, RW Klukas. 1988. Vegetation units at Wind Cave National Park for use
in stable isotopic interpretations of diets. South Dakota Academy of Science 67:84-99.
13. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1989. Woody plant invasion of grasslands: establishment of mesquite Prosopis
glandulosa) on sites differing in herbaceous biomass and grazing history. Oecologia 80:19-26.
14. Archer, S. 1989. Have Southern Texas savannas been converted to woodlands recent history? American
Naturalist 134:545-561.
15. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1990. Water relations of a perennial grass and seedling versus adult woody plants in a
subtropical savanna, Texas. Oikos 57:366–374.
16. Archer, S. 1990. Development and stability of grass/woody mosaics in a subtropical savanna parkland, Texas,
USA. Journal of Biogeography 17:453–462.
17. Pyke, DA, S Archer. 1991. Plant–plant interactions affecting plant establishment and persistence on
revegetated rangeland. Journal of Range Management 44:550–567.
18. Archer, S, DA Pyke. 1991. Plant–animal interactions affecting plant establishment and persistence on
revegetated rangeland. Journal of Range Management 44:558–565.
19. Scanlan, JC, S Archer. 1991. Simulated dynamics of succession in a North American subtropical Prosopis
savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science 2:625–634.
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
20. Flinn, RC, CJ Scifres, S Archer. 1992. Variations in basal sprouting in five co–occurring shrubs:
implications for stand dynamics. Journal of Vegetation Science 3:125–128.
21. Archer, S. 1993. Vegetation dynamics in changing environments. Rangelands Journal 15:104–116.
22. Flinn, RC, S Archer, TW Boutton, T Harlan. 1994. Identification of annual rings in an arid-land woody
plant, Prosopis glandulosa. Ecology 75:850–853.
23. Boutton, TW, SR Archer, LC Nordt. 1994. Climate, CO2 and plant abundance. Nature 72:625-626.
24. Okuda, T, S Archer, JK Detling. 1994. Floristic diversity of C3 and C4 graminoids in relation to the
grazing/landscape level in a short–grass steppe. Hikobia 11:553-560.
25. Archer, S, DS Schimel, EA Holland. 1995. Mechanisms of shrubland expansion: land use, climate or CO 2?
Climatic Change 29:91-99.
26. Owens, MK, RB Wallace, S Archer. 1995. Seed dormancy and persistence of Acacia berlandieri and
Leucaena pulverulenta in a semi-arid environment. Journal Arid Environments 29:15-23.
27. Archer, S. 1995. Tree-grass dynamics in a Prosopis -thornscrub savanna parkland: reconstructing the past and
predicting the future. Ecoscience 2: 83-99.
28. Owens, MK, RB Wallace, S Archer. 1995. Microsite influences on shrub recruitment in a disturbed semi–
arid Quercus–Juniperus woodland. Oikos 74:493-502.
29. Archer, S. 1995. Herbivore mediation of grass–woody plant interactions. Tropical Grasslands 29: 218-235.
30. Barnes, PW, SR Archer. 1996. Influence of an overstory tree (Prosopis glandulosa) on associated shrubs in
a savanna parkland: implications for patch dynamics. Oecologia 105:493-500.
31. Ocumpaugh, WR, S Archer, JW Stuth. 1996. Switchgrass recruitment from broadcast seed vs seed fed to
cattle. Journal of Range Management 49:368-371.
Zitzer, SF, S Archer, TW Boutton. 1996. Spatial variability in symbiotic N 2-fixation potential of woody
plants in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology 33:1125-1136.
33. Weltzin, JF, S Archer, RK Heitschmidt. 1997. Small mammal regulation of vegetation structure in a
temperate savanna. Ecology 78:751-763.
34. Li, Bai-Lian, S Archer. 1997. Weighted mean patch size: a robust index for quantifying landscape structure.
Ecological Modelling 102: 353-361.
Scholes, RJ, S Archer. 1997.
Systematics 28:517-544.
Tree-grass interactions in savannas.
Annual Review of Ecology &
36. Boutton, TW, S Archer, AJ Midwood, SF Zitzer, R. Bol. 1998. 13C values of soil organic carbon and their
use in documenting vegetation change in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Geoderma: 82:5-41.
37. Asner, GP, CA Wessman, DS Schimel, S Archer. 1998. Leaf and litter optical properties: implications for
BRDF models and inversions using AVHRR, MODIS AND MISR. Remote Sensing of Environment
38. Asner, GP, CA Wessman, S Archer. 1998. Scale dependence of PAR absorption in terrestrial ecosystems.
Ecological Applications 8:1003-1021.
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
39. Weltzin, JF, S Archer, RK Heitschmidt. 1998. Defoliation and woody plant (Prosopis glandulosa ) seedling
establishment: potential vs. realized herbivory tolerance. Plant Ecology 138:127-135.
40. Midwood, AJ, TW Boutton, SR Archer, SE Watts. 1998. Water use by woody plants on contrasting soils
in a savanna parkland: assessment with 2H and 18O. Plant and Soil 205:13-24.
41. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1999. Shrub invasion of grassland: recruitment is continuous and not regulated by
herbaceous biomass or density. Ecology 80:2385-2396.
42. Barnes, PW, S Archer. 1999. Tree-shrub interactions in a subtropical savanna parkland: competition or
facilitation? Journal of Vegetation Science 10:525-536.
43. Guenther, A, S Archer, J Greenberg, P Harley, D Helmig, L Klinger, L Vierling, M Wildermuth, P
Zimmerman, S Zitzer. 1999. Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions and land cover/climate change in a
subtropical savanna. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B) 24: 659-667.
44. Boutton, TW, SR Archer, AJ Midwood. 1999. Stable isotopes in ecosystem science: structure, function and
dynamics of a subtropical savanna. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 13:1263-1277.
45. Stroh, JC, S Archer, JA Doolittle, LP Wilding. 2001. Detection of edaphic discontinuities with groundpenetrating radar and electromagnetic induction. Landscape Ecology 16:377-390.
46. Hibbard, KA, S Archer, DS Schimel, D Valentine. 2001. Biogeochemical changes accompanying woody
plant encroachment in a subtropical savanna. Ecology 82:1999-2011.
47. Miller, D, SR Archer, SF Zitzer, MT Longnecker. 2001. Annual rainfall, topoedaphic hetrogeneity and
growth of an arid land tree (Prosopis glandulosa) . Journal of Arid Environments 48:23-33.
48. Nelson, JA, PW Barnes, SR Archer. 2002. Leaf demography and growth responses to altered resource
availability in woody plants of contrasting leaf habit in a subtropical savanna. Plant Ecology 160:193-205.
49. Hibbard, KA, DS Schimel, SR Archer, D Ojima, W Parton. 2003. Grassland to woodland transitions:
integrating changes in landscape structure and biogeochemistry. Ecological Applications 13:911-926.
50. House, J, SR Archer, D Breshears, RJ Scholes. 2003. Conundrums in mixed woody-herbaceous plant
systems. Journal of Biogeography 30:1763-1777.
51. Jurena, PN, Archer, SR. 2003. Woody plant establishment and spatial heterogeneity in grasslands. Ecology
52. Asner, GP, Archer, SR, Hughes, RF, Ansley, RJ, Wessman, CA. 2003. Net changes in regional woody
vegetation cover and carbon storage in Texas drylands, 1937-1999. Global Change Biology 9:316-335.
53. McCulley, RL, SR Archer, TW Boutton, FM Hons, DA Zuberer. 2004. Soil respiration and nutrient cycling in
wooded communities developing in grassland. Ecology 85: 2804-2817.
54. Dale, V, SR Archer, M Chang, DS Ojima. 2005. Ecological impacts and mitigation strategies for rural land
management. Ecological Applications 15: 1879-1892.
55. Northup, BK, Zitzer, SF, Archer, SR, McMurtry, CR, and Boutton, TW. 2005. Aboveground biomass and C
and N content of woody species in a subtropical thornscrub parkland. Journal of Arid Environments
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
56. Jurena, PN, Archer, SR. 2005. Response of two perennial grasses to root barriers and fissures. Journal of Arid
Environments 61:185-192.
57. Fensham, RJ, RJ Fairfax, SR Archer. 2005. Rainfall, land use and woody vegetation cover change in semi-arid
Australian savanna. Journal of Ecology 93:596-606.
58. Zou, CB, Barnes, PW, Archer, SR, McMurtry, CR. 2005. Soil moisture redistribution as a mechanism of
facilitation in savanna tree-shrub clusters. Oecologia DOI 10.1007/s00442-005-0110-8.
59. Wu, XB, SR Archer. 2005. Scale-dependent influence of topography-based hydrologic features on vegetation
patterns in savanna landscapes. Landscape Ecology 20:733-742.
60. Herrick, JE, BT Bestelmeyer, SR Archer, AJ Tugel, JR Brown. 2006. An integrated framework for sciencebased arid land management. Journal of Arid Environments 65:319-335.
61. Newman, BD. BP Wilcox, SR Archer, DD Breshears, CN Dahm, CJ Duffy, NG McDowell, FM Phillips, BR
Scanlon, ER Vivoni. 2006. The ecohydrology of arid and semiarid environments: a scientific vision. Water
Resources Research 42: W06302
Hughes, RF, SR Archer, GP Asner, CA Wessman, C McMurtry, J Nelson, RJ Ansley. 2006. Changes in
aboveground primary production and carbon and nitrogen pools accompanying woody plant encroachment
in a temperate savanna. Global Change Biology 12:1733-1747
Simmons, MT, SR Archer, RJ Ansley, WR Teague. 2007. Grass effects on tree (Prosopis glandulosa)
growth in a subtropical savanna. Journal of Arid Environments 69:212-227
McCulley, R., Boutton, TW, Archer, SR. 2007. Soil respiration in a subtropical savanna parkland:
responses to water additions. Soil Science Soc. America Journal 71:820-828.
Throop, HL, SR Archer. 2007. Interrelationships among shrub encroachment, land management and leaf
litter decomposition in a semi-desert grassland. Ecological Applications 17:1809-1823.
Wheeler, CW, SR Archer, GP Asner, CR McMurtry. 2007. Climate and edaphic controls on soil carbonnitrogen response to woody plant encroachment in desert grassland. Ecological Applications 17:19111928.
Huang, C, SE Marsh, MP McClaran, SR Archer. 2007. Post-fire stand structure in a semi-arid savanna:
cross-scale challenges estimating biomass. Ecological Applications 17: 1899–1910.
Simmons, MT, SR Archer, WR Teague, RJ Ansley. 2008. Tree (Prosopis glandulosa) effects on grass
growth: an experimental assessment of above- and belowground interactions in a temperate savanna.
Journal of Arid Environments 72: 314-325.
Orradottir, B, SR Archer, O Arnalds, LP Wilding, TL Thurow. 2008. Infiltration in Icelandic Andisols: the
role of vegetation and soil frost. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40:412-421.
Knapp AK, Briggs JM, Collins SL, Archer SR, Bret-Harte MS, Ewers BE, Peters DP, Young DR, Shaver
GR, Pendall E, Cleary MB. 2008. Shrub encroachment in North American grasslands: Shifts in growth
form dominance rapidly alters control of ecosystem carbon inputs. Global Change Biology 14:615-623.
71. Browning, DM, SR Archer, GP Asner, MP McClaran, CA Wessman. 2008. Woody plants in grasslands:
post-encroachment stand dynamics. Ecological Applications 18:928-944.
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
72. Bai, E, T Boutton, F Liu, X. Wu, SR Archer. 2008. Variation in woody plant δ13C along a topoedaphic
gradient in a subtropical savanna parkland Oecologia 156:479-489.
73. Throop, HL, SR Archer. 2008. Shrub (Prosopis velutina) encroachment in a semi-desert grassland: spatialtemporal changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools. Global Change Biology 14: 2420-2431.
74. Archer, SR, Predick, KI. 2008. Climate change and ecosystems of the Southwestern USA. Rangelands 30:
75. Throop, HL, SR Archer. 2008. Resolving the dryland decomposition conundrum: some new perspectives on
potential drivers. Progress in Botany 70:171-194.
76. Bai, E., Boutton, TW, Liu, F, Wu, XB, Archer, SR, Hallmark, CT. 2008. Spatial variation of the stable
nitrogen isotope ratio of woody plants along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna. Oecologia:
77. Nafus, A, McClaran, MP, Archer, SR & Throop, HL. 2009. Multi-species allometric models predict grass
biomass in semi-Desert rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management: 62:68-72.
78. Okin, GS, D'Odorico, P, Archer, SR. 2009. Impact of feedbacks on Chihuahuan desert grasslands: transience
and metastability. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences:114: G01004.
79. Bai, E., Boutton, TW, Wu, XB, Liu, F, Archer, SR. 2009. Landscape-scale vegetation dynamics inferred
from spatial patterns of soil δ13C in a subtropical savanna parkland. Journal Geophysical Research –
Biogeosciences: 114, G01019.
80. Browning, DM, Archer, SR, Byrne§, AT. 2009. Field validation of 1930s aerial photography: What are we
missing? Journal of Arid Environments 73:844-853.
81. Hatch, SL, Tomas, MA, Archer, SR. 2009. Bouteloua curtipendula var. tenuis (Poaceae: Cynodonteae) new
to Texas and the United States and a key to B. curtipendula varieties. Journal of the Botanical Research
Institute of Texas 3(2):965-967.
82. Stokes, CJ, Archer, SR. 2010. Niche differentiation and neutral theory: an integrated perspective on shrub
assemblages in a parkland savanna. Ecology 91:1152-1162
83. Farley, AL, PR Owens, Z Libohova, XB Wu, LP Wilding., SR Archer. 2010. Use of terrain attributes as a
tool to explore the interaction of vertic soils and surface hydrology in South Texas playa wetland systems.
Journal of Arid Environments 74:1487-1493.
84. Liu, F., X. Ben Wu, E Bai, TW Boutton, SR Archer. 2010. Spatial scaling of ecosystem C and N in a
subtropical savanna landscape. Global Change Biology 16: 2213-2223.
85. Woods, SR, SR Archer, S Schwinning. 2010. Early taproot development of a xeric shrub (Larrea tridentata)
is optimized within a narrow range of soil moisture. Plant Ecology: In Press (13 Sep 2010).
86. Bai, E, TW. Boutton, F Liu, XB Wu, SR Archer. 2010. Spatial patterns of soil δ13C reveal grassland-towoodland successional processes. Organic Geochemistry doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.11.004
87. Liu, F., X. B. Wu, E. Bai, T. Boutton, SR. Archer. 2010. Quantifying soil organic carbon in complex
landscapes. Global Change Biology: In Press
88. Browning, DM, Archer, SR. 2011. Protection from livestock fails to deter shrub proliferation in a desert
landscape with a history of heavy grazing. Ecological Applications (In Press).
Refereed Journal Publications (• = invited submissions; student/post-doc authors underlined; §=undergraduate student)(cont.)
89. Bestelmeyer, BT, DP Goolsby, and SR Archer. 2011. Spatial perspectives in state-and-transition models: a
missing link to land management? Journal of Applied Ecology (In Press).
90. Barger, NN, SR Archer, JL Campbell, CH Huang, J. Morton, AK Knapp. 2011. Woody plant encroachment
and the North American carbon budget. Journal Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences (submitted 30
July 2010; accepted pending revisions).
91. Guan, L, N Liu, SRArcher. 2009. Ecophysiological explanations on encroachment of woody plant functional
type in southwestern North America. Journal of Vegetation Science: Submitted.
