MOR2 Regional Consultation Workshop No1 1.VENUE: Research Institute of Animal Husbandry 2. REGION: Tuv and Selenge province Tuv province: Undurshireet, Erdenesant, Bayan and Bayantsagaan soums Selenge province: Saikhan and Bayangol soums 3. DATE: June 13, 2014 4. PARTICIPANTS: There were in total 53 people from six soum, research institutes and government participated in the regional workshop (Annex 1). 5. OBJECTIVES: Obtain feedback on emerging/preliminary results from local stakeholders such as herders, soum officials, soum-level project officers and to understand whether the results reflect their experiences in their local soums. Facilitate a dialog with local stakeholders on the interpretation of the preliminary results—what do the results mean to them. Facilitate a dialog with local stakeholders on the management and policy implications of the preliminary results and how can these results be used to make management and policy decisions 6. DISCUSSION SESSIONS: DISCUSSION 1: PARTICPANTS’ FEEDBACK ON PRELIMINARY STUDIES Rangeland Vegetation Study: We agree with the results that says plants are less diverse closer to uvuljuu and more diverse with distance I agree that dominant grass cover of steppe region is reducing and annual grasses over increasing But don’t agree that forbs cover and biomass are reducing closer to uvuljuu, because closer to uvuljuu more weeds and unpalatable plants grow and palatable plants are reducing. Maybe this result might be explained by current year climate condition. Main reason of rangeland degradation is related: o to increased livestock number leading to overstocking and exceeding of carrying capacity almost 2-3 times and loss in proper ration in herd composition. o Herders stopped using pasture in seasonal rotation o Brandt’s Vole and other small rodents population is growing o Changes in the climate 1 In terms of the mountain stepee: Rangeland area is not enough, because soums involved in the study are considered agriculture soums (located in the cropping region). Therefore, it is not suitable for rangeland livestock and it is important to develop intensified farming in these areas. What should be done to improve rangeland management: It is very important to possess uvuljuu and havarjaa rangeland for many years. This will result in appropriate rangeland management and utilization practices. Maybe it is necesary to privatize summer and fall pasture. It is important for herders to improve thier knowledge. It is necessary to make intellectual investment for herders. Herders will need to obtain training at bag, soum and group level about livestock health, reproduction, selection, rangeland improvement, management practice, etc. Based on customary knowledge and practices, it is important to link them to current situation and condition. Use of public media to inform about rangeland management, rangeland utilization practices Appropriate strategy should be developed to regulate and control herd composition (there was a practice in Saikhan soum that reduced the goats from 43% to 28%) CBRM research related comments: o o o o o o We agree with the research findings in general. As a result of implementation of CBRM, we were able to control movement from Gobi and also plant biomass increased and reduced weeds in the vicinity of uvuljuu. The research findings are realistic and they are in line with the herders obsevation. Question: Is it possible for the herders to ger organized as CBRM without support from the donors? It is possible and we need training. Herders are not possible to live on their own, they need some organization. Question: What would be required from the local government to support CBRM? - Improve communication and relationship with herders - They need to make some organized activities - Improve control and monitoring - Enable herders to get united and cooperative Question: What action is important for CBRM? It is important to pay attention to livestock number, rangeland capacity Water points rehabilitation is important because movement is related to the availability of water. Information sharing and awareness It is important to implement training at bag and soum levels, because training provide a lot of positive information Even the research will be completed and it is important to train people at soum level and have trainers trained at the soum level It is helpful to organize this kind of consultation and discussion at the soum level. Provide some incentives for the soums and herders who implement and support CBRM. It is necessary to involve in the training not only herders, but also people from the soum centers. Local school children should be also involved in the training, especially high school children, because these kids will influence to their parents. Use tax and other policies to improve quality of the herd 2 o o o Funding and investment should be dedicated not to many small events, but to develop best model herder groups. In the central region, there should be a separate tax policy to reduce number of livestock. Question: Are you ready to implement CBRM? Herders are ready, but organization is lacking. It is important to start from the bag civil khural to soum level. As a result of CBRM, rangeland will be improve