Publications for Michael Nicholas 2016

Publications for Michael Nicholas
Publications for Michael Nicholas
Nicholas, M., Blyth, F. (2016). Are
self-management strategies effective in chronic
pain treatment? Pain Management, 6(1), 75-88.
re Information]</a>
Linton, S., Boersma, K., Traczyk, M., Shaw, W.,
Nicholas, M. (2016). Early Workplace
Communication and Problem Solving to Prevent
Back Disability: Results of a Randomized
Controlled Trial Among High-Risk Workers and
Their Supervisors. Journal of Occupational
Rehabilitation, 26(2), 150-159. <a
6-z">[More Information]</a>
Bennell, K., Ahamed, Y., Jull, G., Bryant, C.,
Hunt, M., Forbes, A., Kasza, J., Akram, M.,
Metcalf, B., Harris, A., Nicholas, M., et al
(2016). Physical Therapist-Delivered Pain
Coping Skills Training and Exercise for Knee
Osteoarthritis: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Arthritis Care and Research, 68(5), 590-602. <a
re Information]</a>
Gopinath, B., Elbers, N., Jagnoor, J., Harris, I.,
Nicholas, M., Casey, P., Blyth, F., Maher, C.,
Cameron, I. (2016). Predictors of time to claim
closure following a non-catastrophic injury
sustained in a motor vehicle crash: a prospective
cohort study. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1-10.
3-y">[More Information]</a>
Wood, B., Nicholas, M., Blyth, F., Asghari, A.,
Gibson, S. (2016). The mediating role of
catastrophizing in the relationship between pain
intensity and depressed mood in older adults
with persistent pain: A longitudinal analysis.
Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 11, 157-162. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., McGuire, B., Asghari, A. (2015).
A 2-item short form of the Pain Self-Efficacy
Questionnaire: Development and psychometric
evaluation of PSEQ-2. The Journal of Pain,
16(2), 153-163. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Treede, R., Rief, W., Barke, A., Aziz, Q.,
Bennett, M., Benoliel, R., Cohen, M., Evers, S.,
Finnerup, N., Nicholas, M., et al (2015). A
classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain,
156(6), 1003-1007. <a
00000160">[More Information]</a>
Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M., Nicholson-Perry, K.
(2015). A clinician's quick guide of
evidence-based approaches: Chronic pain.
Clinical Psychologist, 19, 105-106. <a
e Information]</a>
Gopinath, B., Harris, I., Nicholas, M., Casey, P.,
Blyth, F., Maher, C., Cameron, I. (2015). A
comparison of health outcomes in older versus
younger adults following a road traffic crash
injury: A cohort study. PloS One, 10(4), 1-11. <a
2732">[More Information]</a>
Gopinath, B., Jagnoor, J., Harris, I., Nicholas,
M., Maher, C., Casey, P., Blyth, F., Sindhusake,
D., Cameron, I. (2015). Comparison of health
outcomes between hospitalised and
non-hospitalised persons with minor injuries
sustained in a road traffic crash in Australia: a
prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 5(9), 1-8.
09303">[More Information]</a>
Linton, S., Nicholas, M., MacDonald, S. (2015).
In response. Spine, 40(15), E914-E914. <a
0000998">[More Information]</a>
Gopinath, B., Jagnoor, J., Nicholas, M., Blyth,
F., Harris, I., Casey, P., Cameron, I. (2015).
Presence and predictors of persistent pain among
persons who sustained an injury in a road traffic
crash. European Journal of Pain, 19(8),
1111-1118. <a
Gopinath, B., Jagnoor, J., Harris, I., Nicholas,
M., Casey, P., Blyth, F., Maher, C., Cameron, I.
(2015). Prognostic indicators of social outcomes
in persons who sustained an injury in a road
traffic crash. Injury, 46(5), 909-917. <a
002">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2015). Psychological Approaches
to the Management of Pain, Cognition and
Emotion. In Gisele Pickering, Stephen Gibson
(Eds.), Pain, Emotion and Cognition: A Complex
Nexus, (pp. 153-165). Cham: Springer. <a
3-1_10">[More Information]</a>
Jagnoor, J., De Wolf, A., Nicholas, M., Maher,
C., Casey, P., Blyth, F., Harris, I., Cameron, I.
