Supplemental Information

Supplemental Information
Building a Science of Individual Differences from fMRI
Julien Dubois* and Ralph Adolphs
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125, United States
* Correspondence: (J. Dubois)
Simulations for Figure 5
Table S1: Reliability and individual-differences studies from fMRI-derived measures.
Table S2: Individual-differences studies from fMRI-derived measures.
Supplemental references
Simulations for Figure 5.
A large sample of 1,000,000 instances (the “population”) was drawn from two normally
distributed variables, X and Y, using Matlab’s mvnrnd function with μX = μY = 0, σX=σY=1 and
σXY=0.1. In this “population”, the correlation between X and Y is 0.1 -- a small effect size,
representative of the effect size expected in fMRI studies of individual differences. 100,000
series of 1,000 samples were drawn randomly without replacement from the population.
Pearson correlation was computed for sample sizes [10:5:100 120:20:200 250:50:500
600:100:1000] in each of the 100,000 series, yielding 100,000 trajectories of correlation values
(gray lines in Figure 5(a) are 1,000 of these trajectories). A leave-one-out prediction based on a
simple linear regression model was also performed at each sample size for each of the series,
yielding 100,000 trajectories of prediction R-squared [R2=1-sum((Yreal-Ypred).^2)/sum((Yrealmean(Yreal)).^2)] (gray lines in Figure 5(b) are 1,000 of these trajectories). The exact same
simulation was run with μX = μY = 0, σX=σY=1 and σXY=0, which represents the null hypothesis of
no correlation between X and Y. All plots in Figure 5 are derived from these simulations.
(back to TOC)
Table S1 (related to Figure 1): Reliability and individual-differences studies from fMRIderived measures.
There are many ways to analyze fMRI data, which is captured in this list of fMRI-derived
measures. This table is included to elicit a sense of which measures have been studied in terms
of reliability and assessed for individual differences in the literature so far, and which have not.
Reliability column: studies are from a Pubmed search with terms “test-retest” AND “fMRI” since
2010-01-01 (273 results, which were then hand selected), plus studies reviewed in [1].
Individual differences column: studies are from a Pubmed search with terms “individual
differences” AND “fMRI”, hand selecting the 100 most recent relevant studies. The Pubmed
searches were conducted in November 2015. If a cell of the table was empty, we specifically
searched for at least one relevant reference, and put a question mark if we did not find any. The
purpose of this table is primarily illustrative, and it may be that we missed existing references
given the fairly simple search strategy that we implemented.
fMRI-derived measure
(between- and withinsubject)
AMPLITUDE of evoked
activation (height)
EXTENT of evoked activation
(voxel overlap)
ONSET of evoked activation
LAG of evoked activation
DURATION of evoked activation
model-based regressor
ACCURACY of classification
PPI (Psychophysiological
DCM (dynamic causal
Representational geometry
Inter-subject correlation
ROI-to-ROI correlation
whole-brain FC
functional parcellation
ICA decomposition
network structure (graph
graph-theoretical metrics
dynamic connectivity
ALFF (amplitude of low
frequency fluctuations, a.k.a.
ReHo (regional homogeneity)
(back to TOC)
Table S2 (related to Figure 1): Individual-differences studies from fMRI-derived
Studies from Table S1, individual differences column, were sorted by hand as relating fMRIderived measures to different aspects of individual differences
age [91,204,205]
gender [176]
test scores
intelligence [89,188]
personality [35,86,113]
anxiety [53,62,74,144,156]
depression [44,53,115]
affect [30,41,50,85]
creativity [158]
other [42,46–48,51,58,70–72,75,76,79,90,94,149,153,189,206]
Behavioral task
task performance or strategy [34,37–
reaction time [36,69,82]
subjective ratings [38,40,55,61,67,112,118,148]
disorder onset [78]
future outcome [64,65,92]
(back to TOC)
Supplemental references
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Sauder, C.L. et al. (2013) Test-retest reliability of amygdala response to emotional faces.
Psychophysiology 50, 1147–1156
van den Bulk, B.G. et al. (2013) How stable is activation in the amygdala and prefrontal
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24 Grimm, O. et al. (2014) Striatal response to reward anticipation: evidence for a systemslevel intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia. JAMA Psychiatry 71, 531–539
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