Publications for Damien Field 2016

Publications for Damien Field
Publications for Damien Field
Tan, D., Koppi, A., Field, D. (2016). First Year
Agricultural Science Student Perspectives in
Graduate Attribute Development Through
Problem-Based Learning. International Journal
of Innovation in Science and Mathematics
Education, 24(1), 54-66.
Henaka Arachchi, M., Field, D., McBratney, A.
(2016). Quantification of soil carbon from bulk
soil samples to predict the aggregate-carbon
fractions within using near- and mid-infrared
spectroscopic techniques. Geoderma, 267,
207-214. <a
.12.030">[More Information]</a>
McBratney, A., Koppi, A., Field, D. (2016).
Radical soil management for Australia: A
rejuvenation process. Geoderma Regional, 7(2),
132-136. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Fajardo, M., McBratney, A., Field, D., Minasny,
B. (2016). Soil slaking assessment using image
recognition. Soil and Tillage Research, 163,
119-129. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Dorji, T., Odeh, I., Field, D. (2015). Elucidating
the complex interrelationships of soil organic
carbon fractions with land use/land cover types
and landform attributes in a montane ecosystem.
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(5),
1039-1054. <a
8-4">[More Information]</a>
Stockmann, U., Padarian, J., McBratney, A.,
Minasny, B., Brogniez, D., Montanarella, L.,
Hong, S., Rawlins, B., Field, D. (2015). Global
soil organic carbon assessment. Global Food
Security, 6, 9-16. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
McBratney, A., Field, D. (2015). Securing our
soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61(4),
587-591. <a
1071060">[More Information]</a>
McBratney, A., Minasny, B., Field, D., Malone,
B., Stockmann, U., Padarian, J. (2014). Digital
Soil Mapping and Assessment for Global Soil
Security. 2014 International Annual Meeting American Society of Agronomy, USA: Soil
Science Society of America.
Dorji, T., Odeh, I., Field, D., Baillie, I. (2014).
Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon
stocks under different land use and land cover
types in montane ecosystems, Eastern
Himalayas. Forest Ecology and Management,
318, 91-102. <a
003">[More Information]</a>
Singh, B., Cattle, S., Field, D. (2014). Edaphic
Soil Science, Introduction to. In Neal K Van
Alfen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Agriculture and
Food Systems, (pp. 35-58). London: Academic
Dorji, T., Odeh, I., Field, D. (2014). Effect of
Land Use/ Land Cover Patterns on Particulate
and Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Carbon
Fractions in Himalayan Ecosystems. 20th World
Congress of Soil Sciences, Jeju, Korea:
International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS).
Morgan, C., Field, D. (2014). Introducing Soil
and Plant Science: Undergraduates Learning
through Experiences. 20th World Congress of
Soil Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of
Soil Sciences (IUSS).
Henakaarachchi, M., McBratney, A., Field, D.
(2014). Quantification of Aggregated Carbon by
Using Mid and near Infrared Spectroscopic
Techniques. 20th World Congress of Soil
Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of Soil
Sciences (IUSS).
Field, D., McBratney, A., Minasny, B. (2014).
Soil change an important aspect of soil security.
Soil Change Matters International Workshop,
Melbourne: State Government Victoria,
Field, D., McBratney, A. (2014). Soil Security:
A Framework to Account for People's Demand
of Soil to Provide Food Security. 2014
International Annual Meeting - American Society
of Agronomy, USA: Soil Science Society of
Field, D., McBratney, A., Minasny, B. (2014).
Soil the Next Step Nexus for Global Existential
Environmental Challenges. 20th World Congress
of Soil Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union
of Soil Sciences (IUSS).
McBratney, A., Stockmann, U., Angers, D.,
Minasny, B., Field, D. (2014). Challenges for
Soil Organic Carbon Research. In Alfred E.
Hartemink, Kevin McSweeney (Eds.), Soil
Carbon, (pp. 3-16). New York: Springer.
Field, D., Cattle, S., Phelps, L. (2014). Supply
and Demand: What Australian Soil Science
Students Get and What Australian Employers of
Soil Scientists Want. 20th World Congress of
Soil Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of
Publications for Damien Field
Soil Sciences (IUSS).
McBratney, A., Field, D., Koch, A. (2014). The
dimensions of soil security. Geoderma, 213,
203-213. <a
.08.013">[More Information]</a>
Zhu, Z., Minasny, B., Field, D. (2014). The
Intrinsic Energy of Soil Aggregates Affected by
Soil Organic Matter. 20th World Congress of
Soil Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of
Soil Sciences (IUSS).
Hartemink, A., Balks, M., Chen, Z., Drohan, P.,
Field, D., Krasilnikov, P., Lowe, D., Rabenhorst,
M., Van Rees, K., Schad, P., et al (2014). The
joy of teaching soil science. Geoderma, 217-218,
1-9. <a
.10.016">[More Information]</a>
Tan, D., Koppi, A., Field, D. (2014). The Student
Perspective in Developing Graduate Attributes
Through Problem-Based Learning in First Year
Agriculture Science. 20th Annual UniServe
Science Conference: Australian Conference on
Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME)
2014, Sydney: UniServe Science, University of
Field, D., Cattle, S., McBratney, A., Koppi, A.
