Publications for Vincent Lee 2016

Publications for Vincent Lee
Publications for Vincent Lee
Cao, Q., Lu, J., Li, Q., Wang, C., Wang, X., Lee,
V., Wang, C., Nguyen, H., Zheng, G., Zhao, Y.,
Alexander, S., Wang, Y., Harris, D. (2016).
CD103+ Dendritic Cells Elicit CD8+ T Cell
Responses to Accelerate Kidney Injury in
Adriamycin Nephropathy. Journal of the
American Society of Nephrology, 278(5),
1344-1360. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Tunnicliffe, D., Lopez-Vargas, P.,
Mallett, A., Patel, C., Savige, J., Campbell, K.,
Patel, M., Tchan, M., Alexander, S., Lee, V.,
Craig, J., Rangan, G., et al (2016). Identifying
and integrating consumer perspectives in clinical
practice guidelines on autosomal-dominant
polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology, 21(2),
122-132. <a
re Information]</a>
Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Harris, D., Alexander, S.,
Lee, V. (2015). Adriamycin nephropathy in
BALB/c mice. Current Protocols in
Immunology, 108, 15.28.1-15.28.6. <a
528s108">[More Information]</a>
Wang, Y., Lee, V., Wu, H., Harris, D.,
Alexander, S. (2015). Heymann Nephritis in
Lewis Rats. Current Protocols in Immunology,
109, 15.29.1-15.29.6. <a
529s109">[More Information]</a>
Qingsong, H., Niu, Z., Tan, J., Yang, J., Liu, Y.,
Ma, H., Lee, V., Sun, S., Song, X., Guo, M.,
Wang, Y., Cao, Q. (2015). IL-25 elicits innate
lymphoid cells and multipotent progenitor type 2
cells that reduce renal ischemic/reperfusion
injury. Journal of the American Society of
Nephrology, 26(9), 2199-2211. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Mai, J., Lee, V., Lopez-Vargas, P., Vladica, P.
(2015). KHA-CARI Autosomal Dominant
Polycystic Kidney Disease Guideline: Imaging
Approaches for Diagnosis. Seminars in
Nephrology, 35(6), 538-544.e17. <a
5.10.006">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Tunnicliffe, D., Rangan, G. (2015).
KHA-CARI Autosomal Dominant Polycystic
Kidney Disease Guideline: Management of
End-Stage Kidney Disease. Seminars in
Nephrology, 35(6), 595-602.e12. <a
5.10.011">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Dexter, M., Mai, J., Vladica, P.,
Lopez-Vargas, P., Rangan, G. (2015).
KHA-CARI Autosomal Dominant Polycystic
Kidney Disease Guideline: Management of
Intracranial Aneurysms. Seminars in
Nephrology, 35(6), 612-617.e20. <a
5.10.014">[More Information]</a>
Mai, J., Lee, V., Lopez-Vargas, P., Vladica, P.,
Rangan, G. (2015). KHA-CARI Autosomal
Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Guideline:
Monitoring Disease Progression. Seminars in
Nephrology, 35(6), 565-571.e18. <a
5.10.005">[More Information]</a>
Mallett, A., Lee, V., Mai, J., Lopez-Vargas, P.,
Rangan, G. (2015). KHA-CARI Autosomal
Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Guideline:
Pharmacological Management. Seminars in
Nephrology, 35(6), 582-589.e17. <a
5.10.009">[More Information]</a>
Rangan, G., Lee, V., Alexander, S., Patel, C.,
Tunnicliffe, D., Vladica, P. (2015). KHA-CARI
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Guideline: Screening for Polycystic Kidney
Disease. Seminars in Nephrology, 35(6),
557-564.e6. <a
5.10.004">[More Information]</a>
Walsh, M., Wang, C., Ong, G., Tan, A., Mansor,
M., Shariffuddin, I., Hashim, N., Lai, H., Undok,
A., Kolandaivel, U., Lee, V., Chow, C., et al
(2015). Kidney Function Alters the Relationship
between Postoperative Troponin T Level and
Death. Journal of the American Society of
Nephrology, 26(10), 2571-2577. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Jayaballa, M., Sood, S., Alahakoon, I.,
Padmanabhan, S., Cheung, N., Lee, V. (2015).
Microalbuminuria is a predictor of adverse
pregnancy outcomes including preeclampsia.