(2015). Restriction in functioning and quality of
life is common in people 2 months after
compensable motor vehicle crashes: prospective
cohort study. Injury Epidemiology, 2(8), 1-11. <a
Publications for Michael Nicholas
2-7">[More Information]</a>
Dear, B., Gandy, M., Karin, E., Staples, L.,
Johnston, L., Fogliati, V., Wootton, B., Terides,
M., Kayrouz, R., Nicholson-Perry, K., Sharpe,
L., Nicholas, M., et al (2015). The pain course: A
randomised controlled trial examining an
internet-delivered pain management program
when provided with different levels of clinician
support. Pain, 156(10), 1920-1935. <a
00000251">[More Information]</a>
Sharpe, L., Haggmann, S., Nicholas, M., Dear,
B., Refshauge, K. (2014). Avoidance of affective
pain stimuli predicts chronicity in patients with
acute low back pain. Pain, 155, 45-52. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Bryant, C., Lewis, P., Bennell, K., Ahamed, Y.,
Crough, D., Jull, G., Kenardy, J., Nicholas, M.,
Keefe, F. (2014). Can Physical Therapists
Deliver a Pain Coping Skills Program? An
Examination of Training Processes and
Outcomes. Physical Therapy, 94(10), 1443-1454.
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Sharpe, L., Brnabic,
A., Wood, B., Overton, S., Tonkin, L., de Sousa,
M., Finniss, D., Beeston, L., Sutherland, A.,
Corbett, M., Brooker, C. (2014). Cognitive
exposure versus avoidance in patients with
chronic pain: Adherence matters. European
Journal of Pain, 18(3), 424-437. <a
3.00383.x">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2014). Expanding access to
effective psychologically-based treatments:
training nurse practitioners yields dividends.
Pain, 55(9), 1679-1680. <a
21">[More Information]</a>
Akhter, R., Benson, J., Svensson, P., Nicholas,
M., Peck, C., Murray, G. (2014). Experimental
Jaw Muscle Pain Increases Pain Scores and Jaw
Movement Variability in Higher Pain
Catastrophizers. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain
and Headache, 28(3), 191-204. <a
ore Information]</a>
Jagnoor, J., Blyth, F., Gabbe, B., Derrett, S.,
Boufous, S., Dinh, M., Day, R., Button, G.,
Gillett, M., Joseph, A., Nicholas, M., Willcock,
S., Cameron, I., et al (2014). Factors influencing
social and health outcomes after motor vehicle
crash injury: an inception cohort study protocol.
BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-8. <a
99">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2014). Hybrid emotion-focused
exposure treatment for chronic pain.
Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 5(3), 149-150. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Waugh, O., Byrne, D., Nicholas, M. (2014).
Internalized Stigma in People Living With
Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain, 15(5),
e1-e10. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Shaw, W., Bessen, E., Pransky, G., Boot, C.,
Nicholas, M., McLennan, R., Tveito, T. (2014).
Manage at work: a randomized, controlled trial
of a self-management group intervention to
overcome workplace challenges associated with
chronic physical health conditions. BMC Public
Health, 14(1), 1-11. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Traeger, A., Moseley, G., Hubscher, M., Lee, H.,
Skinner, I., Nicholas, M., Henschke, N.,
Refshauge, K., Blyth, F., Main, C., et al (2014).
Pain education to prevent chronic low back pain:
a study protocol for a randomised controlled
trial. BMJ Open, 4(6), 1-7. <a
05505">[More Information]</a>
McGuire, B., Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Wood,
B., Main, C. (2014). The effectiveness of
psychological treatments for chronic pain in
older adults: cautious optimism and an agenda
for research. Current Opinion in Psychiatry,
27(5), 380-384. <a
0000090">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, M., Keefe, F., Bryant, C., Metcalf, B.,
Ahamed, Y., Nicholas, M., Bennell, K. (2013). A
physiotherapist-delivered, combined exercise and
pain coping skills training intervention for
individuals with knee osteoarthritis: A pilot
study. The Knee, 20(2), 106-112. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Wood, B., Nicholas, M., Blyth, F., Asghari, A.,
Gibson, S. (2013). Catastrophizing Mediates the
Relationship Between Pain Intensity and
Depressed Mood in Older Adults With Persistent
Pain. The Journal of Pain, 14(2), 149-157. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Blyth, F., Wood, B.,
Murray, R., McCabe, R., Brnabic, A., Beeston,
L., Corbett, M., Sherrington, C., Overton, S.