(2014). Towards a Concept that Frames Soil
Science Knowledge Required by a Diverse
Range of End-users. 20th World Congress of Soil
Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of Soil
Sciences (IUSS).
Dorji, T., Odeh, I., Field, D. (2014). Variation of
Soil Organic Carbon Density Under Different
Altitudinal Zones and Aspects in Eastern
Himalayas. 20th World Congress of Soil
Sciences, Jeju, Korea: International Union of Soil
Sciences (IUSS).
Dorji, T., Odeh, I., Field, D. (2014). Vertical
Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Density in
Relation to Land Use / Cover, Altitude and Slope
Aspect in the Eastern Himalayas. Land, (3),
1232-1250. <a
More Information]</a>
Cattle, S., Field, D. (2013). A review of the soil
science research legacy of the triumvirate of
cotton CRC. Crop and Pasture Science,
64(11-12), 1076-1094. <a
e Information]</a>
Daynes, C., Field, D., Saleeba, J., Cole, M.,
McGee, P. (2013). Development and stabilisation
of soil structure via interactions between organic
matter, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant
roots. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57,
683-694. <a
.020">[More Information]</a>
Koch, A., McBratney, A., Adams, M., Field, D.,
Hill, R., Crawford, J., Minasny, B., Lal, R.,
Abbott, L., O'Donnell, A., et al (2013). Soil
Security: Solving the Global Soil Crisis. Global
Policy, 4(4), 434-441. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Minasny, B., McBratney, A., Field, D. (2013).
Soil Structure Across Scales: The Energy of Soil
Aggregation. ASA, CSSA and SSSA 2013
International Annual Meeting, Madison, USA:
Soil Science Society of America.
Stockmann, U., Adams, M., Crawford, J., Field,
D., Henakaarchchi, N., Jenkins, M., Minasny, B.,
McBratney, A., De Remy De Courcelles, V.,
Singh, K., Wheeler, I., et al (2013). The knowns,
known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration
of soil organic carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems
and Environment, 164, 80-99. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
McBratney, A., Field, D., Minasny, B. (2013).
The multi-faceted nature of soil security. 11th
International Conference of the East and
Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science
Societies, Bogor, Indonesia: Indonesian Society
of Soil Science.
Field, D., McBratney, A., Koppi, A. (2013). The
Soil Science Core Body of Knowledge: Defining
and Agreeing Up On It and
Prognosticating How It Might Need to Change to
Suit Society's Demands. ASA, CSSA and SSSA
2013 International Annual Meeting, Madison,
USA: Soil Science Society of America.
Henakaarachchi, M., Field, D., McBratney, A.
(2012). Finding an efficient way to measure soil
organic carbon pools in soil carbon turnover
models. 5th Joint Australian and New Zealand
Soil Science Conference, Warragul, Victoria:
Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated.
Issa, S., Vervoort, R., Field, D. (2012).
Hydrologic and Geologic Integrated Study to
Better Understand the Salinity Problems of the
Mount Annan Area, Western Sydney, Australia.
34th Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium
(HWRS2012), Sydney: Engineers Australia.
Field, D., Koppi, A., Jarrett, L., McBratney, A.
(2012). Stakeholder suggestions for the soil
science curriculum. 5th Joint Australian and
New Zealand Soil Science Conference, Warragul,
Victoria: Australian Society of Soil Science
Publications for Damien Field
Minasny, B., Field, D., McBratney, A. (2012).
The intrinsic energy of soil aggregates. 5th Joint
Australian and New Zealand Soil Science
Conference, Warragul, Victoria: Australian
Society of Soil Science Incorporated.
Jarrett, L., Field, D., Koppi, A. (2011). An
Action Learning Approach to Changing
Teaching Practice Using Group Reflection on
Student and Graduate Feedback. International
Journal of Innovation in Science and
Mathematics Education, 19(1), 43-54.
Jarrett, L., Field, D., Koppi, A., Kopittke, P.,
Abbott, L., Grant, C., McBratney, A., Menzies,
N., Weatherley, T. (2011). Guidelines for Online
Learning in Soil Science: A Synthesis of Ideas
from Academics, Students and Employers. The
Australian Conference on Science and
Mathematics Education 2011 (The 17th Annual
UniServe Science Conference), Sydney,
Australia: UniServe Science, University of
Field, D., Koppi, A., Jarrett, L., Abbott, L.,
Cattle, S., Grant, C., McBratney, A., Menzies,
N., Weatherley, A. (2011). Soil Science teaching
principles. Geoderma, 167-168, 9-14. <a
.09.017">[More Information]</a>
Daynes, C., Field, D., Saleeba, J., Cole, P.,
McGee, P. (2010). Restoration of soil function
requires plants, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and
organic matter. 19th World Congress of Soil
Science Soil solutions for a changing world,
Brisbane: International Union of Soil Sciences
Zhu, Z., Field, D., Minasny, B. (2010). The
dynamics of aggregate breakdown as a function
of dispersive energy. 19th World Congress of
Soil Science Soil solutions for a changing world,
Brisbane: International Union of Soil Sciences
Koppi, A., Field, D., McBratney, A., Hartemink,
A. (2010). The need for soil science amateurs.
19th World Congress of Soil Science Soil
solutions for a changing world, Brisbane:
International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS).