92. Liu, F., X. Ben Wu, E Bai, TW Boutton, SR Archer. 2011. Spatial patterns of woody vegetation along a
topoedaphic gradient in a savanna landscape. Vegetatio: Submitted.
93. Bai, E., Boutton, TW, Liu, F, Wu, XB, Archer, SR, Hallmark, CT. 2011. Spatial variation of soil δ13C and its
relation to carbon input and soil texture in a subtropical lowland woodland. Journal Geophysical Research
– Biogeosciences: Submitted
94. Throop, HL, LG Reichman, OE Sala, SR Archer. 2011. An ecophysiological basis for shrub invasion of hot
desert grasslands. Oecologia (submitted 1 November 2010)
95. Barnes, PB, HL Throop, ML Abbene§, SR Archer. 2011. Soil coverage negates UV photodegradation of
plant litter. Global Biogeochemical Cycles (submitted 10 Nov 2010).
96. Throop, HL, SR Archer, HC Monger, S. Waltman. 2010. When bulk density methods matter: implications
for estimating soil organic carbon pools in coarse soils. . Global Biogeochemical Cycles (submitted Nov
Arnalds, O, S. Archer, eds. 1999. Case studies of rangeland desertification: proceedings from an international
workshop. Icelandic Agricultural Research Service (RALA Report No. 200), Reykjavik, Iceland.
Arnalds, O, S Archer, eds. 2000. Rangeland Desertification. Advances in Vegetation Science Vol. 19, Kluwer
Publishing Company. (
Archer , S. 2000. Proliferation of woody plants in grassland: a bibliography. URL: archer/bibliography.html
1. Tieszen, LL, S Archer. 1979. Physiological responses of plants to grazing in tundra systems, pp. 22-42. In:
Special Management Needs of Alpine Ecosystems (DA Johnson, ed.), Range Science Series No. 5,
Society for Range Management, Denver, Colorado.
2. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1986. Plant response to defoliation: hierarchical considerations, pp. 45-59. In::
Grazing Research at Northern Latitudes (O Gudmundsson, ed.) Plenum Publ. Co., New York.
Book Chapters
3. Archer, S, LR Rittenhouse. 1986. Conclusions and recommendations, pp. 349-351. In: Grazing Research at
Northern Latitudes (O Gudmundsson, ed.) Plenum Publ. Co., New York.
4. Tieszen, LL, S Archer. 1990. Isotopic assessment of vegetation changes in grassland and woodland systems,
pp. 293–321. In:: Plant biology of the Basin and Range (CB Osmond, LF Pitelka, GM Hidy, eds.),
Ecological Studies 80, Springer-Verlag, New York.
5. Archer, S, FE Smeins. 1991. Ecosystem–level processes, pp. 109–139. In:: Grazing Management: An
Ecological Perspective (RK Heitschmidt, JW Stuth, eds.). Timberline Press, Portland, OR.
( textbook/textbook-fr.html)
6. Archer, S. 1991. Development and stability of grass/woody mosaics in a subtropical savanna parkland, Texas,
USA, pp. 109–118. In: Savanna Ecology And Management: Australian Perspectives and
Intercontinental Comparisons (PA Werner, ed.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
7. Aradottir, A, O Arnalds, S Archer. 1992. Degradation of vegetation and soils, pp.73–82. In: Icelandic
Yearbook of Soil Conservation (A Arnalds, ed). Soil Conservation Service, Gunnarsholt, Iceland (in
8. Archer, S. 1994. Regulation of ecosystem structure and function: climatic versus non–climatic factors, pp.
245– 255. In: Handbook of Agricultural Meteorology (J Griffiths, ed.). Oxford University Press.
9. Archer, S. 1994. Woody plant encroachment into southwestern grasslands and savannas: rates, patterns and
proximate causes, pp. 13–68. In: Ecological implications of livestock herbivory in the West (M Vavra,
WA Laycock, RD Pieper, eds.). Society for Range Management, Denver.
10. Schimel, DS, VB Brown, KA Hibbard, CP Lund, S Archer. 1995. Aggregation of species properties for
biogeochemical modeling: empirical results, pp. 209–214. In: Linking species and ecosystems (CG
Jones, JH Lawton, eds.). Chapman & Hall, New York.
11.Archer, S, M Coughenour, C Dall'Aglio, GW Fernandez, J Hay, W Hoffman, C Klink, J Silva, OT Solbrig.
1996. Savanna biodiversity and ecosystem properties, pp. 207-215. In: Biodiversity and savanna
ecosystem processes: a global perspective (OT Solbrig, E Medina, JF Silva, eds.). Ecological Studies
Vol.121, Springer–Verlag, New York.
12. Archer, S. 1996. Assessing and interpreting grass-woody plant dynamics, pp. 101-134. In: The Ecology
And Management of Grazing Systems (J. Hodgson and A. Illius, eds.). CAB International, Wallingford,
Oxon, UK.
13.Archer, S, W MacKay, J Mott, SE Nicholson, MP Moreno, ML Rosenzweig, NG Seligman, NE West, J
Williams. 1999. Arid and semi-arid land community dynamics in a management context, pp 48-74. In::
Arid Lands Management: Toward Ecological Sustainability (TW Hoekstra and M Shachak, eds.).
University of Illinois Press, Champaign.
14.Arnalds, O, S Archer. 2000. Introduction, pp. 1-4. In: Rangeland Desertification O. Arnalds and S. Archer,
eds). Advances in Vegetation Science Vol. 19, Kluwer Publishing Company.
15.Archer, S, CJ Stokes.2000. Stress, disturbance and change in rangeland ecosystems, pp. 19-38. In:
Rangeland Desertification (O Arnalds and S Archer, eds). Advances in Vegetation Science Vol. 19, Kluwer
Publishing Company.
16.Archer, S, TW Boutton, KA Hibbard. 2001. Trees in grasslands: biogeochemical consequences of woody
plant expansion, pp. 115-137. In: Global Biogeochemical Cycles in the Climate System (E-D Schulze, SP
Harrison, M Heimann, EA Holland, J Lloyd, IC Prentice, D Schimel, eds.). Academic Press, San Diego.
Book Chapters
17.Archer, S., Bowman, A. 2002. Understanding and managing rangeland plant communities, pp. 63-80. In:
Global rangelands: progress and prospects (A. Grice and K. Hodgkinson, eds.). CAB International,
Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom.
18. Archer, S., TW Boutton. CR McMurtry. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen storage in a savanna landscape: field and
modeling perspectives, pp. 359-373. In: Global Environmental Change in the Ocean and on Land (H.
Kawahata and H. Koizumi, eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishing, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
19.Wessman, CA, Archer, S, Johnson, LC, Asner, GP. 2004. Woodland expansion in US grasslands: assessing
land-cover change and biogeochemical impacts, pp 185-208. In: Land Change Science: Observing,
Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth’s Surface (G. Gutman, et al. eds.).
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
20. Fuhlendorf, SD, SR Archer, FE Smeins, DM Engle, CA Taylor. 2008. The Combined influence of grazing,
fire and herbaceous productivity on tree-grass interactions, pp. 219-238. In: Western North American
Juniperus Communities (OW Van Auken, ed.). Springer, New York.
21. Ryan, M, Archer, S. & Contributors. 2008. Land Resources: Forests and Arid Lands, pp. 75-120. In: The
Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity (P. Backlund,
A. Janetos, D. Schimel, eds.). Synthesis & Assessment Product 4.3, US Climate Change Program,
Washington, DC.
22. Boutton,TW, JD Liao, TR. Filley,SR Archer. 2009. Belowground carbon storage and dynamics following
woody plant encroachment in a subtropical savanna, pp. 181-205. In: Soil Carbon Sequestration and the
Greenhouse Effect (R. Lal and R. Follett, eds.). Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
23. Archer, SR. 2009. Rangeland conservation and shrub encroachment: new perspectives on an old problem,
pp. 53-97. In: Wild Rangelands: Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems
(Johan du Toit, R. Kock, J. Deutsch, eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
24. Asner, G, and SR Archer. 2010. Livestock and the global carbon cycle, pp. 69-82. In: Livestock in a
Changing Landscape: Volume 1, Drivers, Consequences and Responses (H Steinfeld, HA Mooney, F
Schneider, LE Neville, eds.). Island Press, Washington, D.C.
25. Archer, SR, KW Davies, TE Fulbright, KC McDaniel, BP Wilcox, KI Predick. 2011. Brush management as
a rangeland conservation tool: a critical evaluation, pp. In Press. In: Conservation Benefits of Rangeland
Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps (DD Briske, ed.). Allen Press, Lawrence,
26. Liu F, Wu XB, Bai E, Boutton TW, Archer SR. 2011. Impact of woody plant proliferation on soil carbon in
a subtropical savanna: spatial distribution, uncertainty and sampling strategy, pp. In Press. In: Ecological
Vision: Challenge, Response and Strategy (X Han X, Y Wu Y, eds). Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in
1. Pyke, D and S Archer. 1990. Biotic interactions affecting plant establishment and persistence on revegetated
rangeland, p. 45–91. In: Perspectives and processes in rangeland revegetation (CA Call and BA Roundy,
eds.). Dept. Range Science, Utah State Univ., Logan.
Proceedings (cont.)
2. Schimel, DS, WH Schlesinger, S Archer, M Verstrate, WM Jarrell, and J Eddy. 1991. Arid ecosystems
Interactions: recommendations for drylands research in the global change research program. Office for
Interdisciplinary Earth Studies/UCAR Report OIES–6, UCAR, Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307.
3. Archer, S and FE Smeins. 1992. Non–linear dynamics in grazed ecosystems: thresholds, multiple steady
states and positive feedbacks, pp. 4–6. In: Is the range condition and trend concept compatible with
ecosystem dynamics? Proceedings, Society for Range Management Symposium, Spokane, WA.
4. Archer, S. 1992. Vegetation dynamics in changing environments, pp. 25–36. In: Australian rangelands in a
changing environment (Proceedings, 7th Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference, Cobar). The Australian
Rangelands Society.
5. Ojima, DS, TGF Kittel, DS Schimel, CA Wessman, B Curtiss, S Archer, VB Brown, and WJ Parton. 1992.
Global arid and semi–arid ecosystems: linkage between process models and remote sensing, pp. 1027–1029.
In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Vol. II (R. Williamson and T. Stein, eds.).
IGARSS 1992 Geoscience Remote Sensing Symposium Digest, New York.
6. Hsieh, YC, DK Loh and S Archer. 1993. Spatial modeling of succession in a subtropical savanna: integrating
conventional modeling techniques, GIS and rule–based reasoning, pp. 353–361. In: Proceedings, 7th Annual
Symposium on Geographic Information Systems in Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources
Management (P. O'Reilley, ed.). Vancouver, British Columbia.
7. Archer, S. 1993. Climate change and grasslands: a life–zone and biota perspective. Proceedings, 17th
International Grassland Congress, Palmerston North, New Zealand , pp. 1061–1067.
8. Ocumpaugh, WR, JW Stuth and SR Archer. 1993. Recovery and germination of switchgrass seed fed to cattle.
Proceedings, 17th International Grassland Congress, New Zealand, pp. 318–319.
9. Boutton, TW, LC Nordt, S Archer, I Casar. 1993. Stable carbon isotope ratios of soil organic matter and
their potential use as indicators of paleoclimate. International Symposium on Applications of Isotope
Techniques in Studying Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere, Intl.
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
10. Midwood, AJ, TW Boutton, S Watts, S Archer. 1993. Natural abundance of 2H and 18O in soil moisture,
rainfall and plants in a subtropical thorn woodland ecosystem: implications for plant water use, pp. 419–431.
In: Proc., International Symposium on Applications of Isotope Techniques in Studying Past and Current
Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere, Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
11. Stafford Smith, M, S Archer. 1994. A work plan for understanding global change in rangelands (GCTE Task
3.1.3). CSIRO National Rangelands Program, PO Box 2111, Alice Springs, NT 0871 Australia.
12. Stafford Smith, M, B Campbell, W Steffen, S Archer. 1994. State-of-the-science assessment of the likely
impacts of global change on the Australian rangelands. GCTE Working Document No. 14, PO Box 84,
Lyneham, ACT 2602, Australia.
13. Stafford Smith, M, B Campbell, W Steffen, S Archer, D Ojima. 1995. GCTE Focus 3 – Pastures and
rangelands task: an implementation plan. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems Report No. 3, GCTE
Core Project Office, CSIRO, Division of Wildlife & Ecology, PO Box 84, Lyneham ACT 2602, Australia.
14. Wessman, CA, Schimel, DS, Archer, S, Braswell, BH, Ojima, DS, and Parton, WJ. 1996. New technologies
for remote sensing of ecosystem change in rangelands, pp. 139-142. IN: Proceedings, Volume II, 5th
International Rangeland Congress (NE West, ed.). Society for Range Management, Denver.
Proceedings (cont.)
15. Northup, BK, Archer, S, Stuth, JW, McKown, CD, Crane, RA. 1996. Structure of shrub clusters in a
subtropical savanna in south Texas, pp. 401-402. In: Proceedings, Volume I, 5th International Rangeland
Congress (NE West, ed.). Society for Range Management, Denver.
16. Archer, SR, Stafford Smith, M. 1996.Rangelands and global change: chairperson’s summary and comments,
pp. 147-151. In: Proceedings, Volume II, 5th International Rangeland Congress (NE West, ed.). Society for
Range Management, Denver.
17. Hanselka, CW and Archer, S. 1998. Rangeland ecosystems of South Texas: the keys to sustainability, pp.
1-11. In:: Proceedings, Mexico-US workshop on “Management of Grazing Land in Northern Mexico and
South Texas” (W. Hamilton, M. Lee, A. Molina, eds). Texas A&M Agric. Experiment Station.
Arnalds, O, S. Archer. 1999. Introduction, pp. 7-10. In: Case studies of rangeland degradation:
international examples and current assessments (O. Arnalds, S. Archer, eds.). Icelandic Agricultural Research
Service, RALA Report No. 200, Reykjavik, Iceland.
19. Archer, S, Bowman, A. 2001. Session preface: understanding and managing rangeland plant communities,
pp. 192. In: People and Rangelands: Building the Future (Eldridge, D. & Freudenberger, D., eds.).
Proceedings, VI International Rangeland Congress, Vol. 1, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
20 Kreuter, UP, SR Archer, CJ Scifres. 1999. Bioeconomic basis for woody plant management, pp. 842-843.
IN: D Eldridge & D Freudenberger, eds, Proceedings, VI International Rangeland Congress, Townsville,
21. Archer, S. & Boutton, TW. 2002. Trees in grasslands: woody plant proliferation and the carbon cycle, pp.
39-46. In: Evaluation of terrestrial carbon storage and dynamics by in-situ and remote sensing measurements
(T. Akiyama and H. Koizumi, eds.). River Basin Research Center, Gifu University, Japan.
22. Boutton TW, Archer SR, Liao JD. 2004. Grassland-woodland transitions in subtropical North America and
their implications for the carbon cycle, pp. 2-8. Proceedings, American Quaternary Association 18th Biennial
Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas.
23. Gardner, RH, Dale, VH and Participants. 2004. Land use and habitat alteration. A NEON Science Theme
Workshop Series report commissioned by NSF and AIBS, August 2004; 22 p.