and herders livelihood will be positively affected. Question: Is CBRM is appropriate solution? Do you have any other solution? - It is important to be in-charge of the pasture, at the moment people use it as commons, and do not provide enough care and attention. - There should be some law. During the winter people move in from other areas and we don’t have any rules to let them go away. - It is hard to regulate use of summer pasture, because people - Current type of cooperatives are not profitable and it is not linked to the market. Question: Is there any obstacles or individuals to implement CBRM? : - There are some people who doesn’t know about CBRM, so it is important to conduct training and outreach programs for them. - Households who don’t have car and people to help have difficulties to make movements. We put them fine of 5,000-10,000 tug and talk about them during the bag khural. It will make some changes if an authoritative one will go and talk to them. - About 30 percent of the people don’t have possibilities to make movements, because they got to used to stay in the same place . - Small rodents, number of livestock and preciptation will affect a lot to make movement decisions. Cross-boundary movement related comments: o o o o o The main reason of making movement has more of the administrative and crossborder types and this movement is normally done to access to natural resources. In terms of central region soums, cross-border movement is one of the most problematic issue. In Saikhan and Bayngol soums, carrying capacity has been already exceeded due to the movement from the western provinces. Herders from the west permanently migrate to these soums. In Bayan, Bayantsagaan, Erdenesant and Undurshireet soums, herders from Gobi come for seasonal movements that cause a lot rangeland degradation problems for local people. In terms of Erdensant soum, there are 80 herders who have more than 1000 livestock and therefore the soum has problem solving local herder’s livestock problem. Movement have two types of patterns: 1) during the emergency period (drought and dzud) movement that is normally done to the neighboring soums; 2) regular cross-border movements of the Gobi herders that is done all the times. In Bayangol and Saikhan soums, herders from the western provinces migrated from the west to these soums and due to access to market, infrastructure and better schools they prefer to stay there and permanently become residents of these soums. Ecological condition in these soum are favourable as it has more water and forage available and herders who move in tend to become semi-pastoral. Another problem associated with the cross-border movement is related to controlling registration of the families. To access pasture in different soums, migrant 3 herders households tend to register individual members to different soum. When members of one household have different residency, they can easily make seasonal and otor movement without much problems. o What measures could be implemented? It is appropriate to support herders with fewer livestock by tax policy schemes. There is a movement from the west to central and from the south to the north. In the abondaned pasture, maybe the rangeland condition is getting better and it would be helpful to send the herders back to their own hopelands. It is necessary to control unregulated issuance of the residency. Dzud observation Rangeland management is a very important to overcome risk and natural hazards and when we are organized it is definitely useful during the times of emergency. Herders can benefit from obtaining the training, as they listen to relevant information that bring them good knowledge. When we got organized as a group, we started to protect our common winter pasture and some other herders in the neighborhood did the same by following our practices It is important point how to make the research findings into policy documents. At the local level, we can discuss rangeland management and the training to local officials is very important, as it increase their knowledge and capacity. It is impossible to separate livestock management from the rangeland management, so it is necessary to discuss these issues at bag level khural and based on khot-ail suggestions and comments it is possible to plan it. Pastoral livestock herding should be combined with modern management practices. Khot-ail should be able to implement management. Local experienced herders need to talk about their good practices and knowledge to other herders. DISCUSSION 2: LINKING SCIENCE TO POLICY AT SOUM LEVEL At this session all soums dicsussed about how to utilize results and findings from the reaserch in thier respective soums and what action they can plan. Bayangol soum, Selenge province Monitor rangeland for every bag and determine rangeland degradation levels Carry out rangeland protection and recovery Develop intensified and semi-intensified livestock husbandry Inform herders about the research results Carry out advocacy and awareness programs for herders Saikhan soum, Selenge Combine crop production with livestock husbandry Establish agreement with herder groups 4 Develop soum regulation to regulate herders’ movement and farmers’ crop production Do planning for the conservation of Kharaa and Orkhon river riparian zone Learn more about the comparative studies findings of MOR2 Use MOR2 results for the management of pasture Bayan soum, Tuv aimag: 1. Organize rangeland management: Promote herders cooperative and herder groups and improve herders’ knowledge about cooperatives Expand activities to support formation of herder groups based on khot-ail structure Establish collective fund to support operation of herder groups and cooperatives by using 30% from the Local Development Fund, 20% from the agriculture development fund. Establish one model herder group for demonstration and learning sites. 