A TIMELINE FOR PLANNING YOUR CME ACTIVITY A Strong Foundation: Before you begin, make your plans carefully based on these principles: Whether you have developed a CME course before, or this is your first time, it is important to approach the process by first determining the professional practice gaps and educational need for such an event. While this may seem intuitive, the process must be substantiated with a careful collection of data and evidence including a literature search that supports this need. Resources such as evaluation feedback from previous similar programming, input from a focus group or panel of experts, and guidance from your planning committee may all be used in identifying gaps in the current practice of the target physician audience. Only after those practice gaps have been determined, and the need fully clarified, can the topics and speakers and other program details be given consideration by the planning committee. Remember that each topic chosen must have teaching/learning objectives that address the practice needs and gaps that have been identified. You will find that your program will come together much more effectively and success will likely be assured when you establish this foundation for the course. 12-18 months ahead (This is not too early – good speakers, good fundraising, good marketing and solid planning take time) 1. Choose the date for your meeting a. Be informed about competing meetings, holidays, etc. that would deter participant attendance 2. Select Meeting Space a. Check for meeting room rental fees b. Food guarantees (breakfast, breaks, lunches) c. Room nightly rates d. Sign a hotel contract 3. Organize a planning committee (minimum of 3 people, one is required to be UofL faculty) a. Rough-out the program agenda, number of speaker presentations, workshops, etc b. Develop a proposed budget c. Determine educational need for meeting and the target audience 4. Solicit industry (pharmaceutical, medical products) for financial support of the meeting (educational grants, commercial exhibits, sponsorships) 9-12 months ahead 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Submit CME application and learn the sponsorship guidelines Apply for CE credit with other professional groups (e.g. physical therapy, dental, etc., if applicable) Set final agenda and formally invite faculty Develop course brochure and additional marketing materials (website) Determine sources and purchase mailing labels, email addresses Develop the program registration process, fees, etc. (with brochure and online) Send out (U.S. mail and email) “save the date” announcement 6-9 months ahead 1. Coordinate mailing and emailing of brochure 2. Place advertisements 3. Send letter to all faculty members outlining their presentation, syllabus requirements, and AV need 4. Develop and distribute save-the-date promotional material 3-6 months ahead 1. 2. 3. 4. Confirm registration is open Arrange for speaker hotel rooms and catering Begin developing the course syllabus Resend promotional materials as necessary 1-3 months ahead 1. Check that commercial support documents (exhibitor agreements, grant LOAs) are executed and on file with the CME office 2. Arrange for honorarium payment 3. Confirm faculty rooms have been reserved 4. Double check on meeting rooms and use of space 5. Resend promotional materials as necessary 2-4 weeks ahead 1. Complete syllabus and obtain CME approval of syllabus materials 2. Faculty gifts have been arranged (if applicable) 3. Finalize food and meeting space use After the meeting 1. Finalize program budget and submit financial wrap-up to CME office 2. Send any additional required documentation to CME office 3. Send thank you letters to faculty, participants, and/or grant supporters NOW, START PLANNING NEXT YEAR’S MEETING! For help from our Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development: Continuing Medical Education And Professional Development University of Louisville School of Medicine 501 East Broadway, Med Center One – Suite 370 Louisville, KY 40202 P: (502) 852-3613 F: (502) 852-6300 cmepd@louisville.edu