1. Archer, S, LL Tieszen, 1979. A classification and gradient analysis of upland plant communities. In: A
cultural resource reconnaissance of the east bank of Lake Francis Case, South Dakota, Vol. II (L.J.
Zimmerman and G. Olson, eds.). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska.
2. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1979. An ecological characterization and locational model for archaeological sites
along the Missouri River/Lake Francis Case Reservoir. In: A cultural resource reconnaissance of the east
bank of Lake Francis Case, South Dakota, Vol. II (L.J. Zimmerman and G. Olson, eds.). U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska.
3. Archer, S. 1979. Prehistoric and pre-settlement vegetation along the Missouri River, South Dakota and
factors that shaped it: a review. In: A cultural resource reconnaissance of the east bank of Lake Francis
Case, South Dakota, Vol. I (L.J. Zimmerman and G. Olson, eds.). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha,
Reports (cont.)
4. Trlica, MJ, S Archer. 1979. An ecological inventory and analysis of the Soldier Creek Management Unit,
Pine Ridge District, Nebraska National Forest. Supervisor for the Pine Ridge District, U.S. Forest Service,
Chadron, Nebraska.
5. Hansen, RM, S Archer. 1981. Range survey of mountain goat wintering areas. Final Report, USDA Forest
Service Contract No. 40-0120-0-290, Chugach National Forest, Seward, Alaska. 23 p.
6. Flinn, RC, S Archer. 1991. Plant communities of the Mesquite Brushland Preserve. Final Report, Texas
Nature Conservancy, PO Box 1440, San Antonio.
7. Schimel. DS, S Archer, A Goetz, T Kittel, W Parton, D Ojima, C Wessman. 1994. Using multi-sensor data to
model factors limiting carbon balance in global arid and semi-arid lands. NASA/EOS Program
Interdisciplinary Science Investigation Progress Report, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. 12 p.
8. Teel, PD, DE Bay, SR Archer, OF Strey, MT Longnecker. 1994. Ecological basis of integrated pest
management for beef cattle on rangeland. Consolidated Progress Report, Beef Cattle Research in Texas,
Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University.
9. Archer, S, S Zitzer, J Greenburg, A Guenther, P Harley, EA Holland, L Klinger, DS Schimel, L Vierling, M
Wildermuth, P Zimmerman. 1994. Land cover change and regional tropospheric chemistry, pp. 168-172.
IN: Annual Report, US Department of Energy National Institute for Global Environmental Change,
University of California, Davis.
10. Stroh, JC, S Archer. 1995. Vegetation patterns and woody plant dynamics at the Mesquite Brushland
Preserve. Final Report, Texas Nature Conservancy, PO Box 1440, San Antonio.
11. Schimel. DS, S Archer, B Curtiss, A Goetz, T Kittel, A Mosier, D Ojima, W Parton, C Wessman. 1995.
Using multi-sensor data to model factors limiting carbon balance in global arid and semi-arid lands.
NASA/EOS Program Interdisciplinary Science Investigation Project Progress Report, NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC. 99 p.
12. Huddle, JA, S Archer.
Washington, DC
1992 Natural resources inventory:
rangelands report.
13. Huddle, JA, S Archer. 1997. Noxious weed inventory 1992. USDA/NRCS, Washington, DC. 150 p.
14. Huddle, JA, S Archer. 1997.
USDA/NRCS, Washington, DC.
Natural resource inventory:
rangeland noxious weed survey 1992.
15. Wessman, CA, Archer, SR, Asner, GP, Bateson, CA. 1998. Quantifying Grassland-to-Woodland
Transitions and the Implications for Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in the Southwest United States.
Progress Report for NASA-LCLUC Grant NAG5-6134.
16. Archer, S, TW Boutton. 1998. Historic changes in tree/grass abundance: implications for C and Nstorage.
Progress Report for USDA-NRI Ecosystems Grant 9600842.
17. Panel Members. 1998. Freeman Ranch Management Workshop. Review Panel Report filed with the
President of Southwest Texas State University. (Dec. 1998).
18. Archer, S. 1999. Cynomys spp. In: Global Crop Protection Compendium. CAB International, WallingfordOxon, United Kingdom.
Reports (cont.)
19. Wessman, CA, Archer, SR, Asner, GP, Bateson, CA. 1999. Quantifying grassland-to-woodland transitions
and the implications for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the Southwest United States. Progress Report for
NASA-LCLUC Grant NAG5-6134.
20. Wessman, CA, Archer, SR, Asner, GP, Bateson, CA., Boutton, TW. 2002. Land-use Impacts on the
Grassland-Woodland Balance. Progress Report for NASA-LCLUC Carbon Cycle Grant NAG5-1123.
21. White, A, S Archer, K.L. Larson, TM Massengale, NJ Silvy. 2003. The Joseph W. Jones Ecological
Research Center: A Review of the First 10 Years of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Program and Suggestions for
its Future. Report filed with Jones Ecological Research Center, Newton, GA. 39 pages.
22. Wessman, CA, Archer, SR, Asner, GP, Bateson, A, Boutton, TW. 2003. Regional NPP and Carbon Stocks
in Southwestern USA Rangelands: Land-use Impacts on the Grassland-Woodland Balance. Progress Report
for NASA-LCLUC Carbon Cycle Grant NAG5-1123. 7 pages.
23. Archer, SR. 2004. Facilitation, competition and woody patch dynamics in a savanna parkland. NSF-DEB
Final Report, Award 0303886. 31 pages
24. Wu, X.B., Archer, SR, Boutton, TW. 2006. Scaling soil C And N storage in changing savanna parkland
landscapes: spatial structure, prediction and uncertainty assessment. NSF-DEB Final Report, DEB9981723, 17 pages.
25. Wessman, CA, Archer, SR, Asner, GP, Bateson, CA, Boutton, TW. 2007. Regional NPP and carbon stocks
in Southwestern USA rangelands: land-use Impacts on the grassland-woodland balance. Final Report for
NASA Grant NAG5-11238. 14 pages.
26. Archer, S, Breshears, D. 2009. Collaborative research: decomposition in drylands: soil erosion and UV
interactions. NSF Ecosystems program, Annual Progress Report, DEB 0816162. 26 Aug 09; 20 pp.
27. Peters, D. et al. 2009. Jornada Basin LTER V: Landscape linkages in arid and semiarid ecosystems. NSFLTER DEB-0618210, August 2009; 76 pp.
28. Archer, S, Howery, L. 2009. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Woody encroachment into desert grassland:
experimental assessment of the critical seedling establishment phase. Final Report DEB-0531691. 17 pp.
29. Archer, S, Breshears, D. 2010. Collaborative research: decomposition in drylands: soil erosion and UV
interactions. NSF Ecosystems program, Annual Progress Report, DEB 0816162. 30 July 2010; 31 pp.
1. Woods, SR, SR Archer, LD Howery. 2008. The creosote bush smells like rain-when there is none. Backyards
& Beyond, Rural Living in Arizona 2(2): 5. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
2. Howery, LD, SR Woods, SR Archer. 2008. Featured Plant: Juniper. Backyards & Beyond, Rural Living in
Arizona 2(3): 2. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
3. Archer, SR, LD Howery, SR Woods. 2008. Plant communities, mountains and climate in Arizona. Backyards
& Beyond, Rural Living in Arizona 2 (3):7-8. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
4. Archer, SR, SR Woods, LD Howery, 2009. Grasslands or Shrubland? Tipping the Balance. Backyards &
Beyond, Rural Living in Arizona 3 (1):3-4. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
5. Archer, SR, SR Woods, LD Howery, 2009. Featured Plant: Mesquite. Backyards & Beyond, Rural Living in
Arizona 3 (1):2. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
6. Howery, LD, Archer, SR, SR Woods. 2009. Brush Management: A Balanced Approach. Backyards &
Beyond, Rural Living in Arizona 3 (3):13-14. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
1. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1978. Physiological responses of Arctic tundra growthforms to grazing. American
Institute of Biological Science, Athens, Georgia.
2. Archer, S. 1982. An ecological travelogue of the Alaskan North Slope. Natural Resources Day, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO.
3. Detling, JK, RE Ingham, S Archer, EL Painter. 1983. Trophic interactions among above- and belowground
herbivores and plants in a North American Mixed-Grass Prairie. Third European Ecological Symposium
on Plant-Animal Interactions, Lund, Sweden.
4. Archer, S. 1985. Herbivore mediation of plant processes. Biology Dept., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX.
5. Archer, S. 1985. Plant response to defoliation: hierarchical considerations. NATO Advanced Research
Workshop, Hvanneyri, Iceland.
6. Archer, S. 1985. Root and shoot growth of tundra plants subjected to defoliation. Icelandic Biological
Society, Reykjavik.
7. Archer, S. 1985. Patterns and processes in grassland to shrubland conversion. Biology Dept., Southwest
Texas State Univ., San Marcos, TX.
8. Archer, S. 1985 Structural development of some south Texas shrub communities. Biology Dept., Rice
University, Houston, TX.
9. Archer, S. 1986 Stability and resilience of ecosystems and the con–version of grasslands to shrublands: a
case study in the Rio Grande Plains, Texas Elroy Rice Lecture, Univ. Oklahoma, Norman.
10. Archer, S, JK Detling 1986. An analysis of prairie dog–induced changes in plant community structure over
time in Wind Cave National Park. Symposium at Science in National Parks Conference, Colorado State
University, Ft. Collins.
11. Archer, S. 1987. Development of woody plant assemblages in grasslands. Los Amigos del Mesquite Annual
Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.
12. Archer, S. 1987. The role of stress and disturbance in regulating grass-woody plant dynamics. IUBS/MAB
Workshop on Ecology and Management of Neotropical Savannas", Univ. Los Llanos, Guanare,
13. Archer, S. 1988. Interfacing geographic information systems with temporal models of succession. Texas
Agric. Experiment Station Staff Conference, College Station.
14. Archer, S. 1988. Development and stability of grass-shrub mosaics in south Texas. Biology Department,
University of Texas, Austin.
15. Archer, S. 1988. Remote sensing and geographic information systems: tools for monitoring and modelling
plant succession. NASA/Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA.
16. Archer, S. 1988. Vegetation states in a savanna woodland: reconstructing the past and predicting the future.
Dept. Biology, Rice University, Houston.
17. Archer, S. 1988. Development and stability of grass/woody mosaics in a subtropical savanna parkland, Texas.
IUBS/MAB Workshop on Responses of Savannas to Stress and Disturbance, Darwin, Australia.
18. Archer, S. 1988. A bionomic assessment of woody plant encroachment in grasslands. CSIRO Division
Wildlife and Ecology, Deniliquin, Australia.
19. Archer, S. 1989. Grass/shrub interactions in grazed ecosystems: reconstructing the past and predicting the
future. Dept. D'Ecologie Vegetale, Institut National Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, Rabat,
20. Archer, S. 1989. Regional shifts in vegetation life form composition: a case study of rates, processes and
causes. Advanced Science Program, University Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO.
21. Archer, S. 1989. Community disturbances: invasions, resistance and resilience. Office for Interdisciplinary
Earth Studies/University Center for Atmospheric Research Workshop on "Effects of Potential Climate
Change on Arid Lands", Boulder, CO.
22. Pyke, DA, S Archer. 1990. Biotic interactions affecting plant establishment and persistence on revegetated
rangeland. Symposium on "Perspectives and Processes in Revegetation Science." Society for Range
Management Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
23. Archer, S. 1990. Historical reconstruction of vegetation structure in the South Texas Plains. Department of
Biology, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX.
24. Archer, S. 1990. Vegetation change: natural or man–induced? Tri–Section Meetings, Society for Range
Management, El Paso, TX.
25. Archer, S. 1990. Interpreting vegetation change in recent history: the contribution of climatic vs. non–
climatic factors. Dept. Meteorology, Texas A&M University, College Station.
26. Archer, S. 1991. Plant succession and ecosystem dynamics: the role of animals. Dept. Wildlife & Fisheries
Science, Texas A&M University.
27. Archer, S. 1991. Vegetation change: natural or man–induced? Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Staff
Conference, College Station.
28. Archer, S. 1991. Soils–brush encroachment interrelationships. Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop,
College Station, TX.
29. Archer, S. 1991. Vegetation change in the Southwest: rates, patterns and proximate causes. AIBS
Symposium on "Ecological implications of livestock herbivory in the West", San Antonio, TX.
30. Archer, S. 1992. Development and stability of grass/woody mosaics: a case study from southern Texas.
Dept. Range Science, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie.
31. Archer, S, Smeins, FE. 1992. Non–linear dynamics in grazed ecosystems: thresholds, multiple steady states
and positive feedbacks. Society for Range Management Symposium "Is the Range Condition and Trend
Concept Compatible with Ecosystem Dynamics?" , Spokane, WA.
32. Archer, S. 1992. Regional shifts in vegetation life form composition in recent history: fact or fiction?
Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
33. Archer, S. 1992. Global change: the contribution of climatic versus non–climatic factors. Global Change
Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson.
34. Archer, S. 1992. Grassland–shrubland community transitions in recent history: rates, patterns and processes.
School of Renewable Natural Resources Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson.
35. Ojima, DS, Kittel, TGF, Schimel, DS, Wessman, CA, Curtiss, B, Archer, S, Brown, VB, Parton, WJ.
1992. Global arid and semi–arid ecosystems: linkage between process models and remote sensing.
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX.
36. Archer, S. 1992. Vegetation dynamics in a changing environment. Keynote paper, 7th Australian Rangeland
Conference, Cobar, Australia.
37. Archer, S. 1992. Woody plant invasion of semi-arid grasslands: the American experience. New South
Wales Department of Agriculture, Trangie Research Station, Dubbo, Australia.
38. Archer, S. 1992. Ecology and management of woody weeds. Land Care Group Meeting, Tilpa, New South
Wales, Australia.
39. Archer, S. 1992. Woody plant encroachment into arid lands: implications for global change. CSIRO
Division of Wildlife and Ecology, Canberra, Australia.
40. Archer, S. 1992. Plant–soil relationships in a subtropical savanna woodland. Department D'Ecologie
Vegetale, Institut National Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.
41. Archer, S. 1993. Climate change and grasslands: a life–zone and biota perspective. Plenary Paper, 17th
International Grassland Congress, Palmerston North, New Zealand
42. Archer, S. 1993. Herbivore mediation of grass–woody plant interactions. Stobbs Memorial Lecture, 17th
International Grassland Congress, Rockhampton, Australia.
43. Archer, S. 1993. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands: the interactive role of climate, soils, fire and
herbivory. CSIRO Davies Laboratory, Townsville, Australia.
44. Archer, S. 1993. Shifts in tree–grass abundance in recent history: causes and consequences. Biology
Department, University of South Dakota, Vermillion.
45. Archer, S. 1993. Displacement of grasslands by woodlands: rates, patterns, causes and consequences.
Biology Department, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD.
46. Archer, S. 1993. Climate change and grasslands: a life–zone and biota perspective. EROS Data Center,
Sioux Falls, SD.
47. Schimel, DS, Brown, VB, Hibbard, KA, Archer, S. 1993. Aggregation of species–level attributes in
biogeochemical models: results from comparative studies. Carey Conference on "Linking Species and
Ecosystems. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook NY.
48. Archer, S. 1993. Vegetation dynamics and spatial patterns in savanna ecosystems. Biology Department,
Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
49. Archer, S. 1994. Tree–grass dynamics in savannas. Biology Dept, University of Texas at
San Antonio.