2. Develop program and agreement with other soums on using specially designated otor area for other herders and discuss options at the soum and aimag level Civil representative khural 3. We all support the preliminary findings of the MOR2 project. It is also very helpful to know that herders observation are in line with the project results and other statistical data. 4. It is important to disseminate relevant information and organize various awareness programs for herders and learn experiences from other herder groups 5. Implement appropriate rangeland management, rotation, resting practices 6. Implement measures to support appropriate herd composition structure and improve livestock and herd productivity. Bayantsagaan soum, Tuv aimag 1. At soum level, we will implementation training and awareness on rangeland management 2. Designated a special area for otor pasture, winter and spring pasture 3. Develop water points for the unutilized pasture 4. Get some fees for the use of the pasture by neighboring herders 5. Use agreement to let in other soum herders and the agreement should specify current year carrying capacity 6. Implement long-term rangeland related research with the professional research institutions 7. Encourage herders to focus on quality rather than on numbers 8. Information on appropriate stocking rate is important to disseminate to herders 9. Implement regular rotational use of the pasture 10. We recommend that MOR2 project should have more development oriented approach rather than being just research oriented Erdenesant soum, Tuv aimag Breeding of the locally adapted and high quality and high productive livestock Organize series of organized training events to change their attitude towards sustainable rangeland management (May 25-October 15) Conduct educational activities for young herders on traditional livestock and rangeland management practices 5 Provide policy support to herder groups Ensure winter preparedness at the herder-scale and develop indicators for the good preparation Develop additional water points to expand utilization of rangeland resources Report to local government and herder on the results of the research. To convey the information in a language that herders can understand and develop appropriate handouts. Undurshireet soum, Tuv province Formulate local policy to regulate number of livestock in accordance with the carrying capacity of the rangeland and improvement of breeding Develop operation of the Pasture User groups by supporting their operation and helping them to plant fodder crops and growing wind-breaks Use local development funds for the support of the PUGs Use rangeland by PUGs on contractual basis and provide protection responsibilities to certain groups Formulate certain local regulations to control migration 7. PARTICIPANTS’ EVALUATION OF THE WORKSHOP Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1- 5 by circling the appropriate number 1 = strongly agree; 2 = agree; 3=not sure; 4= disagree; 5=strongly disagree Q1: The information presented was relevant to me 1 2 3 4 5 total n 22 10 0 0 0 32 % 69% 31% 0% 0% 0% Q2: The workshop presenters demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the material presented 1 2 3 4 5 n 13 19 0 0 0 32 % 41% 59% Q3: I learnt new information from the forum 1 2 3 4 5 n 20 12 0 0 0 32 % 63% 38% Q4: The information and language used was appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 n 10 18 4 0 0 32 % 31% 56% 13% Q5: I was given enough time and opportunity to share my views, and ask questions 1 2 3 4 5 n 14 16 2 0 0 32 % 44% 50% 6% Q6: I would attend future MOR2 forums 1 2 3 4 5 n 22 8 1 0 0 31 % 71% 26% 3% 0 0 Q1: What is the most important, interesting or surprising thing you learned? Topics related to the rangeland and rangeland management was interesting for me. Got understanding about unknown plants. Research related to soil studies. Climate adaptation innovative practices 6 Comparison and result of different research materials of soums The training is relevant and of importance to us. As a result of the discussion session, I got an understanding about linking science to policy. Obtained innovative information and knowledge about rangeland management. Community-based effective rangeland use. Changes in rangeland due to utilization Got knowledge for differences about urban and country lives, education for children, herder society and rangeland issues. Social outcomes and benefits and changes as result of the community based rangeland management. It was important to know preliminary understanding about the