Green Gold project training hall, Ulziit soum in Dundgobi province
Dundgobi, Umnugobi and Dornogobi province
3. DATE: June 24, 2014
“Nutag partners” LLC
Colorado State University
Agricultural Agencies of Dundgobi, Omnogobi and Dornogobi provinces
Ulziit soum governor’ office
In total 55 people participated in the Gobi regional forum. Representatives of seven soums from three different provinces
Dundgobi: Ulziit and Undurshil soums
Umnugobi: Tsogt-Ovoo, Khankhongor, Khanbogd soums
Dornogobi: Altanshireet, Saikhandulaan soums
Department Heads and Specialists from each province.
Opening: The workshop’s opening remarks was given by:
Mr. Erdenebileg, Ulziit soum Governor
Mr. Munkhjargal, Head of Department of Light Industry, Food and Agriculture of
Dundgobi province
Professor Maria Fernandez-Gimenez
Obtain feedback on emerging/preliminary results from local stakeholders such as herders, soum officials, soum-level project officers and to understand whether the results reflect their experiences in their local soums.
Facilitate a dialog with local stakeholders on the interpretation of the preliminary results—what do the results mean to them.
Facilitate a dialog with local stakeholders on the management and policy implications of the preliminary results and how can these results be used to make management and policy decisions
Findings from the discussion about Climate change and responses to the changes
The study results are quite in-line with herder’s expereinces and observations. Most observation of herders comparable with meteorological studies. We also are in full agreement with the preliminary results.
Number of hot days is increasing, climate extreme events is more frequent.
Participants described that shortage of rangeland vegetation is due to Climate Change that lead to shortage of water sources, lack of rain, inability to make pasture rotation, reduction in number of movements. In terms of livelihoods, due to poor pasture production, livestock productivity is decreasing. In addition, it affects to increased costs of making movements.
Due to shortage of precipitation, area of dryland is increasing leading to desertification.
Main causes of land degradation is not only warming, but also human-induced effects, such as mining, road development, overstocking. Herder’s traditional management practices are getting lost and the knowledge related to traditional practices is slowly disappearing. Herder’s perception and mindset should be changed towards improving rangeland quality as well as herd quality.
Policy and current programs don't reflect needs and challenges. It is necessary to support those who are getting organized as group and trying out something innovative.
Especially support from soum and aimag government for herder groups’ operation is required. The government should implement measures that directly tackle the issues related to climate change, just talking and speaking not solve the effects of Climate change.
In terms of social aspects, it is more important now to work as a group, because social networking is necessary to cope with the changes. Herders tend go become more lazy and don't willing to invest on their herd composition.
Findings from the discussion about the Dzud impacts and responses for adaptation
Give priority to the contract and educate them for its importance
Once the herders’ management is in place they are more flexible which supports their active participation not by force
For the better management of herders’ groups, we need to support the khot-ail, so that will be easier to promote model group
Need to consider neighbors opnions to manage winter and spring pasture management.
Preparedness at each family level is important to respond to the dzud
Need to determine the herders’ interests and try to base on their comments instead of forcing them to do something. Herders are not trusting each other because of what they
see that whoever stronger or morу powerful gains. They also struggle with lack of education.
Recognize the leaders among the herders
Improve networking and cooperation:
Cooperation between herders and local government needs to be improved
Needs of networking between herder families
Improve the networking and coordination between the herder groups
Need to come out with a policy recommendation that urge the government focus to concern for the quality and strength of livestock. At this market driven economy, eventhough the livestock privatized by herders, pasture belongs to the state. So that the policy should be clear for the rangelend protection and management. Rangeland program and goals needed to be clarified at soum level and need to educate the herders and make them understand about rangelend management. Show the specific ways to herders for helping them understand the importance of quality not numbers.
Lack of herders’ education and knowledge:
Systematic and consistent education activities targeted for training the junior herders needs to be organized
Today’s juniors are addicted into Korean soap dramas and loosing their hardwork
Young people have no skills or attempts how to discuss or talk with senior people. So need to train them about traditional herding and cultures.
Need to drive the focus of herders children to like the herding. Poor conditions in the dormitory for the school children and need to establish mobile gerr kindergarten for herders.
Findings from the group discussion about vegetation changes
All participant expressed their thoughts that they agree with the research findings. They have shared thier observation and additional comments:
Plant species are changing in the rangeland
Frequency of new plants increased, but we can't identify them
Weeds and other unpalatable plants have increased
Plants richness is not good due to poor soil moisture
We are losing appopriate rangeland utilization practices and knowledge
Rainfall decreased because of the climate change
Ways of herding among herders are changing, herders stopped moving seasonally
Quality of the rangeland vegetation decreased because of the continuous grazing.