50. Archer, S. 1994. Global change and vegetation–climate interactions. Dept. Meteorology, Texas A&M.
51. Archer, S. 1994. Tree–grass dynamics in a subtropical savanna: reconstructing the past and predicting the
future. University of Arizona, Tucson.
52. Archer, S. 1994. The role of herbivores in mediating tree–grass interactions in savannas. University of
Arizona, Tucson.
53. Archer, S. 1994. Vegetation dynamics in contrasting Texas savanna ecosystems. Department of Biology,
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX.
54. Archer, S. 1994. Bush encroachment in grasslands and savannas: rates, patterns and proximate causes.
Public Lecture sponsored by the Department of Botany the Department of Grassland Science, University
of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
55. Archer, S. 1994. Tree–grass dynamics in a subtropical savanna: reconstructing the past and predicting the
future. 10th Annual Meeting, Natal University Research Unit for Plant Growth and Development,
University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
56. Yao, L, Wilding, LP, Nordt, LC, Archer, S, Boutton, TW. 1995. Soil geomorphology-vegetation
relationships in a southern Texas savanna parkland. Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop, Texas
A&M University, College Station.
57. Archer, S. 1996. Historic changes in native vegetation: causes and ecological consequences. Texas Native
Plant Society, San Antonio
58. Archer, S. 1996. Once upon an ecosystem: an ongoing saga of patch dynamics and vegetation change.
Colloquium in the Life Sciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins.
59. Archer, S. 1996. Vegetation change in grasslands and savannas: interacting and proximate causes. The
Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins.
60. Archer, S. 1996. Historic shifts in grass-woody plant abundance: causes and ecological consequences.
Department of Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins.
61. Archer, S. 1996. Vegetation change in Southwestern grasslands: A tale of woody plant imperialism.
Colloquium in the Life Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder.
62. Archer, S. 1996. Historic changes in tree/grass abundance: implications for C and N storage in plants and
soils. Australian National University, Canberra.
63. Archer. S. 1997. Hydrogeomorphic determinants of vegetation composition and change. Department of
Geological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin.
64. Archer, S. 1997. Woody plant imperialism in southwestern savannas: causes and consequences. In: Natural
and anthropogenic influences on savanna ecosystems of the arid Southwest. Ecological Society of America
Symposium, Albuquerque
65. Archer, S. and Stokes, CJ. 1997. Stress, disturbance and change in rangeland ecosystems. International
Conference on Rangeland Degradation, Reykjavik, Iceland.
66. Archer, S. 1997. Climate, plants, animals and ecosystem dynamics: who is running the show? Department of
Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Texas A&M University, College Station.
67. Archer, S. 1997. Insect-plant-soil interactions and the structure and function of a savanna parkland
landscape. Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station.
68. Archer, S. 1997. Woody plant imperialism in grasslands and savannas: causes and consequences.
Department of Biology, Kansas State University.
69. Archer, S. 1997. Tree-grass interactions. Department de Agronomie, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia
Blanca, Argentina.
70. Archer, S. 1998. Patch and boundary dynamics in changing landscapes. Department of Biology, University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
71. Archer, S. 1998. Vegetation change in a subtropical savanna parkland: rates, patterns, and processes. Jones
Ecology Center, Ichauway, Georgia.
72. Archer, S. Ecosystem change, land surface-atmosphere interactions and people. Interdisciplinary Earth
Systems Science Colloquium. University of Arizona, Tucson.
73. Boutton, TW and Archer, SR. 1998. Rates of soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation during succession from
grassland to woodland in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Symposium on “How Much Carbon Can Soils
Sequester?” Soil Science Soc. Amer. Ann. Meetings, Baltimore.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
74. Hanselka, C.W. and Archer, S. 1998. Rangeland ecosystems of South Texas: the keys to sustainability.
Presented at US-Mexico Workshop on “Grazing Land Management in South Texas and Northern
Mexico”, Laredo, TX (June)
75. Archer, S. 1998. Biogeochemistry of savannas. Max-Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena, Germany
76. Boutton, TW, S Archer. 1998. Rates of soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation during succession from
grassland to woodland in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Symposium
on “How Much Carbon Can Soils Sequester?”.
77. Archer, S. 1998. Proliferation of Tamaulipan thorn-scrub in the Rio Grande Plains: consequences for
ecosystem biogeochemistry, University of Texas at Brownsville.
78. Archer, S. 1999. Grass-woody plant transitions in dryland ecosystems: rates, patterns and functional
consequences. Sevilleta Research Symposium. Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque.
79. Archer, S. 1999. Historic shifts in vegetation land cover in semi-arid ecosystems: causes, constraints and
consequences. Symposium on Integrated Life and Earth Science Approaches to Understanding Global and
Environmental Change, University of Texas, Austin.
80. Archer, S. 1999. Biodiversity - recognizing, describing, and monitoring biotic diversity in changing
ecosystems. Department of Interior Conference on the Environment, Denver, CO.
81. Archer, S. 1999. Quantifying grassland-to-woodland transitions and the implications for carbon and nitrogen
dynamics in the Southwest United States. NASA Land Cover Land Use Change Science Advisory Panel
Meeting, Warrington, VA.
82. Archer, S. 1999. Tree-grass interactions. Department of Biology, Univ. Regina, Regina, Canada
83. Archer, S. 1999. Man in the ecosystem, people on the land. US Sheep Experiment Station, Dubois Idaho.
84. Archer, S. 1999. Trees in grasslands: historical changes and ecological consequences. Leu Endowed Lecture,
Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. (Nov. 1999)
85. Archer, S., TW Boutton, KA Hibbard. 2000. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas:
ecosystem consequences. Ecological Soc. America Symposium on ‘Land Use and Land Cover Change:
The Last Century and Prospects for the 21st Century, Snow Bird, Utah (Aug’00)
86. Wessman, Carol, Steve Archer, Greg Asner, and R. Hughes. 2000. Quantifying grassland-woodland
transitions and the implications for carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Landscape-to-regions workshop,
LTER-All Scientists Meeting, Snowbird, Utah, Aug. 2000
87. Boutton, T.W. and Archer, S. 2000. Carbon sequestration: understanding the basics. Texas Plant Protection
Conference, College Station, TX.
88. Archer, S. & Boutton, T.W. 2000. Carbon sequestration: a viable commodity? Texas Plant Protection
Conference, College Station, TX.
89. Archer, S, TW Boutton, KA Hibbard. 2001. Ecosystem simplification and ecological processes: the good, the
bad and the ugly. Joint Ecological Soc. America/Soc. Range Management Symposium ‘Ecosystem
Simplification’, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
90. Archer, S. 2001. Students, trees, grasses and herbivores. School of Renewable Natural Resources,
University of Arizona, Tucson.
91. Boutton, T.W. and Archer, S. 2001. Carbon sequestration in range and pasture: understanding the basics.
Texas Range Extension Training Program, College Station, TX
92. Archer, S. & Boutton, T.W. 2001. Carbon sequestration in rangelands: the good, the bad and the ugly. Texas
Range Extension Training Program, College Station, TX
93. Archer, S, Lauenroth, WK, Sala, OE. 2001. Thresholds and non-linear dynamics: an overview. In:
Symposium on ‘Thresholds and Non-linear Responses in Ecosystems: Understanding, Sustaining, and
Restoring Complex Rangelands.” Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Madison, WI.
94. Archer, SR; Fuhlendorf, SD; Scanlan, JC, Smeins, FE. 2002. Beyond boxes and arrows: approaches for
quantifying state transitions. In: Ecological Soc. America/Soc. Range Management Symposium “Using
State and Transition Models to Manage Rangelands in the Face of Biological Invasions”, Kansas City.
95. Wessman, C., Archer, S., Asner, G.P., Bateson, A., Boutton, T.W. 2001. Regional NPP and carbon stocks in
Southwestern USA rangelands: land-use impacts on the grassland-woodland balance .NASA Land Cover
Land Use Change Meetings, Baltimore, MD.
96. Hansen, A., Archer, S., Knight, R., Marzluff, J. 2002. Changing land use in rural America: consequences for
biodiversity. In: Symposium on 'Land use change in rural America: rates, drivers, and consequences'.
Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
97. Dale, V. Archer, S, Baron, J, Ojima, D. 2002. Effects of land Use on ecological processes . In: Symposium
on 'Land use change in rural America: rates, drivers, and consequences'. Ecological Soc. America Annual
Meetings, Tucson.
98. Boutton TW, Archer SR, Liao JD. 2002. Land cover changes and soil carbon dynamics: Insights from
natural d13C and long-term incubations. IN: Carbon Cycle Management in Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Proceedings 9th U.S./Japan Workshop on Global Change, p. 49-50.
99. Boutton TW, Archer SR. 2002. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas: Significance for
ecosystem and global carbon storage. IN: Carbon Cycle Management in Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Proceedings 9th U.S./Japan Workshop on Global Change, p. 40-41.
100. Archer, S. & Boutton, TW. 2002. Trees in grasslands: woody plant proliferation and the carbon cycle.
Symposium on "Evaluation of terrestrial carbon storage and dynamics by in-situ and remote sensing
measurements.” Institute for Basin Ecosystem Studies Gifu University , Japan. (Nov 2002).
101. Boutton, TW, SR Archer. 2002. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas: implications for
ecosystem and global carbon storage. USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Raleigh, NC, November 19-21, 2002
102. Archer, S. 2002. Wooded grasslands: functional consequences of an ecological oxymoron. Geography
Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson
103. Archer, S. 2002. Woody plant proliferation in grasslands and savannas: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona (September)
104. Boutton, TW, SR Archer. 2003. Ecosystem carbon gain with woody plant proliferation in grasslands.
Carbon Storage Symposium, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Casper, WY
105. Archer, S, TW Boutton. 2003. Wooded grasslands: functional consequences of an ecological oxymoron
106. in ‘Biogeochemistry of grassland and shrubland ecosystems: local to regional linkages and impacts of land
use.’ Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Savannah, GA
107. Archer, S. 2003. Davidson Lecture: Climate, plants, animals and ecosystem dynamics: who’s running the
show? Baylor University, Waco, TX (April 22, 2003)
108. Archer, S. 2003. Wooded grasslands: functional consequences of an ecological oxymoron. Department of
Biology, Baylor University, Waco, TX (April 22, 2003)
109. Archer, S. 2003. Woody plant proliferation in grasslands and savannas: new perspectives on an old
problem. School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson (Nov 19, 2003)
110. Archer, S. 2003. Woody plant proliferation in rangelands: new perspectives on an old problem.
International Rangeland Symposium, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
(Nov 25, 2003)
111. Archer, S. 2003. Trees, water, space and time. In: Special Session 'An Ecohydrological Perspective on
Woody Plant Encroachment in Grasslands', American Geophysical Union Annual Meetings, San
Francisco (Dec 2003)
112. Archer, SR. 2004. Woody Plant Proliferation in Drylands: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Department
of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside (Feb 2004)
113. Fuhlendorf, SD, S Archer, FE Smeins, DM Engle. 2004. Combined Influence of Grazing, Fire and
Herbaceous Productivity on Juniperus-Grass Interactions, in “Juniperus woodlands-Biology and Ecology”
Symposium, Southwestern Association of Naturalists Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX (17 April 2004)
114. Archer, S. Trees, Water, Space and Time: Woody Plant Encroachment in the Southwest, in Symposium on
"Hydrologic Impacts of Land Cover Changes at the Basin Scale", Arizona Hydrological Society Annual
Meetings, Tucson (Sep 2004)
115. Boutton TW, Archer SR, Liao JD. 2004. Grassland-woodland transitions in subtropical North America
and their implications for the carbon cycle. Abstracts, American Quaternary Association 18th Biennial
Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas, pp. 2-8.
116. Archer, S. 2004. Woody plant imperialism: the good, the bad and the ugly. School of Life Sciences,
Arizona Sate University (October)
117. Archer, S. 2004. Woody Plant imperialism: rates, patterns, and consequences. ARS Southwest Watershed
Research Center, Tucson, AZ.
118. Archer, S. 2004. Woody plant proliferation in grasslands: new perspectives on an old problem.
Symposium: Research insights in semiarid ecosystems, University of Arizona, Tucson (13 Nov 2004).
Invited Presentations (cont.)
119. Archer, S. 2005. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands: end of an era? Jornada LTER Symposium, Las
Cruces, NM (July 2005)
120. Throop, H.L., Archer, S. 2005. Land management and soil carbon pools: patterns & processes. 2nd Annual
Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. November 2005, Tucson, AZ.
121. Archer, S. 2005. Woody Cover Change in Drylands: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly NSF LTER
Science Theme Meeting, VCR LTER site, Cape Charles, Virginia Sep 2005
122. Archer, S. 2005. State and transition models: moving beyond boxes and arrows. Arizona Section, Soc.
Range Management Winter meetings, San Carlos, AZ. (Jan 25).
123. Archer, S. 2006. Conservation management and woody plant encroachment: the yin/yang of tree-grass
interactions in grazing lands. In: Wild Rangelands: Conservation in the World’s Grazing Ecosystems.
Symposium sponsored by The Zoological Society of London and the Wildlife Conservation Society,
Regents Park, London, UK
124. Archer, S, Asner, GP. 2006. Carbon cycle dynamics on grazed rangelands. SCOPE/FAO Livestock in a
changing landscape” workshop. FAO Headquarters, Rome, March 2006
125. Archer, S. 2006. Land cover, climate and management of rangelands. In: Earth system feedbacks:
vulnerability of the carbon cycle to drought and fire. Canberra, Australia, June 2006
126. Archer, S. 2007. The Ecology of Ecological Site Descriptions. Symposium on “Resolving Critical Issues in
the Development and Use of Ecological Site Descriptions.” Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Reno, NV (Feb 2007).
127. Archer, S. 2007. Functional consequences or ecosystem state changes. Department of Ecosystem Science
and Management, Texas A&M University (24 April 2007)
128. Archer, S. 2007. Grasses, shrubs and the functional consequences of ecosystem state changes. School of
Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson (September 2007)
129. Archer, S. Boutton TW, McClaran, MP, Throop, HL Wu, XB. 2008. Grasses, shrubs and the functional
consequences of ecosystem state changes. In: Current Ecological Issues n Grassland Science Symposium
(RL McCulley, organizer), Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Louisville, KY (Jan 2008).
130. Archer, S. 2008. Conservation and management of rangelands: new perspectives and current challenges.
Forestry Graduate Student Association, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff (Feb 2008)
131. Archer, S. 2008. Grasslands in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Western USA. In:
Symposium on “Assessing the Multi-Functionality of Grasslands—Future Research Priorities to Address
Global Change”. SA-CSSA–SSSA annual meeting in Houston, Texas (Oct 5-9, 2008)
132. Archer S, Throop H, McClaran M. 2008. Ecosystem carbon and nitrogen pools in managed rangelands: a
spatial accounting of management influences. In Project Director’s Workshop, USDA Managed
Ecosystems Workshop, Madison, WI (May 2008)
133. Archer, S. 2008. Climate change and arid lands. In: USDA Strategic Plan for Climate Change Meeting of
Experts, Washington, DC (Sep 15-16, 2008.