Zhu, Z., Minasny, B., Field, D. (2009). Adapting
technology for measuring soil aggregate
dispersive energy using ultrasonic dispersion.
Biosystems Engineering, 104(2), 258-265. <a
2009.06.011">[More Information]</a>
Zhu, Z., Minasny, B., Field, D. (2009).
Measurement of aggregate bond energy using
ultrasonic dispersion. European Journal of Soil
Science, 60, 695-705. <a
9.01146.x">[More Information]</a>
Koppi, A., Nolan, E., Field, D. (2010).
Developing Transferable Research Skills in First
Year Agricultural Economics Students. Journal
of University Teaching and Learning Practice,
7(2), 1-19.
Malamoud, K., McBratney, A., Minasny, B.,
Field, D. (2009). Modelling how carbon affects
soil structure. Geoderma, 149, 19-26. <a
.10.018">[More Information]</a>
Stockmann, U., Adams, M., Crawford, J., Field,
D., Henakaarchchi, N., Jenkins, M., McBratney,
A., De Remy De Courcelles, V., Singh, K.,
Wheeler, I. (2010). Managing the soil plant
system to mitigate atmospheric CO2.
Zhu, Z., Field, D., Minasny, B. (2010).
Measuring and modelling the actual energy
involved in aggregate breakdown. Catena, 82(1),
53-60. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Field, D., Koppi, A., McBratney, A. (2010).
Producing the thinking soil scientist. 19th World
Congress of Soil Science Soil solutions for a
changing world, Brisbane: International Union of
Soil Sciences (IUSS).
Jarrett, L., Field, D., Koppi, A. (2010).
Promoting Reflective Dialogue Through Group
Analysis Of Student Feedback. 16th UniServe
Science Annual Conference 2010, Sydney:
University of Sydney.
Conaty, W., Tan, D., Constable, G., Sutton, B.,
Field, D., Mamun, M. (2008). Agronomy & Soils
Genetic Variation for Waterlogging Tolerance in
Cotton. Journal of Cotton Science, 12, 53-61.
Field, D., Minasny, B. (2008). Comments on
"Modeling Energy Inputs to Predict Pedogenic
Environments Using Regional Environmental
Databases". Soil Science Society of America
Journal, 72(3), 858-859.
Terry, J., Tan, D., Hulugalle, N., Field, D.,
Weaver, T., Knox, O. (2008). Cotton yield and
soil carbon under continuous cotton, cotton-corn,
cotton-vetch-corn and cotton-wheat rotations.
14th Australian Society of Agronomy
Conference, Gosford, Australia: The Regional
Institute Ltd.
Minasny, B., McBratney, A., Field, D., Tranter,
Publications for Damien Field
G., McKenzie, N., Brough, D. (2007).
Relationships between field texture and
particle-size distribution in Australia and their
implications. Australian Journal of Soil
Research, 45(6), 428-437.
Field, D., Minasny, B., Gaggin, M. (2006).
Modelling aggregate liberation and dispersion of
three soil types exposed to ultrasonic agitation.
Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44(5),
Luelf, N., Tan, D., Hulugalle, N., Knox, O.,
Weaver, T., Field, D. (2006). Root turnover and
microbial biomass in cotton farming systems.
<i>13th Australian Society of Agronomy
(13th ASA)</i>, Australia: The Regional
Institute Ltd.
Minasny, B., Field, D. (2005). Estimating soil
hydraulic properties and their uncertainty: the
use of stochastic simulation in the inverse
modelling of the evaporation method. Geoderma,
126(3-4), 277-290. <a
.09.015">[More Information]</a>
Field, D., Sullivan, L., Cattle, S., Koppi, A.
(2004). Comparison Of Four Methods For
Liberating Various Aggregate Fractions In
Vertosols To Study Their Morphology.
Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(1),
Field, D., Minasny, B., McBratney, A. (2004).
Identifying The Interrelationship Between Soil
Properties That Influence The Function Of The
"Soil". Supersoil 2004, the 3rd Joint Conference
of Australian and New Zealand Soil Science
Societies, Sydney, Australia: The Regional
Institute Ltd.
Field, D., Cattle, S. (2004). Identifying The
Interrelationships Between Soil Properties
Affecting The Surface Structural Stability Of
Soil Used For Cotton Production. 7th
International Conference on Precision
Agriculture, Minneapolis, USA (June), :
University of Melbourne.
Minasny, B., Field, D. (2004). Stochastic
Inversion Of The Evaporation Method To
Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties. Eurosoil,, :
University of Melbourne.