Pregnancy Hypertension, 5(4), 303-307. <a
.001">[More Information]</a>
Cao, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Lu, J., Lee, V.,
Ye, Q., Nguyen, H., Zheng, G., Zhao, Y.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2015). Renal
F4/80+CD11c+ mononuclear phagocytes display
phenotypic and functional characteristics of
macrophages in health and in Adriamycin
nephropathy. Journal of the American Society of
Nephrology, 26(2), 349-363. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Vincent Lee
More Information]</a>
Alahakoon, T., Zhang, W., Trudinger, B., Lee,
V. (2014). Discordant clinical presentations of
preeclampsia and intrauterine fetal growth
restriction with similar pro- and anti-angiogenic
profiles. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal &
Neonatal Medicine, 27(18), 1854-1859. <a
880882">[More Information]</a>
Tan, T., Zheng, G., Hsu, T., Lee, S., Zhang, J.,
Zhao, Y., Tian, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Cao,
Q., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Wang, C., Zheng, D.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D., et al (2013). Matrix
metalloproteinase-9 of tubular and macrophage
origin contributes to the pathogenesis of renal
fibrosis via macrophage recruitment through
osteopontin cleavage. Laboratory Investigation,
93(4), 434-449. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Cao, Q., Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Sun, Y., Wang,
C., Wang, X., Lee, V., Wang, Y., Wang, Y.,
Zheng, G., Tan, T., Harris, D., et al (2014).
Failed renoprotection by alternatively activated
macrophages from bone marrow due to
proliferation-dependent phenotype switch in
vivo. Kidney International, 85(4), 794-806. <a
More Information]</a>
Botto, F., Alonso-Coello, P., Chan, M., Villar, J.,
Xavier, D., Srinathan, S., Guyatt, G., Cruz, P., et
al, Hillis, G., Chow, C., Halliwell, R., Lee, V.,
Li, S., Mooney, J., et al (2014). Myocardial
Injury after Noncardiac Surgery: A Large,
International, Prospective Cohort Study
Diagnostic Criteria, Characteristics, Predictors,
and 30-day Outcomes. Anesthesiology, 120(3),
564-578. <a
0000113">[More Information]</a>
Tian, X., Zhang, J., Tan, T., Lyons, G., Zhao, H.,
Niu, B., Lee, S., Tsatralis, T., Zhao, Y., Wang,
Y., Cao, Q., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Lee, V.,
Zheng, G., Harris, D., et al (2013). Association
of beta catenin with P-Smad3 but not LEF-1
dissociates in vitro profibrotic from
anti-inflammatory effects of TGF- beta1. Journal
of Cell Science, 126(1), 67-76. <a
ore Information]</a>
Zhou, J., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Zhang, G.,
Medbury, H., Williams, H., Wang, Y., Harris,
D., Alexander, S., Durkan, A. (2013).
Cx3cr1-dec205 dc-targeted dna Vaccine Induces
Specific Antibodies and Limits Atherosclerosis
and Macrophage Infiltration in the apo-e
Knockout Mouse Model of Atherosclerosis.
Nephrology, 18(Supp. 1), 16-16.
Lu, J., Cao, Q., Zheng, D., Sun, Y., Wang, C.,
Yu, X., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Zheng, G., Tan, T.,
Wang, X., Harris, D., Wang, Y., et al (2013).
Discrete functions of M2a and M2c macrophage
subsets determine their relative efficacy in
treating chronic kidney disease. Kidney
International, 84(4), 745-755. <a
Lee, V., Wang, Y., Harris, D. (2013). The Role
of the Immune System in the Pathogenesis of
Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reviews,
9(1), 76-84. <a
&list_uids=23971646">[More Information]</a>
Zhou, J., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Phoon, R., Zhang,
G., Wang, Y., Tan, T., Hu, M., Wang, D., Saito,
M., Harris, D., Durkan, A., et al (2012).
DEC205-DC targeted DNA vaccines to CX3CR1
and CCL2 are potent and limit macrophage
migration. International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, 5(1), 24-33. <a
&list_uids=22328945">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, D., Cao, Q., Lee, V., Wang, Y., Zheng,
G., Wang, Y., Tan, T., Wang, C., Alexander, S.,
Harris, D., Wang, Y. (2012).
Lipopolysaccharide-pretreated plasmacytoid
dendritic cells ameliorate experimental chronic
kidney disease. Kidney International, 81(9),
892-902. <a
More Information]</a>
Wang, Y., McRae, J., Robson, S., Cowan, P.,
Zhang, G., Hu, M., Polhill, T., Wang, Y., Zheng,
G., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Harris, D., Alexander, S.,
et al (2012). Regulatory T cells participate in
CD39-mediated protection from renal injury.
European Journal of Immunology, 42(9),
2441-2451. <a
[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Harris, D. (2011). Adriamycin
nephropathy: A model of focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis. Nephrology, 16(1), 30-38. <a
0.01383.x">[More Information]</a>
Cao, Q., Wang, C., Zheng, D., Wang, Y., Lee,
V., Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Tan, T., Yu, D.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D., Wang, Y. (2011).