134. Throop, HT, Archer, SR. 2008. Shrub encroachment, land management and litter decomposition. 5 th
Annual Research Insights in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium, Tucson, AZ (Oct 11, 2008)
135. Bestelmeyer, BT, D Goolsby, SR Archer. 2009. The spatial pattern of transition (SPOT): linking pattern,
process, and scale to state-and-transition models. In: Symposium on "Rangeland ecohydrology: Key
Concepts and Application to State and Transition Model Development" Society for Range Management
Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
136. Archer, S, KW Davies, TE Fulbright, K McDaniel, and BP Wilcox. 2009. Brush Management and
Conservation: New Perspectives on an Old Problem in "Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP)
Rangeland Literature Synthesis: An Initial Report" Symposium. Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
137. Archer, S. 2008. Grasslands in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Western USA. School of
Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson.
138. Throop, H, Archer, S, Barnes, P. 2009. Addressing the dryland decomposition conundrum by integrating
vegetation structure, soil transport, and UV photodegradation. Organized oral session: “What's New Under
the Sun? Photodegradation and Novel Drivers of Decomposition in Dryland Ecosystems.” Ecological
Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM
139. Archer, S. 2009. Ecohydrological Feedbacks on Rangeland. In: Chapman Conference on Ecohydrological
Feedbacks of Landscape Change along Elevation Gradients in Semiarid Regions. Sun Valley, ID.
Invited Presentations (cont.)
140. Archer, S. 2009. Grassland Conservation and Management: Emerging Issues and Challenges. Leaders in
Agriculture Lecture, School of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, Sul Ross State University,
Alpine, TX
141. Throop, H, S Archer, O Sala, J Smith, L Reichmann, N Pierce, D Hewins. 2009. Ecophysiological and Root
Responses to Precipitation Manipulations. LTER V Site Review, Sept 2009, Las Cruces, NM.
142. Archer, S, H Throop, G Okin, C Monger, H Lee, DH Smith, M Abu-Salem, J Fitzgerald. 2009. Transport
vectors as drivers of dryland decomposition. LTER V Site Review, Sept 2009, Las Cruces, NM.
143. Archer, S. 2010. Ecosystem state transitions in grasslands: shrubs gone wild. Division of Environmental
Biology, 24 May 2010, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
144. Archer, S. 2010. The Ecology of Brush Management. 19 th Annual Jornada Basin LTER Symposium, Las
Cruces, NM, July 2010.
145. Archer, S. March 2011. R.D. Watt Centenary Lecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources,
University of Sydney (2011)
1. Archer, S. 1974. Multiple Use Land Planning on the Oglalla Sioux Game Preserve. South Dakota Academy
of Science Annual Meeting.
2. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1978. Physiological responses of Arctic tundra growth forms to grazing. American
Institute of Biological Science, Athens, Georgia.
3. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1980. Responses of an Arctic tundra sedge to defoliation. Society for Range
Management Annual Meetings, San Diego, CA.
4. Zimmerman, LJ, S Archer, LL Tieszen. 1980. Ecological characterization as a foundation for prediction of
Plains Village Tradition site locations in central South Dakota. Annual Meeting Society for American
Archaeology, Philadelphia, PA.
5. Archer, S, LL Zimmerman, LL Tieszen. 1982. Ecological characterization as a foundation for predicting
archaeological site locations: implications for pre-mining inventories. Society for Range Management
Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada.
6. Layne, M, S Archer. 1982. Leaf dimension-area-biomass relationships: implications for in situ plant growth
studies. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, 1982, Calgary, Canada.
7. Archer, S, JK Detling. 1983. The potential role of herbivores in mediating plant water status. Society for
Range Management Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
8. Archer, S. 1983. Prairie dogs and plant community structure: a gradient analysis approach. Ecological
Society of America, Central Rockies Chapter Meetings, Laramie, Wyoming.
9. Detling, JK, RE Ingham, S Archer and EL Painter. 1983. Trophic interactions among above- and
belowground herbivores and plants in a North American mixed-grass prairie. Third European Ecological
Symposium on Plant-Animal Interactions, Lund, Sweden.
10. Archer, S. 1984. Prairie dogs and plant community structure. Society for Range Management Annual
Meeting, Rapid City, South Dakota.
11. Archer, S, JD Lebreton, MG Garrett, JK Detling. 1984. Structural changes in a mixed-grass prairie plant
community as a function of prairie dog colonization history. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 65:162.
12. Archer, S, CJ Scifres, WH Blackburn. 1985. Autogenic succession in Prospis-mixed shrub stands in south
Texas: preliminary tests of some hypotheses. Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City,
13. Archer, S, CJ Scifres, WH Blackburn. 1985. Autogenic succession in a subtropical thorn woodland and
the conversion of grasslands to shrublands. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 66:136
14. Archer, S., CR Bassham, R Maggio. 1986. Woody plant community development in the Prosopis-Acacia
savanna of South Texas since 1941: patterns, rates and processes. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 67:149.
15. Flinn, RC, CJ Scifres, SR Archer. 1986. Vegetative regeneration in five species of South Texas shrubs.
Weed Sci. Society of Amer. Abstracts 26:66-67.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
16. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1986. Grass-shrub interactions: biotic limitations on Prosopis seedling
establishment. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
17. Archer, S, CR Bassham, R Maggio. 1986. Patterns and rate of shrub encroachment in the South Texas
Plains since 1941. Society for Range Management Ann Meeting, Orlando, FL.
18. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1986. Effects of herbaceous vegetation interference on woody plant (Prosopis)
seedling establishment. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 67:141.
19. Archer, S, JD Lebreton, MG Garrett, JK Detling. 1986. An analysis of prairie-dog induced changes in plant
community structure over time at Wind Cave National Park. Science in National Parks Conference,
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
20. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1987. Growth and physiological activity of mesquite seedlings in grasslands:
implications for woody plant invasion. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Boise, ID.
21. Loomis, LE, SR Archer, CJ Scifres. 1987. Edaphic changes accompanying Prosopis-mixed shrub
succession in south Texas. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Boise, ID.
22. Scanlan, JC, S Archer. 1987. Woody plant encroachment into grasslands: a transition probability analysis.
Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Boise, ID.
23. Tieszen, LL, RW Klukas, S Archer. 1987. Potential uses of 13C values for dietary studies at Wind Cave
National Park. South Dakota Academy of Sciences.
24. Archer, S. 1987. Have south Texas grasslands been converted to shrublands in recent history?
Southwestern Assn. Naturalists Annual Meeting, San Marcos, TX.
25. Archer, S, JR Brown. 1987. The role of domestic herbivores in gap phase succession and woody
encroachment in a south Texas grassland. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 68:225.
26. Brown, JR, Archer, S. 1987. Woody plant establishment in a south Texas savanna: an evaluation of the
two-layer soil moisture hypothesis. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 68:271-272.
27. Archer, S. 1988. Have south Texas grasslands been converted to woodlands in recent history? Society for
Range Management Annual Meetings, Corpus Christi, TX.
28. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1988. Factors regulating the ingress and establishment of mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa) in south Texas perennial grasslands. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings,
Corpus Chrisiti, TX.
29. Scanlan, JC, S Archer, CJ Scifres. 1988. Herbaceous yield and composition responses to removal of
Prosopis-mixed brush clusters in south Texas. Society for Range Management Ann. Meetings, Corpus
Chrisiti, TX.
30. Archer, S. 1988. Physiognomic change on a subtropical savanna landscape: modelling rates from processes.
Bulletin of the Ecol. Society of Amer. 60: 69.
31. Loomis, LE, LP Wilding, S Archer. 1988. Genesis of contrasting Ustochrepts and Haplustalfs in the Rio
Grande Plains, Tx. International Society of Soil Science, San Antonio, TX.
32. Loomis, LE, S Archer, CJ Scifres. 1989. Edaphic regulation of Prosopis-dominated shrub cluster
development in south Texas. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Billings, MT.
33. Loomis, LE, S Archer, LP Wilding. 1989. Spatial pattern of Prosopis groves in South Texas: regulation by
Pleistocene fluvial deposition patterns? Bul. Ecological Soc. of America 70: 185.
34. Goerner, CA, S Archer. 1989. Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) establishment in grasslands with contrasting
grazing histories. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 70: 124.
35. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1989. Soils 13C/12C ratios in southern Texas indicate replacement of C4 grasses by
C3 shrubs. Bulletin of the Ecol. Society of America 70: 53.
36. Aradottir, AL, S Archer. 1989. Establishment and stand development of Betula pubescens on eroded areas
in Iceland. Ecology of Mountain Birch Symposium, Tromso University, Norway.
37. Pyke, DA, S Archer. 1990. Biotic interactions affecting plant establishment and persistence on revegetated
rangeland. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada.
38. Angerer, JA, S Archer. 1990. Seasonal leaf dynamics of co-existing shrubs in a subtropical savanna
parkland. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada.
39. Flinn, RC, S Archer. 1990. Changes in seed banks and extant herbaceous vegetation accompanying
succession of a grassland to a thorn woodland. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno,
40. Aradottir, AL, S Archer. 1990. Microsite effects on birch seedling establishment. Society for Range
Management Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
41. Archer, S, LL Tieszen. 1990. Temporal displacement of C 4 grasses by C3 shrubs: direct evidence from soil
13 12
C/ C ratios. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada.
42. Ocumpaugh, WR, MK McWilliams, S Archer, JW Stuth. 1990. Viability of forage seed recovered from
feces: storage effects. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno
43. Ocumpaugh, WR, MK McWilliams, S Archer, JW Stuth. 1990. Recovery and germination of forage
legume seed fed to cattle. Agronomy Abstracts.
44. McWilliams, MK, WR Ocumpaugh, JW Stuth, S Archer. 1990. Recovery and germination of switchgrass
seed fed to cattle. Agronomy Abstracts.
45. Boutton, TW, SR Archer, SF Zitzer. 1990. 13C/12C ratios of soil organic matter indicate rangeland
management history. Agronomy Abstracts 1990:329.
46. Wallace, RB, MK Owens, S Archer. 1991. Shrub seed and seedling persistence on diverse microsites
within a semi–arid woodland. Soc. Range Manage. Ann. Meetings, Washington, DC.
47. Flinn, RC, S Archer, TW Boutton. 1991. Tree ring analysis of honey mesquite: a technique for studying
succession in south Texas thorn woodlands. Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Washington, DC.
48. Brown, JR, S Archer. 1991. Woody plant invasion of grasslands: survival and growth of juvenile honey
mesquite on sites with contrasting grazing histories. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings,
Washington, DC.
49. Zitzer, SF, Archer, S, Boutton, TW 1991. Infective capacity of symbiotic nitrogen–fixing bacteria in
southern Texas savannas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:299.
50. Boutton, TW, Archer, S, Zitzer, SF and Midwood, AJ 1991. 13C values of soil organic matter indicate
vegetation change in a True Prairie ecosystem. Bulletin, Ecological Soc. of America 72:73.
51. Goerner, CW, Archer, S. 1991. Effects of red/far red light on germination and development of mesquite
(Prosopis glandulosa) seedlings. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:125.
52. Weltzin, JF, Heitschmidt, RK, Archer, S. 1991. The historical role of prairie dogs in regulating Prosopis
glandulosa (honey mesquite) abundance. Bulletin Ecological Society America 72:285.
53. Huebotter, N, Archer, S. 1991. Patterns of seed dispersal by avifauna and woody plant succession in a
subtropical savanna parkland, Texas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:147.
54. Wallace, RB, Archer, S, Owens, MK 1991. Seedling tolerance to defoliation: the role of resource
availability. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:280.
55. Flinn, R.C., Archer, S, Boutton, TW 1991. Tree–ring analysis of Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa
from stands of known age. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:114.
56. Archer, S, Flinn, RC 1991. Longevity of Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa ramets and genets in a
subtropical thorn woodland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 72:57.
57. Archer, S. 1991. Vegetation change in the southwest: rates, patterns and proximate causes. American Inst.
Biological Sciences Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Tx.
58. Ocumpaugh, WR, Rahmes, JN, Archer, S, Stuth, JW. 1991. Seedling recruitment from forage seed fed to
cattle. Agronomy Abstracts.
59. Chu, Y, Loh, D, Archer, S. 1991. Spatial modelling of succession in a subtropical savanna. First
International Workshop on Integrating GIS & Environmental Modelling. Boulder, CO.
60. Ojima, DS, Kittel, TGF, Schimel, DS, Wessman, CA, Curtiss, B, Archer, S, Brown, VB, Parton, WJ. 1992.
Global arid and semi–arid ecosystems: linkage between process models and remote sensing. International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX.
61. Archer, S, Wildermuth, MC, Guenther, AB, Holland, EA, Schimel, DS. 1992. Land cover change and
regional tropospheric chemistry. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 73:99.
62. Barnes, PW, Archer, S, Brown, VB 1992. A test for habitat facilitation by honey mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa) in a Texas subtropical woodland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 73:103.
63. Angerer, JP, Archer, S. 1992. Stemflow and throughfall nutrient inputs in a subhumid savanna parkland,
Texas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 73:98.
64. Boutton, TW, Zitzer, SF, Archer, S, Cifuentes, LA. 1992. Symbiotic N 2–fixation in a subtropical thorn
woodland: evidence from 15N natural abundance and nodulation potential. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 73:117.
65. Watts, SE, Archer, S, Boutton, TW 1992. Rooting patterns of co–occurring woody plants in a subtropical
savanna. Texas Section, Society for Range Management Meetings, College Station.
66. Boutton, TW, Midwood, AJ and Archer, S. 1992. Carbon isotope ratios of soil organic matter indicate
recent vegetation change in subtropical thorn woodland. British Ecological Society Bulletin 23:286.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
67. Midwood, AJ, Boutton, TW, Watts, S, Archer, S. 1992. Use of natural 2H and 18O abundance levels in
environmental water to assess plant water use in a subtropical thorn woodland. British Ecological Society
of Bulletin 23:286.
68. Boutton, TW, Nordt, LC, Archer, S, Casar, I. 1993. Stable carbon isotope ratios of soil organic matter and
their potential use as indicators of paleoclimate. International Symposium on Applications of Isotope
Techniques in Studying Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere,
Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
69. Midwood, AJ, Boutton, TW, Watts, S, Archer, S. 1993. Natural abundance of 2H and 18O in soil moisture,
rainfall and plants in a subtropical thorn woodland ecosystem: implications for plant water use.
International Symposium on Applications of Isotope Techniques in Studying Past and Current
Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere, Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
70. Hsieh, YC, Loh, DK, Archer, S. 1993. Spatial modelling of succession in a subtropical savanna:
integrating conventional modeling techniques with GIS and rule–based reasoning. GIS '93 Symposium,
Vancouver, British Columbia.
71. Schimel, DS, Brown, VB, Hibbard, KA, Archer, S. 1993. Aggregation of species–level attributes in
biogeochemical models: results from comparative studies. Carey Conference.
72. Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 1993. Competition or facilitation: response of understory shrubs to removal of the
mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) overstory in a Texas subtropical savanna. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 74:154.
73. Watts, SE, Archer, S, Boutton, TW. 1993. Rooting patterns of co–occurring woody plants on contrasting
soils in a subtropical savanna. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 74:479.
74. Rykiel, EJ, Archer, S, Fulton, M. 1993. Cluster–phase dynamics in vegetation. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 74:421.
75. Stroh, JC, Archer, S, Doolittle, JA, Wilding, LP. 1993. Dynamics of grassland– woodland boundaries:
assessing edaphic constraints with electromagnetic induction. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 74:449.
76. Hibbard, KA, Archer, S, Valentine, DW, Schimel, DS. 1993. Spatial variability in nitrogen mineralization
in a Prosopis savanna parkland. Bul. Ecological Society of America 74:275.