Not enough rainfall to impact the vegetation growth in the Gobi.
Intencified animal husbandry needs to be developed in the central soums
Policy for the water supply and resources
Mining impacts due to road development, noise, traffic and dust
Training of the herders in rangeland management and vegetation changes is important
Better group management; rules for water point and pasture rotations
Pasture rotation according to seasons; no matter drought or not to do rotation
Legal engagement for pasture rotation: o Current policy is encouraging the herders have more livestocks who cause more grazing pressure. So need to have a policy for maintaining the number of livestock according to pasture capacity:
Increase animal productivity (core herd etc)
Create a legal environment
Encourage the herders who have livestock that maintains the capacity of pasture
Improve the herd composition
Camel production value chain and increase the value
Evaluate and monitor the impact of livestock numbers and adjust for its capacity
Devise some incentive systems
Findings from the discussions about CBRM vs non-CBRM groups
Agree with the preliminary research findings because:
Local community will have more opportunities and possibilities for resolving the issues related to rangeland through herders’ groups operation
Working together and cooperation make groups stronger and powerful
The research doesn't capture the changes in vegetation because of the duration of the project.
Challenges: Group formation will bring successes but…
Previous not successful practices prevent herders to trust each other
Leaders have no leadership skills
Herder families in the Gobi are spread out and do not have enough man power
Lack of training and awareness about the herders’ group and its benefits etc
Direct economic benefits and expectations is not clear about the groups
Herders are forced to form groups or cooperatives
Lack of understanding to see the pasture as a main source of livelihood
No economic leverage
Group/CBRM development:
Financial mechanism is not clear
Policy support is not available
Leadership capacity building program for young herders so that they have skills to deal
with social issues for herders
Focus is for small group not for cooperative. Differences between these two.
To encourage of grouping the people who same interest and same ideas
Organize training and seminars
Findings from the discussion about cross boundary movement
Causes that lead to cross-boundary movements:
Drought and dzud
Pasture capacity
Growth in number of livestock
Distance of the movement increased
Mining, Urbanization is attracting more young people.
Government service is better in the soums closer to infrastructure
Water and School system is better
Current condition:
Pasture grazing
Lack of water
Migration and family separation
Purchasing the winter camps
Lack of policy (not planning)
Management policy:
Government should support the herders who have few number of livestock
Training of herders to work with to change their mindsets
Contract and agreement: to protect the reserved otor area at soum, aimag and regional levels
Have good management plan for incoming otor herders.
Undurshil Dundgobi
Ulziit, Dundgobi
Altanshireet, Dornogobi
Saikhandulaan, Dornogobi
Khankhongor, Omnogobi
Tsogt-Ovoo, Omnogobi
Khanbogd, Omnogobi
Totally 31 people filled the evaluation.
Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1- 5 by circling the appropriate number.
1 = strongly agree; 2 = agree; 3=not sure; 4= disagree; 5=strongly disagree
Q1: The information presented was relevant to me
Q2: The workshop presenters demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the material presented
Q3: I learnt new information from the forum
Q6: I would attend future MOR2 forums
2 3 4 5
10 0 0 1
% 65% 32% 0% 0% 3%
1 2 3 4 5 n 20 10 0 0 1 31
% 65% 32% 0% 0% 3%
1 2 3 4 5
Q4: The information and language used was appropriate n 16 12 2 0 1 31
% 52% 39% 6% 0% 3%
1 2 3 4 5 n 13 16 0 1 30
Q5: I was given enough time and opportunity to share my views, and ask questions
% 43% 53% 0% 0% 3%
1 2 3 4 5 n 16 12 2 1 0 31
% 52% 39% 6% 3% 0%
1 2 3 4 5 n 15 12 2 1 0 30
% 50% 40% 7% 3% 0%
What is the most important, interesting or surprising thing you learned?
Soum sustainable development plan approach, future planning: approach how to identify the issue
Group discussions and working as a team
All topics were interesting
Because of the climate change issues (weather, lack of water), herders move to different places
Learnt the scientific based research findings especially from the theoretical side
Vegetation growth and components
Herders group, CBRM
Shared what we know as basics
Development plan of 20 th years for the soum was very interesting and effective
Comments and reflections from the group discussions were very effective
Policy recommendations working on diagram was most interesting
Appopriate rangeland management and it’s plan
Learnt about the group works
Learnt about the Scenario planning
Learnt new methods for group works, defining different themes and summarising the analysis
How will you use what you learned in your work?
