Publications for Janice Russell 2016

Publications for Janice Russell
Publications for Janice Russell
Russell, J., Flood, V., Yeatman, H., Wang, J.,
Mitchell, P. (2016). Food insecurity and poor
diet quality are associated with reduced quality
of life in older adults. Nutrition and Dietetics,
73(1), 50-58. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Brownlow, R., Maguire, S., O'Dell, A.,
Dias-da-Costa, C., Touyz, S., Russell, J. (2015).
Evaluation of an online training program in
eating disorders for health professionals in
Australia. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3, 1-6. <a
8-7">[More Information]</a>
Jelinek, H., Tarvainen, M., Cornforth, D.,
Spence, I., Russell, J. (2015). Is a short
re-feeding program effective in reducing adverse
cardiac events in eating disorder patients? 42nd
Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC
2015), Nice, France: Computing in Cardiology.
78">[More Information]</a>
Gatt, L., Jan, S., Mondraty, N., Horsfield, S.,
Hart, S., Russell, J., Laba, T., Essue, B. (2014).
The household economic burden of eating
disorders and adherence to treatment in
Australia. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 1-9. <a
8-0">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Franklin, R., Russell, J., Abraham, S.
(2013). A review of feeding methods used in the
treatment of anorexia nervosa. Journal of Eating
Disorders, 1, 1-10. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Leung, S., Ma, L., Russell, J. (2013). An open
trial of self-help behaviours of clients with eating
disorders in an online programme. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 69(1), 66-76. <a
2.05988.x">[More Information]</a>
online self-help program. International Journal
of Mental Health Nursing, 22(4), 329-339. <a
2.00870.x">[More Information]</a>
Zipfel, S., Mack, I., Baur, L., Hebebrand, J.,
Touyz, S., Herzog, W., Abraham, S., Davies, P.,
Russell, J. (2013). Impact of exercise on energy
metabolism in anorexia nervosa. Journal of
Eating Disorders, 1, 1-9. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Quah-Smith, I., Smith, C., Crawford, J., Russell,
J. (2013). Laser acupuncture for depression: a
randomised double blind controlled trial using
low intensity laser intervention. Journal of
Affective Disorders, 148(2-3), 179-187. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Maguire, S., O'Dell, A., Touyz, L., Russell, J.
(2013). Oxytocin and Anorexia Nervosa: A
Review of the Emerging Literature. European
Eating Disorders Review, 21(6), 475-478. <a
e Information]</a>
Russell, J. (2013). What is an eating
disorder?-the importance of nourishment
controlling behaviours in the service of
self-worth. Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Psychiatry, 47(6), 581-582. <a
064">[More Information]</a>
Murray, S., Rieger, E., Hildebrandt, T., Karlov,
L., Russell, J., Boon, E., Dawson, R., Touyz, S.
(2012). A comparison of eating, exercise, shape,
and weight related symptomatology in males
with muscle dysmorphia and anorexia nervosa.
Body Image, 9(2), 193-200. <a
1.008">[More Information]</a>
Fong, S., Ma, J., Russell, J. (2012). Breaking the
silence of eating disorders with the hope of an
online self-help programme. Contemporary
Nurse, 40(2), 245-257. <a
45">[More Information]</a>
Russell, J. (2013). Commentary on: 'Muscle
dysmorphia: Towards a diagnostic consensus'.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 47(3), 284-285. <a
345">[More Information]</a>
Soh, N., Walter, G., Touyz, S., Russell, J., Malhi,
G., Hunt, G. (2012). Food for Thought:
Comparison of Citations Received from Articles
Appearing in Specialized Eating Disorder
Journals versus General Psychiatry Journals.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45(8),
990-994. <a
e Information]</a>
Leung, S., Ma, J., Russell, J. (2013). Enhancing
motivation to change in eating disorders with an
von Lojewski, A., Boyd, C., Abraham, S.,
Russell, J. (2012). Lifetime and recent DSM and
Publications for Janice Russell
ICD psychiatric comorbidity of inpatients
engaging in different eating disorder behaviours.
Eating and Weight Disorders, 17(3), e185-e193.
&list_uids=23086254">[More Information]</a>
Swinbourne, J., Hunt, C., Abbott, M., Russell, J.,
St Clare, T., Touyz, S. (2012). The comorbidity
between eating disorders and anxiety disorders:
Prevalence in an eating disorder sample and
anxiety disorder sample. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(2), 118-131.
071">[More Information]</a>
Murray, S., Maguire, S., Russell, J., Touyz, S.
(2012). The Emotional Regulatory Features of
Bulimic Episodes and Compulsive Exercise in
Muscle Dysmorphia: A Case Report. European
Eating Disorders Review, 20(1), 68-73. <a
e Information]</a>
Hart, S., Williams, H., Wakefield, A., Russell, J.
(2012). The role of nutrition: What has food got
to do with it? In June Alexander, Janet Treasure
(Eds.), A Collaborative Approach to Eating
Disorders, (pp. 102-113). East Sussex, UK:
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Franklin, R., Twigg, S.,
Russell, J. (2011). Hypoglycaemia following a
mixed meal in eating
disorder patients. Postgraduate Medical Journal,
87(1028), 405-409. <a
51">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Russell, J., Abraham, S. (2011).