(2013). Self-management intervention for
chronic pain in older adults: A randomised
Publications for Michael Nicholas
controlled trial. Pain, 154(6), 824-835. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
153(2), 293-304. <a
18">[More Information]</a>
Shaw, W., Tveito, T., Geehern-Lavoie, M.,
Huang, Y., Nicholas, M., Reme, S., Wagner, G.,
Pransky, G. (2012). Adapting principles of
chronic pain self-management to the workplace.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(8), 694-703. <a
615372">[More Information]</a>
Brandini, D., Benson, J., Nicholas, M., Murray,
G., Peck, C. (2011). Chewing in
Temporomandibular Disorder Patients: An
Exploratory Study of an Association With Some
Psychological Variables. Journal of Orofacial
Pain, 25(1), 56-67. <a
&list_uids=21359238">[More Information]</a>
Macedo, L., Latimer, J., Maher, C., Hodges, P.,
McAuley, J., Nicholas, M., Tonkin, L., Stanton,
C., Stanton, T., Stafford, R. (2012). Effect of
motor control exercises versus graded activity in
patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain:
a randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy,
92(3), 363-377. <a
More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Corbett, M., Smeets,
R., Wood, B., Overton, S., Perry, C., Tonkin, L.,
Beeston, L. (2012). Is adherence to pain
self-management strategies associated with
improved pain, depression and disability in those
with disabling chronic pain? European Journal
of Pain, 16(1), 93-104. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Sharpe, L., Ianiello, M., Dear, B., Perry, K.,
Refshauge, K., Nicholas, M. (2012). Is there a
potential role for attention bias modification in
pain patients? Results of 2 randomised,
controlled trials. Pain, 153(3), 722-731. <a
14">[More Information]</a>
Sharpe, L., Gittins, C., Correia, H., Meade (nee
Covic), T., Nicholas, M., Raue, P., McDonald,
S., Arean, P. (2012). Problem-solving versus
cognitive restructuring of medically ill seniors
with depression (PROMISE-D trial): Study
protocol and design. BMC Psychiatry, 12(1), 1-9.
07">[More Information]</a>
Cardosa, M., Osman, Z., Nicholas, M., Tonkin,
L., Williams, A., Aziz, K., Ali, R., Dahari, N.
(2012). Self-management of chronic pain in
Malaysian patients: effectiveness trial with
1-year follow-up. Translational Behavioral
Medicine, 2(1), 30-37. <a
5-2">[More Information]</a>
Dominick, C., Blyth, F., Nicholas, M. (2012).
Unpacking the burden: Understanding the
relationships between chronic pain and
comorbidity in the general population. Pain,
Hush, J., Nicholas, M. (2011). Cognitive
behavioral treatment for low back pain: Case
study and commentary. Journal of Clinical
Outcomes Management, 18(2), 85-95.
Linton, S., Nicholas, M., MacDonald, S. (2011).
Development of a Short Form of the Orebro
Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire.
Spine, 36(22), 1891-1895. <a
1f8f775">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Linton, S., Watson, P., Main, C.
(2011). Early Identification and Management of
Psychological Risk Factors ("Yellow Flags") in
Patients With Low Back Pain: A Reappraisal.
Physical Therapy, 91(5), 737-753. <a
More Information]</a>
Blyth, F., Cumming, R., Nicholas, M., Creasey,
H., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D.,
Naganathan, V., Sambrook, P., Seibel, M.,
Waite, L. (2011). Intrusive Pain and Worry about
Health in Older Men: The CHAMP Study. Pain,
152(2), 447-452. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Perry, K., Nicholas, M., Middleton, J. (2011).
Multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain
management programmes for people with a
spinal cord injury: design and implementation.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(13-14),
1272-1280. <a
524276">[More Information]</a>
Blake, D., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M., Refshauge,
K. (2011). Pain-Related Attentional Biases: The
Importance of the Personal Relevance and
Ecological Validity of Stimuli. The Journal of
Pain, 12(6), 625-632. <a
10">[More Information]</a>
Dominick, C., Blyth, F., Nicholas, M. (2011).