Will share the information and learnings with herders and herders groups
Will support the cooperatives
Will pilot
Will link the learnings with my work
Inform the community and civilians
Make a plan
Determine the weakness, advantages, uncertainty and impacts
Link the learnings into the rangeland management planning
Organize a training
Key is to motivate the human factors
Educate the bagh governors and partnering with herders and do awareness
To use the participatory approaches into my work
To use the findings for developing the policy
Will include in the report
Will develop the soum level policy and make it approved and implement locally
Be creative
Approaches and finding can be used for the planning, scenario analysis and resolving the problems
Ranking the comments
Will share the learning among the workers at our organization and use the findings for the planning with herders
What was the most valuable aspect of the workshop?
Good discussion about the most vulneaurable issue which is about rangeland
Working as a team / group and to have a common reflection
Exchange the information and get new information
Learnt different lessons
All sessions were valuable
Effective training that used theory and practicium
Information and approaches for the similar soums
Working as a group, exchange information and learn others’ experiences
This forum united the soums in the gobi region
Group discussion and planning for the future
Participatory approaches made the forum more effective
Presenting and comparisation of the interdisciplinary researches been effective
Scope and participation
Vegetation growth
To develop the policy recommendation that reflects the conclusions and analysis of the group works
How could future workshops be improved? What would you change?
Make the research findings as a specific outcome / project
Let more soums to participate and train them on environment conservation
Educate on how to use the training report
Improve the organization
This forum went well and benefitted the herders and other participants
Extend the training days
Training date to be appopriate
To use the plants’ names which is familiar among the herders
To participate the land specialists
Specify the local community contexts and determine the impacts
Extend more herders’ participation and provide the handouts and training materials
Make a recommendation that is highlighted the local community contexts
To communicate the research findings through Media news resources for outreach
Integrate the research with practicium and present the findings openly
Will increase more measurements taken from the research findings
What additional information would you like related to the MOR2 project and research results?
Would like to have a regular communication and consultation
Get familiar with the report and look at the possible measures that can be implemented
in our soum
Use the results for rangeland management planning, Rangelend assessment and analysis
Need to include more about specifics of the Gobi region
While develop the report it is important to use simple words
We appreciate that you shared and presented the research findings to the community.
Keep up this good work. Wish you success.
Want to know who and how will use the research report.
Want to have more details about the soil and vegetation cover results
Want to get the final complete findings and present to the people in our soum
Please send the research report to each soum
Information about how to recover or improve the soil
Expecting the documents; Project implementation report, articles etc
Хавсралт 1. Хэлэлцүүлэгийн хөтөлбөр
08.30–09.00 Бүртгэл
Дундговь, Өлзийт сумын ЗДТГ, ИТХ
Дундговь аймгийн ҮХААГ-ын дарга
Доктор. Мариа Фернандез Гименез
Танилцуулга: Др. Батхишиг Байвал
“Монголын бэлчээрийн нөхөн сэргэх” чадамж олон улсын олон талт судалгааны зорилго зорилт хамрах хүрээ, практик ач холбогдол
Судалгааны урьдчилсан үр дүнгийн танилцуулга
Монголын бэлчээрийн нөхөн сэргээх чадамж судалгааны урьдчилсан үр дүнгийн
танилцуулга. Проф. Мария Фернандез-Гименез, Б.Батхишиг, А. Алтанзул,
Малчдын ажиглалтыг Уур амьсгал болон Алсын Зайн тандалтын мэдээлэлтэй харьцуулахуй: А. Бямбацэрэн
Зудын үр нөлөө, авах арга хэмжээ ба дасан зохицох чадамж:
Доктор. Б. Батхишиг
Экологийн гурван бүс дэх бэлчээрийн ургамлын өөрчлөлт 1994-2013 он: Проф.
Мария Фернандез-Гименез
Нутгийнханы Бэлчээрийн Менежментээс гарсан нийгмийн үр дүн: Доктор. Б.
НБМ-н экологийн үр дүнгээс: Проф. Мария Фернандез-Гименез
Цайны завсарлага
Бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуйн чухал ач холбогдол бүхий газар нутагт хил дамнасан нүүдлийн хэв шинж. Ж.Азжаргал
Аймгийн бэлчээрийн чиглэлээр баримталж буй бодлого болон арга хэмжээний талаарх илтгэл
Дундговь аймгийн ҮХААГ
Өмнөговь аймгийн ҮХААГ
Дорноговь аймгийн ҮХААГ
Судалгааны үр дүнгийн талаар өртөөчилсөн хэлэлцүүлэг
Оролцогчид 5 бүлэгт хуваагдаж тавигдсан илтгэл тус бүрт өртөөчилсөн хэлэлцүүлэг хийх болно. Сэдэв тус бүр 10 мин хугацаанд өөрсдийн санал шүүмжийг өгнө.
Малчдын ажиглалт: Уур амьсгал өөрчлөлт ба хариу арга хэмжээ: (Чиглүүлэгч: А.