project results Obtained understanding about rangeland management, soil quality, plant, climate About social aspects. Rangeland management. Results of the study illustrate current ecological issues and provides interesting comparison of between soums. To restore and protect the pasture. Discussion with herders about rangeland All were the issues we talk a lot. Presenters presented clearly and their point was relevant. Got understanding and knowledge about climate change, soil studies, and rangeland. Collaborative discussion and interpretation was interesting. Q2: How will you use what you learned in your work? Will conduct training to herders. Develop some handbook and provide herders. Use information to tell and inform herders Use the research methodology and principles to my own research work Will link to my own work It is important to train relevant officials in this subject and local civil representative khural should develop some some regulation to follow. Will implement the plans that was introduced as the end of the workshop Create herders groups/cooperative and work with them. Do more research about this. Give more information about rangeland to herders. Talk about this topic, provide some information and training Going to make some revision to my research work, and will implement this. Implement training for herders about pasture rotation and increase plants diversity. Will share to other what ever things I understood. Tell everybody in my team to conserve and restore pasture. Integrate what I learned into the soum policy Q3: What was the most valuable aspect of the workshop? Soum level research on the rangeland vegetation It included different rangelands from many aimag, soums, and comparison between them was valuable. It was looking for a way for utilization of rangeland issue. 7 Attainment of relevant knowledge. I was able to exchange and share information to others Use of right statistics, and understanding. Suggestion, moralism, information, exchanging experiences. To develop environment-friendly animal husbandry, and improve livelihood. Group discussion because everyone can tell his or her opinions in a topic. Hot-topic discussion on rangeland degradation Research, comments, and recommendations Hearing of opinions and thoughts of herders and officials who work on the site. Organised dialogue and discussion. Discussion went efficiently Friendly, and compassionate towards people. Presentation of preliminary research results and comments from the soum representatives It will be most valuable if we will turn this into action Training was about the problems we face Q4: How could future workshops be improved? What would you change? Support establishing soum rangeland monitoring plots to determine rangeland degradation Present the research results to herders and bags from where the data was collected Find solution and ways out for the problems we discussed Very tight schedule with limited time. There was no chance asking questions from speakers. Use images and figures during the presentations. Free conversation and more discussion is needed. Our comments were incorporated into the results. Have a separate law on pastureland. Discussion time after every speech is needed. Policy on external factors that affecting rangeland degradation should be explicitly formulated Lessons learned and advocacy is needed Explain result of the research to everyday language. Change research to development project. Involve other soums in the MOR2 research and present the results. Choose daily words in presentation rather than expert words. Report the result of the MOR2 research. Presentation of Baasandorj and Altanzul should more clear to understand Needs to think and advise how to link the results to programming and activity levels. Organise plant ID training Improve organisition of the training to improve efficiency Have more than 6 groups/cafe for discussion. Improve the training in the next time. Need more, and detailed information about rangeland management Q5: What additional information would you like to obtain related to the MOR2 project and research results? 8 More detail is needed for Selenge, Bayangol soum`s rangeland vegetation findings and results It will be better for Selenge aimag`s Bayangol soum to receive the results on the rangeland vegetation and plants Results of the research. To determine rangeland region of the country. Give more information, research, and new idea through Herder`s TV, and Radios. We appreciate your work about Mongolian rangeland management Would like to recommend getting more local opinions and comments and integrate into the work and research. Obtain information via social medias. Information about rangeland vegetation, diversity and want to know what would the next step of the project Need to clarify duration of the utilization of each uvuljuu and how many livestock, herd composition. In the frame of MOR2 project, to separate rangeland related provisions from the land law and have a separate law on rangeland Studying the methods that used in the research To give more detailed presentation of the results. To give information which can be practically implemented. To organize training about identifying different plants, about their palatability for livestock Get information about overgazing and rangeland degradation Project has to be more connected and collaborate with aimag, and soums. Is this project will continue? 