77. Watts, SE, Boutton, TW, Archer, S. 1994. Effects of increased tree/shrub abundance on belowground
carbon and nitrogen storage in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 75:242.
78. Harley, P, Archer, S, Guenther, A. 1994. Effects of growth, irradiance, nitrogen and watering regime on
photosynthesis, leaf conductance and isoprene emission in leaves of Post Oak, Quercus stellata. Bulletin
of the Ecological Society of America 75:87.
79. Stroh, JC, Archer, S. 1994. Dynamics of tree–grass boundaries in a subtropical savanna parkland, 1941–
1990. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 75:222.
80. Hibbard, KA, Archer, S. 1994. Nitrogen dynamics in herbaceous and woody landscape elements in a
subtropical savanna ecosystem. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 75:94.
81. Boutton, TW, Archer, S, Midwood, AJ 1994. 13C values of soil organic matter confirm increased
tree/shrub abundance in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
82. Zitzer, S, Archer, S. 1994. Response of contrasting woody plant growth forms to varying resource
(nitrogen, light, water) ratios. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 75:258
83. Midwood, AJ, Boutton, TW, Archer, S. 1994. Natural abundance of 2H and 18O in rainfall, soil moisture
and plants in a subtropical savanna: implications for plant water use. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 75:154
84. Miller, D, Archer, S, Zitzer, SF. 1994. Radial growth of an invasive arborescent (Prosopis glandulosa) in
relation to annual rainfall, soils, topography and competition. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 75:155.
85. Archer, S, Rykiel, EJ. 1994. Similarities in vegetation cluster formation processes in contrasting
ecosystems. Proceedings, Intl. Society for Ecol. Modelling, Conf-94-0894, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. June 1994. Page 14.
86. Brown, V, Schimel, DS, Archer, S. 1994. Distributions of photosynthetic capacity, foliar nitrogen and
light within a complex tree–shrub canopy. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 75:26.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
87. Schimel, DS, Parton, WJ, Archer, S, Band, L, Baron, JS, Brown, VB, Hibbard, K, Kittel,
88. TGF., Ojima, DS, Pielke, RA, Running, SW, Wessman, C, Xiao, X. 1994. Biospheric interactions with
the hydrosphere and atmosphere. First Global Change & Terrestrial Ecosystems Science Conference,
Woods Hole.
89. Zitzer, SF, Archer, S. 1995. Resource acquisition and succession in a post oak savanna in central Texas.
Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
90. Northup, BK, Stuth, JW, Archer, S, McKown, CD, Crane, RA. 1995. Structure of shrub clusters in a
subtropical savanna in South Texas. Vth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah.
91. Stafford Smith, M, Archer, S, Campbell, BD. 1995. Understanding the effects of global change on
rangelands and improved pastures: an implementation plan for international research. Fifth International
Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah.
92. Northup, B.K, S Zitzer, S Archer, TW Boutton. 1995. Shoot allometry and biomass allocation of a
sclerophyllous evergreen shrub in a subtropical savanna parkland.
38th International Association
Vegetation Science Symposium, Houston ,Texas.
93. Zitzer SF, S Archer, EJ Rykiel. 1995. Temporal variation in seedling growth among contrasting growth
forms: a mechanism for succession from hardwood savanna to evergreen woodland? 38th International
Association Vegetation Science Symposium, Houston ,Texas.
94. Archer, S, P Barnes, DS Schimel, S Tan, S. Zitzer. 1995. Spatial variation in leaf area, biomass and
nitrogen distribution in a subtropical savanna woodland and parkland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society
of America 76: 6.
95. Northup, BK, S Zitzer, S Archer, TW Boutton. 1995. Shoot allometry and biomass allocation of an
arborescent legume (Prosopis glandulosa) in a subtropical savanna parkland. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 76: 198.
96. Miller, DM, Archer, S, Brown, JR. 1995. Recruitment and growth (1984-1994) of an invasive woody plant
(Prosopis glandulosa) on sites with contrasting livestock grazing histories. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 76: 185.
97. Barnes, PW, McMurtry, CR, Archer, S. 1995. Leaf gas exchange and water relations of co-occurring
savanna shrubs in habitats with contrasting soils and overstory development. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America 76: 14.
98. McMurtry, CR, PW Barnes, S Archer. 1995. Physiological responses of woody plants to irrigation in a
Texas subtropical savanna. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 76: 178.
99. Nelson, JA, Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 1995. Influence of irrigation on leaf longevity, biomass production
and shoot growth in contrasting woody plant growth forms in a Texas subtropical savanna. Bulletin of the
Ecological Society of America 76: 195.
100. Weltzin, JF, Archer, S, Heitschmidt, RK. 1996. Honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) seedlings tolerate
frequent defoliation. Soc. Range Management Ann. Meetings, Wichita, KS.
101. Cole, JK, RE Martin, EA Holland, SR Archer, K. Hibbard, Scholes, M. 1996. Nitric oxide fluxes from a
Texas savanna. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77: 87.
102. Nelson, JA, Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 1996. Morphological and leaf demographic responses to resource
availability in a diverse group of South Texas woody plants. Annual Meetings, Southwestern Association
of Naturalists, Pan American University.
103. McMurtry, C, Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 1996. Resource availability and physiological activity of a diverse
woody plant assemblage in South Texas savannas. Annual Meetings, Southwestern Association of
Naturalists, Pan American University.
104. Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 1996. Competition or facilitation? The nature of overstory-understory interactions
in southern Texas savannas. Annual Meetings, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Pan American
105. Midwood, A, Boutton, TW, Archer, S. 1996. 2H and 18O evidence for plant water use patterns in a
subtropical savanna ecosystem. Stable Isotopes and the Integration of Biological, Ecological and
Geochemical Processes Workshop (Sponsored by Assn. Applied Biologists, Soc. Experimental Biology &
British Ecol. Soc.). University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U K.
106. Jurena, PN, Archer, S. 1997. Establishment and growth of Prosopis glandulosa:: effects of site grazing
history and herbaceous defoliation. Annual Meetings, Soc. Range Management, Rapid City, SD.
107. Stokes, CJ, S Archer. 1997. Woody plant invasion in a southern Texas savanna: pattern and process.
Welder Wildlife Foundation Symposium, Sinton, TX.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
108. Archer, S. 1997. Woody plant imperialism in southwestern savannas: causes and consequences. Bulletin
Ecological Society of America 78:6.
109. Fuhlendorf, SD, FE Smeins, S Archer. 1997. Transition intervals in Markov succession models: a
quantitative assessment. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 78:92.
110. Jurena, PN, S Archer. 1997. Belowground competition and Prosopis glandulosa establishment
grasslands: available area configuration effects. Bull. Ecological Society of America 78:119.
111. Hibbard, KA, S Archer, DS Schimel, DS Ojima, WJ Parton. 1997. Carbon accretion accompanying
succession from grassland to woodland. Bull. Ecological Soc. America 78:108.
112. Hubbard, JA, S Archer, TW Boutton. 1997. Rates of root biomass accumulation during succession from
savanna to woodland. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 78:260.
113. McCulley, R, TW Boutton, S Archer, D Zuberer, F Hons, J Hubbard. 1997. Spatial- temporal variation in
soil respiration and microbial biomass in a subtropical savanna parkland. Bulletin Ecological Society of
America 78:283.
114. McMurtry, CR, PW Barnes, S. Archer. 1997. Leaf longevity - photosynthesis relationships in a Texas
subtropical savanna. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 78:144.
115. Nelson, JA, PW Barnes, S Archer. 1997. Leaf demography and growth responses to moisture availability in
co-occurring woody plants in a Texas subtropical savanna. Bulletin Ecological Society of America
116. Stokes, CJ, S Archer. 1997. Functional organization of multi-species shrub clusters in a savanna parkland.
Bulletin Ecological Society of America 78:191.
117. Archer, S. and Stokes, CJ. 1997. Stress, disturbance and change in rangeland ecosystems. International
Conference on Rangeland Degradation, Reykjavik, Iceland.
118. Weltzin, JF, Archer, S. 1998. Rodent herbivores constrain vegetation structure in temperate shrub savannas
(in the symposium on Natural grazing as a factor shaping out vegetation patterns) . VII International
Congress of Ecology, Florence, Italy.
119. Wu, XB, S Archer, X Ren. 1998. Surface hydrology and landscape pattern in a subtropical savanna.
Abstracts, 83rd Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, p. 230.
120. Boutton, TW, S Archer. 1998. Rates of soil C and nitrogen accumulation during succession from grassland
to woodland in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Soil Science Soc. America.
121. Kreuter, UP, SR Archer, CJ Scifres. 1999. Bioeconomic basis for woody plant management. VI th
International Rangeland Congress, Townsville, Australia.
122. McCulley, RL, TW Boutton, SR Archer. 1999. Soil respiration and microbial biomass in a savanna
parkland: The role of soil moisture. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings (Spokane)
123. Simmons, M, SR Archer, R Teague, AJ Ansley. 1999. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings
124. Hubbard,JA, S Archer, TW Boutton, RJ Ansley. 1999. Interactive effects of fire and grazing on plant
productivity and soil respiration. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings (Spokane)
125. Hughes, RF, SR Archer, GP Asner, CR McMurtry, DS Schimel, CA Wessman. Ecosystem-level impacts
of woody plant encroachment: Prosopis glandulosa (honey mesquite) alteration of C and N storage and
cycling in a north Texas savanna. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings (Spokane).
126. Liao, JD, TW Boutton, AJ Hoskisson, R.L. McCulley, SR Archer. 1999. Woodland development and the
N-cycle of a subtropical savanna parkland: insights from 15N of plants and soils. Abstracts, Ecological
Society of America Annual Meetings (Spokane), p. 274
127. Archer S, TW Boutton. 1999. Historic changes in tree/grass abundance: implications for C and N storage.
Soil Science Soc. America Abstracts 1999: 364.
128. Boutton, TW, S Archer. 1999. Soil carbon dynamics in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. Soil Science Soc.
America Abstracts 1999: 227
129. Simmons, MT, SR Archer, RW Teague, JR Ansley. 2000. The influence of honey mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa) on the growth of Texas wintergrass (Stipa leucotricha) in a temperate savanna in north Texas.
Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings (Boise).
130. Hughes, RF, SR Archer, GP Asner, CR McMurtry, CA. Wessman. 2000. Ecosystem-level impacts of
mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) encroachment on C and N pools in herbaceous vegetation and soils in a
temperate savanna. Ecological Society of America 85th Annual Meeting, Snow Bird, Utah, p. 124.
131. Archer, S, TW Boutton, KA Hibbard. 2000. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas:
ecosystem consequences. Ecological Society of America Symposium on ‘Land Use and Land Cover
Published Abstracts (cont.)
Change: The Last Century and Prospects for the 21st Century, Ecological Society of America 85th Annual
Meeting, Snow Bird, Utah, p.6.
Barnes, PW, Archer, S. 2000. Landscape variation in overstory-understory relationships in a subtropical
savanna/woodland ecosystem. Ecological Society of America 85th Annual Meeting, Snow Bird, Utah, p.
Jurena, PN, Archer, S. 2000. The role of sub-surface fissures on the establishment of an invasive woody
shrub (Prosopis glandulosa) in grasslands. Ecological Society of America 85th Annual Meeting, Snow
Bird, Utah, p. 295.
Hubbard, JA, S Archer, TW Boutton, RJ Ansley. 2000. Effects of fire and simulated grazing on root
dynamics and soil respiration in a mixed-grass prairie. Ecological Society of America 85th Annual
Meeting, Snow Bird, Utah, p. 289.
Stokes, CJ, Archer, S. 2000. Soil patchiness and spatial patterns of tree patch development in a subtropical
savanna. Ecological Society of America 85th Annual Meeting, Snow Bird, Utah, p. 342.
Boutton, T.W. and Archer, S. 2000. Carbon sequestration: understanding the basics. Texas Plant
Protection Conference, College Station, TX.
Archer, S. & Boutton, T.W. 2000. Carbon sequestration: a viable commodity? Texas Plant Protection
Conference, College Station, TX.
Orradottir, B, Archer, S, Arnalds, O, Wilding, LP. 2001. Infiltration rates and frost dynamics in Icelandic
Andisols: does vegetation cover matter? Dynamics and Challenges of Cryosols. Third International
Conference on Cryopedology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Archer, S, TW Boutton, KA Hibbard. 2001. Ecosystem simplification and ecological processes: the good,
the bad and the ugly. Joint Ecological Soc. America/Soc. Range Management Symposium on ‘Ecosystem
Simplification’, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
Thorsson, J, Archer, S, Aradóttir, A, Arnalds O. 2001. Forest and land degradation in Iceland: contributing
factors. Nordic Arctic Research Programme Symposium on Northern tree-line forests and heaths:
Production, herbivory and land use., Aberdeen, Scotland June 13, 2001
Archer, S, Lauenroth, WK, Sala, OE. 2001. Thresholds and non-linear dynamics: an overview.
Symposium on ‘Thresholds and Non-linear Responses in Ecosystems: Understanding, Sustaining, and
Restoring Complex Rangelands Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Madison, WI.
Jurena, P.N., Archer, S. 2001. Establishment of a native invasive shrub (Prosopis glandulosa) on
grasslands with contrasting grazing histories. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Madison,
Wessman, C., Archer, S., Asner, G.P., Bateson, A., Boutton, T.W. 2001. Regional NPP and carbon stocks
in Southwestern USA rangelands: land-use impacts on the grassland-woodland balance .NASA Land
Cover Land Use Change Meetings, Baltimore, MD.
Archer, S., Fuhlendorf, S., Scanlan, J.C., Smeins, F.E. 2002. Beyond boxes and arrows: approaches for
quantifying state transitions. IN: Joint Ecological Soc. America/Soc. Range Management Symposium
“Using State and Transition Models to Manage Rangelands in the Face of Biological Invasions”, Annual
Meetings, Soc. Range Management, Kansas City.
Orradottir, B, Archer, S, Arnalds, O, Wilding, LP. 2002. Erosion, infiltration and frost formation in
Andisols: Does vegetation matter? COALS Graduate Student Research Week, Texas A&M University,
College Station.
Thorsson, J., Archer, S., Aradottir, A., Arnolds, O. 2002. Forest and land degradation in Iceland:
contributing factors. COALS Graduate Student Research Week, Texas A&M University, College Station.
Jessup, KE, PW Barnes, SR Archer, CB Zou, CR McMurtry. 2002. Edaphic controls over plant/soil water
relations and leaf gas exchange in a subtropical savanna: temporal patterns. Ecological Soc. America
Annual Meetings, Tucson.
Barnes, PW, SR Archer, CB Zou, CR McMurtry, KE Jessup. 2002. Edaphic influences on woody plant
facilitation and competition in a subtropical savanna. Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
Archer, SR, PW Barnes, CB Zou, CR McMurtry, KE Jessup. 2002. Hydraulic Lift –Evidence of soil
moisture redistribution by Prosopis glandulosa in a semi-arid savanna parkland in southern Texas.
Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
Zou, CB, SR Archer, PW Barnes, CR McMurtry, KE Jessup. 2002. Soil moisture partitioning and
overstory-understory interactions among co-occurring woody plants in a savanna parkland. Ecological Soc.
America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
151. McMurtry, CR, SR Archer, PW Barnes, KE Jessup, CB Zou. 2002. Structure and distribution of shrub
patches in a savanna parkland upland is influenced by argillic horizon development. Ecological Soc.