Patterns of chronic pain in the New Zealand
population. New Zealand Medical Journal,
124(1337), 63-76. <a
Publications for Michael Nicholas
&list_uids=21946879">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., George, S. (2011). Psychologically
informed interventions for low back pain: An
update for physical therapists. Physical Therapy,
91(5), 765-776. <a
More Information]</a>
Hall, A., Kamper, S., Maher, C., Latimer, J.,
Ferreira, M., Nicholas, M. (2011). Symptoms of
depression and stress mediate the effect of pain
on disability. Pain, 152(5), 1044-1051. <a
14">[More Information]</a>
bff8f3">[More Information]</a>
Tveito, T., Shaw, W., Huang, Y., Nicholas, M.,
Wagner, G. (2010). Managing Pain in the
Workplace: A Focus Group Study of Challenges,
Strategies and What Matters Most to Workers
with Low Back Pain. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 32(24), 2035-2045. <a
7398">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2010). Obstacles to recovery after
an episode of low back pain; the 'usual suspects'
are not always guilty. Pain, 148(3), 363-364. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Dear, B., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M., Refshauge,
K. (2011). The Psychometric Properties of the
Dot-Probe Paradigm When Used in Pain-Related
Attentional Bias Research. The Journal of Pain,
12(12), 1247-1254. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Dehghani, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M. (2010).
Structural evaluation of the contemporary
psychological models of chronic pain: Does fear
of pain work for all? Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy, 39(3), 214-224. <a
0134">[More Information]</a>
Linton, S., Nicholas, M., MacDonald, S.,
Boersma, K., Bergbom, S., Maher, C.,
Refshauge, K. (2011). The role of depression and
catastrophizing in musculoskeletal Pain.
European Journal of Pain, 15(4), 416-422. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Wood, B., Nicholas, M., Blyth, F., Asghari, A.,
Gibson, S. (2010). The Utility of the Short
Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales
(DASS-21) in Elderly Patients with Persistent
Pain: Does Age Make a Difference? Pain
Medicine, 11(12), 1780-1790. <a
0.01005.x">[More Information]</a>
Sharpe, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Rogers, P.,
Dear, B., Nicholas, M., Refshauge, K. (2010). A
comparison of the effect of attention training and
relaxation on responses to pain. Pain, 150(3),
469-476. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
Wood, B., Nicholas, M., Blyth, F., Asghari, A.,
Gibson, S. (2010). Assessing Pain in Older
People With Persistent Pain: The NRS Is Valid
But Only Provides Part of the Picture. The
Journal of Pain, 11(12), 1259-1266. <a
25">[More Information]</a>
Haggmann, S., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M.,
Refshauge, K. (2010). Attentional Biases Toward
Sensory Pain Words in Acute and Chronic Pain
Patients. The Journal of Pain, 11(11),
1136-1145. <a
17">[More Information]</a>
Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M., Middleton, J.
(2010). Comparison of a pain management
program with usual care in a pain management
center for people with spinal cord injury-related
chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 26(3),
206-216. <a
Asghari, A., Nicholas, M. (2009). An
Investigation of Pain Self-Efficacy Beliefs in
Iranian Chronic Pain Patients: A Preliminary
Validation of a Translated English-Language
Scale. Pain Medicine, 10(4), 619-632. <a
9.00623.x">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Coulston, C., Asghari, A., Malhi,
G. (2009). Depressive symptoms in patients with
chronic pain. Medical Journal of Australia,
190(7 Suppl), S66-S70. <a
&list_uids=19351296">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2009). First things first:
Reductions in catastrophising before fear of
movement. Pain, 145, 6-7. <a
34">[More Information]</a>
Finniss, D., Nicholas, M., Benedetti, F. (2009).
Placebo analgesia - understanding the
mechanisms and implications for clinical
practice. Reviews in Pain, 3(2), 15-19.
Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M., Middleton, J.,
Siddall, P. (2009). Psychological characteristics
Publications for Michael Nicholas
of people with spinal cord injury-related
persisting pain referred to a tertiary pain
management center. Journal of Rehabilitation
Research and Development, 46(1), 57-68. <a
050">[More Information]</a>
Flink, I., Nicholas, M., Boersma, K., Linton, S.
(2009). Reducing the threat value of chronic
pain: A preliminary replicated single-case study
of interoceptive exposure versus distraction in
six individuals with chronic back pain.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(8),
721-728. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Nicholson Perry, K., Nicholas, M., Middleton, J.
(2009). Spinal cord injury-related pain in
rehabilitation: A cross-sectional study of
relationships with cognitions, mood and physical
function. European Journal of Pain, 13,
511-517. <a
003">[More Information]</a>
Law, R., Harvey, L., Nicholas, M., Tonkin, L.,
de Sousa, M., Finniss, D. (2009). Stretch
exercises increase tolerance to stretch in patients
with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a randomized
controlled trial. Physical Therapy, 89(10),
1016-1026. <a
More Information]</a>
Sarda, J., Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Pimenta, C.