Зудын үр нөлөө, авах арга хэмжээ ба дасан зохицох чадамж: (Чиглүүлэгч: Б.
Бэлчээрийн ургамлын өөрчлөлт: (Чиглүүлэгч:Оюунсувд)
Бэлчээрийн Менежментийн нутгийн зохион байгуулалт: (Чиглүүлэгч: Ц. Алтанзул)
Малчдын хил дамнасан нүүдэл: (Чиглүүлэгч: Азжаргал)
Өдрийн хоол
Өртөө тус бүрээр өгсөн саналыг нэгтгэн танилцуулах: Сумын удирдлага
Ирээдүйн төлөвлөлтийг хийх аргачлал
20 жилийн дараах сумын хөгжлийн талаарх төсөөлөл, хэлэлцүүлэг. Үүнийг үндсэн таван шатлалаар гаргаж ирэх
Сум тус бүр танилцуулга хийх: 6 сум тус бүр 3-5 мин
Цайны завсарлага
Нэгтгэн дүгнэх үйл ажиллагаа
Хэлэлцүүлэгийн дараах үнэлгээ
Талархал, Хаалт
Хавсралт # 2: Хэлэлцүүлэгт оролцогсдын жагсаалт
Ulziit soum, Dundgobi province: June 24, 2014
Telephone № Name Organization
1 Pro. Maria
2 Phd.Batkhishig
Nutag Partners
3 Phd. Altanzul Nutag Partners
4 A.Byambatseren
Nutag Partners
5 J. Azjargal Nutag Partners
6 Narantsogt Nutag Partners
7 P. Galmandakh Nutag Partners
Provincial Representative
9 Munkhjargal Head,Agreculture Dept’ Dundgobi
10 Shinebayar
11 N. Puntsag
12 Naranbold
13 Enkh-Amgalan
14 P. Munkhbold
Rangeland specialist, Dundgobi
Driver, Dundgobi
Head, Agreculture Dept’ Dornogobi
Rangeland specialist, Dornogobi
Driver, Dornogobi
15 Yo.Jambaldagva Head,Agreculture Dept’ Omnogobi
16 Munkhchuluun Rangeland specialist, Omnogobi
17 Uuriintuya
Ulziit, Dundgobi
Driver, Omnogobi
18 B. Khorloo
19 L. Sandan
Head of governor’s office
Head, Vet-Breeding Office
20 Х. Otgonmunkh Head, Soum, People’ Khural
21 Bayanjargal Herder
99919685 pg.0121@yahoo.com
E-mail munkh6512@yahoo.com
22 Demchigtsog
23 Jargalsaikhan
Undurshil, Dundgobi
Green Gold, project officer
24 U. Bayanmunkh Land officer
25 N. Sereeter Head, Bagh People’ Khural
26 S. Bataa Herder
27 L. Batsumberel Herder
28 N.Munkhsaikhan Project staff, Head, Vet-Breeding Office
Tsogt-Ovoo, Omnogobi
29 B.Delgerbyamba Rangeland, cooperative specialist
30 D.Otgonchuluun Head, People’ Khural
31 X. Tuvshinbayar Herder
32 L.Myagmarjav Herder
33 P.Batdorj
Khankhongor, Omnogobi
Project staff, rangeland specialist
34 Ts. Batbekh
35 Dalai
36 Munkhjargal
37 S. Oyun
Environment specialist
Agriculture specialist
Head, Herders Cooperative
Cooperative Herder
38 S.Maamankhuu Head, Herders Cooperative Oyut
39 Т.Batbold Herder, Khongorkhairkhan cooperative
Saikhandulaan, Dornogobi
40 L. Nyamtsetseg Head, Vet-Breeding Office
41 E. Borgil Environment officer
42 Dorj
43 Munkhtuya
44 D.Baasanjav
Altanshireet, Dornogobi
45 Ch. Gochoo Land officer
46 B. Baigal-Erdene Agricultural officer
47 G. Sainbayar
48 S.Enkhbaatar
49 Ts. Ganbat
Өмнөговь, Ханбогд
Herder, Cooperative Bayasgalan
Desertification project officer
50 Battsengel
51 Buyantogtokh
Khanbogd, Omnogobi
Khanbogd, Omnogobi
52 N. Munkhbayar Khanbogd, Omnogobi
53 D. Khurelbaatar Khanbogd, Omnogobi
54 B. Ganbold Khanbogd, Omnogobi
55 L. Bayarbaatar Khanbogd, Omnogobi
88745940 jagaa_greengold@yahoo.com
9988704 ganbat_245@yahoo.com
99608279 tsengel_5595@yahoo.com
99074853 munkhbayarno@of.mn
99256191 hurelbaatard@yahoo.com
99087957 bayarbaatar14@yahoo.com