America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
152. Wu, XB, SR Archer, TW Boutton, F. Liu, KE Jessup. 2002. Spatial patterns of bulk density and soil water
content in a savanna parkland landscape. Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Tucson.
153. Liu, F, TW Boutton, XB Wu, SR Archer, KE Jessup. 2002. Spatial Patterns of Soil Properties in a Savanna
Parkland Landscape: Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen. Soil Science Soc. America Annual
Meetings, Indianapolis.
154. Wu, XB, SR Archer, TW Boutton, F. Liu, KE Jessup. 2002. Spatial patterns of bulk density and soil water
content in a savanna parkland landscape. Soil Science Soc. America Annual Meetings, Indianapolis.
155. Barnes, PW, CB Zou, SR Archer. 2002. Temporal and spatial patterns in hydraulic lift and plant/soil water
relations in a subtropical savanna: understanding how climate variability, edaphic factors and plant-plant
interactions influence evapotranspiration and hydrology. Chapman Conference on Eco-hydrology of
Semiarid Landscapes: Interactions and Processes, Taos, NM.
156. Boutton TW, Archer SR, Liao JD. 2002. Land cover changes and soil carbon dynamics: Insights from
natural d13C and long-term incubations. IN: Carbon Cycle Management in Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Proceedings 9th U.S./Japan Workshop on Global Change, p. 49-50.
157. Boutton TW, Archer SR. 2002. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas: Significance for
ecosystem and global carbon storage. IN: Carbon Cycle Management in Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Proceedings 9th U.S./Japan Workshop on Global Change, p. 40-41.
158. Liu, F, TW Boutton, XB Wu, SR Archer, KE Jessup 2002. Spatial patterns of soil properties in a savanna
parkland landscape: soil organic carbon and total nitrogen. Soil Science Soc. America Annual Meetings,
159. McCulley, R., TW Boutton, SR Archer. 2002. Pulse irrigation effects on soil moisture and microbial
biomass in a semi-arid thorn woodland. Workshop on The Ecology of Resource Pulses, Tucson, AZ.
160. Boutton, TW, SR Archer. 2002. Woody plant encroachment in grasslands and savannas: implications for
ecosystem and global carbon storage. USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Raleigh, NC, November 19-21, 2002
161. Boutton, TW, SR Archer. 2003. Ecosystem carbon gain with woody plant proliferation in grasslands.
Carbon Storage Symposium, Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Casper, WY
162. Orradottir, B, S Archer, O Arnalds, LP Wilding. 2003. The influence of vegetation on soil frost and
infiltration rates in Icelandic rangelands Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Casper, WY
163. Thorsson, J, S, Archer, A. Aradottir, O. Arnalds. 2003. Degradation of Icelandic rangelands: processes and
propertie. Soc. Range Management Annual Meetings, Casper, WY
164. Tomas, MA, S Archer, R Teague. 2003. Genetic differentiation between populations of Bouteloua
curtipendula var. curtipendula from contrasting topo-edaphic settings. Soc. Range Manage. Ann.
Meetings, Casper, WY
165. X.B. Wu, SR Archer, TW Boutton, F Liu, and K Jessup. 2003. Spatial patterns of soil properties in a
savanna parkland landscape: bulk density and soil water content. Soil Survey and Land Resource
Workshop, Texas A&M University, College Station.
166. Liu, F, TW Boutton, XB Wu, SR Archer, E Bai, KE Jessup. 2003. Spatial patterns of soil properties in a
savanna parkland landscape: soil organic carbon and total nitrogen. Soil Survey and Land Resource
Workshop, Texas A&M University, College Station.
167. Zou, CB and Archer, SR. 2002. Vegetation dynamics in semiarid savanna parkland - a case study from
south Texas, USA in “Linking Ecological Theories and Ecosystem Restoration. South China Institute of
Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, and Sino-Ecologists Club Overseas. December 27-29, 2002,
Guangzhou, China
168. Tomas, MA, Gelwick, F, Archer, SR. 2003. Local distribution of Bouteloua curtipendula varieties within
their zone of sympatry. Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Savannah, GA.
169. Zitzer, SF and Archer , SR. 2003. . Influence of variation in spatial and temporal light distribution on leaf
area biomass and nitrogen relationships of woody plants from a subtropical savanna. Ecological Society of
America Annual Meetings, Savannah, GA
170. Archer, S, TW Boutton. 2003. Wooded grasslands: functional consequences of an ecological oxymoron.
In: ‘Biogeochemistry of grassland and shrubland ecosystems: local to regional linkages and impacts of
land use.’ Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Savannah, GA
Published Abstracts (cont.)
171. Tomas, MA, S Archer, C Taylor. 2004. Confluence in ecophysiological performance of Bouteloua
curtipendula varieties in their zone of sympatry. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Salt
Lake City, UT.
172. Orradottir, B, S Archer, O Arnalds, LP Wilding. 2004. Surface stability in Icelandic andisolic rangelands:
influence of vegetation. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT.
173. Archer , S. 2003. Trees, water, space and time. In: Special Session 'An Ecohydrological Perspective on
Woody Plant Encroachment in Grasslands', American Geophysical Union Annual Meetings, San Francisco
(Dec 2003).
174. Thorsson, J., S Archer, A Aradottir, XB Wu, O Arnalds. 2004. Assessing land degradation in Iceland with
GIS Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT.
175. Boutton, AT, T Rosol, TW Boutton, X. Ben Wu, SR Archer, CT Hallmark, F Liu, E Bai, DL Prochaska.
2004. Spatial variation in soil texture in a subtropical savanna parkland landscape. Society for Range
Management Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT.
176. Liu , F, XB Wu , SR Archer, TW Boutton, E Bai. 2004. Spatial Patterns of Soil Properties in a Savanna
Parkland Landscape: Bulk Density and Soil Water Content. Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT.
177. Bai, E, TW Boutton, SR Archer, XB Wu, F Liu. 2004. Spatial Patterns of Soil Properties in a Savanna
Parkland Landscape: Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen. Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT.
178. Wessman, CA, Archer, S, Asner, G, Bateson, A, Boutton, TW. 2004. Regional NPP and Carbon Stocks in
Southwestern USA Rangelands: Land-use Impacts on the Grassland-Woodland Balance. NASA Land
Cover/Land Use Change Investigators Meeting, University of Maryland, College Park. (19 Jan 2004)
179. Thorsson, J, S Archer, A Aradottir, XB Wu, O Arnalds. 2004. Land degradation in Iceland: rates, patterns
and processes. Ecological Society of American Annual Meetings, Portland, OR
180. Archer, S, Boutton, TW, Wu, XB, Liu, F, Bai, E. 2004 Spatial accounting of soil C and N in grasslands
invaded by woody plants. Ecological Society of American Annual Meetings, Portland, OR
181. Browning, D, Archer, S, Asner, GP, McClaran, MP, Wessman CA. 2004. Pitfalls interpreting woody plant
cover change from historical aerial photography. Ecological Society of American Annual Meetings,
Portland, OR
182. Archer, S., T. Boutton, X. Wu, F. Liu, and E. Bai. 2005. Spatial-temporal changes in soil properties
following woody plant encroachment. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Ft. Worth, TX.
183. Bai, E., T. Boutton, F. Liu, X. Wu, S. Archer, and K. Jessup. 2005. Spatial patterns of soil C-13 and N-15
in a savanna parkland landscape. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Ft. Worth, TX.
184. Liu, F., B. Wu, E Bai, R. Archer, T. Boutton, and K. Jessup. 2005. Spatial pattern of vegetation in a
subtropical savanna landscape. in F. W. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, TX.
185. Vogl, Adrian, McMurtry, CR, Archer, S. 2005. Prickly pear (Opuntia engelmannii) carbon pools in a
desert grassland. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, TX
186. Throop, H., S Archer, M McClaran. 2005, Land Use History and Litter Decomposition in a Semi-Desert
Grassland. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Montreal, Canada.
187. Liu, F., XB Wu, S Archer, et al. 2005. Scaling of soil C and N and its relationship to vegetation and soil
attributes in a subtropical savanna landscape. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Montreal,
188. Browning, D. M., S Archer, GP Asner, et al. 2005. Spatial rearrangement of woody plant (Prosopis
velutina) cover over 60 years in a desert grassland. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings,
Montreal, Canada.
189. Jahnsen, HM, TW Boutton, CT Hallmark, D Prochaska, XB Wu, and SR Archer. 2005. Spatial variation in
soil texture in a savanna ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City.
190. Liu, F., E Bai, X. Ben Wu, Steven R. Archer, Thomas W. Boutton. 2005. Correlations of Soil C and N With
Vegetation and Soil Attributes and Their Spatial Scaling in a Subtropical Savanna Landscape. in American
Geophysical Union.
191. Bai, E., Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Archer, S. 2005. Spatial patterns of plant δ 13C and δ15N along a
topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna landscape. in American Geophysical Union, San Francisco,
192. Huang, C., Marsh, S, McClaran, M, Archer, S. 2005. Cover-biomass relationships in woody plants: effects
of fire and implications for remote sensing. 2nd Annual Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE)
Published Abstracts (cont.)
Symposium, Tucson, AZ.
193. Yablon, L., and S. Archer. 2005. Animals and the ecosystem carbon budget. Arizona/NASA Statewide
Undergraduate Research Internship Program Symposium, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
194. Archer, S. 2006. Conservation management and woody plant encroachment : the yin/yang of tree-grass
interactions in grazing lands. In: Wild Rangelands: Conservation in the World’s Grazing Ecosystems.
Symposium sponsored by The Zoological Society of London and the Wildlife Conservation Society,
Regents Park, London, UK (January)
195. Bai E, TW Boutton, F Liu, XB Wu, SR Archer. 2006. Landscape-scale vegetation dynamics inferred from
spatial patterns of soil 13C in a subtropical savanna. Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting: Beijing (July)
196. Liu, F, XB Wu, E Bai, TW Boutton, SR Archer. 2006. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in a
subtropical savanna landscape and its implications on sampling design. Ecological Society of America,
Memphis, TN.
197. Huang, C., Marsh, S., McClaran, M., and Archer, S. Post-fire stand structure of woody plants:
Implications for remote sensing of biomass. The Ecological Society of America. Memphis, TN
198. Throop, H, Archer, S, McClaran, M, McMurtry, C. 2006. Relationships between aboveground woody
biomass and soil organic carbon in a semi-desert grassland. Ecological Society America, Memphis, TN.
199. Briggs, J, Knapp, A, Archer, S et al. 2006. Shrub encroachment across North America: a multi-site
synthesis of patterns, mechanisms and consequences. Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN.
200. Browning, D., and S. Archer. 2006. Spatial patterns and trends in woody plant (Prosopis velutina) biomass
accumulation with contrasting grazing practices (1932 – 1949). Ecological Society of America, Memphis,
201. Huang, C., Marsh, S, McClaran, M, and Archer, S. 2006. Cover-biomass relationships in woody plants:
effects of fire and implications for remote sensing. 50th Annual Meeting, Arizona-Nevada Academy of
Science. Tucson, AZ. April 8.
202. Herrick, J. E., B. T. Bestelmeyer, S. Archer, A. J. Tugel, J. R. Brown, and K. M. Havstad. 2006. An
integrated framework for assessment, monitoring and management of grassland, shrubland and savanna
ecosystems. Natural Areas Management Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ (Sep 2006)
203. Throop, H., and S. R. Archer. 2006. Relationships between aboveground woody biomass and soil
organic carbon in a semi-desert grassland. LTER All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO.
204. Lanning, M, S Woods, SR Archer , S. Schwinning. 2006. Seedling use of soil moisture: an early factor in
dryland encroachment potential. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems Symposium, University of
Arizona, Tucson.
205. McMurtry, C, SR Archer, MP McClaran, D Browning, H Throop. 2006 Estimating Prosopis velutina
aboveground biomass: field and remote sensing approaches. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems
Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson.
206. Root, J., C. Tewksbury, S. Archer, and C. McMurtry. 2007. Woody Debris in Desert Grasslands? Research
Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson.
207. Huang, C., SR Archer, and SE Marsh. 2006. A top-down perspective on the stability of savanna
ecosystems. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson.
208. Throop, H., SR Archer, MP McClaran, CR McMurtry. 2006. Relationships between aboveground woody
biomass and soil organic carbon in a semi-desert grassland. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems
Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson.
209. Throop, H., S. Archer, M. McClaran, D. Ojima, R. Keough, and W. Parton. 2006. Soil organic carbon
responses to grazing and woody plant encroachment in a semi-desert grassland. in American Geophysical
Union Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA.
210. Archer, S. 2007. Ecology of ecological site descriptions. In: Symposium on “Resolving Critical Issues in
the Development and Use of Ecological Site Descriptions.” Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Reno, NV.
211. Throop, H., S. Archer, M. McClaran, D. Ojima, R. Keough, and W. Parton. 2007. Soil organic carbon
responses to grazing and woody plant encroachment in a semi-desert grassland. Society for Range
Management Annual Meetings, Reno, NV.
212. Root, J., C. Tewksbury, S. Archer, and C. McMurtry. 2007. Woody debris in desert grasslands? Society for
Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, NV.
213. Wu, X.B., Liu, F., Bai, E., Boutton, TW, Archer, SR. 2007. Spatial understanding and estimation of carbon
storage in a savanna landscape. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Reno, NV.
Published Abstracts (cont.)
214. Browning, D., S. R. Archer, and M. P. McClaran. 2007. Using aerial photography to estimate woody plant
cover/biomass: How much are we missing? 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of
Environment, San Jose, Costa Rica
215. Bai, E., Boutton, TW, Liu, F., Wu, XB, Archer, SR. 2007. Spatial patterns of soil δ13C in a subtropical
woodland. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, San Jose, CA.
216. Woods, S, SR Archer, S Schwinning. 2007. Taproot elongation in woody plant seedlings: a factor in species
encroachment potential. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, San Jose, CA.
217. Liu, F, Wu, XB, Bai, E, Boutton, TW,Archer, SR. 2007. Spatial pattern of Prosopis glandulosa (Honey
Mesquite) and its influence on soil C and N in a subtropical savanna landscape. Ecological Society of
America Annual Meetings, San Jose, CA.
218. Throop, H., S. Archer, and M. McClaran. 2007. Long-term influence of woody plant removal on soil
organic carbon pools in a semi-desert grassland. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, San
Jose, CA.
219. Browning, D, A Byrne, S. Archer. 2007. How much are we missing? Field validation of historic aerial
photography. RISE Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson (October 2007).
220. Archer, S. Boutton TW, McClaran, MP, Throop, HL Wu, XB. 2008. Grasses, shrubs and the functional
consequences of ecosystem state changes. In: Current Ecological Issues n Grassland Science Symposium
(RL McCulley, organizer), Society for Range Management Annual Meetings, Louisville, KY (Jan 2008)
221. Browning, D, A Byrne, S Archer. 2007. How much are we missing? Field validation of historic aerial
photography. SRM Annual Meetings, Louisville, KY (Jan 2008).
222. Browning DM, Archer SR. 2008. Disturbance, space, and time: Long-term mesquite dynamics in Sonoran
desert grasslands (1932 – 2006). In 23rd Annual Symposium of US-IALE: Landscape Patterns and
Ecosystem Processes. Madison, WI
223. Archer, S. 2008. Grassland in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Western USA. In:
Symposium on “Assessing the Multi-Functionality of Grasslands—Future Research Priorities to Address
Global Change”. SA-CSSA–SSSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX (Oct 5-9, 2008)
224. Throop, H., S. Archer, P. W. Barnes, M. L. Abbene, D. Hewin, and G. Okin. 2008. Addressing the dryland
decomposition conundrum by integrating vegetation structure, soil transport and UV photodegradation.