9 8. ANNEX AGENDA OF THE REGIONAL CONSULTATION WORKSHOP NO1 VENUE: REGION: Research Institute of Animal Husbandry Tuv and Selenge province DATE: JUNE 13, 2014 09.00–09.20 Registration 09.20–09.30 Opening remarks Dr. Batsukh, Director, Research Institute of Animal Husbandry Dr. Fernandez-Gimenez, Principle Investigator, MOR2 09:30-10:00 Introduction of the Mongolian Rangelands and Resilience interdisciplinary research project, Dr. Batkhishig Baival 10:00-11:00 Presentation of the preliminary research results Herder Observations of Climate and Rangeland Change Compared to Climate Record and Remote Sensing, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, J. Angerer, B. Byamba Vegetation change in 3 ecological zones 1994-2013; J. Khishigbayar, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, Ya. Baasandorj, D. Zumberelmaa Social Outcomes of Community-based Rangeland Management; Tungalag, U., Fernandez-Gimenez, M.E., Batbuyan, B., Batkhishig, B. Dzud Impact Research findings: Dr. Batkhishig Baival Ecological Outcomes; J. Chantsallkham, Robin Reid, Maria Fernandez-Gimenez 11:00-11:15 Tea break 11:15-11:50 Presentation of the preliminary research results Movement pattern changes; J. Azjargal Rangeland biomass and utilization; Dr. Altanzul Herders perception on the Mongolian rangeland changes; J. Odgarav World Cafe consultation Participants were divided into six cafe and each cafe run for about 15 min on the following topics: Herder Observations of Climate and Rangeland Change Compared to Climate Record and Remote Sensing (facilitator - Odgarav, note taker - Diima) Vegetation change in 3 ecological zones 1994-2013 (facilitator -Oyunsuvd, note taker - Narangerel) Social Outcomes of Community-based Rangeland Management (facilitator Altanzul, note taker - Gankhuyag); Dzud Impact Research findings (facilitator - Batkhishig, note taker - Udval): Cross-border movement pattern (facilitator - Azjargal, note taker - Lkhagvasuren) Open-ended discussion (facilitator - Tamiraa, note taker - Baasandorj) 11:50-13:00 13:00-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-14:15 Presentation of overall points by the facilitators of each cafe 14:15-15:30 Discussion 2: Linking research to policy/action During this session participants from one soum will gather as a group and each soum representatives will discuss action and opportunities of how they can link the research findings into the action. 16:00-17:00 Presentation of the group dicsussion 10 Closing remarks List of participants of the Regional Consultation Workshop No1 VENUE: REGION: Research Institute of Animal Husbandry Tuv and Selenge province 11 DATE: No JUNE 13, 2014 Name Organization Phone Ulaanabaatar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fernandez-Gimenez Batkhishig Altanzul Binye Batsukh Batbuyan Udval Davaakhuu Mungunzul Byambatseren Tamir Azjargal Nomin-Erdene Odgarav Gankhuyag Lkhagvasuren Oyunsuvd Narangerel Diimaa Baasandorj Justine smith Solongo Baasandorj 24 25 26 27 28 L.Zorigtbaatar Ts.Odontuya B.Ulamsaikhan A.Chimgee Ts.Oyun 29 30 31 32 33 G.Buyandalai G.Gereltuya N.Uugantuya D.Khishigdelger P.Oyunchimeg 34 35 36 37 38 A.Tuvshintugs Sh.Odgerel Ts.Batdorj Ts.Jambal G.Ankhbayar 39 40 41 42 43 T.Aligirmaa Ts.Nasanjargal L.Lhagvasuren A.Biradamba G.Altangerel 44 45 46 47 48 Kh.Uyanga B.Baterdene B.Badamtsetseg Luvsandorj L.Alimaa 49 50 51 52 53 B.Ariuntungalag B.Chantuu J.Atarsaikhan D.Buyanbadrakh L.Batchuluun CSU Nutag partners Nutag partners Ministry of Industry and Agriculture Head, RIAH CNPS RIAH Head, Industry and Agriculture Agency Environmental officer, Tuv province Nutag partners Nutag partners Nutag partners Nutag partners IMH RIAH RIAH Ecosystem study center Ecosystem study center Ecosystem study center Institute of Geoecology WCS / Nutag volunteer Institute of Geoecology Institute of Geoecology Undurshireet, Tuv province Land officer Head of Animal husbandry and breeding Herder Herder Soum consultant, Human and livestock NGO Erdenesant, Tuv province Soum governer Head of Animal husbandry and breeding Agricultural officer Herder Soum consultant, secretarian of soum civil representative Bayan, Tuv province State inspector environmental agency Pasture and land officer Herder Herder Soum consultant, soum administration Bayantsagaan, Tuv province Agriculture and pasture officer Soum registration agency Herder Herder Soum consultant, Head of Animal veterinary and breeding Bayangol, Selenge province Head of Animal veterinary and breeding Zootechnician Herder Herder Soum consultant Saikhan, Selenge province Veterinarian Veterinatian at Nomgon bag Herder Herder Soum consultant 12 99497134 88779944 99095303 88100417 88128117 88649208 96600667 91013060 93213679 99717045 95286284 91617609 99092780 99803958 99092780 99949027 95298496 98801584 88215112 99656583 99087513, 96635589 96621538 96880529 99963863, 99206001 96012225, 99172225 99028465 88070540 53147770 99262168 99064868 99297405 99706188 98631363 99306820 88369049 89711151 98606053 99732539 99781280 99242319 95043733 99663967 99731254, 99370305