Nutrition and dietetic practice in eating disorder
management. Journal of Human Nutrition and
Dietetics, 24(2), 144-153. <a
0.01140.x">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Franklin, R., Russell, J.
(2011). The Reasons Why Eating Disorder
Patients Drink. European Eating Disorders
Review, 19(2), 121-128. <a
e Information]</a>
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Franklin, R., Russell, J.
(2011). Weight changes during inpatient
refeeding of underweight eating disorder
patients. European Eating Disorders Review,
19(5), 390-397. <a
e Information]</a>
Abraham, S., von Lojewski, A., Anderson, G.,
Russell, J. (2009). Feelings: what questions best
discriminate women with and without eating
disorders? Eating and Weight Disorders, 14(1),
e6-e10. <a
&list_uids=19367134">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J.
(2008). Eating disorder management in hospital
patients: Current practice among dietitians in
Australia. Nutrition and Dietetics, 65(1), 16-22.
7.00174.x">[More Information]</a>
Neil, A., Abraham, S., Russell, J. (2008). Ice"
use and eating disorders: A report of three
cases.". The International Journal of Eating
Disorders, 42, 188-91. <a
e Information]</a>
Heilbronn, L., Milner, K., Kriketos, A., Russell,
J., Campbell, L. (2007). Metabolic dysfunction
in anorexia nervosa. Obesity Research &
Clinical Practice, 1(2), 139-146.
Surgenor, L., Maguire, S., Russell, J., Touyz, S.
(2007). Self-liking and self-competence
relationship to symptoms of anorexia nervosa.
European Eating Disorders Review, 15(2),
139-145. <a
Abraham, S., Boyd, C., Luscombe, G., Hart, S.,
Russell, J. (2007). When energy in does not
equal energy out: Disordered energy control.
Eating Behaviors, 8(3), 350-356. <a
010">[More Information]</a>
Abraham, S., Hart, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J.
(2006). Fluid intake, personality and behaviour
in patients with eating disorders. Eating and
Weight Disorders, 11(1), e30-e34.
Pettigrew, B., Abraham, S., Boyd, C., Russell, J.
(2006). Predictors of functional and exercise
amenorrhoea among eating and exercise
disordered patients. Human Reproduction, 21(1),
257-261. <a
&list_uids=16199431">[More Information]</a>
Abraham, S., Brown, T., Boyd, C., Luscombe,
Publications for Janice Russell
G., Russell, J. (2006). Quality of life: eating
disorders. Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Psychiatry, 40(2), 150-155. <a
&list_uids=16476133">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J.
(2005). Fluid Intake in patients with eating
disorders. International Journal of Eating
Disorders, 38(1), 55-59. <a
e Information]</a>
Quah-Smith, J., Tang, W., Russell, J. (2005).
Laser acupuncture for mild to moderate
depression in a primary care setting--a
randomised controlled trial. Acupuncture in
Medicine, 23(3), 103-111. <a
&list_uids=16259308">[More Information]</a>
Hart, S., Abraham, S., Russell, J. (2005). The
practical management of patients with type 1
diabetes requireing inpatient care due to an
eating disorder. Practical Diabetes, 22, 165-170.
Abraham, S., Pettigrew, B., Boyd, C., Russell, J.,
Taylor, A. (2005). Usefulness of amenorrhoea in
the diagnoses of eating disorder patients. Journal
of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology,
26(3), 211-215. <a
&list_uids=16295519">[More Information]</a>
Gross, G., Russell, J., Beumont, P., Touyz, S.,
Roach, P., Aslani, A., Hansen, R., Allen, B.
(2003). Adequacy of initial weight restoration in
anorexia nervosa: effect on total body nitrogen,
total body potassium and bone mineral density
after 6-10 years. International Journal of Body
Composition Research, 1(3), 117-122.
Chen, E., Touyz, S., Beumont, P., Fairburn, C.,
Griffiths, R., Butow, P., Russell, J., Schotte, D.,
Gertler, R., Basten, C. (2003). Comparison of
group and individual cognitive-behavioural
therapy for patients with bulimia nervosa.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 33(3),
241-254. <a
e Information]</a>
Urwin, R., Bennetts, B., Wilcken, B.,
Lampropoulos, B., Beumont, P., Russell, J.,
Tanner, S., Nunn, K. (2003). Gene-gene
interaction between the monoamine oxidase A
gene and solute carrier family 6
(neurotransmitter transporter, noradrenalin)
member 2 gene in anorexia nervose (restrictive
subtype). European Journal of Human Genetics,
11(12), 945-950.
Urwin, R., Bennetts, B., Wilcken, B., Beumont,
P., Russell, J., Nunn, K. (2003). Investigation of
epistasis between the serotonin transporter and
norepinephrine transproter genes in anorexia
nervosa. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28(7),
Urwin, R., Bennetts, B., Wilcken, B.,
Lampropolous, B., Beumont, P., Clarke, S.,
Russell, J., Tanner, S., Nunn, K. (2002).
Anorexia nervosa (restrictive subtype) is
associated with a polymorphism in the novel
noreprinephrine transporter gene promoter
polymorphic region. Molecular Psychiatry, 7(6),
Russell, J., Baur, L., Beumont, P., Byrnes, S.,
Gross, G., Touyz, S., Abraham, S., Zipfel, S.
(2001). Altered energy metabolism in anorexia
nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 26, 51-63.