LTER Cross-Site Comparison Symposium, Albuquerque, NM
225. Goolsby D, Bestelmeyer BT, Monger C, Archer SR. 2008. Creating a model of shrub expansion in northern
Chihuahuan Desert grasslands: spatial patterns and biophysical constraints. LTER Cross-Site Comparison
226. Woods, SR, SR Archer, and S Schwinning. 2008. When trees take over: overcoming the demographic
bottleneck and tipping the balance. Organized Session on "Towards a synthetic theory of tree-grass
coexistence in savannas" Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Milwaukee, WI.
227. Abbene ML, Barnes PW, Throop HL, Archer S. 2008. Interactive effects of UV radiation and soil coverage
on leaf litter decomposition in velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina). In Ecological Society of America
Annual Meetings. Milwaukee, WI
228. Goolsby, D., Bestelmeyer, B, Archer, S. 2008. Shrub expansion in northern Chihuahuan Desert grasslands:
spatial patterns and biophysical constraints. Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Milwaukee, WI.
229. Boutton T, Archer S. 2008. Vegetation, land use history and patterns of soil organic carbon in the southern
Great Plains. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meetings. Houston, TX.
230. Archer S, Throop H, McClaran M. 2008. Ecosystem carbon and nitrogen pools in managed rangelands: a
spatial accounting of management influences. In Project Director’s Workshop, USDA Managed
Ecosystems Workshop, Madison, WI
231. Archer, S. 2008. Grasslands in Transition: Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Western USA. In:
Symposium on “Assessing the Multi-Functionality of Grasslands—Future Research Priorities to Address
Global Change”. SA-CSSA–SSSA annual meeting in Houston, Texas (Oct 5-9, 2008)
232. Woods, SR, SR Archer, S Schwinning. 2008. Precarious seedling establishment in Larrea tridentata: Soil
moisture and a taproot elongation threshold Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium,
University of Arizona.
233. Van Devender, A, SR Woods, SR Archer, S Schwinning. 2008. Does high xylem conductance give
Prosopis velutina an advantage? Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium, University
of Arizona.
234. Goolsby, D, BT Bestelmeyer, SR Archer. 2009. Shrub expansion in northern Chihuahuan Desert
Published Abstracts (cont.)
grasslands: spatial patterns and biophysical constraints. Society for Range Management Annual Meetings,
Albuquerque, NM.
Bestelmeyer, BT, D Goolsby, SR Archer. 2009. The spatial pattern of transition (SPOT): linking pattern,
process, and scale to state-and-transition models. In: Symposium on "Rangeland ecohydrology: Key
Concepts and Application to State and Transition Model Development" Society for Range Management
Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Archer, S, KW Davies, TE Fulbright, K McDaniel, and BP Wilcox. 2009. Brush Management and
Conservation: New Perspectives on an Old Problem in "Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP)
Rangeland Literature Synthesis: An Initial Report" Symposium. Society for Range Management Annual
Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Browning, DM, Franklin, J & Archer, SR. 2009. Grazing effects on woody plant recruitment in a Sonoran
desert grassland across space and time. International Association of Landscape Ecologists, Snowbird, Utah
Thorsson, J., Aradottir, A. L. & Archer, S. (2009) The effect of disturbances on birch ecosystems. Annual
Conference of Agricultural Research in Iceland. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Thorsson, J., Archer, S. & Aradottir, A. L. (2009) The effect of sward structure on soil frost processes.
Annual Conference of Agricultural Research in Iceland. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Hewins, DB, HL Throop, SR Archer, GS Okin. 2009. Soil-litter mixing enhances decomposition rates in a
Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM
Throop, H, Archer, S, Barnes, P. 2009. Addressing the dryland decomposition conundrum by integrating
vegetation structure, soil transport, and UV photodegradation. Organized oral session: “What's New Under
the Sun? Photodegradation and Novel Drivers of Decomposition in Dryland Ecosystems.” Ecological
Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Predick, K. S Archer. 2009. Does livestock grazing promote woody plant encroachment in drylands?
Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Goolsby, D, B Bestelmeyer, S Archer. 2009. Spatial and ecological processes of grassland to woody plant
transition in New Mexico. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Thorsson, J, S Archer, A Aradottir. 2009. Degradation of high latitude ecosystems: vegetation covercryoturbation linkages. Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Archer, S, H Throop, D Browning, K Predick. 2009. Does woody plant encroachment increase ecosystem
carbon stocks? Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Browning, DM, SR Archer, J Franklin, DP Guertin. 2009. Does livestock grazing influence spatial patterns
of woody plant proliferation? Ecological Soc. America Ann. Meetings, Albuquerque, NM.
Hewins, D., H. Lee, H. Throop, S. Archer, and G. Okin. 2009. Soil-litter mixing affects leaf litter
decomposition in a desert grassland. LTER All Scientists meeting Estes Park, CO.
J. Smith, Throop, H., N. Liu, L. Reichmann, S. Archer, and O. Sala. 2009. Ecophysiological responses to
drastic changes in water availability in a desert grassland. LTER All Scientists meeting Estes Park, CO.
Goolsby, D, B Bestelmeyer, S Archer. 2009. Spatial and ecological processes of grassland to woody plant
transition in New Mexico. LTER All Scientists meeting Estes Park, CO.
Huang, C, WJD van Leeuwen, SR Archer, SE Marsh. 2010. Utilizing a near-infrared absorption feature to
extract spectral signals of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism plants. Art, science and applications for
reflectance spectroscopy. Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. and IEE GRSS Workshop. Boulder Colorado.
Goolsby, D, B Bestelmeyer, S Archer. 2010. Hierarchical spatial processes in grassland-shrubland
transitions in the southwestern US. Society for Range Management /Weed Science Soc. America Annual
meetings, Denver, CO.
Archer, SR, Pierce, N, Lamanna, CA. 2010. Lateral roots and lignotubers: overlooked components of
ecosystem carbon pools in drylands. Ecological Soc. America Annual Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hewins, DB , HL Throop, SR Archer, GS Okin. 2010. Soil-litter mixing accelerates decomposition and may
promote soil aggregate formation in the Chihuahuan Desert. Session B30: Aeolian Processes: Biophysical
Drivers and Biogeochemical Implications, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Duerr, A, E Levi, SR Archer, K Predick. 2010. Rates and dynamics of decomposition in drylands. AZ
START workshop, University of Arizona. July, 2010.
Throop, HL, P Barnes, SR Archer. 2010. Wind and water transport of soil mediate dryland biogeochemical
processes via effects on decomposition. Session B30: Aeolian Processes: Biophysical Drivers and
Biogeochemical Implications, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Power, RC, TH Melhem, JP Field, DD Breshears, SR Archer. 2010. Rates of soil-litter mixing beneath and
Published Abstracts (cont.)
between shrub canopies in a semiarid shrubland: combined effects of aeolian/fluvial redistribution. B33B.
Eolian Processes: Biophysical Drivers and Biogeochemical Implications II. American Geophysical Union,
San Francisco, CA.
257. Power, RC, TH Melhem, JP Field, DD Breshears, SR Archer. 2010. Dynamic soil/litter surfaces in shrub
land vegetation patches: Implications of wind and water erosion for litter decomposition. 15th Annual
University of Arizona Graduate College Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium Conference,
Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ.
258. Power, RC, TH Melhem, JP Field, DD Breshears, SR Archer. Wind and water-driven resource
redistribution at the vegetation-patch scale in a semiarid shrubland: Characterizing rates of soil-litter
mixing. Seventh Annual Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. 2 October 2010.
Tucson, Arizona.
259. Huang, C, SR Archer, MP McClaran, SE Marsh. 2011. Long-term cross-scale assessment of woody cover
stability in drylands. International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia
(April 2011).
Brown, JR. 1987. Factors regulating the ingress and establishment of a woody plant (Prosopis
glandulosa) in perennial grasslands. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
Scanlan, JC. 1988. Spatial and temporal vegetation patterns in a subtropical Prosopis
woodland, Texas. PhD Dissertation, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor)
Loomis, LE. 1989. Plant-soil relationships in grassland-to-woodland succession. Ph.D. Dissertation,
Texas A&M University.
Weltzin, JF 1990. The role of prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) in regulating the population
dynamics of the woody legume (Prosopis glandulosa). M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University.
Aradottir, AL. 1991. Population biology and stand development of birch (Betula pubescens) on
disturbed sites in Iceland. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
Wallace, RB 1991. Emergence and establishment of two leguminous shrubs on semi–arid sites in
southwestern Texas. (MS Thesis) (Co-Advisor).
Angerer, J. 1991. Stemflow, throughfall and leaf litter nutrient dynamics in a subtropical savanna
parkland, Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University.
Huebotter, NH. 1991. Successional processes in a Texas savanna woodland: the role of birds and
rodents. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University.
El Youssoufi, M. 1992. Factors influencing recruitment of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var.
glandulosa) in a savanna woodland, Texas. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
10. Watts, S. 1993. Rooting patterns of co–occurring woody plants on contrasting soils in a subtropical
savanna. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor).
11. Goerner, CA. 1993. Aboveground interference, litter and light quality influence on Prosopis glandulosa
var. glandulosa establishment in grasslands. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University.
12. Stroh, JC. 1995. Landscape development and dynamics of a subtropical savanna parkland, 1941-1990.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
Theses/Dissertations Directed (cont.)
13. Hibbard, KA. 1995. Landscape patterns of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a subtropical savanna:
observations and models. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
14. Stoker, R. 1997. An object oriented, spatially explicit simulation model of vegetation dynamics in a
south Texas savanna. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
15. McCulley, RL. 1998. Soil respiration and microbial biomass in a savanna parkland landscape: spatiotemporal variation and environmental controls. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor)
16. Stokes, CJ. 1999. Woody plant dynamics in a south Texas savanna:
Dissertation, Texas A&M University
pattern and process Ph.D.
17. Farley, A.L. 2000. Vegetation, soils and surface hydrology of playa landforms in the Rio Grande
Plains, Texas. MS Thesis, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor)
18. Jurena, P. N. 2001. Grass-woody plant interactions during shrub seedling establishment. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
19. Orradottir, B. 2002. The Influence of vegetation on frost dynamics, infiltration rate and surface stability
in Icelandic Andisolic rangelands. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University.
20. Hubbard, J.A. 2003. Disturbance interactions: fire and grazing in a mixed-grass prairie. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Texas A&M University Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor)
21. Simmons, M.A. 2003. Tree-grass and tree-tree interactions in a temperate savanna: the influence of
soils, grazing and fire. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University. (Co-Advisor)
22. Tomas, Andrea. 2004. Ecological implications of genetic variation in Bouteloua curtipendula
(MICHX.) TORR. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
23. Thorsson, J. 2008. Desertification of high latitude ecosystems: conceptual models, time-series analyses
and experiments. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
24. Browning, D.A. 2008. Cross-scale perspectives on woody plant dynamics in the Sonoran Desert –
effects of soils and disturbance. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona.
JR Brown
Science Programs Advisor, National Technical Office, USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service.
JC Scanlan
Director and Principal Scientist, Robert Wicks Research Centre, Toowomba,
LE Loomis
Soil Scientist, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Alpine, TX
Activities of Former Students (cont.)
AL Aradottir
Department Head, Research & Development, Icelandic Soil Conservation
Service, Reykjavik
M El Youssoufi
Assoc. Professor of Ecology & Range Mgmt.; Director, Academic Affairs &
Research, Ecole Nationale de Agriculture, Morocco
JC Stroh
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Morningside College, Sioux
City, IA
KA Hibbard
Project Scientist II, Terrestrial Sciences Section, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
R Stoker
Private Enterprise
CJ Stokes
Research Ecologist, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Division, Townsville,
PN Jurena
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of Texas at San Antonio
J.A Hubbard
Lead Ecologist, Sonoran Desert Inventory & Monitoring Program, National
Park Service, Tucson, AZ
MA Simmons
Restoration Ecologist, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX
MA Tomas
de Pisani
Research Ecologist, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
J Thorsson
Research Scientist, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural
University of Iceland
DM Browning
Research Post Doc (Physical Scientist-Remote Sensing), USDA Agricultural
Research Service, Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, NM
JF Weltzin
PhD from Univ. Arizona; currently Executive Director, USA National
Phenology Network National Coordinating Office, USGS, Tucson
RB Wallace
Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy, Santa Fe, NM
JP Angerer
PhD candidate, RLEM, Texas A&M University
NH Huebotter
Study Director, Stillmeadow, Inc. Environmental Consulting, Houston, TX
CA Goerner
Environmental Specialist, Morrison–Knutson Mining Co., San Antonio, TX
S Watts
PhD from Ohio State University; currently Research Ecologist with Bureau
of Reclamation.
RL McCulley
PhD from Colorado State University, currently Assistant Professor,
University of Kentucky
Activities of Former Students (cont.)
A Farley
URS Corporation, Environmental Planning and Assessment Group
B Orradottir
Research Scientist, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural
University of Iceland
Current Position
Dr. Stephen Zitzer (1993-1998)
Dr. Deborah Miller (1993-1995)
Dr. Julie Huddle (1995-1998)
Dr. Samuel Fuhlendorf (1996-1999)
Dr. Chris Bocai Zou (2000-Present)
Dr. Heather Throop (2003-2006)
Research Scientist, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas
Associate Professor, University of Florida-Milton
Peace Corps Environmental Education Program, Nepal
Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University
- Rangeland Ecology (Colorado State University)
- Rangeland Ecosystem Structure & Function I Laboratory (Colorado State University)
- Fundamentals of Ecology (Texas A&M University)
- Foundations in Natural Resources History and Policy (University of Arizona)
- Ecology of Shrubs and Shrublands (Texas A&M Univ, Univ Arizona)
- Global Change Toolkit (Univ Arizona)
"Field Studies in Range Management” a two week field trip across Texas and through New Mexico where
students visit with ranchers, Forest Service and BLM personnel (1984)
Co-organizer of Rangeland Ecology Short Course for middle and upper management personnel of the Natural
Resources Conservation Service. This course has been offered annually from 1991- Present. It is a 2 week
overview designed to update federal agency administrators on current ecological concepts, principles and
Lecturer and group discussion leader in Bureau of Land Management “Applied Biodiversity Conservation”
short courses offered to BLM personnel around the country. I participate in 3-4 days of this 5-day course.
To date I have contributed to classes offered in Durango, CO, Boise, ID, Reno, NV and, most recently, Las
Cruces, NM (December 1997).
Lecturer in Texas A&M Soil Science Institute Training Course for soil scientists from NRCS, USFS and
Corps of Engineering. My role in this month-long intensive class, it to provide a 4 hour block of lectures on
plant-soil relationships in rangelands.
Guest lectures in the following classes at Texas A&M: Pedology, Systems Analysis, Rangeland Resources,
Ecology and Land Use, Range Research Methods, Advanced Range Improvement Practices, Plant Response
to Grazing, Ecosystem Management, Landscape Analysis, Agricultural Meteorology, Plant Geography,
Global Change
Guest lectures in the following classes at the University of Arizona: Introduction to Wildland Fire (RNR 355);
Global Biogeochemical Cycles (GC/HWR/GEOS 572), Perspectives on Conservation Biology (ECOL
195M), Global Change Toolkit (GC695G), Honors College Colloquium (HNRS Science 195i-008),