(2009). The contribution of self-efficacy and
depression to disability and work status in
chronic pain patients: A comparison between
Australian and Brazilian samples. European
Journal of Pain, 13(2), 189-195. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
McGowan, N., Sharpe, L., Refshauge, K.,
Nicholas, M. (2009). The effect of attentional
re-training and threat expectancy in response to
acute pain. Pain, 142(1-2), 101-107. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Macedo, L., Latimer, J., Maher, C., Hodges, P.,
Nicholas, M., Tonkin, L., McAuley, J., Stafford,
R. (2008). Motor control or graded activity
exercises for chronic low back pain? A
randomised controlled trial. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders, 9, 65 - 1-65 - 9. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2008). On adherence to
self-management strategies. European Journal of
Pain, 13, 113-114. <a
013">[More Information]</a>
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Herbert,
R., Nicholas, M. (2008). Patient and clinician
treatment preferences do not moderate the effect
of exercise treatment in chronic
whiplash-associated disorders. European Journal
of Pain, 12(7), 879-885. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Sarda, J., Nicholas, M., Pimenta, C., Asghari, A.
(2008). Psychometric properties of the
DASS-Depression scale among a Brazilian
population with chronic pain. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 64(1), 25-31. <a
7.05.015">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Blyth, F. (2008).
What do the numbers mean? Normative data in
chronic pain measures. Pain, 134(1-2), 158-173.
07">[More Information]</a>
Pengel, L., Refshauge, K., Maher, C., Nicholas,
M., Herbert, R., McNair, P. (2007).
Physiotherapist-directed exercise, advice, or both
for sub-acute low back pain: A randomized trial.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 146(11), 787-796.
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Herbert,
R., Bogduk, N., Nicholas, M. (2007).
Randomized controlled trial of exercise for
chronic whiplash associated disorders. Pain,
128(1-2), 59-68.
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Herbert,
R., Bogduk, N., Nicholas, M. (2007).
Randomized controlled trial of exercise for
chronic whiplash-associated disorders. Pain,
128(1-2), 59-68. <a
&list_uids=17029788">[More Information]</a>
Blyth, F., Macfarlane, G., Nicholas, M. (2007).
Response to Ms. Nielsen's Letter to the Editor of
Pain. Pain, 131(3). <a
&list_uids=17766045">[More Information]</a>
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Bogduk,
N., Nicholas, M. (2007). Responsiveness of pain
and disability measures for chronic whiplash.
Spine, 32(5), 580-585. <a
&list_uids=17334294">[More Information]</a>
Blyth, F., Macfarlane, G., Nicholas, M. (2007).
Publications for Michael Nicholas
The contribution of psychosocial factors to the
development of chronic pain: the key to better
outcomes for patients? Pain, 129(1), 8-11. <a
&list_uids=17398007">[More Information]</a>
van Leeuwen, M., Blyth, F., March, L., Nicholas,
M., Cousins, M. (2006). Chronic pain and
reduced work effectiveness: the hidden cost to
Australian employers. European Journal of Pain,
10(2), 161-166. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M., Molloy, A., Brooker, C. (2006).
Using opioids with persisting noncancer pain: a
biopsychosocial perspective. Clinical Journal of
Pain, 22(2), 137-146. <a
&list_uids=16428947">[More Information]</a>
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Herbert,
R., Bogduk, N., Nicholas, M. (2005).
Effectiveness of exercise or advice for the
treatment of chronic whiplash. Proceedings of
the MPA 14th Biennial Conference. Centre for
Workplace culture change.
Finniss, D., Murphy, P., Brooker, C., Nicholas,
M., Cousins, M. (2006). Complex regional pain
syndrome in children and adolescents. European
Journal of Pain, 10(8), 767-770. <a
004">[More Information]</a>
Maher, C., Pengel, L., Refshauge, K., Nicholas,
M., McNair, P., Herbert, R. (2005). Exercise
and/or advice for subacute low back pain.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia 14th
Biennial Conference 2005, Australia: Australian
Physiotherapy Association.
Molloy, A., Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Beeston,
L., Dehghani, M., Cousins, M., Brooker, C.,
Tonkin, L. (2006). Does a Combination of
Intensive Cognitive-Behavioral Pain
Management and a Spinal Implantable Device
Confer any Advantage? A Preliminary
Examination. Pain Practice, 6(2), 96-103. <a
&list_uids=17309716">[More Information]</a>
Blyth, F., March, L., Nicholas, M., Cousins, M.
(2005). Self-management of chronic pain: a
population-based study. Pain, 113(3), 285-292.