Publications for Vincent Lee
IL-25 Induces M2 Macrophages and Reduces
Renal Injury in Proteinuric Kidney Disease.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,
22(7), 1229-1239. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Cao, Q., Wang, Y., Harris, D. (2011).
Role of Macrophages in Renal Injury,Repair and
Regeneration. In Michael S. Goligorsky (Eds.),
Regenerative Nephrology, (pp. 125-139). USA:
Zheng, D., Wang, Y., Cao, Q., Lee, V., Zheng,
G., Sun, Y., Tan, T., Wang, Y., Alexander, S.,
Harris, D. (2011). Transfused Macrophages
Ameliorate Pancreatic and Renal Injury in
Murine Diabetes Mellitus. Nephron
Experimental Nephrology, 118(4), e87-e99. <a
ore Information]</a>
Cao, Q., Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Sun, Y., Wang,
Y., Lee, V., Zheng, G., Tan, T., Ince, J.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2010).
IL-10/TGF-beta-Modified Macrophages Induce
Regulatory T Cells and Protect against
Adriamycin Nephrosis. Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology, 21(6), 933-942. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Tan, T., Zheng, G., Hsu, T., Wang, Y., Lee, V.,
Tian, X., Wang, Y., Cao, Q., Wang, Y., Harris,
D. (2010). Macrophage Matrix
Metalloproteinase-9 Mediates
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Vitro in
Murine Renal Tubular Cells. The American
Journal of Pathology, 176(3), 1256-1270. <a
88">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Qin, X., Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Wang,
Y., Wang, Y., Ince, J., Tan, T., Kairaitis, L.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2010). The
CD40-CD154 co-stimulation pathway mediates
innate immune injury in adriamycin nephrosis.
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 25(3),
717-730. <a
ore Information]</a>
Lee, V. (2008). Acute Renal Failure and
Rhabdomyolysis. In David Harris (Eds.),
Clinical Cases in Kidney Disease. Australia:
McGraw Hill.
Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Cai, Q., Zheng, G., Lee, V.,
Zheng, D., Li, X., Tan, T., Harris, D. (2008). By
Homing to the Kidney, Activated Macrophages
Potently Exacerbate Renal Injury. The American
Journal of Pathology, 172(6), 1491-1499. <a
25">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V. (2008). Oedema and Nephrotic
Syndrome. In David Harris (Eds.), Clinical
Cases in Kidney Disease, (pp. 438-450).
Australia: McGraw Hill.
Lee, V., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Polhill,
T., Cao, Q., Wu, H., Alexander, I., Alexander, S.,
Harris, D. (2008). Regulatory immune cells in
kidney disease. American Journal of Physiology:
Renal Physiology, 295(2), F335-F342. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
Wang, Y., Hu, M., Wang, Y., Polhill, T., Zhang,
G., Wang, Y., Lee, V., Harris, D., Alexander, S.
(2008). Regulatory T Cells in Renal Disease.
International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, 1(4), 294-304. <a
&list_uids=19079673">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Harris, D., Anderson, R., Schrier, R.
(2007). Acute Renal Failure. In Robert W.
Schrier (Eds.), Diseases of the Kidney and
Urinary Tract, (pp. 986-1034). Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Lee, V.,
Ouyang, L., Chang, D., Mahajan, D., Coombs, J.,
Wang, Y., Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2007). Ex
vivo programmed macrophages ameliorate
experimental chronic inflammatory renal disease.
Kidney International, 72(3), 290-299. <a
More Information]</a>
Qin, X., Lee, V., Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Wang,
Y., Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2006). A protective
role for programmed death 1 in progression of
murine adriamycin nephropathy. Kidney
International, 70, 1244-1250. <a
&list_uids=16900095">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Wang, Y., Qin, X., Wang, Y., Zheng,
G., Mahajan, D., Coombes, J., Rangan, G.,
Alexander, S., Harris, D. (2006). Adriamycin
nephropathy in severe combined
immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation. <a
&list_uids=16891644">[More Information]</a>
Lee, V., Chapman, J. (2005). Sirolimus: its role
in nephrology. Nephrology, 10(6), 606-14. <a
Publications for Vincent Lee
&list_uids=16354246">[More Information]</a>
Webster, A., Lee, V., Powell, J., Chapman, J.,
Craig, J. (2004). (O78) Tor-Inhibitors (sirolimus
and everolimus) for primary immunosuppression
of renal transplant recipients: A meta-analysis
randomized trials. IPNA meeting, 13th Congress.