&list_uids=15661435">[More Information]</a>
Tague, G., Loftus, S., Devonshire, E., Siddall, P.,
Taylor, I., Cousins, M., Mather, L., Nicholas, M.
(2006). International Collaboration in Graduate
Pain Management Education. Pain Across the
Lifespan: The 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of
the Australian Pain Society, unkown.
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A. (2006). Investigating
acceptance in adjustment to chronic pain: Is
acceptance broader than we thought? Pain,
124(3), 269-279. <a
&list_uids=16934925">[More Information]</a>
Asghari, A., Nicholas, M. (2006). Personality
and pain-related beliefs/coping strategies: A
prospective study. Clinical Journal of Pain,
22(1), 10-18.
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A. (2006). Response to
letter by McCracken et al. (2006). Pain. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, M. (2006). The pain self-efficacy
questionnaire: Taking pain into account.
European Journal of Pain, 11(2), 153-163. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, R., Lovibond, P., Nicholas, M., Cayley,
C., Wilson, P. (2005). The Utility of Somatic
Items in the Assessment of Depression in
Patients With Chronic Pain. A Comparison of the
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and the
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales in Chronic
Pain and Clinical and Community Samples.
Clinical Journal of Pain, 21(1), 91-100.
Franche, R., Baril, R., Shaw, W., Nicholas, M.,
Loisel, P. (2005). Workplace-Based
Return-to-Work Interventions:
Optimizing the Role of Stakeholders in
Implementation and Research. Journal of
Occupational Rehabilitation, 15(4), 525-542. <a
2-1">[More Information]</a>
Moseley, G., Nicholas, M., Hodges, P. (2004). A
Randomized Controlled Trial Of Intensive
Neurophysiology Education In Chronic Low
Back Pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 20(5),
Moseley, G., Nicholas, M., Hodges, P. (2004).
Does Anticipation Of Back Pain Predispose To
Back Trouble? Brain, 127(10), 2339-2347.
Dehghani, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M. (2004).
Modification of Attentional Biases in Chronic
Pain Patients: A Preliminary Study. European
Journal of Pain, 8(6), 585-594.
Publications for Michael Nicholas
Moseley, G., Nicholas, M., Hodges, P. (2004).
Pain Differs From Non-Painful
Attention-Demanding Or Stressful Tasks In Its
Effect On Postural Control Patterns Of Trunk
Muscles. Experimental Brain Research, 156(1),
64-71. <a
6-0">[More Information]</a>
Asghari, A., Nicholas, M. (2004). Pain During
Mammography: The Role Of Coping Strategies.
Pain, 108(1-2), 170-179.
Jolliffe, C., Nicholas, M. (2004). Verbally
Reinforcing Pain Reports: An Experimental Test
Of The Operant Model Of Chronic Pain. Pain,
107(1-2), 167-175.
Nicholas, M. (2004). When To Refer To A Pain
Clinic. Best Practice and Research: Clinical
Rheumatology, 18(4), 613-629. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Stewart, M., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., Herbert,
R., Bogduk, N., Nicholas, M. (2003). Advice or
exercise for chronic whiplash disorders? Design
of a randomized controlled trial. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders, 4(18), 1-8. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Blyth, F., March, L., Nicholas, M., Cousins, M.
(2003). Chronic pain, work performance and
litigation. Pain, 103(1-2), 41-47.
Nicholas, M., Molloy, A. (2003). Cognitive
behavioural therapy for chronic pain patients.
Medicine Today, 4(8 Supplement), 12-17.
Nicholas, M. (2003). Managed care policies and
pain management programs. Anesthesia and
Analgesia, 11, 1-1.
Dehghani, M., Sharpe, L., Nicholas, M. (2003).
Selective attention to pain-related information in
chronic musculoskeletal pain patients. Pain, 105,
Nicholas, M., Molloy, A. (2002). Chronic pain
control integrating medical and psychosocial
treatment options. New Ethicals Journal, 5(12),
Nicholas, M. (2002). Reducing disability in
injured workers: the importance of collaborative
management. In Linton, SJ (Eds.), Pain
Research and Clinical Management, (pp. 33-46).
Amsterdam: BMJ Publishing Group.
Nicholas, M., Wright, S. (2001). Management of
acute and chronic pain. In J Milgrom, GD
Burrows (Eds.), Psychology and Psychiatry:
Integrating Medical Practice, (pp. 127-153).
Chichester, UK: Sage Publications.
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A. (2001). Pain
self-efficacy and pain behaviour. A prospective
study. Pain, 94, 85-100.